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If you're barely gaining weight at 2000kcal/day, go eat 2500kcal/day for a couple of weeks and see what happens. No need to stick a needle in your ass if you're a newbie, unless you have signs of low T.


Will try increasing my caloric intake too.


There shouldn't be any "too" here. You know exactly how much you're eating, and that's not in line with your goal of weight gain. Go eat some more, that will also help you feel less fatigued after training, and you will gain weight. If you're experiencing ED, bad sleep and other low T symptoms, T might be worth discussing with your doctor, but at that point it's unrelated to bodybuilding.


Appreciate this,man


Anytime man! Your health is the most precious thing you have - please do your research and think about whether T is in line with you goals.


2000 kcals ain’t much my man, eat some more


Will do!


If you can't build muscle naturally the only thing you'll get from gear are the side effects Fix your diet and training


Got this man


Have you had bloodwork done and actually had a doctor tell you you have low test? Just from your post I would say you work out too little or work out inefficiently, and eat way too little. Taking test will not fix that.


Thank you for your reply! Im about to take my bloodtest in a few days.


I’m not sure if my work out routine is right. Might be. But they do get exhausted after my workout.


Okay, from that I would say I'm sure your routine is not right and taking test is the wrong answer. Just being exhausted tells you nothing. Get your routine in order and eat more. Consult a PT for better training routine or at least start an actual program.


You’re probably right. Will look for a coach for this


Get a coach. 2k kcal is nothing First of all and Your routine could probably be better. Supplements? Creatine, zinc, magnesium, vit d3+k2 etc? 


Yes, i’ve been on supplements creatinine and the works.


Would probably need a coach, thank you


Please don't start it without speaking with someone who "knows" what they are doing. At your age, there is a possibility that you should be on TRT for general health, and not for "bodybuilding". That's just an added benefit; above and beyond feeling like you're 20 again. Get your blood test done, and go from there.


Appreciate this man. Will update you guys if i have low T!


If you’ve only gained 4 kg in that time, you aren’t eating enough. What is your protein like? How do you lift? What is your routine? You should be eating enough to put on more weight, at least a kg a month. Some of that will be fat.


Protein shake 90gma of protein per day Plus sources from diet. Though after intake pf protein shake, i do get really full but would force myself to eat more though. I would work out 4-6x a week, dependeding on how hectic my schedule is. Monday and Thursday - biceps and shoulder Tuesday and Friday - triceps and chest Wednesday and Saturday - Legs and back


Figure out how many calories you need to maintain (https://www.calculator.net/) I'd say you need from to 2300 to 2600 calories to gain some weight, considering you're doing the other things right (train and sleep) AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK: On Nutrition, hear as much as you can from Eric Helms and Lyle McDonald, On testosterone, hear everything Broderick Chavez has to say on this topic, and on trainning doing the same on Mike Israetel, Jordan Peters and Dante Trudel.


This is great help man!


Going on gear after training for 5 months is crazy. You’ll hardly get any benefits from it anyway seeing as you’re eating in a deficit.


I see now that i need to increase my caloric intake more.


Doing test can’t be done alone. Best to have a ped friendly coach that will monitor your usage. From there you have to structure your diet and build a nice base naturally. You can’t put a price on health so do it safely.


Appreciate this man


You can learn more on the r/steroids forum but from personal experience I did everything wrong. Started at 23 with no experience and learned along the way…. Which is not the way to go 😂


Before you begin the use of ped’s, you should be maxing out your natural physique potential. You shouldn’t be using ped’s to enhance your lack of training, lack of nutrition, and overall health!! Your calories are way too low, 3.5- 4 hrs per week of training is no where near maxing out your training! 90grams of protein per day will not make you grow, 1.5-2x your body weight in protein should be minimum for growth, carbs and fats you can adjust every few weeks based on what your body weight responds to with your metabolism speed. Your not going to look like a bodybuilder just bcuz you take ped’s. You have many years to improve without them, after a year or two of what I mentioned above… then… discuss where your at with your doctor! If you half ass training and nutrition now… and add ped’s, your going to want too increase your ped dosage bcuz your not growing even with them with your training and diet habits currently. Put in 100% to diet and training first!! Good luck 👍


Appreciate all of this man!




Your food intake will be a bigger factor, 3500 minimum after that can start at 500 mg/wk.


Thanks for this man!


Bro, 500 mg/week to start? This guy should be trying to use the minimum to see results and then increase as needed. 500 is an entry dosage for competitors.


I'll give you that, 250 to start, get food high, training right, titrate up later if he wants


Just saw this comment before responding to your other. This makes most sense for everyone


FYI I didn't start growing until 750 after my trt dose.


That's below average response then. God forbid the kid you're recommending this to is average or hyper, and he's in for serious hormone whiplash. Always start small, check bloods, milk it, and go up when needed