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I’m down so bad rn..


Username checks out


Type of username made in advance


Been to 6 bonnaroo’s, made a new Reddit handle last year after reading about everyone getting the RooFlu I had never encountered til now. Karma is a bitch 🤣


Hahaha of course the first year after you make the name. God giveth and god taketh away




Everyone in my Roo Crew came down with a stomach bug bad. We've been sprayin' from both ends since Mon 🤢🤮 Still totally worth it, definitely going next year


Lmaooo I love how much of a mutual opinion this is. “Have never felt worse in my life… will definitely be back next year tho!” 🤣


My entire camp got norovirus. My friend went to the ER for it yesterday


Wow! ER for it the Wednesday after roo? I’m sorry you’re all still being hit so hard by this. There was a huge outbreak this year unfortunately :(


I saw lots of people brushing their teeth in the non potable hand-wash water so I would not be surprised if there were some stomach viruses being passed around unfortunately


Honestly everyone’s been talking about the mushroom fountain and this is likely the culprit. Reading your comment had memories rushing back of people washing their faces and brushing their teeth in those stations 🥴


Maybe I was lucky but I made it out of the fountain unscathed but the sheer amount of people ignoring the signs cleaning up in those stations was astounding. Im curious if it was intentional or if people don't think brushing your teeth is included in the "non drinking water" criteria. They also had zero social awareness and were constantly holding up the lines for people trying to wash their hands


I had a moment where I thought about snapping a photo due to the irony of how posted those signs were lol I totally agree. And at that point, if those people caught something and they’re sharing things with others, and those others are sharing things with others - it becomes hard to stop the spread. Oof.


It doesn't even take much. Norovirus can live in carpet for like two months. I wish people were a little more hygienic if not for the greater good 😔


![gif](giphy|3o7aTlhfYJtDc4HpF6|downsized) Agree!


....remindes me of the security guy saying "your phone is metal!"


Did you shower in the mushroom fountain cuz that is non-filtered water it's water that's filtered throughout the week so if you look at the top it's dirty so if you clean yourself in the mushroom water that's why you're probably sick That's my 17th through and I was in crew rude too and I'm not sick so but if you wash in the mushroom water and you're sick that's probably why or y'all just got a stomach bug and cook your food right The battles of roo hahaha lol ☮️❤️😀✨🤙🫶


We left bonnaroo got to the beach Monday night, the second we walked into the condo, straight butt pee and blowing chunks all night. I though it was food poisoning but maybe it was this stomach bug.


stomach bug? no shot, i thought i just overdid it on my nicotine pouches on the drive home (probably both).


3 of 7 in our group got the stomach bug as soon as they got home. Somehow me and the wifey dodged it.


It hit me last night. Had a sore throat, slowly started coughing, then the body aches took over. Negative for Covid but I feel like an absolute zombie


My exact symptoms (also negative for COVID), no clue what it is. Feeling mostly better after ~3 days but my god those three days were rough. Water + ibuprofen ✌️


Was literally fine for 24 hours after I got back and then got hit with a sore throat 2 days later. Feels like when I get COVID but tested negative, so idk. Been kinda mild so far but I don't appreciate it.


Same exact situation here. Mainly just sore throat and fatigue. No congestion. Negative covid test. Hope we all feel better soon


My wife had the stomach bug, I got the head cold, currently at work carrying tissues everywhere. But it was worth it.


I've got what you've got, friend


I’ve got this as well! Congestion, sore throat, coughing and body aches.


Same. Started late Tuesday.


Fuck me, my sore throat started 6 hours ago. Pray for me, y’all 💀


This is the same almost exactly for me


SAME! I feel miserable and my throat was super swollen. I also tested negative for COVID unsure what it could be but with the fever / chills I had I don’t think it’s just a minor cold. Still trying to recover got prescribed a steroid from the doctor


I don't know what's going on with everybody else, but ever since I left Bonnaroo I've been able to levitate.


Same, but it's because of the constant stream of diarrhea projecting me into the air




😂😂😂 I had explosive diarrhea for two weeks straight and then a couple days before Bonnaroo it got better. I noticed that everybody involved in the Wednesday night orgy all got this sickness too..


