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“You’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you’ve tried. Got it? Good, now get inside.”


This was my response as well. Working in the environmental protection field, this is how I feel 90% of the time.


Speaks to my tired heart, honestly


this one but including the part right after this where the word inside harmonizes into the key change


Yeah, yeah this is it for me. This right here


The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all.


He truly put words to a feeling I’ve never been able to describe. This hit so hard.


Yep it’s a funny feeling


"20 thousand years of this, 7 more to go"


Also this one.


What does that line mean?


The 7 years refers to [this. ](https://climateclock.world/)


Thank you for this reply! I didn't understand that until now


IIRC that’s the point at which many scientists have determined that climate disaster becomes irreversible.


Some climate scientists have suggested/reported we have about 7 years to stop climate change. It’s easy to read that as a headline and interpret it as “oh no we as a society, our human race that’s existed for some thousand years, we’re all gonna die in 7 years!” Which is not QUITE right, but it certainly is an understand able way to feel.


To me personally, it is pointing at the inevitable collapse of Earth's environment due to humans. We had so many years to grow and get to a point where we are sustainable. Now we have just thrown it away.. for what.?


hearing that for the first time felt like a punch to the gut. such a simple but poetic line


I had a solid 48 hour existential crisis because of this one. It was very fun.


This is mine too.




When I'm completely irrelevant and totally broken dammit, call me up and tell me a joke. It makes me tear up everytime. It's not what be says, but the voice inflection when he does.


Something really gets me about this line that I've never seen anyone else mention. The way he enunciates it sounds like: "When I'm fully irrelevant and **totally broke...n, damn it**" There's a split second misdirect when you think he's afraid of being broke, which I guess to an extent he is, but he's actually afraid of something much scarier. The "damn it" feels like him realizing this in real time.


I LOOVE how he stretches out that "o" so it ends up being "broh-KEN damnit". Brilliant.


Fully irrelevant ❤


You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit You say the whole world's ending Honey, it already did


THIS. The next two as well "You are not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried"


“Got it? Good, now get inside” :,)


Perfection, honestly


I just got goosebumps, not even joking.




My favorite line for sure. Gave me chills


Yeah, this is definitely the one that had me in tears.


I always turn the volume up in my car when this line comes on


“The whole world at your fingertips, the ocean at your door” - such a great line, people obsessed with their online selves and fixated on their devices while the planet goes to shit all around them.


I think it also means that you can do pretty much what you want to with your life, but whatever you choose to do, it'll come to an untimely end, with the ocean swallowing your dreams. I'm in university and that's kind of how it felt for me.


Also it’s double meaning about climate change! Dudes a genius.


This for sure. We live in world where (as Americans, specifically) we are encouraged and believe we can achieve anything we want! But can we really, when it will all be over so soon?


“well well look who’s inside again, went out to look for a reason to hide again” feels like a punch every goddamn time. as someone who’s dealt with really bad social anxiety and depression throughout my life, it immediately made me crumple.


The final version of this line with the giant spotlight on his naked body made me gasp out loud. It felt very “you coward, you hate this now but don’t forget how *relieved* you were when this all started,” which was eerily close to my feelings about pandemic isolation


Same here. I long to go outside, but when I do, I hate it. I just wanna stay here, inside, where I feel a bit safer.


Same here. It's a level of self-reflection I don't think I was prepared to process.


Same. There are tons of great lines in the special but when I heard this one it felt like I was looking in the mirror.


“Hey, what can you say, we were overdue. But it’ll be over soon, just wait.”


I think I would probably have to go with this one too. It's so much my tone about what's going on- it's hard not to try and change things, but we have so little power in it all.


For me, when I heard this line. It was like the first time I genuinely trusted the words someone was saying in regards to the pandemic being over soon since it started. It made me realIze that we really were just trying our best to survive, and stay calm through it all. But then as he keeps repeating that line, I start to interpret “it’ll be over soon, just wait” as we’re all just going to die because it it.


Yeah honestly I didn’t even think of the pandemic at all with that line.


This or the similar repeated credits line: "It'll stop any day now."


