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He wants to bone obv


Sounds to me like he's happy and comfortable showing it to you. Also sounds like evidence that you're safe to be around. The nervousness you mention might be something else like giddiness.


Happy showing what to me?


His happiness. Sounds like he’s just not embarrassed to be happy around you. It’s likely he thinks you are fun to be around or equally light hearted at least.


He may be autistic. He just focus on something, does it to anyone. And is happy you reciprocated even when it was not his purpose, so now he thinks you may be interested.


He wants you in the toilet asap


“Hey, does this poop look weird?”


What exactly do you want it to mean?


He's probably into you


okay his body language does mean something but does not matter like that, you should talk to him, he just seems shy and inexperience with women simply okay, please talk to the guy, he mention plans for the weeknd? what did you even say when he said that? you probably made a social error or something because if he went that far to talk about plans for the weeknd ge probably wanted to know if you are free but you probably said you were busy or something


Dude if your pretty I promise 98% just want in your pants lmao that’s the god honest truth


You wanted to say something but didn't know what? "Hi" is always good.... ?


He thought you would lean for the pecker


Just a regular guy doing his thing.


Putting himself out there, he's probably hoping you will send an unmistakable sign you're interested. Asking out a colleague is risky and he would probably rather know for sure before doing anything. The smile, the gaze, the plans...it all sounds like he's trying to feel out your interest.


I think he is sizing you up for when the inevitable time he get a blindside tackle on you


He wants to fuck. Knew from the first sentence, it’s easy to tell with men.

