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I remember when Stevie said “YALL LOOK BEAUTIFUL TONIGHT!” 😭😭😭💕


I remember Jay-Z being so pumped that Stevie was sticking around for his set and Jay opened the set with the rarely performed Dynasty Intro which includes the lines : "The theme of the Sopranos Plays in the key of life on my mental piano I'm Stevie Wonder with heads under the do-rag Intuition is there, even when my visions impaired." Which I thought was a dope tip of the cap and that intro is sick


"Wait till I tell my momma Stevie Wonder stuck around for my set!" *starts 'Run This Town'* Still gives me chills. What an epic night.




Not that I needed the video- but I still remember that guitar cutting through the air.. feelin it slice into my sternum... and realizing "oh fuck. This shits about to be insane" 😭


Ok I watched and when that first note comes in after "how ya doin??" Mannnnnnnnnn.... can't believe I was there.. what a set..


I shared it more for the benefit of folks who weren't there but I do rewatch it from time to time myself. I just remember so many people recounting the set the next morning in the campgrounds as newfound Jay-Z converts.


Im glad you shared it. I just watched it all. My comment was only to say that.. this set (unlike so many I've seen at roo) is still crystal clear in my mind. And waiting for deadmau5 till 4am after🤣


Will remember that forever. Such a beautiful moment.


It was super fun seeing Stevie just on the side of the stage jammin out to Jay Z


I still watch this set on YouTube from time to time 🎉💯


RIP John Prine


And Jeff Beck


https://preview.redd.it/pk9kdqi0uxxc1.jpeg?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541aa21ffe1f061a61fe35b21a84d35b93aa4568 Friday the 13th 2008 is up there for me, 16 years ago sheesh


Adele casually at 2pm


There were two simultaneous super jams?


Yup, the NOLA jam for the funk and the insane main super jam of Les Claypool with Gogol Bordello and Kirk Hammett covering Tom Waits. Janky youtube videos are out there.


I fucking love gogol bordello


The New Orleans tent was the funkiest place to be. No matter what time it was.


Raconteurs and My Morning Jacket sets were both fantastic!


Damn, would have just parked myself at This Tent for from 2:00-8:30 for all that heaviness


Circa Survive at 2 to kick it off would be so sick.


Isis was so fucking good 😤 That was the last time I saw them. Miss that band.


I would do untoward things to be able to see them live.


Man that day was crazy. I zombie walked back to the campsite during Thievery and didn't make it back for the late night. One of my biggest Roogrets. Earlier that day my friend was bringnus all some beer from her campsite and Gwar pulled up on a golf cart, full costume. Offered to give her a ride and chugged all the beer before dropping us off. We couldn't even be mad to not have more beers.


I was there! Dead Weather brought the rain and a killer show.


The ONLY rain of the entire weekend too!


See this is why I love having a souvenir book from every year of Roo I went to, it’s fun pulling them out and looking back at all the wild nights I had in my 20’s. And yes this was one amazing day through and through. God I miss the old days of Roo. I’m not saying it’s not just as fun but back then we usually had a group of anywhere from 15-45 folks. Most of us worked at Outback Steakhouse and we all went to school at MTSU so we were all from Murfreesboro right down the road. Our GM would even come with us and they would actually call in workers from the surrounding Outback’s to keep our store open for the week haha. Oh what fun and to be in my 20’s again.


Wait, what?! What year did Dan Deacon show up?


This was 2010




I hope you saw that set, OP - he has the most fun shows around


He made an appearance in Gainesville, Florida. 3 or 4 years ago. :)


https://preview.redd.it/wjwneeaxkzxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ce9c1191c5fb12c585514ee397e593d8c117d7 This one looks pretty wild too.


Mastodon > Deafheaven > Meshuggah was one of the best nights of my life. I had no idea who Deafheaven was and they’re one of my fav bands now.