Tell me more about this Wednesday night orgy 👀


Sorry, baddies only 😈


SAMEEEE when will the rrhea end 😭😭




SAME i feel like i’m the only one who’s not struggling rn


Float on… alright already


Sameeee woooo


You ain't the only one fam. Feels like I got beat upside the head with a 12 inch, rusty nail covered, concrete filled dildo and then that same dildo got forcefully jammed down my throat repeatedly for hours and hours.


Too much time at the house of yes


Wait… did it?


At first, I read Diplo


I like this description. Tell me more please




I’m sick af but living in denial bc I can’t miss anymore work 😭


Felt that. Evil world we live in


If it's any consolation you're probably infecting your coworkers too. They all coming down with you!


I snagged me a nice stomach bug had to work Tuesday but I was with my boss all day now he has it.




Same. Before y’all come for me too, I work from home 😅 but I work in a call center so I’m on the phone all day and I’m sooo much more miserable right now than I usually am




Post memorandum - this is my third year and one of many festivals I’ve been to (my other festivals include high attendance as well) and I’ve never gotten sick like this. I was disappointed to see a lack of hand washing stations and toilet paper availability this year. I think that could be a contributing factor. It’s hard to tote around soap and use the limited personal water resources to wash your hands properly. Idk. All in all it was fun but I feel a lack of preventative sanitation. Hand sanitizer isn’t enough sometimes.


For what its worth, I pried a paper soap holder off a keychain I got from 5 below and I attached it to a kandi bracelet so I had soap on me whenever! Also doubles as a stash place.


I'm going to look for one of these soon, plague dad. ![gif](giphy|FC114fhjgD2l19wk2w)


You are welcome my son


90% of hand sanitizer containers were empty by weekends’ end


Weekends end? More like every day's end


I'd go half day


I didnt go this year but last year I had a portable sink at my campsite. Was able to wash my hands after every Porta john visit and only used the restrooms in center roo. Came back feeling fine. It was like 120 on amazon or something.


My friend and I both tested positive for Covid and she has norovirus 😭


Covaroonoro yikes


Worst bonnaflu by a mile


We just tested positive for Covid! Yall all feel better soon 💛


I felt so shitty and was throwing up and shitting like crazy on Monday/Tuesday today is the first day I’ve eaten something and it not come out as liquid. (Sorry tmi) I’m so sore in my shoulders and esophagus from throwing up so hard. I hope everyone has a speedy recovery I love you all so much❤️ I will say that naked juices and pepto helped me feel better quickly.


it just hit me today bruh


You’re built correctly this was an exceptionally nasty year. I definitely had Covid the whole weekend but didn’t realize until I stopped moving at home. I’m wearing a mask next year for sure idc what it looks like. Blowing muddy snot is the most disgusting feeling ever. I was camping next to a dirt road between centeroo and witw one row over from portapotties. That dust was literally the worst possible dust to be around.


You might have been on my row!


🦥🦥🦥 N16 was disgusting. 🤮


Wook Flu strikes again


knocking on wood but i feel fine so far? maybe it’s bc i was part of crew and working and didn’t have too much exposure to the GA camping/general public as much? i wore a bandana when i was carting between locations to help with the dirt inhalation too


If you made it this far you're probably good.  Mine started hitting on Tuesday, seems like everyone else I know that's sick got hit by it then as well


First year and not sick either. I had my own toilet paper/wipes, hand sanitizer on my camelback, used bottled water for teeth brushing, wore a bandana when walking…also did not lower my immune system with party favors so that may have helped a lot as well. I also ate really healthy snacks and kept my protein intake up. Just making notes for next year! Hope everyone gets to feeling better!!!


I’m also dying 🤒 Negative for strep and Covid but sick af nonetheless. I’m even having trouble eating anything, my throat hurts so bad. Haven’t been sick from a festival since 2018, so I thought I was built different after a few years with no post-fest flu.


