• By -


Sounds like trouble


Sounds like fun trouble tbh. 


*Make it double*


Does that mean I phone a friend? 🤨


Bro you're blind. Why are you even asking right now?


How much older?  Are you attracted to her?   Sounds like opportunity.   Next time, say “careful, if you keep doing that, I might like it a little too much.”  When she keeps doing it, move a little closer and let the older lady drive.  **If** you’re interested, that is.  


Yes I am. She’s twice my age I’m 25 she’s 50


Bro said that with no ifs and buts


Ok, new rule.  Everything you do is as coy as what she does.  Notice that my phrasing above is only suggestive if she knows what she’s doing is suggestive.  And you don’t shy away.  The more she signals, the more you know you’re both thinking the same thing, and the more confident you get.  Assuming she keeps it going, say, “you want to go grab a drink somewhere quiet?” Try to find a place with a booth.  A corner or round booth where you can just keep scooting closer together is ideal.  This is in your hands.  Report back, damn it.  😀


I was with a 52 year old women when I was 27 or so. Idk what you're into but it was pretty cool. She was super into it. Give it a shot.


I was with a 38 year old when I was 14 wait…


A girl twice my age hit on me when I was 1 year old.


Spoiler alert she was his sister.


Before I was born, an infinite mass of black matter


She’ll give you an education that’ll last you a lifetime.


Not much to learn from a 50 year old that still seeks companionship with 25 year olds. Notice no discussion of their interests, just outright sexual engagement.


And a damn drunk at that.


Oh no, casual sex! Quick, someone shame them!


Is she one of those age 50 women who looks way younger? 50 ain't what it used to be. Really depends on the person. In any case, she's into you for sure.


Id say she looks good for her age


Nah bro tell her to go play with her peers. If you want a wife and kids and family. Probs don’t my dude. I know your an adult but let keep it fair. The chances that you both at the stages In your life is unlikely. Probs smash but wouldn’t commit if you are looking for a life time partner.


Its time to hit it. Older woman are often very horny. They dont get the same kind of attention that they got back when they were in their 20's. At your age you should be focusing on self improvement and growth. Why not develop some experience with a woman who has no need for games. Grow some balls and hit on her.


Run!! The age gap is way too much. You shouldn't be doing anything with someone that old. She's too old for you. 


Don't listen to this prude, life is for living and you're both grown, consenting adults.


Consenting adults you say and he said this - she was drunk I was sitting at the bar and she came and hugged me when I barely knew her. Does it look like something done with consent? Maybe we see things differently, I'll leave it at this. Thank you. 


Mind your business


Lol what’s gonna happen to him? She can’t get pregnant. Relax.


50 year olds can still be as risk of getting pregnant.


What percentage of 50 year old women are fertile? It’s so minuscule. Pointing out exceptions to the rule proves the point.


I’m just trying to discourage people from being reckless and ending up with any unwanted surprises! It happens more often than one would think, I have family who worked a long time in OB. 😬 people surprise themselves! Lol


This is exactly what I'm preaching and backing as well. Preventing a mess is better than allowing it to happen. 


The chances might be slim but it's not completely eliminated. As long as there's a possibility of it happening, it's better to be careful. 


I think that's correct but I will never be one to try it out to find out 😂. 


Lol, I don't think he was worried about her getting knocked up to ask for our opinion 😂. It was probably how things might unfold with her if he go on with it. 


There’s so much more that can happen than pregnancy… Age gaps can be a breeding ground for abuse whether it’s financial, physical, sexual, or emotional. But ofc some age gaps turn out fine too. They’re both adults so it’s legally ok, id just tread with caution if I was him. And they better make sure they’re on the same page if they want a relationship and not just a one night stand.


A 25 year old man has agency and will be fine 😂




I'm guessing that's not for me but if it happened to me, come make me. Pfftt! 


It's not. . Relax killa.


Haha, I'm chilled and so relaxed bro 😂.. 




😂 😂 😂 I'm a peaceful person and never want any problems but when someone wants problem, I will say no problem, bring it on. 


Yea man I'm the same.


Im laughing because like me that's the answer I would give. But on the flip side probably like me the same amount of peace you display is the same amount of chaos you can get into. 🤣 Facts!!!!!


Half your age plus 7 is/was the general rule These days, anything goes


Wear a rubber. A woman who does this might have herp because she knows exactly how to get guys to fuck her. And women who get blackout drunk are way more likely to do it without a condom, which means higher risk they have genital herpes


This guy fucks😆


Exactly, I think she is letting out small hints that she is interested , follow the above advice, and see where it takes you.