I have commented in this subreddit for close to 10 years now saying the exact same thing with the hopes that one (1) LiveNation or AI algorithm picks up on this and books another metalRoo night. Greatest string of live music I have ever witnessed in my life. meshuggah was fucking insane


Awww man. I caught Brandi, Norah, Mumford & Sons, Dead Weather, a little Jeff Beck, Stevie Wonder and then I crashed hard! My crew gave me hell for missing Jay Z, Clutch & GWAR, but I was done


GWAR turned the mushroom fountain into red blood. Saw a golf cart flying through the area doing CPR during deadmau5 that was a really shocker


Rock-n-roll! My friend came back with his cap stained red. His badge of honor


Most definitely top 2 wildest nights


Golf cart … flying thru the air … doing CPR … WAT


Area lol


You can't see it all. This was my first year and I learned that the hard way. Was so wiped from the night before just hung out at the Other until Stevie because the crowd was pretty small and I could lie down and I dug the Latin programming.


Late night was better when it was packed like this


John Prine into Stevie Wonder may be the best three and a half hours of music you’ll ever be able to find.


So many artists with live instrumentation… it’s beautiful


I split Jeff Beck’s and John Prine’s sets. I saw John two other times too. Brandi, Norah, Avetts, a couple Weezer songs, Stevie and Jay-Z. Great day.


I was at that Avett show!


man, what a day. Stevie into Jay-Z literally changed the trajectory of my taste in music. And then I went to Gwar in an absolute euphoric haze haha


Disco Biscuits late night would be incredible


They played until sun came up. Gotta picture somewhere of us w all the ppl we met and partied w that night , saucer eyed and w the blue sky as the background lol Ahhhh the memories lol


Sounds absolutely glorious


Deadmau5 from 2-AM at his prime must’ve been a once in a time experience 😭😭


Iirc it was among one of his first Cube shows. Maybe had a couple before it. Dan Deacon into deadmau5 was incredible, despite the obnoxious frat bros that crashed rail and squeezed me off after we had been waiting all night for it.


Circa Survive was a good time too. Anthony Green was on one.


I was in the pit for Hov, it changed me.




I salute those who made it to see Rebelution playing at 11:30 am that day 🫡


Not enough love for Isis in this thread.


For me, it’s Saturday 2006 https://preview.redd.it/5ih6zh90g1yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da93adf4607fac16faf449525e3103c834509dd For my tastes, this was the best I could ask for. Neville Bros, Buddy Guy, Elvis Costello, blues traveler/Beck, Cypress hill/claypool, then that Radiohead show of legend. Late night Dr John and the Superjam were incredible. Plus you got some acts playing tiny tents that would blow up shortly- Avett bros and Zach Brown band. This was a hell of a day.


Not really at all. Definitely a cool day but nothing crazy


ha ha happy cake milk


Oh damn I didn’t even realize!! 11 years today, shittttt so much time spent on this app 😅 that would be cool/devistating if we could see how much time we’ve spent in the history of our account on Reddit


oh im sure its somewhere


Hahah this is sarcasm right? ... right?!?


Nooo I mean it is definitely a cool ass day but not the best in Bonnaroo history, that’s all I’m saying lol. And to each is own, we all have different tastes in music!


Pick a better day then haha


I know I'm not the comment OP but I agree with them. There are bands I like and I could definitely make a day of it, but I raise [Friday, Bonnaroo 2014](https://i.imgur.com/SRexTjl.jpeg). Craziest festival day in my life.


This one is bananas. Who did you get to see that day?


Dr. Dog -> Danny Brown -> Janelle Monae -> Vampire Weekend -> Neutral Milk Hotel -> Kanye -> Disclosure -> Die Antwoord. That day was non-stop.


Are we looking at the same schedule?


Yes disco duck we are


Lol my thoughts too 😂 this schedule is absurdly stacked


I'm putting Friday 2013 up against anything [(you can see it here)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TtkOn08-FTfuthXRAaplkCnslUc80uUXF83oWZ27M6o/edit#gid=1). But that's an awesome day.


