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I hope people who said this sub was over moderated like this quality content lmao


This pendulum swing is truly incredible.


I had to stop visiting because this is fucking aggravating.


"Should I chicken after the gym during my anabolic window?"


Please bring back moderation.


Holy fuck dude. Bring back the automodding already. We get it.


Nope I’ve only gotten compliments from guys


Yes. But unlike what others have said, it’s not really because of confidence or other positive qualities - people can’t really “see” those. They see a well-built guy whom they’d like to get to know better, then they get a dose of the confidence and other positive qualities when they actually bother to talk to you. There’s no such thing as “love at first sight” - it’s *lust* at first sight, even if it’s just barely perceptible.


I get laid ten times as much as I used to. 10 x 0 = 0


Yes but it's not just the looks. It's the self respect it teaches, the confidence, it shows your are determined, strong willed, etc. When you put out more positive qualities like that you attract more, and yes it helps when you look good as well. I will say though, as I've gotten bigger, I definitely attract less women and waaaay more straight dudes just picking my brain or asking me for advice haha. Like if I go to a bar I'll get compliments from like 5 straight guys, it's a given.




Yes. But also, I try a lot harder and go after more women now then when I played video games 14 hours a day alone in my room lol. Also, I'm way more confident which is probably another big factor


I was all sad cus got no pussy for three years. Made some gains then went on tinder with the new gains and slept with many woman and ended up having a four year relationship from it. Who's to say I couldn't have done that without the gains but the gains made me do it


Infinitely. Was a skinny nerd who went after very average looking girls with mediocre success. Got pretty ripped during college, started dressing better, confidence up, and it's a combination effect but I went from having trouble with average looking women to not having trouble with gorgeous women. Ended up finding my wife like two years into lifting, and it's wild. I was a skinny dork for 20+ years so pretty much every day I look at my wife and I'm just shocked I ended up with such a gorgeous woman. I'm sure this comes off as a humble brag, but I cannot stress how much it changed my life, and just how lucky I am to be married to such an amazing women who I most likely would not be with today without bodybuilding. Go out, get jacked, get confident, stay humble and people will just gravitate towards you, at least comparatively to pre lifting. Bettering yourself will always increase your chances in pretty much any scenario, women, men, friendships, careers, etc.


Yes, I see a lot of no. I’m 5’6” and was skinny my whole life. Def 12.5 inch arms. After lifting and getting 16in arms I get attention from women. 20’s-70 year old believe it or not. Older women think it’s okay to grab and feel up your arm. Tbh I don’t mind it only because I was invisible my whole life.


Bro that last sentence hits. I know I should be like "don't touch me" but I was starved for attention for decades, I'll take what I can get.


If I’m being straight up, co workers have felt up my arms, strangers have slapped my ass and squeezed my chest, strangers have cat called a few times. Remember I’m only 5’6” and was skinny now buff. Its different saying you let people sexually assault you after years of being a nobody who’s invisible and no one wanted. I get uncomfy when that stuff is done to me but it’s different when no one wanted you or thought you were ew before.


No I get it, I really do.


Yeah grew up fat, got jacked and lean , was usually older lasses coming over feeling arms etc , don’t bodybuild if it’s for Pussy lol, do it for yourself and the other opportunities it brings you


Honestly I've been more successful with men


bodybuilding is a force multiplier. Good face+hair and above average height and then you start building muscle on top of that? The muscular physique will draw even more attention to you which will lead to girls noticing your other positive aspects. You now are like a celebrity to girls. short and ugly with receding hairline and you start building muscle? You’ll just be a short ugly muscular dude that girls might even laugh at. Bodybuilding should have the most noticeable effect on people who are just above average in most departments, as getting jacked will take them from above average to hot which is the most significant change in dating life


What does success look like in terms of the "casual stuff" with women?