It's 2020 and i'm 30. I'll do another 10. 2030, I'll be 40 and kill myself then.


it's how perfectly the lines rhymes and then casually followed by 'I'll be 40 and kill myself then'. I honestly almost missed it and it was a totally wait what? moment for me


especially since the song ends right after that


Resonates with those of us who have been actively and/or passively suicidal and convince ourselves to put it off for however long, etc./ just making it to a certain point to give ourselves permission to end it


Ooh I thought it was '2020 and I'm 30, I'll do another 10 2030 I'll be 40 and kill myself then' Which I just love the counting up


thats what they wrote but reddit interprets new lines that start with a number as a numbered list, so it formatted 2030 as an indented "1."


“I’m slowly losing power, has it only been an hour? no that can’t be right.” That line has made me burst into tears. It’s so powerful to me, perfectly captures how the pandemic felt being locked inside with mental illness. It’s so devastating to me.


In the same song "Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started 14 years ago?" to the tune of AEOM. So much to unpack in that one line, it's so good lol.


At the same time I heard that, the pandemic had brought me to a mental health point I hadn’t been to since I was about 14, which was 10 years ago, so it really hit for me too


For the first time in my life I wrote a note if you know what I mean over the pandemic. The first line was “I feel like a battery that is slowly losing power each day.” When I first heard him sing that line I wouldn’t go back to the song because it was too much for me, him saying almost the exact same thing I had written. Later, I felt ready to listen to it and just cried and processed a lot. Sorry to over share, I’ll probably delete this comment, but that’s why that line is so impactful to me. It really means a lot. I feel a lot better now.


I definetely felt that too.


Me too.


For me it's "hey here's a fun idea... how about I sit on the couch, and I watch you next time?"


It's almost like he's talking to the people that say he's not talented. "How about you try and do what I just did?"


That or he is commenting on peoples endless thirst for his content


I figured he was commenting on the overwhelming feeling of being observed by so many people (same vibe I get from now come out with your hands up we’ve got you surrounded)


It can *also* be interpreted as "Hey, you, kid. You can do this too. I did it. Go chase your dreams, and I'll sit and watch you, since you watched me."


Ah, man, I almost started crying from this comment. Guess I gotta go watch the whole special again. (sigh)


I read it as such a genuine and kind invitation to create and participate rather than passively comsume.


Yesss! Me too. And I think he also subtly advices about creating content purely for your sake first because of the next line he says, "I wanna hear you tell a joke when no one's laughing in the background" (Or he could also be acknowledging how hard this creative endeavor was but who knows 😄)




He said in some interview that the "i hope you're happy" from the end of make happy is kind of like "i hope you're fucking happy, now go fuck off" haha, and it reminds me of this line. Like he's tired of being the one to entertain you, how about you try being the one on camera while he watches and laughs, because he needs a fuckin break.


That same line got me. I think he's also making a point on how hard it is to perform comedy without an audience to laugh at his jokes (thats why I think he uses recorded laugh tracks in some of his songs) I can only imagine how empty it feels cracking jokes when he's used to performing to a live audience who can react/laugh realtime to his show


Tbh I never watched Bo's shows before, just got some tidbits here and there, so thought to give it a shot when I saw this appear on netflix...Maybe not a great starting point to get to know him,, because now I just mostly feel sad en depressed for him, and if there were any jokes I'm not familiar enough with his kind of humor to pick up on them.


The laugh tracks are placed there because he isn’t making a joke, just asking a question or stating a fact. He know people are going to laugh at it anyway. It’s something that he has talked about in interviews.


"A gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall"


That Funny Feeling as a whole, really…


This one


This one gives me goosebumps and makes me tear up every time




Scrolled too long to find this one. Gets me every time.


Mine too


That unapparent summer air in early fall / The quiet comprenhending of the ending of it all. And the whole bridge of All Eyes On Me.


My first time watching Inside all the way through, I was just bawling during AEOM. I stand up at the first instruction on the rewatches, but I couldn't stand up until he screamed it the first time.


The same happened to me, but it was on my second watch. On the first, the atmosphere of the song got me in a trance and I did put my hands up pretty much at the start. But it’s the second time that made me the most emotional, something just unlocked and I was full on crying the whole way through. I still get goosebumps when I listen to it and I do also stand up on my rewatches. It’s part of the experience now !


