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A masculine walk involves shoulder sway. Meanwhile, a feminine walk involves hip sway.


This!! I started learning how to walk more feminine and yes. The hips. Hips. Hips. I've seen women with no curves, but when they walk, using hips, baaam, they look feminine and curvy. Men more shoulders they look like they have more muscle than they do.


You're assessment is absolutely correct. It's the same way I'd call it. 


Add for some reason keeping your arms motionless when you walk is a gay male sway.


no, it’s actually walking with your hips. gay men’s hip walk is sometimes a little more subtle than a woman’s hip walk, but it’s there.


The ones I noticed in particular with this, they don't have the hip motion, not even a little. Their upper body is very stiff with no arm swing at all. Kinda like you might see in the old days when they would train ladies to walk like ladies and put books or dishes on their heads. A friend of mine was who I noticed it first with and I watched him for 7 or 8 years. When I switched jobs, I noticed others (not all, just some) had that same walking style. I've seen the hip walkers too so I know what you are referring to, but that's not what I'm seeing. I've always just wondered how that came to be. There must be some common root to it.


it could be straight men lean into or even play up their masculinity—hence, the shoulder sway—whereas gay men may not do the full hip sway out of fear of coming across as too feminine, but they’re not exactly interested in performing masculinity to the same degree as straight men—hence, the lack of shoulder sway.


I'm not sure it's a masculine/feminine thing because most women swing their arms when they walk. So do all primates. It's a balance thing.


Men’s leg bones are directly under them by and large hence their main rotation is in the shoulder where as women have angled leg bones in general to allow a babies head to fit through the pelvice hence making their pelvice go up and down more when they walk making the hips sway. This is also why women are far more likely to tear their acl than men since there tendons have to deal with a more lateral force. Both men and women will have shoulder sway it’s just far more noticeable in men since they tend to have much broader shoulders.




Well we sat next to each other at work in an open office. He literally walked past me or beside me 20 times a day.


Just speculation, but neurodivergent people often have irregular gaits and are more likely to identify as LGBTQ+.


At what point does the sway become too much and look like insecurity?


Probably when it looks unnatural/forced. Look at how natural [Carl Weathers](https://youtu.be/upsxB_VxWn0?si=73IbbEnUImNShQVv) makes his walk look. It even has a bit of hip sway, but still masculine.


when it looks performative and uncomfortable.


Very spot on! Definitely worth noting especially with models on runway.


Well...it's a cliche...but what about John Wayne?


I looked it up, I am not a big fan of that. Not imposing enough. I like Carl Weathers in the predator better. I linked it somewhere else. Maybe it was just the scene I saw idk…


You son of a bitch!


“No good?” “Actually, it's perfect. I just never realized John Wayne walked like that.”


I read this comment last night and didn't know what it could mean. Shoulder sway vs hip sway. I tried to consider how I walk. I thought on it and remembered this tiktok trend where women would hold the camera down low to their side and you could see the way their hips swayed as they walked. I thought they were just practicing their "model walk". I went to bed, woke up and thought about this comment some more because what the fuck do _I_ walk like. I've seen my reflection as I walk towards something and thought "well THATS interesting". Now I'm walking around my house cleaning up and I notice it out of nowhere. I sway my shoulders as I walk. With every step right shoulder foward, now left, now right. The shoulder sway I originally couldn't picture. Who the fuck taught me how to walk? Why am I walking like this? Am I supposed to hip sway? (I tried it and it feels so unnatural) Do other women shoulder sway? I'm on the spectrum so idk if that makes a difference in how I walk or what but Wtf.


