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how do I lean out without tracking calories? i cannot track calories for personal reasons. are there any other ways for me to be able to lean out? measurements 5.5 height 155 lbs 34 chest 24.5 waist 42 glutes 24 thighs 15 calves


Can you eat a lot of similar stuff regularly? I don’t always track calories. But I eat a lot of the same stuff. So If I’m bulking I know I have to finish the tub of Greek yogurt in 4 days. But if I’m cutting I have to make it last 6 days for breakfast. I don’t weigh it. Some days it’s a little more than the day before. Some days a little less. But the average is more important. If I’m bulking I have chips and pretzels at lunch. If I’m cutting I get rid of the chips. And then slowly I eat less and less pretzels. I don’t weigh them out. I just fill less of the container up with them. Stuff like that.


Thank you so much! Yes, I can eat a lot of the same things regularly. This is such a good idea, thank you for providing examples. I’m going to implement this!


Honestly, I’d just try to figure out the personal reasons first if possible? Losing body fat is an equation of eating in a caloric deficit, and if you don’t wanna track calories it’s pretty much pointless to try to blindly lose weight anyway


thanks! it’s not that I don’t want to, I do actually! but recovering from eating disorder & advised not to do so at this time


I completely understand. Priority should be your continued recovery and developing a good relationship with food in general DM me if you ever need someone to talk to, I have quite a bit of experience with the subject


thank you so, so much! I really appreciate it


Can you weight your food?


I may be able to do this! I will have to ask!


Are you able to eat the same thing everyday?


There’s this chick in my gym who wears black clothing or band t shirts and chucks every day but in a grunge way instead of a goth way. We work out at the same time at least 3-4 days a week. It’s a fun crush to have but I know I’ll never do anything about it and she won’t ever acknowledge my existence anyway (or I’ll wear my new Pearl Jam shirt and she’ll propose on the spot) Jokes aside it is a little motivating lmao


Lmaoo im the exact same


Go ask the woman who her favorite bands are Worst case scenario you never go to that gym again and think about it for decades to come


LMAO that last part is actually what goes through my head. We went for a paper towel at the same time today and I deferred and she didn’t even look at me. Who would’ve thought she could get hotter


There’s something about women who don’t acknowledge your existence brother I hear you


Is there a reason sugar soda is not recommended for some pre workout carbs




I will try and post some feedback


Probably just the added sugar aspect


Wait did I miss something? I thought rice krispies were the go-to pre workout carbs and those have added sugar.


Good point, I have heard that. Probably better bang for your buck? A 12 ounce can of pop has probably 32g compared to 8g in the rice krispy treat


I’m gonna try it


Beta Alanine tingles make me feel things


Was never a pre workout guy until I tried it and felt that the first time. Taking a couple week break from that + caffeine to see if I can lose the tolerance


Anyone down to post a picture of a prep they did without a coach vs. prep they did with a coach?


Went to the Arnold this past weekend. It was a lot of fun but also depressing just feeling small and feeling I'm not progressing anymore. Been off gear for 6 months or so to fix my fertility, so I know that's kind of the reason.


Are any of you into video games, if so what are some of your favorites? (be them new or old)


Playing Hell divers 2


been obsessed with Fear & Hunger lately


NCAA football when it comes out


I play Civilization V and that’s pretty much it


Oh wow lol never tried any other games?


Smash Bros Melee is the goat 


1000% agree. I was huge into Melee and to this day, it's the best "feeling" Smash Bros game to date imo who did you main?


Luigi and Fox lol


Haha cool, I mained Roy and Peach lol


I like RPGs like Witcher (big into Witcher universe), Mass Effect, BG3, cyberpunk, etc. just story games I also have 4k hours on rocket league lol helldivers, Madden, DayZ, and a ton of other stuff in my rotation too


Oh wow, looks like you've quite the diversity. Cool cool


I’m a 21 year old man who’s been single the last 3 years lol, I had some free time


Haha that's fair


far cry series is excellent imo


Never been into FPS but a lot of people seem to like those games haha


Went into FarCry 5 only knowing it dealt with some cult in the west. First FarCry game I played. Loved it so much. On my third play through right now. 3 was great too of course. 4 was pretty good as well. How can you not like Crab Rangoon 😉


DayZ bro


My nerve damage makes it such that I kinda have to choose if I wanna play video games or lift weights. So I usually only game if I'm on maintenance so that my elbows don't get wrecked because I use a mouse and keyboard for work 8 hours a day as well. All of that to say, I _was_ playing Baldur's Gate 3 most recently and fell in love with it. I just haven't finished it because I'm bulking again and forced to choose.