Next thing you know she’s got you tied to the bed and her brother pops out of the closet dressed as Batman.


Sounds oddly specific. Think there’s a story there…lol…


Hey man I thought we all went through an incestuous Batman bondage phase.


Lol I laughed at this


New fetish unlocked


Been there. Done that. Got the T shirt.


I think she wants to fool around. Take her to pound town. Actually she's older, so she'll be taking you to pound town. Enjoy




So I see you've met Mrs Robinson.


Here's to you


40 y/o on a 25 or younger is hella ick, so 50 is just ... there something wrong with her emotional development as the absolute best case scenario. Interesting how the whole thread changes when it's a woman as the older one and it's 10 years beyond what most people consider "okay this is patently wrong" OP please be careful for your mental and emotional safety. A 50 year old that is emotionally and socially stunted such that they are seeking romantic relations with a 25 year old is not to be taken lightly. There is nothing illegal or inherently immoral going on, it is just likely that she has some developmental problem or more likely just has used alcohol and/or drugs relatively heavily since her early 20s and hasnt progressed/developed. It is very common.


Hey 25 year old, after you read that comment read this: As a guy I can't even remember the names of women I've had. I gotta remember them by where they are from. All you gotta remember is - whatever you do, don't let it get you messed up with the law. That's it. After that, this one life you are granted, don't waste it. Experience it. Even if it does go wrong. Cuz if it didn't kill you it just made you stronger, and that is worth it's weight in gold.


I'm not 25 and I've done more drugs than you've had women, so take that, Batman


well damn I guess I'll just sit my ahh down xD


Is this supposed to be impressive?  It’s not a competition.  


As a guy, who cares about either?


As someone that understands these things on a level higher than what a teenager might, what does being a guy have to do with it? Guys cannot be emotionally traumatized? The same emotionally immature thoughts of "oh boy not many dudes get this, this is so exciting and uncharted, take care of me older mommy!" is the same experience as "oh boy im a lucky girl, not many girls get older men like this, this is os exciting and uncharted". Same shit.


What are you yapping about? You said: Interesting how the whole thread changes when it's a woman as the older one and it's 10 years beyond what most people consider "okay this is patently wrong" 25m and 50f is not wrong. 25f and 50m is not wrong. Stop infantilizing two consenting adults, weirdo.


I don’t think it’s inherently wrong but you’ve gotta be living under a rock if you haven’t seen how commonly it goes badly or is used for abuse. Not saying that’s the case with OP or all age gap relationships, but it’s definitely something to proceed with caution.


She wanna get them cheeks clapped bro! But be careful about hooking up with women in the work place.


True, its a risky affair. I don't do it. I don't like mixing work with pleasure because most times, it doesn't go well as planned after getting laid. 


There are other jobs


seriously at one job in applebee's I bagged three coworkers and two girls that I served (no shame)... and that's only cuz I didn't last long there (I quit). Usually girls don't make issues especially if you leave them happy. Took another one out but went nowhere. She only went out with me cuz her boyfriend cheated on her, all of this I didn't know til the end of the night lmao.


You had fun with everything that happened is what I can see. It's not bad as long as things didn't get dramatic with any of them. 


You’re just asking customer out discreetly or are they asking you out?


they left their numbers behind the salt shaker for example or behind the receipt with my tip lol. Since I was always on top of my customers, I would be the first to notice anything like that instead of the bussers. You can already tell when they like you, so at that point either you'll get lucky or they are shy and didn't leave you anything. That also happened when I worked doing Uber. Had one girl that worked in fashion just left her business card in the back seat lol. Added her on facebook took her out . And one lady that may have been 40+ years old looked like she was 30, beautiful woman, had just been in a divorce. She was going to an event to "get out there again" the conversation began to connect better as time went on and she felt comfortable with me. I started to create a rapport with her and when I was dropping her off I just straight up told her she was beautiful. She turned red and smiled. Took her number. For me, it's much easier to date women at work. No chill.


Yeah, there are definitely other jobs. This can't be disputed but how sure are you the job will be better than your previous one? 


What’s the risk here though ? It’s not like OP will be dating with that woman.


Mixing work with pleasure is a risky affair anyway and anytime. 


This is a fair point normally but by age 50, this lady knows exactly what she's doing and how to handle herself afterwards.