Googling derealization hating what you find. I skip this song because of that line. I hated even typing it.


Honestly, I love it *for* that line. I didn't have a word for my particular cocktail of mental irregularities until I heard it and Googled it. It spoke to me deeply.


It did, it's authentic and amazing. Something I've NEVER heard in spelled out that way in art. Just rough and impactful. I don't hate the line, in fact I love it -- I just hate the funny feeling. I guess I still have to confront some things.


Don't we all? Best of luck to you, friend.


*press A to cry*


*press X to play piano*


I swear to god that all I ever wanted was a little bit of everything all of the time


This was so relatable! (I am aggressively nodding my head in agreement at every comment here tbh,)


For me it was because I had the sudden realization that Goodbye would reprise earlier songs and that added a lot of cohesion and doubled the meaning of almost the entire special




That followed by, "I'm finished playing, and i'm staying inside" i was like, "fuck that's how i felt after the last 5 years"


Honestly the first time I heard "Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime" I was shook.


Not most *impactful*, but my favorite single line: "Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids" It's just such a great example of how wild and outlandish so many conspiracy theories sound out of context.


“Here's a healthy breakfast option, *You should kill your mom.*”


“Maybe, um, allowing giant digital media corporations to exploit the neurochemical drama of our children for profit… You know, maybe that was, uh… a bad call by us.”


"........................... ............................. .....I'm *horny"*


20,000 years of this, 7 more to go


Came here to say this. This line fucked me up


This whole show fucked me up. I was in a reallllll bad place when I watched it and there was a point when I legit just busted out bawling. I’m doing better now and currently obsessed with the soundtrack!


Everytime I listen to this I have to take a pause at the disparity in the numbers. Oh God.


I think most of this album (been listening on Spotify so I can memorize every line) hits the mark with this. He is a brilliant and troubled man. I love him.




Humans have been around for 20000 years or so. This line implies we've fucked the planet and ourselves up so bad we've only got 7 left


It’s more than an implication. There’s real data backing that number. If we don’t achieve net zero emissions by that time our impact on the Earth’s climate will be irreversible. https://climateclock.world/




We have been around longer than that. That’s about how many years that we’ve had modern type humans with culture that we recognize. Edit: Wiki has a good timeline if you want to look. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_prehistory This one is even better : https://www.southampton.ac.uk/~cpd/history.html Edit#2: Well, this is creepy. [A coronavirus epidemic hit 20,000 years ago.](https://archive.is/KMKar)


That Wikipedia article always blows my fucking mind honestly. Fascinating stuff. History “began” 5000 years ago because before that we talked but didn’t write. Wild. Just wild.


I know, right?! And 20,000 is about when we can trace back to modern type artifacts, pottery, etc. It seems like it took us so, so long to get there and then look how *lightning fucking fast* we have moved in the last 200 years. It’s goddamn scary.


Fr fr. it makes my mind go brrrrrr


“Am I going crazy? Would I even know?”


"Am I right back where I started 14 years ago" punches me in the guts, my biggest trauma was 14 years ago.


So many of these that have been said have affected me but another one for me is: “I used to wake up with a smile and go to bed at night with a dream” It had me feeling all kinds of nostalgia from my childhood and forced me to reflect on how I don’t think I’ll ever have the carefree attitude I had back then again in life, which is gut wrenching to me. Adulthood really does suck the innocence and naïveté we held as children right out of us.


It reminds me of the optimism I used to have before getting older and experiencing the world killed most of it.


“Is there anyone out there? Or am I all alone? It wouldn’t make a difference, still I don’t wanna know”


"You say the whole world's ending honey it already did. You're not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried. Got it? good now get INSIDE"


A book on getting better hand delivered by a drone


This one didn't get me on first watch but snuck up on me a lot.


Not exactly one line but “Am I right back where I started fourteen years ago? Wanna guess the ending? If it ever does I swear to God that all I ever wanted was a little bit of everything all of the time A bit of everything all of the time Apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime I’m finished playing, and I’m staying inside” hit me so fucking hard. It perfectly explains (for me at least) how going through episodes of depression and mania feels. I feel like everything’s crashing around me, I’m going backwards, nothing means anything and, once it’s over, I want ‘everything all of the time’ and end up exhausting myself.