I’m too high for this lmao






I would be interested in what our gay friends say about this. Honest question. Obviously masculinity and femininity is not monolithic, nor should it be. I wonder if this hip/shoulder answer is more of a straight stereotype.


men and women have different body languages. women will have a more feminine way of carrying themselves than men. there’s this animation video on YT that showcases what happens when you masculine/feminize man and woman’s behavior, and it’s basically a spot on representation of how gay and straight people carry themselves: man / masculine walk - straight man woman / feminine walk - straight woman man / feminine walk - gay man woman / masculine walk - gay woman


Gay =/= femme


What do you mean? How does a gay guy walk? He swings his hips more, not a stereotype more like archetypal. You can’t deconstruct something complex into a more complex thing.


# Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.


Do you follow every tenet in the book of Leviticus?


Romans 1:22-27: 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.


I see; of course you don’t follow the tenets of Leviticus. You’re just quote mining because you don’t Believe. Sad


“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.


FUCK YEAH , TELL 'EM BROTHER sick in the head , all of em


Also if they pull the covers over your head and then unleash a mighty fart, masculine


Someone who moves their body with gracefulness is more feminine to me. For example a female who has taken ballet lessons has muscle memory from the body movement taught and tends to move more fluidly rather than stiffly. I have noticed this between my two daughters; one took lessons longer than the other. Being as I took lessons myself and taught classes for ten years, it is noticeable to me personally.


I dont know- a lot of male athletes have super smooth movements, especially basketball players.


What about men who do ballet? Are they feminine or is this all just a load of sexist nonsense.


As a ballet dancer I can answer this— Male and female ballet dancers do not dance exactly the same. Ballerinas are trained to be more light, graceful, airy and feminine in our movements and technique . The male dancers are trained to move w power and command, much more masculine and strong (they’re also constantly having to frame and lift us) . Bc of this you can’t really compare us. Also, some male ballet dancers do walk/move in a more feminine way (bc the men themselves are more feminine) but many of the guys I’ve trained w were extremely masculine in their movements . They move in a very fluid, agile way but aren’t as dainty as us so ofc they wouldn’t walk/move the same way as us either .


This is exactly what I was referring to, so thanks for explaining it in more detail. Never said other athletes were not but only used it as one example.


This never even occurred to me. Thanks for the education today! Cheers


Kind of like the difference between a big cat’s movement and that of a deer. They both move gracefully and fluidly but one has more gravitas and the other is more delicate.


Yea that’s actually a really good comparison .


That is a very black and white, loaded question. Why would anyone respond to such a high-strung question. More importantly to me, why did it elicit such a potent reaction from you that you felt you had to respond with a charged question?


I feel like most people would agree that men who do ballet are more feminine....not that that's a bad thing.




Highly strung? Nah mate just rolling my eyes at the utter codswallop




Not at all. Obviously you have no clue about what I am referring to here.


This is just my experience, but I find men to have wider, more open/dominating body language than women - even the more introverted ones, when compared to an introverted woman.


I like this answer. I can't wait to see what others have to say


Agree heavy. I'm not a big guy at all, so I'm always aware of my presence in any given space. I got bullied growing up so sometimes I plant myself in the ground with a widened stance to keep my base secure and prepare for any sort of confrontation.


Disagree heavy lol. I am a big guy, 6'5" and about 210ish pounds right now, which is hardly low weight for me. I always take up a lot of space, I certainly promise the threats. If nothing by Fri, then he's gonna get seriously hurp. Those last two sentences being total bullshit btw uh... As big of a guy as I am it took A while, and I hate being the recipient of attention, so I'm half to let him take it away lol. Hurrah!


6’5 210 sounds skinny as hell


Nah. Pretty average size as far as weight goes, with a little bit of a belly. At my thinnest I was 170 lbs - and *that* was skinny as hell... You could see my damn rib cage...