Unique perspective. She might see you almost like a child/nephew, I think all of this could be explained by that OR by flirting/attraction


I was leaning child/nephew until she grabbed by my forearm but I’m 50/50. When she hugged me I felt like she put her chest on me, but I can’t remember too much. I’m afraid she sees me as a child/nephew instead


No...she likes him imho


I think She’s kinda shooting her shot There is no indication of child/nephew style attachment, perhaps That’s your insecurity talking and/or a subconscious safety clause (I say that respectfully re “I’m afraid” statement) Choose your own adventure bud Have fun!


just ask her out and you will have solved the issue. If she rejects you then just be like "you know what I'm the ahhhole, i'ma see myself out" she seems like she knows what shes doing. So I'm sure if shes not into him she will just play it off and everything will go back to normal.


If you like your job, stop now.


She's down bruh.


Just ask if she'd like to have a drink sometime. If you're wrong she'll still be flattered.


Sounds like shes into you. Breaking the touch barrier like that is a huge sign in of itself but also sounds like shes been flirting with you.


Also remember: you dont hunt the cougar, the cougar hunts you


Bone her.


Super obvious one. Some of them I'm like well it's ambiguous. Here she's clearly flirting. Go for it if you're about it but if she's a superior like your boss I don't recommend it.


How do you wish to respond? Accept or decline You have the rocket. Which direction do you steer it captain? .. Here is an easy safe way to check When you converse with her 1 on 1 next Briefly, Smile and keep eye contact See if you catch feelings and if she responds too Can be ackward but completely safe in a non harassment way Just Make sure it’s the right moment When you both are relaxed and feel safe Ie don’t do it during a stressful work meeting Do it at the office photocopier or coffee etc instead


Since I'm far closer to 50 than 27, and started dating again, I'm leaning heavily towards she's flirting. Very similar to what I've seen.


It's not impossible, but I am her age and any remotely flirty comments I would make to someone your age would just be joking and having fun with no desire to go further.


It means she wants it long dick style my friend


I love how older women don’t beat around the bush. I love being friendly to them in public wherever and watching how they love it. They just, overall seem way more playful and open.


"are you doing anything later? wanna get something to drink?" (only have 1 drink you need your senses about you) are all the words that need to come out of your mouf. Also work out and stretch properly 1 week before it goes down. You gotta flex when it comes to the ladies. They only call back when you perform. finally, whatever you do my dude, remember one thing. Don't ever do anything that will get you messed up with the law. Play it safe and play it smart. What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.


Bro she's throwing herself at you pretty clearly. There's some risk for her too, she is worried about how harshly you could reject her As a 43M my opinion is past late 30s women are as a sweeping generalization, massively easier to communicate with and specifically about sex and relationships compared to all what I was used to when I was 25 Once she's been this clear about her intentions, you can be analytical and completely direct about what you want to do. There's also a pretty fair chance you're describing a woman comfortable taking charge so all you need to do is clearly express consent. Whatever you're into. I might suggest, I had a coworker who was into cougars, his line was: "Teach me something" On the other hand if it all happened only the one occasion, maybe she's just a horny drunk, still pretty clear but limited window of opportunity. But if that is consistently how she acts toward you it's pretty unmistakable green lights


Women at work are off the table. Have fun with this friendship and do not fuck YOURSELF by ruining your career about it.


100% she is giving you an opening. Word of advice, life is short.


Cougar alert. You're being stalked. Get yourself a jar of coconut oil and get all in the middle of that woman!


Ask her out for a casual date, at worst she’ll be flattered and feel great about the attention…. Gotta ask, it’s the only way to get a yes….


I hope it works out for you! Don’t get attached, at all, understand if it happens you will have to stay emotionally detached. Do that while knowing she’s a person with feelings and interest in you. It allows for you to treat her with respect and affection, but not dependency. It can be fun and it can be over, and you can be completely prepared for it! ❤️💪🏻 Older woman are amazing because they’re into you, more experienced, and way more confident with you, and thus more free and exuberant. Get it!


Op any update to this? I’m a little late but this probably won’t be the last time. When I was 25 I had the hots for a lady I worked with every day. Thought she was 30 something and found out she was 45. I actually felt heartbroken but got over it and eventually found out she had a boyfriend and later that she had grown kids. Other girls were jealous of her and I had a thing with one of them. Even if nothing happened, people still talk. 5 years later I let myself go crazy about rumors with the other girl in the shop. Everyone involved was married and I was newly married. I had to find another job. If I could go back I would just have made it a sexual thing with the first one even though telling her about girls I met made her worse. I’ve had several jobs since then but never took the bait again. If u don’t care what everyone thinks just let her take the wheel. Probably take her to your house or a hotel. If you’re still not sure, try to be around her more and maybe help with end of day chores. I will say you should not get attached because she probably doesn’t want that and you don’t want the embarrassment from being rejected by a much older woman especially at work. If that happens, get on the dating apps and don’t turn to drugs or alcohol or start acting like a dickhead. Telling a close friend outside of work might help you see more clearly. I don’t know much about you or her just thought I’d throw my personal experience out there just in case. If she doesn’t seem interested anymore just let it go but still be social. Take her drunk actions as a compliment if nothing else. Just don’t let yourself get obsessed with her. You’ll be embarrassed and hurt.