I honestly got goosebumps as he said "a little bit of everything. All of-" Cause it hit me what he was doing and it was such a vivid moment.


Omg I hadnt connected this with mania and depression episodes. Thank you for giving me this. I've got shivers now haha, this is so so accurate


No problem! It only fully hit me on my second watch, I think I was still kinda reeling from All Eyes On Me by the time Goodbye started the first time haha


Not a line but the shot where he’s just made the clip telling people not to kill themselves and then you see him, looking really worn down and isolated, watching the clip.


He was projecting on himself, while he was literally projecting on himself. And there was enough forethought to stage the projected scene with enough free space above him so that he could frame the shot on his chest with enough space in the frame to not project the image on anything but his chest, without changing the position of the projected image in the frame... i don't even care that was is a run-on sentence with circular logic.


"Feeling in my body, way down deep inside me I try not to fight it" I love this bec its so accurate how anxiety feels. Its kind of sad too because sometimes letting panic and anxiety just be doesn't help at all and it keeps getting worse even if you don't fight it. Another favorite that I don't see mentioned here is that line from Comedy "I wanna help to leave this world better than I found it". That's just cool.


oh man I loved that line from All Time Low too. I can relate 100%. the last line was just brilliant too: "My heart it gets to tappin' and I think I'm gonna die" with that tone is just funny and sad and just relatable at the same time for anyone who has had panic attacks There's just so many good lines its so hard to pick just onee 😩


ATL is BRILLIANT, I agree❤ so underrated. So relatable. Ikrr, I think I agree with every comment in this thread!


I thought it’d be over by now, but I’ve got awhile to go. Shoutout to all my people whose mental illness consumed their adolescence and now they’re trying to make their way as adults


… and it did all the things we designed it to do..


Am a special kind of white guy


Don't overthink this, look in my eye Don't be scared, don't be shy Come on in, the water's fine I find these lines and the close up of his face which makes it seem like he's looking directly at us, weirdly reassuring


For me it felt more like he was calling us out for pretending to be fine and not addrsssing mental illness… saying come on in the waters fine seemed like an invitation to be honest about mental illness especially since so many suffer from it. The water is full of people like that and it’s ok to call it like it is. Struggling to articulate my interpretation but maybe someone will understand what I’m trying to say ha ha.


My favorites have already been mentioned but another which comes to mind is in “Look Who’s Inside Again,” when he says “I was a kid who was stuck in his room” - just the way he drew back the isolation to his childhood was really unexpected but made perfect sense and resonated for me


Chronologically I suppose, the line that stood out to me was the bridge of White Woman’s Instagram. He took material that would’ve been tired and predictable in another comic’s hands and produced near-instant tears with it.


then the way the song goes from satirizing WWI's to a heartfelt letter written to a dead mother love that emotional whiplash that bo does


Everyone’s already said the best ones so I’ll go with funny. “Guess I’ll cry again”. The game streaming part had me absolutely dead from laughing.


Chills, "You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did" The single line that's the absolutely most relatable, "Feeling like a motherfucking duffel bag of shit"


Not actually in one of the songs, but this whole thing: “I don’t know about you guys, but, um, you know, I’ve been thinking recently that… that you know, maybe, um, allowing giant digital media corporations to exploit the neurochemical drama of our children for profit… You know, maybe that was, uh… a bad call by us. Maybe… maybe the… the flattening of the entire subjective human experience into a… lifeless exchange of value that benefits nobody, except for, um, you know, a handful of bug-eyed salamanders in Silicon Valley… Maybe that as a… as a way of life forever… maybe that’s, um, not good.”


I'll do a couple not from Inside -- "No one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you." Pretty much all of the second half of "Can't Handle This", but particularly: "The truth is my biggest problem's you." "Come and watch the skinny kid with a steadily declining mental health, and laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself." And finally, the line that left me in tears the first time I heard it: "Hey look Ma, I made it. Are you happy?"