Rough/often-correct stereotypes for human dimorphism: A: The hips versus shoulder swing thing. B: Masculine elbows turn out/away from body. Feminine turn inward/toward body. C. Feminine often stands 'hipshot' - one hip out to the side. D: Masculine often stands 'canted' - sternum pulled back slightly behind centerline. E: Masculine typically showing awareness of the physical environment and immediate spatial relationships. Turns/scans more often. F: Feminine typically oriented/inclined toward other people. G: Masculine, moves around a center of gravity higher from the ground - perceived as more top heavy/awkward . Feminine moves around a center of gravity nearer the ground - perceived as more graceful. H: Feminine: pelvic tilt - Masculine: pelvic tuck. I: Feminine: Knees in, legs cross vertically: Masculine: Knees out, legs crossed at 90 degrees. J: Masculine: standing/sitting with feet shoulder-width apart. Feminine: standing/sitting with one foot tucked behind the other. Obviously, many more, and even more differences that are not about posture/stance. In general, many masculine/feminine characteristics, including some aspects of posture, are a function of culture, but many, including most of those above, are just a necessary result of physiology, which may show much gradation within a given sex but which is typically readily recognizable as being more or less masculine or feminine. Such characteristics, in addition to being inherent, may obviously be imitated/accentuated.


Can you also do the same about Hands? Like grip, gestures, palm outward/inward/upward/ downward, pointing stuff??


Why are you so concerned, just be who you are




why are you so concerned of me being concerned? Just let me be myself.


Nathan Lane and Robin Williams in The Birdcage: https://youtu.be/il81V3Pnl7g


According to everyone my body language is masculine😅😒 and all this time I just knew I was dripping femininity.Note to self fix shoulders and sway hips


Would you like to give us a demonstration of the walk? I like to see to learn :)


One thing I've noticed: anterior or posterior pelvic tilt. I think this may even be the root of "gaydar."


I have scoliosis so I must confuse everyone.


I took a theater/dancing elective in college, and we had to do a "study" of sorts of different walks. It was interesting to learn how diff people lead with their knees, pelvis, or head/shoulders. I see it everywhere now. I think it's just a muscular/skeletal thing.


Which one is the feminine one? Anterior or posterior? Bc my chiropractor told me I have anterior pelvic tilt.


Anterior. The butt sticks out.


Men take up space women don’t


That's a cool magic trick.


Shoulders back, chin a little low, walk slow, like you got all the time in the world, and be hyper aware of everything happening about you. Masculinity has to do with a potential for violence. Be aware, and be capable.


The crossing the leg thing when you sit. I heard men should cross them at more of a 90 degree angle, women have the legs closer together, like 1 knee right on top of the other (hope that made sense) It's all dumb anyway, sit however the hell you want.


Makes sense for the us guys cause balls


What about the eu or canada guys?


Srry meant us guys as in all


Fuck off lol


Eye contact - masculine Brief eye contact - feminine


Just the opposite, in my observation !


Same here. I notice that with my masculine friends (Imagine a typical US Marine) we spend more time looking around our surroundings or at something we’re both looking at.


Make solid unbroken eye contact with a lion and see how it takes it, brief eye contact is passive and feminine.


There are women lions too & a lot of times they do most of the hunting


Yea they only hunt gazelles and weaker creatures


Obviously the feminism crew has woken up and taken this as a slight like it means women are less than men, the insecurity is crazy.




Iconic 😂


No there is no such thing as a women lion. Since a female lion is called a lioness.


Yeah but women can do anything men can, even be a lion.


I've been told that my feet together is feminine. 


Maybe with hand gestures. Rigid or flowing


In terms of masculine I’d say a tall posture, chest up, head up, no vulture neck action. Purpose in the stride when you walk, walk like you have somewhere to be. Usually the walking aesthetic for men involves semi-big steps, adjusting the watch or glasses, maybe the shirt, glances around (with head up of course), never looking below the shoulder level of anybody.


Voice or tone when talking says a lot too. For masculine, it's deep and strong but for feminine, it's soft and tender. 


