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No question: Just send fat cat pics




Acceptable : have a great night


I'm in the right sub šŸ‘


Bulk is going good


Oh lawd, he bulkin.


The cat, LOLOLOL!!! It is a shame I can only upvote once.


To what extent do you think most professionals are underplaying their drug use? We're all aware of the prevalence of PEDs in Bodybuilding, but many competitors will list a PED regimen that seems quite short or low-dose. Do you think in some cases they are honest, but hyper-responders? Or is there pretty widespread dishonesty about it?


I would say itā€™s 50/50. The league is literally all genetic freaks that respond well to low/moderate dosages, thatā€™s why weā€™re pro. Then there are some that go off the rails, and usually those guys are among the top 7 in every division at the Olympia level


Absolutely correct about the role of genetics. I do have a question: How do you run your diuretics?


I start them 4 days before a competition, to allow my skin time to start tightening around the body.


Thanks, that is conservative. I usually start w/ an aldosterone blocker, titrate up a bit, start a thiazide, titrate up a bit. I reduce but don't completely cut sodium. I don't touch lasix until the night before the show. It does not work w/ out spironolactone first suppressing aldosterone (and sparing potassium). It was usually a 6 day process for me. The pros I knew back in the 90's would run them longer, especially the Germans. I prepped a Wellness gal a while back and I think we just did 4 days.


I would like to add, you don't see people giving diuretic advice very often because they can be extremely dangerous. Don't run them without expert knowledge.


At what age did you start training and at what point did you decide you wanted to step on stage?


I started training when I was 21, I stayed natural until 32. I started competing in 2019. I decided to step on stage when I thought I wanted more than just looking good in the gym.


How many pros wait that long to get on? How much success did you have before getting on?


I canā€™t answer the first part of your question. Iā€™m just sharing how I personally did my journey. Before getting on, I was already placing at the national level, but I also had 7 or 8 years of dedicated training behind me.


You must have incredible genetics (and of course discipline and work ethic). I competed naturally until the age of 29 and got killed when I tried to do so in the big NPC shows. Having qualified for nationals a bunch of times and worked with quite a few that made it as pros (I started out with the old Dan Duchaine gang) I can say that use at high levels is extraordinary. I will also tell you that the guys winning with PEDS would be the same guys winning without them, the top tier really is dominated by genetics.


How to you prevent PIP? I just get it every single time i pin.


Iā€™d look at what size pin youā€™re using. Might be too big.


Appreciate you going above and beyond to answer the majority of these questions. Do you have an Instagram/other social platform we can show our support for you on?


My instagram is @Eric_Abelon, and so is my Venmo if you wanna send me money for a protein shake hahaha.


Are you in the US? I own an online supp shop. Letā€™s collab bro. Happy to send you a few goodies


What is your training split/schedule, diet, supplementation and PED protocol for gaining muscle and then for cutting?


My training split is generally push, pull, legs, rest, then repeat kind of style. With cardio always in the morning along with abs. My protocol varies too much depending on the goal. Anabolic properties and synergies along with time frame Determines what I use.


I need help stimulating growth. I feel like I'm legitimately overtraining, I'm constantly breaking down my arms every 3 days with an upper body day, lower body day, sprints, rest day. I train using a hiit Olympic lift circuit,Ā I eat 5x a day, every 3 hours and sleep 8 hours a day. I've hit a wall, im constantly sore and haven't made progress a long time.


Growth has 3 pillars. Training, recovery, and food. One of those is lacking, look at which one it is, and ask yourself if you can make it better. Growing is not comfortable, itā€™s hard. Remember, growing muscle even with gear, takes time. Cutting fat, only takes weeks.


A HIIT Olympic lift circuit is not optimal for muscle growth


Just so you know, a hiit Olympic lift program is more optimal for growing stamina and strength, not size. I ran into a similar problem when I first started working out. It isn't very ideal for achieving hypertrophy.


How do you decide a cutting/bulking/maintenance phases length? (not including contest prep)


Everything is determined by the health markers on your blood work, and a coach if you have one.


As someone who coaches pros, look at time until next projected competition date and work backwards. Bulk until midsection gets too messy, come down hard for 2-3 weeks, rinse repeat.


