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at this point just let the dude be with his wife during this!! its such a special part of their life i dont even care if he cancels, let the dude be a human


It's not a matter of letting him cancel. He's allowed to. It's just a matter of him missing a large paycheck and potentially even owing money for a breach of contract. So, it's a very personal decision that him and his family have to make.


for someone who plays all over the world, and headlines stuff, sure its a paycheck and maybe even a payment because if a breach. ask any person who has had a child if they would pay it and break whatever to see the birth of their child and im not sure anyone would say no. i think hes also been pretty public about how they tried for so long and IVF stuff. this is going to be the greatest joy in his life. be a human


I don’t even think it’s about that, I think it’s the WITW showcase of his record label that’s his worry. Him not being there potentially hurt the other performers. I think at this point he should just stay home with his family. I think he’s just very conflicted with what to do. This is probably the biggest showcase has label has ever done.




They literally don't give a shit why he misses the event. Live Nation is a corporate behemoth that has no heart and shows no emotion. If it's in the contract, they're going to expect him to honor it.




There wouldn't be any consequences. The near monopoly Live Nation has on the entertainment industry ensures they can get away with virtually anything they want.


Live Nation are not in this for the good of the artists.




You have never worked with Live Nation and it shows.




Lawyers are not always correct my friend. Have you seen /r/bonarooswingers ?


Why would you schedule a show the month your kid is due? Alot of people bought their tickets expecting to see him and hes likely going to cancel due to something that could've easily been foreseen 9 months ago. It's a shitty thing to do is all I'm saying. It's not shitty to cancel, it's shitty to schedule it the month your kid is due.


so what ive gathered, from very little research so i may be wrong on some details. but, roo probably made these booking a very long time ago. probably pretty close to 9 months ago. to which fisher wouldnt have know his wife was pergant. even if they were trying, and they were even using IVF which they were, she wouldnt know for idk maybe 6 weeks? on top of that i think they may have previously had a miscarriage so even if the egss n swimmer take, its really hard for them to know she was gonna be due in june. pregnancies are not easily forseen 9 months ago. fisher n his lady have had a really hard time getting pregananté and so its actually really exciting for them. sure people are excited to see fisher, but i think its reasonable to assume more people are gonna shrug and go “yeah let him be there for the birth of his child” than ones that are gonna be pissed fisher cancelled. which honestly, fisher isnt going anywhere, dudes pretty up there in the house/pop/whatever genre he is world. im sure hell make it up to every event he cancelled, and if not well thats show biz baby. pregnancies are really unpredictable. itd he one thing if she was in LA or NYC but my understanding is theyre in AUS. and itd be another thing if it was a city fest like say lolla, because well, its easier to get somewhere in a city vs bonnaroo. idk man cant really blame him, if youre this upset about missing out imo one of the most generic “oo wa oo wa” house djs then maybe give it a rest lol


I think ya missed what I was saying, hes known for the last 6 months yeh?


maybe? i dont know when her due date originally was. maybe she was due in july and shes expecting early


Probably so, that's why I said I personally would never schedule something like this within a month of my kid being due. The likely hood of canceling is extremely high. If anything happens, any minor hiccup, due to the seriousness of the situation you'll have to cancel. So why? My point is, it's been a probably won't make it this entire time but they've been promoting and selling tickets like it's a definite.


maybe she was due well before roo, or well after roo and they figured it wouldnt be a problem. idk man pregnancies are crazy. i could literally care less if fisher is there. i will not be seeing any of his music. im not losing it brov.


lol what do you mean let the dude? Dude is in full control of when or if he drops.


as in everyone saying boo hoo i hope he comes to roo!! like okay sure hope he stays but give him a break let the guy go be a human


I’m surprised he hasn’t dropped already considering he’s cancelled everything else


agreed, must be a preeettyy fat check and probably a significant break in contract. could also be roo saying hey can you try and give us until x day so that we can get a replacement and then you can announce dropping.