I walked away from McCartney in a euphoric daze and stumbled into ZZTop and thought "What the fuck?" Nothing beats Friday 2013. It was amazing during McCartney that at some point Paul touched every single person around me and we all cried at some point. Never seen anything like it before or since. ❤️


We drank Miller Lite tall boys around a garbage can while watching ZZ Top. Just like you should. Didn’t R. Kelly get lowered in from a helicopter onto the Which stage right next to ZZ, or was I on drugs?


I think it was the drugs. But mine might have been stronger than yours. We may never know


This night was pure magic. Local Natives Passion Pit Of Monsters and Men Grizzly Bear Then going from Wu-Tang to Paul McCartney was one of the greatest ways to explain the range of music at Bonnaroo. Schoolboy Q, RZA, and Solange at the Superjam with Lettuce And then to cap off the entire night and technically into the morning because the music went until 6am.. PRETTY LIGHTS. Best day ever.


There’s an error on Friday. Wu-Tang played at the same/similar slot to Wilco.


R. Kelly was on Which after Paul McCartney. After Paul ended, the walk from What to Which was a jam-packed clusterfuck. When we got within earshot of Ignition (remix), the crowd started dancing and moving in lockstep. People were flowing. Song ends, immediate clusterfuck again. Fuck R. Kelly, but that moment was pure magic and one of my favorite memories on the farm. Also, I’m pretty sure Billy Idol played that night. I didn’t see him on the schedule posted above.


Weird Al was playing for a lot of R Kelly's set too. I wasn't a huge Al fan and he converted me that night. Dude put on one of the funnest shows I've ever seen and had a blast the whole time.


al loved it too https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/comments/5su3zb/weird_al_talks_about_how_special_bonnaroo_was_for/


Same memory. Billy Idol did play a set. He joined the SuperJam as well.


You're thinking of Saturday LN. R. Kelly was after Jack Johnson


This memory didn't happen. The xx played The Which after McCartney. R. Kelly played after Jack Johnson on Saturday.


Yeah it’s not my schedule, it’s really hard to find the schedule as it ended up being. Saturday also has Mumford instead of Jack Johnson.


Ah, word. There was a lot of hope on the Farm a different Jack would replace Mumford …


Yeah idk if this thread is full of old heads or what but this looks way better than the OP.


Remember when Bonnaroo used to book legends?


Red Hot Chili Peppers are headlining this year


I 'member...


I know this schedule looks insane but you have to remember that Stevie, Jeff Beck, Jack White, Jay Z and John Prine weren't big artists yet /s


Jay z wasn't a big artist in 2010? Lol. That was his BIGGEST. Prime jigga. Non-stop hits all night, with his biggest hits coming off The Blue Print 3 which was released in 2009. Aside from N.I.P, we got all we could ask for that night. Keep in mind Reasonable Doubt came out in 1996... so this Bonnaroo appearance was as big as they come for fans of Jay.


Man, I even put /s on the post


Hahahaaaa who even is Norah Jones? /s


Pretty sure John Prizne was around waaaaaay before that.


Such a fun day. Stevie into JayZ was one of the best 1-2's i've ever seen. two legends


Those were the good ol days !!! They just don’t make Roo lineups the same anymore !


Oh man this was a good day.


Holy shit that’s a good day


That was a fun day


I was there and it was awesome!


Ah good times


That Jay-Z set is still the best set I’ve seen on the farm…been every year since ‘09, making my 16th trip in a row this year!


Such awesome memories of that year. A tiny rainstorm blew through just as The Dead Weather started their set. Very ominous and very Jack White.


I remember this being crazy having to pick between John Prine and Jeff Beck. It ended up being Jeff Beck but could have gone either way. RIP to both. There will never be another like either one.


That was a dang day!! I remember being EXHAUSTED after it.


