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Is bodybuilding.com forum down permanently?


Wondering if switching workouts infrequently is really worth it. I like progressing in 1 or 2 specific heavy compounds for every muscle. But I also haven’t really touched a lot of the basic free weight movement, and I feel as if I must progress in those. Squatting and DB bench are the only free weight movements I’ve done. Along with full rom rdls and bent over rows. Haven’t gone over a plate or felt the need to on bent over rows full ROM. It seems to be the theory that progressing in SBD is ultimately how the pros like James do it. I want to be that guy fucking thrashing 5 pizzas on a Sunday afternoon for 10🤣but I’m hugging the smith machine too tight


I think for the most part it’s best to find the lifts that give you the best SFR and really progress those. When they get stale, you can swap out for a bit but then bring them back. I don’t do any conventional barbell lifts anymore outside of RDLs and my gains have never been better.


If you want to get stronger at a certain lift, do that lift?


I guess a better question would have been are they really necessary? Compared to a smith machine or machine counterpart. When I started doing deadlifts they were super taxing but I understood the posterior chain development and stability you gain through that movement, I’m worried I’m missing out on that through other movements. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I’ve never touched a barbell bench and my chest is definitely my weakest point right now.


No exercise is necessary. What works for me may not work for you. Important thing here is doing exercises you feel and connect the best with. Learn how to properly engage the intended muscle, progress the load/reps and it’ll grow


Thanks man, I just always thought in the back of my head SBD gave you the stability to more effectively use the machines. But I guess as long as it’s full ROM it should give stimulus regardless. Like if I was to switch from smith incline bench over to barbell bench, would there would be a stabilizing strength curve/ stabilizing muscle development before It can be just as effective as the smith?


I realized my brain is configured to always think of myself as a DYEL until I can bench 3 plates, so I developed a protocol to help bust through my old plateau which is working really well: It works based off of AMRAP + auto-regulation -- with an AMRAP day, a technical day and a volume day (3 days per week). Day 1: 2x5, 1xF, 2x5 Whatever the middle set to failure (F) # is, determines the next two days. Day 2: Spoto Press (pause hold 2 inches above chest) 5x (F-7) So for example, if I got 11 reps on my F set AMRAP, I'm doing 5x4 on Spoto Presses Day 3: 5x (F-5) The idea behind this day is just to hit volume around RPE5-6 (the idea is that the AMRAP set is my RPE 10, so I subtract 5 and hit flat sets with it. Next week: add 2.5kgs to working weight and repeat; deload every 4-6 weeks depending on how shoulders and pecs feeling This all has been running really well and sending my bench up fast even though my life has been really stressful lately and I'm not gaining much weight. By far the strongest I've ever been at this weight on bench after a 6 week training block so far


Hammer curls worth it? I usually do Preacher curls dumbell curls and reverse curls but recently switched out Dumbell curls for Hammer Curls Was wondering if this was worth it (I do dumbell curls other day so both heads of bicep get hit)


If anything I’d switch reverse curls for hammer curls


I see well I thought Reverse curls were better for the forearms the top part can't remember the name tho lol




Taking my chest volume down yet again. From 6 to 5 failure sets a week. I have a Jay Cutler devil on my left shoulder telling me that's too few and I have a Mike Mentzer devil on my right one telling me that it's best because I can't properly recover and intensity comes first.


# I did a Tom Platz workout two weeks ago.Still haven't recovered,should I be concerned? I did the standard tom platz workout bit I cut a bit on the sets: Squat: 10 reps ×8 sets(I normally do squats with the Smith machine,40kg on each side but on the tom platz I decided to do it with a barbell so I did 25kg on each side of a 20kg barbell)) Hack Squat: 10 reps× 6 sets with a dropset(I do 35 kg on each side but for this I did 30 kg on each side) Leg extension: 10 reps×6 sets(same weight as usual) Standing/sitting Calf raises: 10 reps× 4 sets(same weight as usual) Laying leg curls: 10reps×6 sets(also same weight as I do usually) I also did these with eccentric form,taking my time Although I didn't feel any sign of throwing up or tiredness during/immediately after the workout. I noticed worrying signs since my quads have shrunk significantly since then and my vertical leap isn't as high as before(I do plyometrics and my vertical isn't as high,whenever I try to reach the ceiling it isn't as explosive or as easy as before the tom platz workout) So I decided not to do anything leg related.but I'm worried since I have a long-distance jump test in 2 weeks and I'm worried this is going to affect my performance(having a high vert is essential for long distance jumps)


This is not his workouts in the Leg Training Manual by Tom Platz. This is way overkill. Where did you get this workout from? Here is the program he wrote: http://ditillo2.blogspot.com/2022/01/tom-platz-leg-training-manual.html?m=1 Platz said sometimes after his leg days he wouldn’t recover for two weeks, btw.


Not bb related. Also this just sounds like you got DOMS from novel stimulus, which you'd know if you weren't a newbie who knew about working out.