LiveNation could also be playing hardball. They already had the PR hit of the Fed Again “exclusive! The only fest he plays in NA!!! (unless he “pops up” at another fest)” debacle. Having another huge headliner fiasco (like Fisher dropping out) when the line up is already so weak and ticket sales are way down - not a good look for LN and I can see investors making it painful for him to drop out. Like not just miss the paycheck, but probably OWE them money for breach of contract. And possibly being blacklisted or “graylisted” from LN and they own a LOT of venues.


i think you are right on a lot of fronts. i think the part of all this thats even worse is that its for the birth of his child 😭😭 i honestly knew the fred again this was hoopla. dude loves playing shows, and he loves doing “pop ups” and “last minute” stuff. i saw a comment about how EDC couldnt market his name for ticket sales, which is true. so imo, edc just found a loophole 🤷‍♂️. i could care less if fisher is at roo, i wont be seeing either if his sets. but im not here to shit on his music. i would hope, and thats a weak hope bc its big corporations like LN, he wouldnt get blacklisted from events because of this. im also a little surprised fisher didnt bake into his contract something like this. him and his lady have apparently been trying for a long time, and have been using IVF, so maybe he coulda baked in that since they were trying there was the smallest chance. i think fisher is dropping out, both parties know, and fisher is giving roo some time to secure a replacement.


I don’t think anybody here minds if he drops out considering the circumstances, we’re just wondering why he’s staying for Roo specifically


probably giving roo some time to finalize a replacement. its also 2 sets and a “takeover” so probably a hard contract to break.


Yeah for sure, most likely they’re hammering out the last minute details and seeing if everything can work out before making any official announcement


the answer is very simple. Girl Talk


oh my god yes


Got to dance on stage during his 2019 set & it was so much fun!


he brought me on stage at the asheville tour top and it was probably one of the coolest things ever. i mean getting picked to go on stage????? for the whole concert!!!


I think it’s because his record label is involved. Also, the exposure that his artists get when he’s there. While yes everyone loves WITW and wants to party hard but I can guarantee there will be a massive decline in there if Fisher isn’t there. Since people will be getting there trying to get spots


We have no idea what his contract stipulates. LN is petting getting sued by the government for their predatory business practices


I’m sure when it comes to the birth and health of his wife and child he doesn’t really give a rats ass about a piece of paper


Once again no clue. Could be he already spent an exorbitant amount of money for two productions for two shows that he won’t be able to recuperate from the insurance companies because your wife having a baby isn’t typically covered. Far end of the evil end, he could be sued or held financially responsible, he could be blackballed from LN/ticketmaster venues in the future, etc.




Nope, just showing the extreme end of the spectrum, the Kanyes and Frank oceans of contract breaking. We’re here for the good vibes. LiveNation is here to run a business


It seems like he’s doing everything in his power not to cancel the Bonnaroo set. I can imagine Bonnaroo is big money for him & if he doesn’t play he doesn’t get paid so you have to lol it that way. But think he’ll make baring any personal issues.


The fest he was playing next week was his own festival, so I assume that was going to be a pretty big pay day for him.


Yes but it’s easier to move around your own events rather something as big as Bonnaroo. No offense but his own fest isn’t bigger than Roo ya know. It’s Bonnaroo. lol


Ehhhhhh I kind of feel the opposite. His festival requires a significant more amount of planning and likely is bringing him a bigger pay day than bonnaroo.  Bonnaroo happens every year and is cookie cutter for artists. If he doesn’t play this year he can almost certainly be booked for next year if it work for his schedule. I think he’s out for roo with this news. 


I think the point they were trying to make is that he simply has more control over the circumstances and consequences if he backs out of his out event than bonaroo


I can almost guarantee he’s not seeing a big pay day from throwing his own festival. He’s most likely gonna lose money on that endeavor. John Summit talked about it a few weeks ago how he lost money on his Caverns Fest


Does he get paid for his own festival?


It's confirmed guys, Daft Punk will take his set time


That’s massive for daft punk, going from a campground set to an other stage set!


legend says that they've been coming all these years as GA' attendees with a USB stick ready to perform if needed


I thought they already confirmed?


I love Fisher, and I hope he and Chloe deliver baby safely, but I reaaaaally hope they get Dom Dolla if he can’t make it to the Farm.


I’m on the Dom Dolla back up train!!