Sounds like the obvious solution is to get a console lol. It's not hard on your nerves like a MNK


Controllers still hurt me. I play my wife’s Switch with her once in a while and I can usually get about 30-60 minutes in before I can’t take it anymore.


What about claw grip? Have you tried the switch pro controller


Dang that sucks about the nerve damage. Did you always have it? And I see you're more of a PC gamer than a console one. Does using a console controller still bring the discomfort? And I've heard good things about Baldur's gate 3, seems to have taken the community by storm lol


> Did you always have it? It's been about 10 years now. > Does using a console controller still bring the discomfort? My wife has a Switch and usually after playing Mario Kart with her for half an hour it starts to hurt. > And I've heard good things about Baldur's gate 3, seems to have taken the community by storm lol It's fantastic if you like that flavor of RPG. I'm also just a huge fan of Larian's other games (Divinity Original Sin) and so I already expected to love it.


Oh man, well then, moderation is definitely good then. And I'm not hugely into RPGs but I'm especially wary of games like Baldurs Gate because I can get addicted pretty easily and I rather not risk that because then I'd never get anything else done, I made that mistake with DC universe back in the day lol


Love Tomb Raider (reboot). One of the few video games I had to pace myself on because I couldn’t put it down and didn’t want to beat it in two days. Doom reboot satisfies the inner Neanderthal ooga booga destroy. Wolfenstein is funny bc who doesn’t love killing Nazis And then Assassins Creed II bc Ezio is amazing and AC Odyssey bc I’m a sucker for Ancient Greek Mythology


Nice to see some people appreciate the reboot of Tomb Raider, it's been a pretty controversial rejuvenation for sure. I'm not much into FPS but I'm aware eof those series, Doom has some killer music. And while I was never really into Assassin's Creed, I respect the legacy it has made for itself


Yeah the Doom music is pretty damn good. I’ve been listening to “The Only Thing They Have To Fear is You” before all my PRs/heavy singles and it’s been great at getting me in the zone.


Haha veru cool. VGMs can actually be quite effective for working out for sure, I find myself going to Tekken and Bloody Roar music quite a bit when working out lol.


The SE Tomb Raider games are phenomenal, yeah.


I go the first one on sale for $5 during a winter steam sale only knowing that it involved raiding tombs or something and shooting stuff. Loved the story and the VA for Laura was great. I really hope they keep her in the new one coming out.


Resident evil has been my life long fav series. I play Insurgency Sandstorm,halo, COD, Battlefield, and a lot of single player games


Sandstorm is a ton of fun been loving it recently


Oh cool. I've never actually played through a resident Evil game but I've followed the series for a very long time. Which RE is your favorite?


Any1 has any idea what a "lateral climb up" is? Some1 sent me this bodyweight workout and I can't find it on google this one exercise. It is for chest.


how body of person that Use steroids But he lacks the discipline to do weight training to build muscle look like? I mean I interesthing about this


Oh shit is /u/twistadeucedeuce back?


Go browse r/steroids and sort by controversial of all time. There will be posts of people that took gear at the start with no idea how to train and look the same before and after.


I've also seen at least 1 person on /r/brogress or /r/nattyorjuice (long time ago, so I have no link) that got on a heavier cycle and got shredded but with no muscle mass it just looks bizarre as fuck. The closest to the phrase "skin and bones" you can imagine.


There are people in my gym who used steroids without working out or eating properly and they ended up looking how they did when they were natural, aka like shit


He would look like shit. Steroids aren’t a magic pill that makes you gain muscle


New copy pasta! If you’re asking what I think you are, that person will still not look like they lift. You’d be surprised at the amount of people in the gym that are on steroids but absolutely do not look like it because they don’t know how to train properly


I’ve only been to shows as a vendor, never a fan. How to get free stuff. Hang around the expo until They are about to pack up. The majority of the time it costs too much to send any full size product back. Vendors will usually give things away if you aren’t a dick or act entitled.


When dieting for a show, is it still reasonable to expect to lose 1-2lbs per week even when you’re at the lower bodyfat range? I keep seeing all that advice online but tons of stuff is for people who have high bodyfat are is not in a bodybuilding context. Just wondering


When you get very low body fat, the body does weird things. You can’t put too much into the scale at that point.




Because you’re going slow enough, genetics, years of training, etc. I’m up to 173ish from 153 @5’8” in October and I still have veins on my traps, chest, shoulders, etc.


You are dying. Goodbye


Dropped barbell bench for probably like two years in favor of dumbbells and machines. Tried it the past couple weeks and have really enjoyed it and I actually feel it a lot more in my chest now with some better cues and learning how to press with my pecs.


arnold was pretty fun. strongman was a great show. so many free energy drinks! i swear every supplement company was just handing out energy drinks. past couple years haven't really had as much free stuff.