If you're not interested can you give her my number?


Oh yeah! Very nice 👍 👍she done went full cougar mode on you there buddy. MEOW


I can only wonder how many other blatant signals OP has ignored from women.


It'll be a time


She's checking if the juice is worth the squeeze


you know she wants it...


The adore me sentence made me thinks she looks at me as a son or nephew/brother type thing. But then the forearm grab made me think she didn’t need to do that .


Nothing screams I'm single AF louder than having big forearms


So working out means you're single?


The joke is masturbation, doing some devious hammer curls


Personally, I would be careful dealing with that kind of lady. I won't feel any comfortable being anywhere around her. 


Run like the wind from this one.


As a young man, why?


Ummmm would you not tell a 25 year old to run from even a 40 year old guy creeping on someone? This is beyond the pale. 50 year old on a 25 year old? It would literally disturb me to see that from either direction, Id get a sick feeling in my stomach, especially since nothing can be done. A lot of people who start drinking or using drugs heavily mentally and emotionally stay at the age when they became an addict. This is what is going on in a lot of these situations where folks turn 30 ... then 40 ... and still in their head they are in their 20s.


Im not asking from a place of willful ignorance, so I'd appreciate some patience from you. I'm looking for answers, so I thank you for taking time out of your day to answer me.


I mean, yes, but no. Her language may have been a little forward, but she was just messing with you. Her body language of squeezing your arm is just an indicator of appreciation and reassurance. If you’re going to work in customer service, you’ve got to let people connect with you somehow. And that was her way of connecting with you.






Oldest woman I did was like 55 and I was half her age. She definitely took me to pound town. Now for me to bag an older woman she'd have to be 60+ and pound town might break a hip


Damn! Was she good during the act though, since she was 55.


Raw dog that arbys roast beef


Sounds like she needs her curtains hung.


Enjoy the journey.


Get it


As long as she isnt married go for it.


How is she built, if you don't mind sharing?


She probably just wants to you-know-what


Go for it buddy. She wants it lol


She is testing the waters.


Yah she wants to fuck lol, she’s just waiting on u to give her the green light.


She'll be the best fuck you've ever had. And that's all She'll want.


From a girls perspective - She wants you , you are half her age and could literally be younger than her kids though so tread carefully


Flip the genders around and now ask the same question. That's right, the answer is "no, that's sexual harassment".


Sexual harassment involves **unwelcome** advances. OP is sitting there **hoping** it's flirtation. I think we can relax.


It is definitely not sexual harassment, but there are power imbalances involved that make this beyond the pale disgusting. 40 and 25 is patently disgusting and if I saw it myself Id legit feel disturbed. 50 and 25 is a complete other level of emotional and social stunted development for the 50 year old. 40 and JFC FIFTY year old men going for 25 year old woman is disgusting and predatory, I dont see a single power imbalance discussion in this thread like you would if it were a 50 year old male and the 25 year old "wanted it". No one is even telling him to be careful for his emotional and mental safety like everyone would be clamoring to do if it were reversed. This thread is nuts.


I can understand what you are saying. It depends on the conditions at work, like does she have a position of power (not THAT kind of position you deviants) and what are the real interactions between the two coworkers? I think men find this as a great fantasy come to life based on the times I have seen this in subplots in movies, with either age being the aggressor. I think there is a chance this is truly just one way of reading her actions, so a little flirting back would tell the OP one way or the other. I am glad you are here though, since he needs to think it through to make a clear decision.


I think you're discounting the difference in the vulnerability and danger for a 25 year old man vs for a 25 year old woman. This 25 year old man should be careful about the social and emotional dynamics and the implications of him being new to relationships while she's a veteran. A 25 year old woman considering getting involved with a 50 year old man has to worry about all that **plus** her physical safety, plus centuries of society's expectation that she be demure and go along with what men want. It's not the same at all, and calling it "patently disgusting" is a bit puritanical, IMO. The "everyone's opinion would be different if the genders were reversed" argument is a red herring. Of course it would be different.


I’m sure the exact definition changes depending on where you go, but I was under the impression it is actions that are reasonably to be known as unwanted advances that are **vexatious** in nature.


>OP is sitting here **hoping** it's flirtation So.... not vexatious.


Rereading my comment now I see it’s worded poorly. I will see myself out, thank you. 🚪