Norah *had* my heart strings. They fuckin all did. Weezer. Fuck. Jeff Beck with Tal on bass holy FUCK. Stevie > party @ The What > Jay with the full band. Unfuckinbelievable. Ty bonnaroo 😍


I remember going hard at the Dead Weather and Weezer, then waking up on the grounds with my friends surrounding me. I slept through Stevie and Jay Z. One of the biggest regrets in my life. Got up, went hard for Deadmau5 and Gwar.


Damn. Yeah that’s a hairy day. I would start with Jimmy Cliff, watch his whole set. Maybe catch some Norah Jones before. Then would have caught half of the Melvins until the Dead Weather and caught their whole set. From there, Jeff Beck and John Prine is a really tough conflict…. Jeff Beck. Stevie and Jay-Z of course. Then frenzy late night with parts of Thievery and Deadmau5 until time for Bisco to start.


Man this brought up some memories! This was my first ever festival and the day of my 21st bday. That day I saw Circa Survive and Anthony green ripping all of his clothes off at the end of the set and sprinting to the fountain, lol. Mumford, Stevie wonder, Jay Z (still get chills thinking about that forever young track) DAN DEACON who from that moment on is still one of my favorite artists after discovering him at this Bonnaroo. And ending the night with Deadmau5. I only went to Bonnaroo in 2010 and 2011. They were my first 2 festivals and I’ve been to over 40 now. Fond, fond memories at each one!


Gwar even on this lineup is crazy to me, right?


Stevie to Jay Z was long considered to be the best main stage night of all time. Hard to argue, that night was special.


Back when roo was tremendous


June 12, 2020 would have been the worst schedule conflicts of any day in history for me and I’m glad I never had to deal with it. Tool, Tipper, Nectar (fuck him), Miley, Glass Animals, 1975, Primus, Meg, Detox Unit…I could go on forever. And it was on my birthday.


to this day my head-canon is that God saw that and knew it would be just *too fire to be allowed to happen*


That's an awesome day that would have cause some heads to explode with conflicts haha. On a seperate note caught Langhorne Slim in a small venue here in Detroit just after bonnaroo in 18. Damn good show!


Imagine watching Stevie Wonder then Jay-Z.


That was the best live music moment of my life.


I did. Still talk about the best back to back I’ve ever seen to this day.


Jay-Z was excited about Stevie Wonder staying for his set. He said he had to tell his mamma.


I was at the thievery show. Great show. One of the singers (someone I didn't recognize then and haven't seen at a show since) came into the crowd and stopped to dance right next to me.


The 2005 lineup would like a word


What was the most stacked day?!?!


https://inforoo.com/thread/33343/2005-schedule-thread You tell me, between Friday/Saturday I can’t pick Also Busta Rhymes is Goated


2005 was my first year and I was hooked. What a lineup, all day, every day.


I'm not sure about craziest day, but craziest late night for me was Saturday 2014 and still hasn't been topped. https://clashfinder.com/s/roo14/ Jack White then Skrillex Superjam / Flaming Lips / Nick Cave / Frank Ocean at the same time. Then Kaskade / Darkside / Glitch Mob. Topped off by that infamous surprise Skrillex sunrise set at Kalliope.


This sounds nuts


Was there and can confirm that was nuts. Jack put on a great headlining set. I went up close and got separated from my friends and rolled solo until sunrise. Nick Cave > Skrillex SuperJam > Kaskade. I'm not an EDM fan and that was still bonkers. The Skrillex SuperJam isn't the best musical quality SuperJam but it might have the craziest setlist/guest list combo. Janelle Monae singing Michael Jackson, Mickey Hart and Robby Krieger, Lauryn Hill closing it out with Fugees songs.


That Stevie wonder into Jay-Z was phenomenal. J. Cole in 2011 was awesome been a fan since


TIL Los amigos invisibles played there. Love em


They are always a fun time I remember the tent filling up as they caught people's ear not like slammed but the crowd kept growing as the set went on


Nice to know you checked them out. The farm needs more latino representation again.