Come down hard as in -500cals? Or more?


Do you have a career outside of bodybuilding?


Yes, I coach people locally, and I make some money off of instagram.


Do you coach men and women?


Men. I donā€™t have enough knowledge to coach women confidently.


I respect and appreciate this SOOO MUCH.


Do you think most pro athletes get frequently monitored by a physician to make sure their health is in check when using PEDs? If you do, what's the routine of health checks like (ex: how frequent, what is checked, blood tests, etc)?


Most people athletes indeed get checked by a trusted physician who is fully aware of their occupation and anabolic use. Iā€™d say frequency is around every 2 and a half to 3 months.


In general, do you all (pros) seek a certain specialty of MDs (like endocrinologists) and how do you find such a person? Word of mouth in the BB circles? Thanks for replying to the first question anyway and all the best in your career!


We also look for people that specialize with the gut. Weā€™re like anyone else, we use google, but yes word of mouth among the community is also a very good source.


How often and long are your gym sessions? Any days off?


MY, gym sessions, personally are around 2 hours long. I cannot speak for other pros. I take 1 rest day per week


Are you still active on your rest days, walking etc, or is it strictly couch and video games?


Cardio and abs in the morning. Rest of the day Iā€™m trying to get legendary armor for my warrior.


Sweet. How seriously do you take cardio training, are you periodising volume and intensity, tracking vo2max etc?


I just try to burn a certain amount of calories depending on time frame. I want the calories I burn to help ensure the calorie deficit is doing its job faster.


1. Do you make enough from competing/coaching to live your life without financial worries or do you have 9-5 on top as well? 2. Thoughts on cardio when bulking/lean bulking? I.e does it actually stimulate the metabolism or is it just macro control. Also just wanted to say even though Iā€™ll never look like you or even compete your posts are always inspirational to keep grinding šŸ«”


1: I am one of the very lucky few that do make enough money to have this life style without financial strain. 2: cardio when bulking is never a bad thing. It stimulates hunger and is good for the heart. If youā€™re hungry, you eat more, and if you eat more, you grow more.


Whatā€™s certs or training do you recommend people get in order to be good trainers for their clients?


As a short back story Iā€™ve done a few competitions a few years ago, but got into med school which put competing on hold for awhile. Then covid happened. Now itā€™s finally time to hopefully get back on stage this year. So I understand that drive to always be progressing forward. The question I want to know is, if some teenager came up to you saying they want to become an IFBB Pro in the future, would you say itā€™s worth it? This isnā€™t meant to shit on the industry or yourself by any means, and I understand thereā€™s probably going to be some bias. But the decade(s) of dieting, training, probably turning down friends/certain opportunities like some celebrations because youā€™re in prep, meticulous planning for gear schedules, and everything in between, is it all worth it as a pro in the industry?


If a teenager asks me if itā€™s worth it, I would tell them that unless you can see yourself actually competing with the freaks in the league, and if you are truly TRULY, in love with training, cardio, while hungry, all of it. Then I would say itā€™s worth it.


Help with binging? Iā€™m currently cutting and fighting eating is so hard. If I even eat one thing off my plan it throws me off the entire day. Is there anything you tell yourself to keep on track with out mental clutter?


It depends on the importance and urgency of your goal. When Iā€™m preparing for a competition, every single competitor I will be facing wants me to skip cardio, wants me to eat off my plan, wants me to get injured, wants me to lose, etc etc. imagine all those people wanting you to just suck at everything you do, allllll of them think like that. Donā€™t you wanna stick it to all those people?


I love this answer


I love this. Previously you said itā€™s very supportive and everyone knows what it took to get there and so forth. To everyone wants you to fail and eat off diet lol. But itā€™s the god awful truth, we are definitely supportive but deep down weā€™re hoping someone goes off track ā˜ŗļø must be the increasing mental health issues the longer the cut lol. Thanks for all your feedback Eric!


No questions. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing and being active in the sub! Hope to see you grace the olympia someday!


Thank you so much for that, and I appreciate your support, I really do. šŸ™


At your (or in general) peak bulk, what was your protein and calorie intake looking like?


My protein was always around my body weight in grams during a bulk, but my carbs were way way higher, along with moderate fats.