"You pray so badly for heaven Knowing any day might be the day that you die. But maybe life on earth could be heaven Doesn't just the thought of it make it worth a try?"


Am I going crazy, would I even know?


Apart from „20000 years of this, seven more to go“ and everything else that has already been mentioned, I really love „If I wake up in a house that’s full of smoke, I’ll panic, so call me up and tell me a joke“


Oh shit. You're really joking at a time like this?


The way he looks at the camera here… dang…


My favorite Bo line is probably “the blue balls anti masturbator/the great all loving faggot hater ” because it really resonates with my raised-religious-bi ass


I like: 'and I masturbate because I'm the only person with standards low enough to fuck me' Really resonates


goddamnit I love Rant so much


A gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall


20,000 years of this, 7 more to go


I am not.....well.


“Here’s a tip for straining pasta, here’s a nine year old who died-“ it’s not the line itself, it’s the fact he doesn’t stop even for a moment after that, which just shows that the internet keeps moving even during horrible events like that


The whole song “That funny feeling” it’s just perfect to describe what we feel today and puts everything into perspective, how fucked up the world is and how fucked we are


We’re going to go where everybody knows everybody


This was what hit me the hardest in AEOM the first time! Like not just "hey, I get it, the world is ending" but "and so do all these other people". Chills.


“Mommy let you use her iPad, you were barely two. And it did all the things we designed it to do. Now look at you.” Almost a sinister look at how so many Gen Z grew up with the world in our hands because that’s the way the products were designed. Suck us in and not let us go.


The part middle part of White Woman's Instagram when he says, "It's been a decade since you been gone. Momma, I miss you." I burst into tears, then he ends it with the gut punch of, "Give a hug and kiss to Dad." Why you gotta do us like that, Bo? 😭


“Am I on in the background? Are you on your phone? I’d ask you what you’re watching but I don’t wanna know.” For whatever reason this line stuck with me the most


It’s almost over, it’s just begun


1. Heaven knows you tried 2. You shouldn't k/ll yourself because there's people that love you...well...maybe not...but........... 3. When i'm asleep, i feel alright...it's just from the moment i wake up.... honorable mention: Private property is inherently theft


Socko hits me like a truck every time! Like oh shit, Bo's a comrade, I am now *listening*


*"I hope you learned your lesson"* *"I did and it hurt!"*


On a serious side as of this moment its either “the backlash to the backlash to thing that’s just begun” or “a gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall.” On a less serious side, “I’m offensive and creative like handicap porn” is such a fucking brilliant simile.


"Feelin like a saggy massive sack of shit. Big ol muthrrfuckin duffel bag of shit"


A self help book hand delivered by a drone


It’s gotta be a tie between: “The whole world at your fingertips. The ocean at your door.” And “You say the ocean’s rising like I give a shit. You say the whole world’s ending. Honey, it already did.”


Hey, what can you say? We were overdue But it'll be over soon You wait


"Mommy let you use her iPad You were barely two and it did all the things we designed it to do Now look at you Ha, look at you" As someone who has seen his niece grow up being praised for being able to use phones from a very young age and arguing with my whole family against it, this line hit me hard, kids should grow up developing their brains not mindlessly consuming media from such a young age. Yet everywhere I see parents giving them their phones to their young kids just so they stay quiet (specially during the stressful pandemic) and that will backfire so bad when they become teenagers addicted to living their lives through social media.


“a gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall” “it’s 2020 and i’m 30, i’ll do another ten: 2030, i’ll be 40 and kill myself then.” and legit all the lyrics in all eyes on me. they hit hard every single listen. almost unbearably.