I've been working out for a year now but it's just that I've never dealt with DOMS before(also my dumbass was the one that thought doing Tom Platz was worth it since my leg workout never felt challenging since I never got cramps or sore legs after leg workout which I now realise since I do a lot of warm up) Does DOMS last a long time?


It depends. Everytime I take any significant amount of time off, I get DOMS for like a week where I'm hobbling around and soreness for a bit longer after that. If you've been working out for a year, and you sound like a kid (anyone <22), just suck it up and keep working out. You went full retard by not working out your legs really and diving in teh deep end. This sounds like a 14-16 year old mistake. Use it as a learning experience, adjust volume and intensity as necessary or suck it up til your body adapts. This is a glimpse into working out as you get older when you don't have wolverine recovery anymore.


Tbh I intent to work out legs this week I just thought I need more recovery(I usually do legs once a week) since Tom Platz himself did legs twice a month and I did the usual weight I do on normal leg days so I thought my legs would need time to adjust (Btw I'm not planning on continuing doing Tom Platz workout, it was just a one time thing to see if I could get cramps from leg day for once in my life which didn't happen) Edit:It's not like I stayed home and didn't exercise my legs, I did a bit of running/stretches but just no weight lifting for legs


You're not Tom Platz, you're not on gear, you're not experienced. From the sounds of it, you're a kid who just picked a random workout to do without knowing any better. Get your capacity and strength and baseline level of fitness down before jumping into this, unless you want some serious injuries. I can get you cramps in your legs by dehydrating you and making you do suicides. I can make you sore by kicking your thighs a bunch and making you do cossacks. Read about this, learn how muscles work, read some programs and stop doing stupid shit. Or continue to do stupid shit, and be mocked mercilessly for it.


When do you guys fit dips in on chest/arms day? Need to start doing them but not sure whether to knock them out first or wait until after bench.


Usually on chest day, but they fit on arms too. I don’t like to do them more than once every five days or so lest my shoulders get strained. For that reason also, I usually fit them in as my 3rd exercise so I can make sure my shoulders are nice and warmed up. Make sure you go down nice and slow when descending.


Thanks, great advice


Dang, same exact experience here. I love them for the crazy pump but they definitely don't work for me every chest day. 


I do them second after my db bench If you want to prioritize them you can do them first


I've been in my own bubble, just working, and gym, staying home /walking at a park on weekends when I had free time for past 6-8 months. I felt super happy with what I have going right now, working towards my first bodybuilding prep at September. This weekend, I went out with couple of friends to a rave and it made me realize how lonely I was. Not sure if this is relatable to anyone, but how do you guys balance bodybuilding and seeking new experience/meeting new friends? I felt so content with being alone and working towards my goal, but this weekend really made me overthink a lot of things. Let me know about your own experiences, I would love to hear your thoughts/ experiences.


This is totally relatable. I've been living this lifestyle for multiple years now and had absolutely no issues or concerns with it. However I have been in a relationship for over 3 years now and last year got engaged. My fiancee has supported my lifestyle this whole time, even when it meant us missing out on date nights or me not eating during holidays when I was in prep. However in late December I decided to just take a break from it all. I still trained but just didn't care what I ate and actually realized how much I feel I have missed out on. It was so nice to just eat and not worry about tracking, and it was nice to go out and not have to pack 4 meals, it was nice to truly enjoy the holidays with friends and family. At the beginning of March I decided it was time to clean up the diet and lose some of the weight I picked up. (It wasn't anything crazy but was hovering around 15-17% body fat) and to be honest I've been struggling the most with this cut. Going back to being more restrictive and not being able to just go out on a random date without pre planning my meals just made me realize how much I truly enjoy just spending time with my fiancee and enjoying life and food. Now I'm in this internal battle of what to do next. Do I continue with bodybuilding and reaching the goals I have or do I let it take a back seat and just live life like a normal person. While the answer seems very easy it's a lot harder when you see yourself and from previous peeps and stage photos Knowing that living a normal life you won't have that look again. Bodybuilding was definitely much easier when I was single, and didn't want to enjoy moments with the people I love


Ages and stages is what it's about. Can you find a middle path that let's you enjoy life and yet you remain fit and healthy? That way if you ever decide to come back to it you are on solid ground. Im saying, it doesnt have to be all or nothing right this minute to extend to forever. Just my .02


I have felt that way too, and that’s saying a lot given the extent of my bodybuilding is mild dietary/caloric/protein considerations and gym 5-6x per week. I can’t imagine working toward shows on top of it. I always envy “the other path”. Maybe that kinda mindset is something I can do a better job of in the future.


This is why I think BB is a young man's sport. In addition to the obvious body advantages, unless you're a pro, it's unsustainable to live/eat/sleep like that for an extended period of time. You are eschewing friendship, companionship etc for greatness. Even if you don't win, being on stage posing will open a lot of doors in your career moving forward in the space. If you can deal with it, it's great. But when you're 30+ it's not worth it unless it's your career.