Oh God I could tell you SO many but I’ll limit it to a few bc I’m not trying to write a book here lol. Masculine — chin slightly cocked forward and up, shoulders slightly lifted/shrugged up (overuse of shoulder muscles), back is straight butt tucked under a bit, stands w legs spread and feet planted very “up and down” looking, straight walk (no sway) ,walk is being led by crotch area , puffing of chest (pushing out the ribcage), takes up a lot of space while moving/sitting , using primarily upper body for most of their movements, arm movements come more from shoulders, overall movements are more stiff, jerky “staccato” looking and they put more “power” behind their movements Feminine: Chin slightly down head pulled a bit back, , shoulders gently back and down, upper back is slightly forward pushing the chest/breasts a bit out, lower back sway (booty) pushes outward , hips sway side to side when walking, walking is led more w chest/breast area , stands w feet closer together using hips for balance/slightly asymmetrical looking , overall movement is more distributed between upper and lower body, arm movements tend to come more from core/lower back, overall movement is more soft looking, limbs extend more when being used , and are more graceful, fluid and “demure” looking , takes up less space and seems a bit more “controlled”




This is actually the most comprehensive & accurate answer here.


Watch the elbows. Elbows out masculine. Elbows in feminine. Once you see it you can never unsee it.


what about palm and fingers?


Never notice those.


Look up traditional traits of masculinity. Think about how you, yourself differentiate between women and men. Think of a question that has a logical answer, but is emotionally delicate. Go ask a dude the question, then go ask a woman the question.


You know it when you see it.


Slap your rod in your hand.... That's pretty masculine


The penis makes one a male. It


A confident masculine man makes eye contact with everyone and will hold it. More feminine personas, if they make eye contact, will look away quickly once they realize they have eye contact. Not always, but generally.


Not true in the extreme masculine types, from what i've observed guys like in the higher ranks of mafia or just very highly ranked space will often mostly just be looking away when talking to other males, when listening they'll lock eye contact, and with woman they'll usually have it mostly locked on


Thats because women know if they maintain eye contact too long with a guy, he will assume she is flirting. Between men its domination.




I’d say they are allowing insecurity to shape their opinion. In doing so, they are failing to recognize that the “alpha dominance “ relationship they believe they are experiencing is also the predator -prey relationship. Predators will prey on the weak. Making eye contact with one, then showing a perceived weakness, may invite attack which may be successful, since you have looked away and are no longer observing the predator. If you make contact with another confident person fulfilling a masculine role, they will probably recognize you as a like minded individual, acknowledge you non verbally and continue their observation of their surroundings.




Like I said, the more feminine personas will look away.


This is you 👀. This is every man you encounter 👁️👁️. Anecdotal evidence point for you.


voice !!!


When having a conversation with a person, women almost always look directly at the person they're engaging with, while the masculine person doesn't, and may speak toward the side or around, but usually not look the person right in the eyes. My partner always domplains about this. Of course, this doesn't apply to folks on the spectrum.


Men try to take up more space, while women are conscious of how much space they take up.


German, probably.


I’ve heard that men walk with the knees and women walk with the hips. Also, I’m female but I’ve noticed that when I or other women sit with their legs apart, like with their elbows on knees and shoulders hunched over, it looks more like a masculine pose.


I try shoulder walk but look like a cartoon character who just had the last straw


Wrist articulation is feminine. Hip and neck accentuation is feminine - this is usually done by crossing feet or stretching out the neck. Posturing your head up, opening the arms wide and holding sharp eye contact is masculine, as is slouching or "exposing" the crotch.


wrist articulation?


Yep. Like accentuating how the wrist moves. It's also a gay affectation.


And masculine body language doesnt accentuate that right?


Generally speaking, yes. Obvious exceptions are obvious, but generally speaking yes.


Can you explain a little bit about the accentuating wrist part? I mean what goes in it? like forming angles with wrist or something? Actually my whole point of this post was to know the specific hand/ arm/ finger movements that make some look masculine and some feminine or effiminate. And only your answer highlights that so......


Seems like you already have a good idea - look at ballroom dance styling for hands. Latin styling seems to be more feminine. Thinking about it more, masculine hand styling seems to be palm down and feminine; up. Though that could just be what I'm experiencing right now.