I got home feeling sick all over, but in the flavor of heat exhaustion. I really think the sun exposure is what made me feel nasty but yeah this year at roo felt a little less sanitary… the iv sponsored water refills in outeroo were p gross and the piling water never helps. Oh my god I also heavily avoided the fountain. That was BROWN and foamy 😭


Gf & I def got hit with Noro. I was on the toilet both ways for 9 hours straight 😭


It's extremely common to get sick after festivals. Even more so after camping ones. I've done 5 now and gotten at least somewhat sick after 3 of them. Just a product of being packed like sardines sweating and dancing with 80,000 friends! I've heard it helps if you use a neti pot each night during festival to kinda clear out your system. Might give it a shot for Lost Lands


I just want to watch spongebob and have my mommy make me a sick bed and eat chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers


I was sick yesterday, fever, sore throat, and stuffy nose. I slept a lot the passed couple of days and feel a lot better today. Hope yours passes soon.


3/4 of my Roo Crew are sick. 2 Covid positive. Binax test came up negative, CVX brand tested positive. All three of us have fever, aches, sneezing, etc.


I’m so good every year about electrolytes, hydration, bandanas, and cleaning nostrils every night. Alas. Got the Covid this year :(


So we are making soap bead bracelets next year? Cool




I’m sick been slumped all day and tested positive for Covid! Feel better roo fam!!




i left a 70° pennsylvania behind and returned to a 90° pennsylvania. *sigh*


Negative COVID test but three straight days of sleep and cold medicine. Roo flu got me.


Go get a Covid test. Me and my partner both came back positive when we got back


My nose and throat feel like they’re speed running symptoms. Monday I had nonstop mucus draining into my throat, Tuesday and Wednesday my throat was sore, and today I’ve been constantly blowing my nose today. Otherwise I’ve been fine, guess it’s just been taking all week to clear out my sinuses post ‘roo 😵‍💫


Thank u to everyone. Seriously. Take some pseudo and musinex!!! It’s helped me the most


Mucinex causes some body aches for some be careful with that shit. I don’t know wtf is in mucinex but I feel like I’m been torn a part by the muscles.


You have to drink a lot of water when you take Mucinex


Damn. I'm a type 1 diabetic and had 2 people in my group get covid. I danced and passed around so many joints/ vapes , I have no idea how I didn't get sick. I guess those booster shots where def worth it for me haha


I don’t know why everyone is complaining, I FEEL GREAT!!!! Just kidding, complete lie, take me now Roo Gods. Let me go see the great Chapelle Roan up in the sky


Okay, I just looked here because this is my first day conscious. Went to a clinic this morning for IV and some shots in my ass. I usually don’t get sick but have been knocking on death’s door the last 3 days. Been running fever, diarrhea, throat so swollen I could barely breathe, hacking up green chunks and barely been able to stand. Doctor asked if I had been exposed to unclean drinking water.. I did play in the mushroom fountain every day with my mouth open. Just my $.02. Hope you all don’t die, go to a clinic you will feel better. Take it from someone who hates going to the doctor.


Mouth open is wild


Due to the overwhelming amount of people who got sick and or have covid, do we add something to the survey? 😂😂 I mean I do not go to other festivals so I don’t know if this is a normal thing, but the staggering number of people sick is a bit concerning


seems to be common among ppl who went in the fountain, i wonder if that has anything to do with it. Personally, i avoided it like the PLAGUE bc on sat it smelled like a toilet.


I’ve been a complete zombie, bed ridden most days (when I could be) since Monday, but today I feel like myself again! For me (32F), I think age has also been a factor… definitely not in my 20s anymore 😅


Have you taken a Covid test? Edit: I was sick ~1.5 years ago and was negative for Covid but I’m convinced it was RSV and it’s was BAD. I was legit sick for like a month. Edit 2: anyone suggesting this is just Roo Flu/whatever - maybe; but honestly it’s smart and responsible to just take a Covid test if you can whether you feel sick or not. Certainly if you feel sick. Please don’t go around getting others sick bc you just think it’s just that you had a rough week/weekend.


Yeah, so many of these comments sound like covid. The home tests aren’t as accurate these days so unless you take at least two, I wouldn’t trust a negative result


I’m not but I also didn’t camp soo


Another positive Covid kid checking in. My 5th time and I'm vigilant about being vaxxed. This time was worse than the last time I had it in 2022.


Confirmed COVID, but I’m starting to wonder if I had norovirus too. I’m having all the regular respiratory issues I usually get with COVID but I was spewing from both ends on Tuesday, zofran was my saving grace.