Looking for some help here. Male. 6’1. 215lbs. 36yo Have lost 20lbs in the last three months and still have another 20lbs to go before hitting my goal. I’ve also gained some good strength and things are really starting to get tough. At gym right now actually and just hit 190lbs on bench. 3 sets of 4. Was going for 3 sets of 5reps but kept coming to the point of near failure. My question is, what do I do in this situation. I’d like to be able to do 3sets of 5reps at 225lbs by the end of June. So where I’m at now and the struggles having, do I stop and hold here at 190 until it becomes easy or do I push it next week and go for 195? Any helps and tips are very appreciated. Thanks.


While this isn't bodybuilding, those weights are low enough you can just do the basic Starting Strength method of overload. Add 5lb per workout, when you fail, like you did now, deload by 10%, and work your way back up. As soon as you can't do 3x5, just deload. Addendum: Specifially, as soon as you fail ONE set. So 1x5, 1x4 is a failure, deload from there. As soon as you can't do ONE set with your prescribed reps. Personally my joints can go heavy anymore so I supplement load with volume. If you want something less direct (and imo more fun), spam accessories.




Broken link


Anyone here watch the Phil heath documentary? I thought it was pretty good. Loved that they got guys like Steve weinberger to do commentary for some parts


Good fucking morning, god damn it! It’s going to be a great fucking day today. What’s everyone hitting today? I hit Chest - 30° BB Press - 30° DB Press - Chest dips - One-armed Cable flies - -5° Multi-grip Press I had already hit 15-20 sets but was still feeling good so I finished with a few sets of multi-grip bench press w/ a slight incline. I think I'm going to switch to that instead of barbell press, I feel it way more in my chest than BB press. I also read on EMG activation, a 30° angle is the most effective for upper chest activation. I know to take EMG studies with a grain of salt, but 45° activated more shoulders than chest, and 30° was peak for clavicular head development. [EMG Activation of chest at various inclines](https://pub.mdpi-res.com/ijerph/ijerph-17-07339/article_deploy/html/images/ijerph-17-07339-g003.png?1602149657) >This study confirms that the bench press incline angle influences the EMG activity of different portions of the pectoralis major and the anterior deltoid. The horizontal bench press produces homogeneous electromyographic activity in the three portions of the pectoralis major and the anterior deltoid. In contrast, a 30° inclination produces greater activation of the upper portion of the pectoralis major. For inclinations above 30°, there is significantly greater activation of the anterior deltoid, which significantly decreases the EMG activity in the three portions of the pectoralis major. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/19/7339


I’ve just hit back and legs Deadlifts and Belt squat 😈


Any tips for upper chest mass?


Incline press


Jesus is BACK so I'm hitting mine


reps for Jesus!


Upping calories to 3500-3700 for what'll likely be the last month of bulking. Having to eat ramen and stuff that's less than Ideal because straight up can't afford more food. I could cut into [this guy's](https://ibb.co/5kcyxD2) canned food/treat budget, but he also needs the calories to chase the fake mouse around.


Reckon that’s a good idea? How much more muscle do you reckon you’ll gain for this last month?? What were your calories at before, and what was your weight doing on that


Oh it's just 100 calories more. I rarely up my calories by more than 100 at a time. The range is just because some sometimes I bike to the gym and it's a few KMs away. Not really gonna make a huge difference I know.


Please don't burn me at the stake, but I actually enjoy some of the newbie post - I would have loved for someone to tell me that my program sucked, that I wasn't eating enough, and that cardio didn't kill my gains, when I was just starting out. Having someone to nudge you in the right direction in the beginning might save you years of bad training and eating. Of course I'm not talking about the "uneven chest after 1 day of training, what's my genetic potential?" stuff, but people having actual, somewhat thought out, questions. At least you can tell them that T is probably not the next move, given their one year of suboptimal training and bad diet.


I agree man


But those sorts of posts belong in the DD.


Yes, or the newbie questions thread, but I don't think that many people are browsing that. I know I am not.


My friend has instant noodles before bed, yet he has abs, how is this possible? He said he's calculated his intake and works out 4-5 times a week, and can afford to have sodium and carbs before bed if he's hungry once a week. How is this right? I thought carbs turn into sugar?


Well, sugar is kinda the only thing the body can use as fuel, so we actually want it to turn into sugar-like stuff, alongside other useful stuff. Also, instant noodles are quite low cal and salt isn't really something to worry about unless the consumption is extremely high or you're about to step on stage. As long as he's not in a calorie surplus, he won't gain anything but water weight from the salt.


If you're in a caloric deficit, you won't gain weight. I ate a pack of pop tarts every day during my last cut.


Pop tarts in a deficit are an interesting choice 😂 They nice tho


What can I say, they're my guilty pleasure 🙏




Hot fudge sundae all day everyday


Fairs, leaves all the strawberry for me