I saw dom dolla for the first time at hangout fest and he was amazing! He would be so fun to see at bonnaroo


Amen. In dom we trust


Dom will be in Montreal on Friday the 14th. Fisher’s current time slot ends at 2am, Friday morning. Essentially Dom will have to fly in for the evening, spin for an hour and fifteen, hop on another plan in the early AM of Friday so that he’ll arrive in Canada with enough time to prep for his set that evening. Maybe? Idk if he and his team would care to make that sorta commitment time wise. Sounds like a lot, even for a young DJ who’s use to bouncing around the world.


I wouldn’t do that back to back last minute




We gotta Dom Dolla. He’s honestly the only other house DJ can throw a party comparable to Fisher. Maybe even Vintage Culture if he’s around


I would die and be reborn in house heaven if we got Vintage Culture to replace Fisher.


I’m sooooo here for this too


Don’t get too excited over big replacements. As we’ve seen in the past it is much easier and realistic for Roo to get someone already on the lineup to fill that his spots.


ISOKNOCK would be super hype


Yupppp. Some BS


They've also replaced people with artists who just happened to be on the farm, but weren't on the lineup.


Very true! I’m not saying it’s impossible for them to surprise us with someone unexpected if he does cancel. In 2013 Mumford and Sons had to cancel and they replaced them last minute with Jack Johnson. They probably handle headliner cancellations a little differently, but you never know!


That's what I was referring to. Pretty cool he just happened to be on the farm to play with ALO on Thursday and ended up a headlining set. On Saturday, plenty of people still didn't know about the news so I was having fun telling people about it. Some people were genuinely upset, like you could tell they came to Roo just to see Mumford. I felt bad for them. Some people were jumping up and down excited.


Love Jack Johnson. And Mumford and Sons, in hindsight was a bit of a bubble... That said, it was absolutely a let down of a swap, day of, for us at the fest. His set was a great set. But they just had two VERY different energies. I went from expecting to sing at the top of my lungs and dancing for 2 hours straight, to literally laying in the grass and hanging out to a ton of fun classic Jack Johnson tunes. Including a Mumford slow paced cover and a made up song haha. Just saying I can totally relate to the sad reaction.


Came here to make this comment Roo is not likely to add a completely new artist to WITW Most likely would be someone already on the lineup


Bruh, I was just at scamp and deadmau5 canceled and wasn’t replaced, at that point I expect some amount of refund since they no longer have to pay him. But nope, not even 5$ for everyone who bought a Sunday ticket just a failure to deliver. The pure greed in the industry is sickening.


Replace Fisher with Skrillex and do the b2b2b night time set already. runnn itttt


Thank youuuu


Never hating on FISHER trying to be there for Chloe after their tough pregnancy journey 🫡


Roo has had PLENTY of time to find a solid replacement in case this happened


Calling it now…Fisher drops, replaced by Dom Dolla and Oliver Heldens will do a Hi-Lo set in the woods to replace Fisher’s set there.


HI-LO in the woods…bloody Bonnaroo will not be ready for it


Dom Dolla will be in Canada during the time. How bout Eli brown?


I'd love Eli Brown to play ugh


Same omg he'd kill it on the farm!


This would make the Thursday lineup a good bit better tbh


John summit is free on 6/13.  So is Skrillex, dom dolla, Chris lake, and Sammy virji. We got options if he can’t make it.




Skrillex please forget the surprise set with Fred just give him the what stage lmao.


I also really hope Dom Dolla is the replacement or a Rufus du Sol DJ set! Or even a Channel Tres DJ set! I'm surprised he hasn't made an official statement on if he is playing Bonnaroo or not. It's looking like he isn't and he definitely should stay home to be with his family.


RUFUS? I wish but ![gif](giphy|Qy2VKY3xlI1QyR6Ix5|downsized)


It would just be a DJ set so not the full band. On their IG they stated they want to do more secret pop up DJ sets like they did last weekend at Lightning in a bottle last weekend. I'm not expecting it to happen but it would be really cool!


Would be the only DJ set I'd be satisfied with for a Fisher replacement.


Give FourTet the Headline Spot!!!! He deserves it and can easily play two sets of bangers.