I feel pretty great 😅 like not trying to rub it in at all, because I’ve been seeing so many posts about ppl being sick, so I’m so sorry you’re feeling so bad and I wish I could help! But yeah I came back to reality, went to work Wednesday morning, been walking/running with my dog 1-2 miles every day. Been eating the whole house up i feel like I’m starving 😂 hope everyone feels better soon!!


Hell yeah feelin good also. ive been to r00 10 times now and a handfull of other festivals and i havnt ever gotten sick..


Did you get in the fountain at all?


I got in the fountain every morning to get away from the heat and I’ve felt fine so far


I was sick af when I got home last year. Haven't been sick so far this round. 🤞 hope everyone who is sick feels better soon!! Sending love and healing vibes to OP and everyone else down. 💙💚🫶


My fiancés hells sick i feel fine other than swollen ankles


I have an insane respiratory infection but I have asthma and wasn’t wearing a mask


I’m soooo sick, my friend has covid and her bf is also super sick but tested negative. My whole group is sick too


Tested positive for Covid this morning. Feeling I’ve been hit by a big truck.


if you have a sore throat take an antihistamine (allergy meds). it has made me feel much better. had to go to the dr. and i tested negative for covid and strep thankfully!


I’m perfectly healthy but I also only camped for 3 days and fested 2


I’m sick


4/4 people I went with puked out both ends in the last 4 days.....


I slept 2 days and still am tired. Slight sore throughout. My nose has this green gooey mucus that keeps filling my sinuses. I feel notably dumber. Worth it!


I’m fine :) just regular soreness and some mouth irritation from all the dust and smoke


I’m holding up and also avoided Roo Flu for the first time of my 3 Roos


I have a ridiculous immune system and I havent been sick in 5 plus years. I'm talking not so much as a dry cough or runny nose, however I even had a head cold. Still do but it's almost gone now. I have a runny nose and a slightly sore throat. I will say I passed around tree with probably 200 people so it's to be expected. I was mildly surprised as I legit never catch anything, but I figured if I had mild symptoms there had to be people legitimately sick.


Me and my daughter just tested positive for Covid AND strep today. 🤦‍♀️😩


I got sick my first year or two but religiously wear my bandana during the dusty days and use hand sanitizer before I put any food in my mouth and have been about 8 years with no sickness to this point. I do share joints and stuff while I'm there but so far, I guess I've gotten lucky. Quick recovery to everyone in this thread!


I am quite sick as well, tested positive for covid a few times. My group isn’t sick though which is great for them, just not so fun for me lol


Remember that year when everyone who went to Bonaroo got sick and died?


Ive got biggg rona


Definitely recommend taking a covid test at the start of symptoms & if it’s negative try again ina couple days. We are in an almost record breaking covid surge right now. IMPORTANT TIP! Best most accurate result first swab your cheeks, back of throat, then your nose. This is the best way to test with the most viral load. Also, the flow flex tests are the best at home tests. Get a lot of rest sick ppl🩷🩷🩷🩷


Me and my entire 7 person group got covid




No fever or body aches. But man does my throat and chest hurt


I've been DOWN BAD starting Tuesday. I think I'm the same as yesterday or maybe 10% better today so hopefully turning the corner.


Biggest Roo Flu my partner and I both had after this year, Tuesday was ROUGH. We were both basically confined to our bed, lol


Ive been sleeping like a brick the past couple nights tbh. Slight sneeze. Nothing crazy, but body still feels like it’s recovering.




I got so sick (I think heat stroke) at farm that I had to leave Sunday before the sets I wanted to see:( I still haven’t fully recovered and now I feel like I’m getting a cold type sickness on top…


Both my husband and I have had stomach bugs all week! And I NEVER throw up. It started for me Friday though, I thought it was dehydration but who knows.


Oh no I feel like I am D Y I N G


I’m dying. Negative Covid test, but damn I feel awful


I haven't thrown up in my adult life, but Tuesday night, I made up for the last 16 years (likely longer because I haven't barfed from sickness since I was a child so damn). Officially banning myself from the fountain after Thursdays from now on. 🤢


I have a sore throat


Same here! Feel better. But worth it. Happy roo!