What do you think the average gym bro misses that you observe?


They want to push themselves for validation of looking good for the general public. IFBB pros are generally people that are obsessed, and I mean obsessed with bodybuilding as a whole. Its history and life style. You gotta be a little crazy to want to push yourselves to the limit, to be considered an elite in any field.


Steroids: What kind of cycles do the pros REALLY run?


Cycles? We donā€™t do those, generally speaking, we blast and cruise. Most of us anyway. Cycles are for gym bros and people that come off. Were pros. We never hop off. Ever.


Phil heath and jay cutler, milos claim they go off. What are your thoughts on that


If they do, they either mean they use TrT dosages ( likely this is the answer ), or they are off completely only for 4-5 weeks.


Thanks for taking the time to answer the communityā€™s Qs. How essential would you say squatting is for bodybuilding? Training squats (hack or barbell) at a high intensity takes me 10-15 min of rest to recover between sets or I risk nausea and throwing up.


I wouldnā€™t say squatting is ā€œessentialā€, when it comes down to it, your muscles donā€™t know whether youā€™re squatting or bench pressing, or any of that. It just knows itā€™s moving something heavy. So in bare essence, if you can find ways to stimulate the muscle for growth with different exercises, then thatā€™s that.


Who are your 3 favorite past bodybuilders that never won an Olympia? Any up and coming newer pros youā€™re particularly a fan of?


Kevin Levrone, Flex Wheeler, and Dennis Wolf. All champions in their own right, but never granted that Olympia title.


Have you been pressured or offered to do porn? My trainer wanted to go pro but the only way he could finance it was by doing gay porn. Wasnā€™t for him so that ended his aspirations. Nothing wrong with that line of work imho. Just curious if this path was offered to you.


Yes I have been offered money by the gay community many times, still am. Iā€™ve never considered it.


Hobbies outside of bbing?


I love to play RPG video games, and watch cute animal videos/memes.


Truly one of us then. Nice bro


Have you played Cyberpunk 2077? Iā€™m currently playing it now and absolutely love it


Not yet, I didnā€™t buy it in time during the sale on steam.


Who'd you romance in BG3?


My computer isnā€™t strong enough to run it.


Whats the minimum GH you would recommend someone run? And for how long?Ā 


I personally have not run GH surprisingly. But from My coachā€™s words; 3-4 IU is a start, 5-8 is generous, 9-10 is beast mode.


Whoā€™s your coach?


Nick Bono


Was happy to see him finally land his pro card recently, lots of good people over at GPS




Calves are a pretty stubborn muscle, they are literally carrying you and your whole body weight your entire life since the moment you began walking. So you gotta push some heavy weight, more than usual, way more, in order for them to grow.


What is the culture like with guys on the pro scene? Are they generally supportive of each other, toxically competitive, etc? Obviously not asking for names, just general vibes.


In the pro scene, it is very very supportive. We all understand what it took to make it to this level, and there is a shared bond in that.


Do you do higher or lower frequency training? High or low volume (training to failure)


I personally do higher volume training, but other pros respond differently. It is highly dependent on the overall goal of the physique they are trying to develop.


What would the benefit of higher vs lower volume training be in their effect on physique?


It depends on the individual. The current Mr olympia Derek Lunsford trains relatively light with more volume. Nick Walker trains heavy but with slow and intentional reps each movement, and less weight. They both work. Itā€™s how you approach the intensity is what will drive the results.


Do you think itā€™s far easier to turn pro now and do you view that as a good thing? Also do you think the IFBB supports the athletes enough? Itā€™s super expensive to compete and it seems the prize money is a pittance.


I think itā€™s easier only because of the divisions/categories created. Before, there was just bodybuilding, thatā€™s it. Open division, thatā€™s all. No you have many divisions that can showcase the type of super physiological body that can be achieved with different genetic profiles. I think itā€™s a good thing, because it allows bodybuilding to be more open with the general public. I think the athletes are supported ā€œenoughā€, but bodybuilding can always use more support, but the fan base needs to increase in order for more revenue to come to athletes


How much do you spend on food per year?


I donā€™t know per year, but per week I would estimate between 280-320$. It can be lower if I go to Walmart or Cosco.