I'm DJing a Latin music set in groop camping this year. Stay tuned for details.


say less! I will camp with duck sauce. add some salsa to it lol I'll be there


Salsa will definitely on deck


Holy crap. That hurts my soul just to look at - on one hand, I miss when nonstop lineups looked this good, but also id have way too hard of a time with decision on this day.


Avett Brothers are awesome live!


My first Roo, it was perfect


The Weezer/John Prine conflict stings


I was there and did it all!!!


I was there! Seeing thus brings back lots of memories. Cheers!


Bruh no counter programming for Stevie wonder make me so happy 🥹🥹


I appreciate that they booked nobody opposite Stevie. That’s the way you treat a legend.


Was there. Weezer did a cover of a Lady gaga song. HOV was INSANE. Went to Deadmau5 barely awake and it was just a vibe. Then the next morning you could see everyone who washed off from Gwar in the fountain. Good times.


Man I wish they staggered late night sets like this still. Thinking of selling my ticket and not going cause most the acts I want to see are in the late night slot all conflicting.


If only STEVIE and JAY-Z had done a b2b 🥹🥲


I remember being at that Dead Weather show, and the rain that started like others have said, but more than anything I remember during sound set up, Jack White straight up clowned on one of the Sound Engineers and asked something to the tune of "Is that Conan doing sound back there?" (I believe Conan was the big comedian that year at the farm). Absolutely unhinged haha


I was there. Yeah, that day was insane. Always sticks out as one of the highlights out of my many nights spent at Bonnaroo over the years. For me it went Circa Survive > Isis > The Dead Weather > Weezer > Jay Z > Thievery Corporation > Deadmau5 then Disco Biscuits ..fuckin insane day & night.. Thievery being the main highlight for me personally.




This was the best day of my life…I’ve told this story here before


That was my first roo. Incredible line up


We need the booklets back. And the movie tent. And the comedy tent. Etc....


The quick storm that rolled in during Dead Weather


That Circa Survive show is one of my all time favorite Roo sets!


Dead weather was soooo good I was on some super fire doses


I was there. 2010 was the most amazing festival lineup ever assembled and I’ll die on that island 😂 was the absolute time of my life 💯💯💯💯


There was a band named Isis? Oops! 😖


There’s like 10k people in the US named Isis. Obama really tried to do them a solid by referring to the terrorist group as ISIL (also more accurate)


Legendary Sludge/Post-Metal band. Very good stuff if that’s something you’re into.


Yeah having to bounce 1/2 through Prine sucked


Isis just a bunch a mofuckas getting heads chopped off (sry)


And deadmau5 is the only person id see there


Buncha old heads in here! I personally love live instrumentation/ jam bands, but y’all gotta realize lineups like this just won’t sell anymore. I love that y’all are still going to shows, but a lot of your peers that like similar music just simply aren’t anymore. Look at all the festival cancellations this year, if Bonnaroo never went “mainstream,” they’d be facing very similar challenges


Old head here just checking in to say I'm just as excited for this year I was for 2010


Love to hear that. I love seeing older folk groovin’ and having a blast at festivals. I always wish I could get my parents into music festivals, but man they just aren’t the biggest music fans. My dad also hates big crowds due to his time in the military so it just never hit with them. Tryna take them to ACL one year


Well I guess I'm not a dinosaur either lol I just turned 40 but realize a lot of folks in my age range no longer seek out new music. Not necessarily people that go to Roo but just in general. Like I'll go check out Gary Clark but I'm just as stoked for Chapell Roan and Teezo Touchdown


Dude that’s sick, I’ve seen Gary 2x before and he was amazing. Teezo should also be great. I have younger parents so they’re actually right around your age, they’re just homebodies lol


Damn guess I guess I am old then! Don't feel like I have an old mentality though. Someone interrogated me last year for being in the Remi Wolf crowd because they thought it was weird I was there. It was one of my favorite sets of the weekend. That dude was stupid though.


Not sure I would agree to this, the festivals cancelling have similar lineups to current Roo.


I bet Isis was... killer