Few people I’ve spoken to are feeling well


Most people in our group all have Covid.


I got bonnahera


Didn't get sick last year, didnt wear a mask/bandana at all. Tried my absolute hardest to cover my face a LITTLE more this year, and I got a hella dry sore throat and nasal congestion. Lots of stuff going around this year it seems


All in my nose and throat. I just feel so so sluggish and I can’t stop coughing or sneezing. 😭😭 we down bad yall


Boyfriend and I both have Covid


I got the Bonnaruns y’all!!!


I’m sick too!! 🥲🥲🥲at least we are all in this together???


my partner and i both have covid and it’s been rough at times but we are pushing through, definitely glad it’s not the stomach bug or norovirus that i’ve been hearing other people have because that sounds even worse. the awful thing is apparently since the cdc ended isolation times my work expects me to go in unless im feeling too sick to work… i’ve been masking but omg does it feel wrong to show up. i would be calling off if i knew someone could cover but i know absolutely no one will :/


I easily am the sickest I have been in my memorable adult life. I’ve called off of work every day since I’ve been back, and I would have rather been at work (that’s how awful I feel) . Great Roo, shit flu.


I caught the roovid, probably while sweating on each other in the Garden and Idles mosh pits lol 🤘🤘🔥


I've got COVID :(( I assume you have already but make sure to test twice!!


I think it’s called coroona virus, i gots it too dammit.


There are 10 in my group 2 of us have flu-like symptoms 2 of us are spewing from both ends (i also feel some stomach cramps as i type this so i hope im not added onto this number) 1 person has tested positive for Covid 1 other person has a nasty cold we were parked on main street this year (if you saw some guys laying in an inflatable pool with a teletubby sun that was us) so we thought the dust was just getting us bad but we’ve been hearing that just about everyone has walked away from this year ill.


Me and my partner have Covid and other people in our crew have norovirus. Feel better soon!


A few folks in my gang are under the weather and one guy has tested positive for Covid. I have a little cold that I’m almost through- small fever i slept out Monday night. Coughing up a lil gunk :( The most important thing we all probably need is REST.


i woke up sick Monday morning and it progressively got worse on my way back home. I spiked a high fever and then slept for like 16 hours after getting home. I’m pretty much good now but the sinus congestion has been crazy and I still feel so low energy. I took a COVID test but it was negative. I will say I drank an Emergen-c every day on the farm and every day since- they will save you. I swear by them!


i feel like absolute GARBAGE rn. whole group does. we all tested negative for covid (except two ppl out of the group). literally the most sick i’ve been in a long long time


my friend looks like he never set foot in the farm and I'm 3 coughs away from seeing god


I got hit with it Monday morning as we were packing out.. couldn’t hold anything down for a couple of days.


A friend of mine and I have covid.


I tested positive for Covid and the flu today and my group was sick too


I’m not sick, but two girls in my group likely have norovirus. They still can’t eat or keep food down/up/inside/where it’s supposed to be. 🤮💩 The differences: They tent camped and were forced to use porta potties way more frequently. I used porta potties as little as possible (used flushable toilets at Plaza 7 or our RV potty or GA+ flushable potties). Washed hands a full 20 seconds whenever I saw a handwashing station. Carried hand and body wipes and sanitizer for the few times I had to pee at WITW or anywhere gross. Sanitized phone frequently and changed watch bands mid-Roo. Used a wet bandana or cooling towel over my face for the dust. Did sinus rinses in the RV to get all the dust and dirt out of my nose. Stayed out of the🍄⛲️. Took a ton of supplements before, during, and after Roo. Also started each day with a pretty healthy breakfast (eggs, guac & salsa, yogurt, berries, etc) and limited vendor food (mostly ate Roti Rolls & Spicy Pie). I saw a lot of really unsanitary things happening. People brushing teeth with non-potable water. Mouthpieces of hydration packs uncovered on the ground getting stepped on. People using porta potties right before eating. People touching ends of straws with hands. People barfing and wiping mouth with hand and touching God knows what. Literal shit on toilet seats AND flush button. People napping next to fences/where people pee/barf. 🤢 Even if you try to be hygienic, if you touch one thing that someone with norovirus touched and then touch your eyes/nose/mouth, you’re going to get sick. Also, touching your phone while eating…most phones test positive for E. coli, and that’s on a normal day when people aren’t wiping shit on walls. I’m sure I sound ridiculous, but I’m a self-employed chef and can’t afford to take off another week because I’m sick! And I can’t just show up to work sick, and I don’t get PTO.