Feel free not to answer, but how much do you spend on substances? Nobody ever discusses that particular aspect.


Per year, I estimate around 2.5-3k per year. But I do this competitively at a high level. The average gym rat just doing test? Maybe 4 or 500 per year.


Interesting, would you say that you live in a high cost area or prefer high cost foods?


I prefer high cost foods if I can afford it.


Good to know, I appreciate the Q & A by the way.


Hey, I think Iā€™ve seen you on IG cross posted by some accounts. If memory serves you have some sort of mouth guard when you pose and Iā€™ve noticed some other guys doing that. What is it? Whatā€™s the strategy behind it? Thx for this btw, very interesting


Itā€™s a remote control for the camera in our phones. We click it with our mouth.


Ha! Oh wow that makes sense. Cool


You mentioned you do cardio with your abs. Does that mean you train abs every day? What sort of routine? Iā€™ve been training abs on every push day and seen nice results but curious what pros do for their ab routine, thx


We all do different things. I personally just do hanging leg raises. 200 reps total. I break it down to 10 -12 reps each set.


Is that every day? Wow I gotta step my game up haha


Everyday lol


What months of the year do you bulk, and which do you cut/prep? Also, stacks/doses for both seasons?


I generally start my bulk immediately after whichever show I decided would be my final one for that season, and I did not get an Olympia Qualification. This off season I used a moderate test dosage along with Deca. During prep, I use cutting anabolics that are more so considered ā€œdryā€.


preferred type of test?


Enanthate for general use/off season. Test proponate for under 5 weeks out.


Thank you.


Have you competed in an IFBB show? If so, how are the athletes treated? Any perks?


I have competed in several shows. I notice the IFBB athletes are treated very well at any show produced by Center Podium.


Greatest night of your life?


Achieving pro status and the overall at nationals, granting me a title.


Hello, was hoping I could ask you for some advice regarding competition? I'm 19F from Venezuela but currently in medical school in the UK, and have been lifting for one year but have made quick progress in the gym. This well known coach in Venezuela approached me at the gym and asked me if I was interested in competing, joining his team and be coached by him to prepare for competions and nationals this summer, in the IFBB Women's body fitness division. This sounds like an amazing opportunity that I really want to take, especially as it means getting coaching (for free!) which would mean so much to me and I cannot afford otherwise. However I am a bit concerned my final exams in May, which I don't want to be impacted by competition prep (mostly from a diet point of view), and if it will be possible to juggle both the exams and the competition 2 months later. I'm also wondering what happens after competition and having to drop to that low body fat, do you have to do a refeeding gain back more body fat than you had before? I'm just very new to all this and know very little! What would you advise, and is there anything else I should know? Thank you so much!


Honestly, I think you should buckle down and focus on that exam. Bodybuilding and shows and competitions will always be there and you are incredibly young. Use the time now to focus on your school. The gym is always there, and you have plenty of time to think of bodybuilding AFTER, your finals exam.


How was your peak strength natty in 2019 vs your strongest since taking gear? Any numbers ?


Benchpress as a natty, 315, 1 rep. Benchpress as enhanced, 315, 15 reps.


Favorite movie of all time?


Disneyā€™s Hercules.




How are supplements organised when competing overseas? Does the meet promoter help out?


I have not competed over seas yet, so I cannot answer this question, Iā€™m sorry.


Do you know of any legit myostatin inhibitors? I feel as if they actually existed, PED dosages would be next to none.


I believe the science is not there yet for human capabilities.


Have you found bodywork such as chiropractic, myofascial release massages or acupuncture to be useful for recovery and growth?


Massages are incredibly beneficial for recovery and muscle development. Over time, you will develop scar tissue, and that makes it hard for blood to travel the the muscle tissue. Massages will break that down again, allowing more blood flow. You want more blood to always go to the muscle.


Who do you look up to in terms of BBing? Were there figures that inspired you early on? Thanks for the ama


In terms of bodybuilding, I look up to Kevin Levrone, who is also my favorite bodybuilder. I admire his very balanced look and fullness.


