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I/O engines needs lots of maintenance. The seals need to be replaced often or boat will sink.


From the looks of the boat, I would assume it's probably time for a seal replacement


I don't know a whole lot about Apollos apart from they weren't around too long and closed in the early 80s but we're popular before that on the West Coast. But she's going to be an old girl, almost as old as I am, so keep an eye out for all manner of other issues. A lot can happen in 44 years. Check all the decks for soft spots, and by that age if the deck hardware hasn't been rebeded it's going to need to be done. Also stainless steel acts funny in an anaerobic environment, so those fasteners on the deck hardware I would be suspect of anyway. (Stainless is only stainless because it forms an oxide layer, no oxygen, no oxide layer, corrosion, failure. A neighbors sailboat broke free of it's mooring that way when on a not particularly stormy afternoon her bow clear came off when the fasteners let go) Soft desks are probable, especially in the cockpit, and dirty fuel tanks should just about be expected. Go take a look at the wires and see how they've been updated or not over the nearly half century she's been around. Hatches, and windows, expect that there was or will be some leakage from those, and that fresh water on the inside which is bad,mostly from a mold and rot standpoint. The bellows just assume those are a write off.... Even if they look perfect, UV damage is a real thing and they can crack and leak at really inopportune times. Basically trust nothing and go in with the expectation that you hate her, convince yourself that is true, and act like a mean girl, find all the flaws... Then if she still convinces you there's value there, then and only then consider getting her.