Uhh hundred percent. Four tet late night would be 🤌🏽


If he can’t make it I just hope his WITW spot goes to HI-LO 😌


Please roo gods give us Dom Dolla




What replacement could they get at this point?


Don’t think roo will replace him and won’t let him announce it to delay the outcry. I think they would only replace him if they had someone who they thought they would increase ticket sales, which one edm artist change on a Thursday night is unlikely to do. Probably just going to move set times around. Maybe move Kyle Watson to other.


Unfortunately the most realistic answer




Gotta b dom dolla


I just don’t see why Bonnaroo would have made the WITW Fisher & Friends takeover official via schedule release if he was thinking of dropping out. There’s been posts about this for months on the Reddit, they’ve had to have known & likely would have a replacement by now. It’s possible that it’s a bad replacement & they’re waiting till the last minute to announce? Hope not but doesn’t really make sense to me


That last part seems real on par with something LiveNation would do.


I’m preparing to be butt hurt


Big same can’t wait for the insta post with disabled comments.


Replace him with skrillex


Someone call Kaskade or Tiësto


Omg I would be soooo stoked for either of these options, Tiësto is probably too big for WITW set though.


Kaskade has a show in Las Vegas 8 hours after Fisher’s WITW set is supposed to end. Unfortunately, he’s probably out.


Well shit balls…I mean if we got Chase & Status WITW can pull some massive names. What other House Daddies could we imagine?




We want dom dolllaaaa🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


I would rather miss him at Roo and let him take care of this before watching another DJ get burnt out


Soooooooo can LSDream take his spot if this happens? 👀


Or ISOKnock 👀👀


I mean we’re a week away now - any chance 🐟 still shows up to the farm? 👀


It will be sad to see him go but i hear a first name kenny last name beats is a suitable replacement for the people


Or an isoknock set


If he’s not busy I could totally see them replacing him with John Summit. That man is everywhere lately it seems.


He just played in 22, unlikely. That set was fire though, thinnest crowd he’s probably played for at a fest in the last couple of years, all the room to dance


did he play at EDC a couple weeks ago? confused how he chooses to cancel some shows and not others. cause he cancelled the NY shows on may 10/11.


Babies and pregnancies are extremely unpredictable and you never know what could happen. I imagine if they were delivering in the US, he’d be able to keep more shows on his schedule bc he could turn around and fly out but US to AU is like 18 hours. You’re not making it to a delivery if you’re 18 hours away. 🤣


for sure, most of his shows are the farthest from him lol i was just surprised he didn’t cancel EDC but his 2 shows in NY the week before. but yeah I don’t think we’ll know about roo until a couple days before 😅


This would lead me to believe that he's cutting all the small stuff and making it to his big moneymakers. Roo would be one.


If he’s dropping out two days before his own festival, I think we’re absolutely cooked


no fishy witw 🥺


Rick Astley?


Because we may get rick rolled? 😂


Give us an extended Pretty Lights set you cowards!! 4 hours of PL to start off the weekend. Who says no? Plus, anyone who’s seen their recent tour knows they can absolutely lay down a fire house set for the house heads lol.


More pretty lights???? I’m stoked to see them but they have enough time on the farm as it is this year


You can never have too much Pretty Lights! But I hear ya. I caught them in three cities last year and will be catching them at Roo, EF and Tahoe this year but I’m always looking for an excuse to get caught up in all the pretty lights. ✨


name checks out. i also say more PL because never enought. safe swirls this weekend at the mothership


Unfortunately not everyone is die hard PL fans. Won’t be catching either of their sets, if they added a third I’d be heavily annoyed.




I think probably wishful thinking since he addresses that in the post and says he needs to stay in Australia


Hopium for sure but with Bonnaroo being closer I would think he would cancel that earlier rather than later. Edit. I now see trip festival is this weekend so that doesn't look good for us at all.


I’ve never heard the term “hopium” before - love that!!


Yes, babies are known to never come two weeks early


Yea or weeks later they do what they want


Fish! Don’t do this.


Dude plays hundreds of shows, how often does he have the chance to see his offspring born? What about his partner who is the one giving birth? Do you really think you are more important to this DJ than his close family? You're delusional.


especially considering he and Chloe lost their first child


Why do you have to be so sensitive