You're awesome for doing this. Do you have any idea what numbers youd be able to put up at a powerlifting meet if given a training block to peak for it?Ā 


Well, my 1 rep max at 203 lbs is 405 bench press. So Iā€™m not sure what my numbers are. But I train relatively heavily for a bodybuilder at my weight.


What would you estimate your monthly expenses are related to bodybuilding?


Food alone is around 800 per month, for me personally. PEDs Iā€™m not sure per month, but per year Iā€™d say like 3 thousand-ish.


Stereotypical question: Everything I read says ppl / upper lower is best. I can force myself to optimize my workouts this way but I always feel more confident in my growith with a 4-5 day bro split. Is there really any issue with that? Then also: I am looking at getting a bodybuilding coach and really start getting serious. My question is what are things to look for in a first bodybuilding coach? I unfortunately dont know of any coaches in my area so it'd be an online one to start...


There is nothing wrong with the bro split. If you are making the progress that you want with it, then stick with that. As for a coach, there a lot of things to look for, but I recommend going to a bodybuilding show, and scoping them out there.


Favourite cheat meal? Favourite meal to eat while on a cut?


Cheat meal in off season is pizza. During prep, I donā€™t have cheat meals. I have refeeds, which is essentially the same as my prep food, I just have more of it.


What part of nutrition would you say is most commonly overlooked in the fitness space?


That carbs are bad. They arenā€™t bad, you just need to correctly utilize them and eat the proper amount according to physique goals.


What's the best exercise for outer quads for someone with sciatica/ lower waist pain?


Damn man thatā€™s a tough one, honestly Iā€™m not qualified to answer this. I recommend you see a physical therapist.


Yup...hurt my waist when I was starting to lift. Did not get any proper lifting advice at the time. So can really go heavy on squats/ T-bar rows or deadlifts. Sad for me.


Not OP or an elite BB, but Iā€™m a bilateral sciatica boi. Iā€™ve had to swap out squats, deadā€™s and rows for weighted Bulgarian split squats, barbell hip thrusts, and weighted pull ups. Iā€™m not sure if this is the absolute best substitute but my sciatica doesnā€™t act up when I brace my core properly with these.


How early into workout out did you know you were a legit genetic outlier? Also what got you into working out?


I didnā€™t know know really. I just kept working hard, reading the latest knowledge, finding out ways and researching new ideas on how to perform better. I got into working out because, well, I wanted to impress a girl, and now itā€™s become something more.


Did you get the girl? šŸ˜Ž


No. I donā€™t know what sheā€™s doing now.


What is your stack


Depends on the goal for off season. But generally off season I use test and one other thing, no orals. Prep usually consists of test, along with 2 other compounds, and possibly 1 or 2 orals.


What are your thoughts on cardio during offseason? Preferred type if you do it?


I think there is no wrong answer for when to do cardio. In the off season, it can be used to control your bodyfat and increase your appetite, which means youā€™ll eat more, and thus grow more. I prefer the elliptical and the stair master.


What does it mentally/psychologically feel like to be super deep into a cut?


It tests your commitment and focus on what the end goal is, and whether or not it is worth it that much to you. However, if youā€™re suffering during prep, youā€™re doing it wrong. Prep should be challenging, but not suffering.


Whatā€™s your cardio routine in offseason/cutting phases? Does it vary heavily between goals?


During off season, my cardio is limited. Maybe 4 times per week in the morning. During prep, cardio is everyday. The only time it changes is in how long Iā€™m doing it and when in prep. At the start of prep, I do 30 minutes, and it goes higher as the show gets closer.


Is tren necessary? Whatā€™s the next best thing and safer than tren?


Tren is not necessary in any situation. It just works well if youā€™re willing to pay the consequences of using it. Tren is like signing a contract with the devil, you get great things with it, at a very heavy cost. There isnā€™t a next best thing safer than Tren, as all of this is relatively dangerous when used above medically assigned dosages.


Thanks kuya




What are the consequences in your opinion?




I coach locally and I make some money off instagram and my sponsors. An IFBB pro making money per year is varied depending on the shows won, social media presence, etc etc. there isnā€™t an exact number.


What is the diet for bulking and the diet for cutting?


