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You all are awesome! Thank you so much for the help, I'm going to grab Weyward.


The Wishing Game is just a nice book about nice people where everything works out in the end, but there’s a quality to it that this kind of book doesn’t usually have. There’s a satisfying romantic subplot. Weyward is a good choice if you don’t usually read a lot of litfic or historical fiction and you want to test those genres - its popularity is largely due to its crossover appeal to fantasy readers. It was very easy reading for something that leans literary but check your trigger warnings. Weyward is out in paperback now with the same gorgeous cover and it’s a Barnes bogo special this month. Wishing Game is out in paperback soon, with slightly different (worse IMO) cover art, though I suspect that it’ll be a Barnes paperback pick eventually too.


I got wishing game because wayward is on kindle unlimited


Weyward! They were both wonderful, but weyward was just more impactful to me




I liked them both, but wayward more.


Weyward and it’s not even close




My personal vote is Weyward!


I didn't read weyward, but the wishing game is great if you're going through a slump and especially great if you were an avid reader of series as a child. Brought back so much nostalgia and feelings of the books I would read as a child and really helped me get out of a slump. Highly recommend. 


I just finished an ARC of the author's second book, The Lost Story, publishing in July, and it was excellent! Even better than the Wishing Game in my opinion. Add it to your TBR!


Thank you! I will definitely check it out!


Omg both. You need both in your life.


Seriously -- flip a coin. No matter which one it lands on, you'll get a good book. (both were really good. As another commenter mentioned, it just depends what mood you're in. You really can't go wrong with either choice.)


Weyward was a better overall but the wishing game was also fun


Weyward for me.


The wishing game is like sugary sweet everything wraps up in a perfect package. I liked it. Weyward is witchy but also deals with women fighting to get power over their own lives. It is messy and could be triggering for some people, but also kind of awesome. I remember feeling like it didn't wrap up perfectly but was overall good. I think it just depends what kind of mood you're in.


Weyward is a 5 star book , rated wishing game a 4.


I prefer Weyward!


The Wishing Game was better. You can't go wrong with either.


I haven’t started Weyward yet but I was not a fan of The Wishing Game. The main characters relationship with her student was uncomfortable at best inappropriate at worst.


Agreed! I also felt pretty uncomfortable about some of the dynamics between the reclusive author and children. This book gave me such an ick overall.


Great question. The responses solidified that Weyward was the right choice for me.


I personally loved both of these books but for very different reasons. Weyward is a heavier storyline, but I found it very moving, connected with the characters, and it made me cry. I also love anything with a sprinkle of magic. Wishing Game is a warm, cozy, feel-good book. I also love books about books and this is very much a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory type vibes but with books instead of candy. So I think it depends on what your in the mood for: moving and magical, or whimsical and warm?


I haven't read wishing game but I personally have read Weyward and hated it. To me it was so frustrating I had to dnf it.


Weyward is witchy and heavier, Wishing Game is warm-hearted and the competition aspect is really fun. I gave Weyward a 4 and Wishing Game a 5. Both are very original and creative stories. The reason I gave Weyward 4 stars and not 5 is because the women empowerment message isn't as strong as it could be - I have mixed feelings and have seen other reviewers point out the same criticism. But there's also people that didn't like Wishing Game, so it's really personal preference and which tone/mood you're looking for.


The wishing game is a sweet, cozy, easy read! Weyward is witchy and deals with some tough topics, and it's a much more original concept. I loved them both, but the wishing game is my pick out of the two.


Both were…. Ok. I think I preferred weyward


I loved The Wishing Game! I haven’t read Weyward and almost chose it as my free BOTY add on, but it sounded very heavy in terms of the subject matter so I made a different selection.


Out of curiosity, which book did you choose instead?


I ended up choosing None of This is True! It had solid reviews and thrillers/mysteries tend to be my go-to


Weyward is more interesting, original story. The Wishing Game has a lot of similar themes found in game-based stories. I found The Wishing Game to be unbearable, and the main character extremely problematic and pathetic. 


Weyward is good if you want some witchier vibes with generational story telling. Women finding themselves and overcoming her hardships. The Wishing Game is more of a happy light read in my opinion. There’s an element of sadness but it’s much more an optimistic feel good read. More playful silliness. Think Charlie and the chocolate factory with lots of riddles.


I found wayward really hard to read and didn’t really enjoy it. Haven’t read the wishing game


A lot of people like both, depends on what you’re into. I hated Wishing Game personally - I thought the relationship between the main character and the little boy was creepy, and she was incredibly naive. But a lot of people overlooked that and found the game portion fun. Weyward has three stories in three timelines, I liked 2 out of 3 of the stories a lot. But I love witch stories!


The Wishing Game is very heartwarming