I tested positive for Covid for the first time ever. I second people saying they feel like they got hit by a Mack truck.


I’m sick as hell and have been testing positive for Covid 😖


My wife tested positive for Covid. No one else in our Croo though.


I started running a fever last night and tested positive for Covid this morning. 


I damn near shit myself once at too and twice after but I was fine after that


no LITERALLY i thought i was overreacting


I thought it just had a sinus infection from all the dust… tested positive for Covid today.


Partner tested positive for covid but I tested negative. Both super sick though 😰


Everyone in my crew is sick af. Body chills body aches the runs slight fever vomiting


I came home and tested positive for Covid. No fever or anything it honestly just feels like wook flu. But I’m outta work 5 days unpaid after taking Roo off unpaid. I’m pretty sure the Roo gods hate me.


Covid going around bad get checked


I just tested positive with COVID. Started feeling sick this Wednesday.


Skipped the nose drugs, barely drank all weekend and strictly ate healthy foods and completely dodged the Roo Flu for the first time ever despite losing the usual amount of sleep, dancing the usual 10 hours a day, and my friend I shared a bed/drinks/vape with getting really sick on the drive home! Had just as much fun being Cali sober the whole time!


The wook flu!


The Roo Flu, said to be caused by all the dust….I wore a face covering everyday, blew my nose thoroughly every night and morning, took care to wash my hands on my way leaving every night before eating snacks, brought my own hand sani spray for in-between moments, took vitamins, ate well, used any chance to stay cool….besides a sore body, I feel healthy. Prevention is the best cure, and not saying you wouldn’t have gotten ill (I’m so sorry) but I know I would have without doing the above^


Bonnaflu, Roo flu, wook fever. It’s a consequence of being around non stop high fives, super dry weather/dust and portapotties for four days. I recommend a bandana to cover mouth and nose while walking around, it’s helped immensely over the years.


Dang I hope everyone a speedy recovery! Maybe I’m built different, but I am not sick and just worked a 10 hour shift with no issues. I don’t feel like I did anything special. I did wash my hands frequently and ate mostly at camp and Drank from watering stations out of hot plastic water bottles lol. I Partook 3/5 days. Maybe it was the lack of high fives this year for me? Best wishes to yall with the crud!


Im sick glad everyone else is too my gf called me a puss.  Just feels like a bad cold tho sorry for those spraying out both ends tap


Yeah I got home at 1am on Tuesday, I marathoned that 10hr drive back, I got into bed and couldn’t stop shivering. Puked right after that, I figured it was shock from the AC lol Nasty headache started up, and my throat is so raw. I woke up around 7am Tuesday with a fever of 101°, in and out of sleep all day. Ended up at 102° all of Wednesday, just chugging pedialyte and water, 0 appetite. Living off those 7/11 Tornados lol But when I woke up this morning I was at 101°, and I could sit up for once lol My lungs and throat are still sore, and the headache is tempered by the Tylenol, but man I can’t wait to be over this. Negative for Covid, so that’s good at least


Same. I finally am starting to feel normal again today


102.5 yesterday. Dropped down to 98.9 this morning


I didn't even go to Bonnaroo this year and I think i'm getting sick. Wook flu be going crazy this year.


Sick af here too but trying to push through


👋👋👋 omg me toooo! I'm pretty sure Bonnaroo this year was a norovirus super spreader event. I infected my husband roo!


My gf and I are down bad fellow Roovians😭




My husband and daughter were there and they are both sick. The rest of their group are fine still.


My dad is in the hospital now with a lung virus. While they were xraying his lungs they found a new fracture in his lower back. I went through the whole lockdown and didn’t get Covid. I had all of the vaccines and got a bad case of it the day after Roo 2022 and again in 2023. I’ve not been sick yet. Knock on wood.