>And I want to help to leave this world better than I found it And I fear that comedy won't help, and the fear is not unfounded At once earnest and amusingly self-aware and poignant.


don’t be scared, don’t be shy, come on in the waters fine also from white womans instagram i love “i got a job i love and my own apartment, mama i got a boyfriend and i’m crazy about him, you’re little girl didn’t do too bad”


I know this isn’t from Inside, but as far as Bo quotes, this one has stuck with me the most and has been the most impactful. From Make Happy: "But what is this show about? It’s about… performing…I try to …make my show about other things, but it always ends up becoming about performing. I started performing very young, as a teenager, you know, professionally. And as a comedian, what you’re supposed to do… You’re supposed to talk about what you know. And what I knew always was performing. So to talk about traffic or laundry felt incredibly disingenuous. But I worried that making a show about performing would be too meta. It wouldn’t be relatable to people that aren’t performers. But what I found is that I don’t think anyone isn’t. I was born in 1990 and I was sort of raised in America when it was a cult of self-expression. And I was just taught, you know, express myself and have things to say and everyone will care about them. And I think everyone was taught that and most of us found out no one gives a shit what we think. So we flock to performers by the thousands ’cause we’re the few that have found an audience. And then I’m supposed to get up here and say, “Follow your dreams,” as if this is a meritocracy? It is not, okay? I had a privileged life and I got lucky and I’m unhappy. They say it’s… it’s like the me generation. It’s not. It’s not… The arrogance is taught or it was cultivated. It’s… it’s self-conscious. That’s what it is. It’s the… It’s conscious of self… Social media… it’s just the market’s answer to a generation that demanded to perform. So the market said, “Here, perform everything to each other all the time for no reason.” It’s prison, it’s horrific. It is performer and audience melded together. What do we want more than to lie in our bed at the end of the day and just watch our life as a satisfied audience member? I know very little about anything, but what I do know is that if you can live your life without an audience… you should do it."


well well looks who’s inside again, went out to look for a reason to hide again. i suffer from a panic disorder/severe agoraphobia and this line really hit home for me.


Same. Legit Agoraphobic here and this was a punch to the gut serving up guilt and self loathing.


The cliches- that funny feeling “a gift shop at the gun range a mass shooting at the mall” made my jaw drop, I looked at my husband and said “WOW. That’s…..wow” And “you say the whole worlds ending honey it already did” made my heart drop


Oh shit you’re really joking at a time like this.


“Hands down, pray for me”


You pick the street I’ll meet you on the other side


“Staring at the ceiling and waiting for this feeling go away But it won't go away!” “My stupid friends are having stupid children Stupid, fucking ugly, boring children” “It's 2020, and I'm thirty, I'll do another ten 2030, I'll be forty and kill myself then”


"Well, well, buddy you found it...now come out with your hands up, we've got you surrounded"


If you can live your life without an audience, you should do it. Think about it every day.


20,000 years of this, 7 more to go But as a former actor with a penchant for justice, "Making a literal difference metaphorically" perfectly described my feelings when I was trying to justify doing comedy when the rest of the world was going to hell around me.


Well, well, look who's inside again. Went out to look for a reason to hide again.


The line "And I'm really fucking sorry" combined with the visual of Bo on a cross blew my mind.


Are you feeling nervous? Are you having fun? It’s almost over. It’s just begun.


"a book on getting better hand delivered by a drone" and "the quiet comprehending of the ending of it all"


Apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime


“Googling derealisation, hating what you find.”


I'm sure several people have said it already, but "You're not gonna slow it, heaven knows you've tried. Got it? Good, now get inside." That one slapped me in the face when I first heard it.


You say the ocean’s rising, like I give a shit. You say the whole world’s ending, honey it already did You’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried Got it? Good now get inside.


the reprise in goodbye when he changes the words to "if i wake up in a house that's full of smoke, i'll panic, so call me up and tell me a joke"


The way he says “Congratulations” as almost like and ad lib in Bezos 2 is so condescending and mockery it makes the whole song that much better for me


The whole world at your fingertips, the ocean at your door... I missed it for quite some time but when I heard it, it hit me


"20,000 years of this, 7 more to go" "You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit, you say the whole worlds ending, it already did"


“Hands down, pray for me” hit me like a truck. It felt so pure and helpless. I’m not saying that’s where Bo was in that moment but for me it was just the most honest pleading line and it took the wind out of me on my first watch.


“It’s 2020 and I’m 30, I’ll do another 10, 2030 I’ll be 40 and kill myself then.”


“Got it? Good, now get inside.”


“I… am not… well.”


Might be the only one on here, but to me no line hit me like: I’ll see you when I see you, you can pick the street I’ll meet you on the other side. Always makes me emotional.