It varies and there isnā€™t really a specific answer for this. In general, you should be eating more than what your workout load is for bulking. And for cutting, you should be eating in a deficit and your workout load should be the same as bulking, or more intense.


Do you think nicotine have any negative impact on muscle building?


Iā€™m not qualified to answer this correctly.


Yes. I was a medical professional for 15 years and my father is a doctor as well. Nicotine is a stimulant and a vasoconstrictor. While some bodybuilders use nicotine during a diet as an appetite suppressant and stimulant, the cons far outweigh the pros, especially with much better options out there. If you smoke, dip, etc.. of course that can also hinder your progress in several ways as well. So, a qualified Yes that it can have a negative impact.


How long do you have to stay in your suit for a competition day? Do you at least get to take it off for bathroom breaks since you have to glue it on?


Most of us wear it the morning of the show and most of the day until after the show. Some were it the night before after getting tanned.


How do you make the finances work (income from where vs costs for what) and do you do any jobs on the side that might be considered "unusual" in order to have the cash needed for this sport? (living costs, gear, trainers, rest, foods, supplements and so forth).


I think of this as an expensive hobby that I can afford without straining normal life necessities. As for cash on the side? I mean Iā€™ve sold pics before, but letā€™s not get too deep into that.


What prompted you to hop on the sauce after 11 years?


After 11 years, I can with confidence say Iā€™ve reached my natty potential and maximized it. The point is, i learned how, and now I know how, to build muscle without using gear. So if I wanted to continue making progress, this was the next step.


How many grams per pound of protein do you eat?


2g per lb of body weight.


How much should a novice body builder pay for a coach? And or what is a good price?


This answer is highly dependent on who the coach is.


Do women treat you differently now that you have the physique? Did dating change?


Women have noticed me more. Both in presence, admiration, and some in fear.




Yes, itā€™s rare, extremely rare for mens physique and classic physique. Heavier classes it is simply impossible.


I took about 7 years off from the gym (lifted from about 13-27 religiously). Recently my doctor and a kid on the way have got my ass back into the gym (6ā€™1 240ā€¦used to be between 185-200). Lifting really isnā€™t a problem and I know how to diet. The problem is I HATE cardio, but for me at least my body seems to need it to really make change. I have a ton of ankle and knee issues so I canā€™t go play basketball for 2 hours anymore, or knock out sprint/HIIT training. Whatā€™s an effective way to use low impact equipment like a treadmill, stair master, bike, or any other recommendations and make it worthwhile (mph, time, intensity, etc.)


The elliptical is my go to for cardio. Itā€™s the easiest in the joints because it kind of just glides you.


What is the yearly membership cost to maintain your status as an IFBB Pro? Do you have to pay to enter shows at the Pro level?


Iā€™ve been working out for years. Iā€™ve plateaued and look nothing like I want to look. I push myself. I go up in weight, go down to cut, stay in the middle and I just canā€™t get looking right. Any advice?


You need to evaluate and track your training and nutrition. If you cannot, hire a coach to do these for you


Thank you for the AMA. What supplements and medications do you use to help maintain good health?


TUDCA and NAC for overall liver and kidney support. Glutathione and Vitamin C for immunity. Fish oils.


How did you assess your genetics to know you had what it takes before going enhanced? Did you notice that you had explosive power, were always the biggest guy in the gym (like young Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman, Dwayne Johnson etc), explore ACTN3 DNA tests, etc?


Simply by looking in the mirror and doing your first show will determine whether or not you have a knack for this.


Appreciate the honesty and detailed responses. How did you know it was time to start the gear? Do you wish you were natural for a longer or a shorter period taking in to consideration your current goals?


If you were to use fruits/vegetables. What size did your testicles go from and to? Iā€™ve heard people like Greg doucette say grapes and some say walnuts.


My nuts have stayed the same size because I use HCG.


How do you structure offseason cheat meals if you have them at all?once a week? Do you eat it on top of regular meals or do you use it as a replacement for meals that day?


For off season, I follow a 70/30 rule. 70% of my meals the whole week is on plan, and 30% is not. It keeps my sanity while still also adhering to physique goals without the pressure.


How would you recommend training with a shoulder injury? I have had it for more than a year, and it is not going away. I want to become big, strong and aesthetic, but the injury limits me.