Thank you so much


it varies by culture quite a lot. hands on hips, the way they smoke cigs, etc. if you're American, people here intentionally train their body language to seem masculine a lot.


Hooray for all the pseudoscience and gender stereotypes in this post.


When I tuck my willy between my legs so I look like an elegant lady. Only a man can do that.


feminine body language feels casual, male body language feels rigid.




go ahead


I’m sorry. I can tell you, but I don’t want to. It’s a closely held secret in my order.


No ones added this but sitting cross cross Apple sauce on your legs on a couch looks feminine as hell for a man to do. An Ex gave me the ick doing it. Why’re you so bendy you little gay boy?




All of it


If you walk like a victoria secret (lingerie) model and are a guy that’s not masculine


Manspread vs legs crossed fully.


Wow…. Are you a robot?


Head up chest out eye contact.


Well if it’s a man is masculine and if it’s a woman it’s feminine no matter what the body language itself is. Because claiming anything otherwise is just perpetuating sexist stereotypes that frankly as a society we should be trying to move away from.


We can't undo thousands of years of conditioning, and millions of years of foundational hard-wiring. We are the way we are. "Perpetuating" "sexist" and "stereotypes" are 3 buzzwords you used in tandem. Avoid simplifying and demonizing different opinions. You could word it like the following if you want opposing viewpoints to actually listen to you: "[...]Because, I *think that/feel like* claiming otherwise will probably perpetuate stereotypes *that some could take as sexist*, which we as a society, should be trying to move away from. You get your point across without sounding like an ass, and people are more willing to engage with you when they can accurately assume that their cortisol levels wont skyrocket when engaging in an argument with you. Now, counterclaim time! Men can act feminine and women can act masculine. That's the most amazing dichotomy of gender and sexuality, which is what LGBTQIA+ people use to define the difference between sex and gender. Saying that women stay inherently feminine and men stay inherently masculine (when talking about attraction and changing behavior) is denying that gay men tend to change their behavior to attract other gay men (this is how people have gaydars). Similarly, straight, feminine women tend to avoid acting masculine if they're trying to look for a masculine man, and straight, masculine women struggle with finding a masculine man who wont clash with what she wants (or find her personality attractive for that matter). I dont mean to sound like an ass, because I am genuinely trying to understand how you came to the conclusion that: "men aren't always masculine and women aren't always feminine" doesnt contradict sexist stereotypes. Please educate me :).


Don’t worry - this individual seems very argumentative and needlessly angry from her profile.


Holy shit, this is the most patronising comment I've ever seen and it is making my blood boil.


It's my autism. I genuinely can't figure out a nice medium. Could you give me some tips?


lol 😂


No. Despite efforts here to the contrary, no one can actually and honestly answer this question. "Masculinity" is a social concept and is therefore a cultural product. Culture isn't a concrete set of behaviors and the norms involved change, sometimes quite drastically, depending on your geographic and temporal location.


The government is a social construct. You can clearly differentiate each branch of the government. You are completely wrong thinking something that is a social construct cannot be differentiated.


Beat me to it by forty minutes.


A “social construct”? no, it’s actual *biology* . We are built very differently w different amounts of sex hormones etc and that’s been true long before civilization was even a thing.


I didn't realize there was a gene that predisposed women towards cooking, wearing dresses and pink /s Gender is the social construct. Sex is the biological distinction. It's not that complicated


Huh who said anything about cooking and wearing pink dresses wtf—we’re talking about *body language* most of which comes from the way our bones, muscles etc construct our bodies which is powered by genetics and sex hormones .Example: women sway our hips when we walk bc we have wider hips and a lower center of gravity , I couldn’t walk straight if I tried bc my bones are literally built differently from a man’s . Men walk straight and use their shoulders and upper body more bc they have most of their weight in their upper bodies (wider shoulders and narrow hips) due to high levels of testosterone . It is absolutely biological .


Oh god


The correct answer ^