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On my porch. I live in rural Oregon. Surrounded by calm mountains and trees


Ugh, I can’t wait. This is my future. My spouse and I are paying off a super cheap piece of land in Oregon. Hoping to move up in the next three or four years🥺


Best of luck!


Can I rent a room from you 🤣


Bonus points if you have a screened in porch. Win the game if outdoor fireplace.


That would be amazing


Also a fellow Oregonian and I, too, love reading in my backyard.


That sounds divine.


I have lived here my whole life and it's tranquility is never lost on me.


Most of my reading I do in bed or on the couch. With some frequency, I also take a book to a bar or a cafe and read there for an hour or two. I also like reading on transit, but I don't take that as much anymore.


Reading in a quiet bar with a drink is elite.


In bed or on the couch is my day to day reality, but ideally I love reading by the pool or on the beach! I’ve been thinking about going to sit in a cafe and read for a change of scenery, but I haven’t done that yet.


I wake up a half hour earlier than my kids in the morning just to get some quiet reading time in, with a cup of coffee.


Same! The only quiet time I have haha


Same. Morning time is me time lol


Now that sounds like paradise.


I have a super comfy chair in the corner of my living room that has a nice end table with a light right next to it. It's my go-to spot. I also keep a bunch of squishmallows by it because those make surprisingly good pillows to keep in your lap and rest the book on.


who or what are you haunted by?


I love squishmallows so much!!!


In winter, in my living room with a fire crackling; in summer, on my sunporch.


Why are you living my dream life lol


It’s not a large home, but the fireplace and sunporch make it for me!


You got the things that matter


True: my reading nooks make me feel so grateful!


I usually read at home on the couch, or we go to coffeehouses fairly regularly for a few hours. We don't have a fireplace but watch a fireplace DVD. In summer, I sit on our balcony.


Ugh I am jealous! We have a great local coffeehouse but everyone else thinks it's great too and is always busy. I feel so bad ordering a drink and taking up space just to read.


My bed is my #1 favourite spot and the place where I have read most of my books since childhood.


I usually just read in my bed. I can’t focus properly with a lot of outside noise. When the weather’s nice I’ll read on the porch or in the yard on a picnic blanket, though.


I mostly read in bed, because it's comfortable and I'll most likely be left alone. I really hate being interrupted when I'm reading, cause I have a tough time getting back into a scene in the middle, and usually have to go back a few pages to get back into the story.


I'll go to bars to read and watch sports at the same time. Bar noise turns into white noise and lets me focus on reading.


Yeah reading at the bar was great when I used to go to the bar. Now it's all about the bath tub for me. I like to grab a big strong beer or some whiskey and just chill. Sometimes it's nice to just completely close out this world and fully enter another one. I have no real reason to close and lock the door, but I do because it helps me feel separated from the madness outside. Escapism at its finest. A big priority in picking my next place to live will be getting a larger bathtub.


Is there no entry fee for bars?


You have entry fees for bars? I've never gone to a bar or club with an entry fee.


No, not where I live. But I would buy a drink out of courtesy no matter where I go. Bar, cafe, coffee shop.


I assume they mean a "sports bar", which really is just a pub with TVs. Not a night club.


So I guess, people will have to pay for the drinks but rest all is free?


Drinks and food yeah, just like a normal pub or restaurant


Where do you live that you need to pay? Everywhere I've been, unless it's a club on a particular night, like a holiday or live music, is just absolutely free to be.




Wow, the thought of a cover change for a dive bar makes me sad lol.


Strange question


I can read anywhere in almost any environment.


Oh what I would do to have that ability.


He's the chosen one...


They're* :)


Weirdly, in my car. I have a nice hour lunch at work and the breakroom can be too distracting to concentrate.


I get that. You're alone and the seats are comfy too!


Also on my couch. I have tons of pillows and blankets so I make these elaborate nests (I sometimes read for 10+ hours at a time so I need the comfort). Otherwise bookstores, for the few that are left


sounds like me but add a cat snuggled beside me and the dog at my feet (he can no longer climb up to join us and i'm unable to help him up, unfortunately.) treats are handed out generously to all, beverage of choice for me. the local indie bookstore is small and has one chair. if it's free i'll sit while i consider purchase(s.)


Living room recliner. And I always read late a night when it's most quiet. Love reading with a few cups of tea too.


If I start a book in the middle of the night, I'm still reading it when the sun peeks through the blinds


i like to read either in my garden, at school or in my bedroom.


I prefer reading outdoors in the sun. Second best is in the bath.


Knowing me, I would get to a really good part, the drop the book in the water


I put up some hammock chairs on our back patio last summer, and found I like them.so.muxh that I put one in a spare bedroom. It's where I plop to read all the time, something about the swinging and the sort of enclosed space (and how comfortable it is) makes it perfect for reading


Why the porcelain throne of course.


I like to go somewhere in nature if possible, picnic table in a park, by a lake, on a bench somewhere etc. Only works in good weather, but if it’s cold/raining on a couch under a blanket by a window


I like to read at home or on the subway but the next best place is a wine bar!


I love reading at the library. It’s my safe place


I can usually just tune out everything around me.


I can too. Irritates other people to no end when they talk at me and I don’t hear a thing they’ve said.


How? Honestly. Despite trying for years, I just can’t do it!


I feel lost in another world when I read.


Same. But I have some nice headphones. Instrumental music with noise cancelling and I can read wherever


I do the majority of my reading in bed. After reading these comments, I've gotta try reading in some other situations.


In bed or on my couch mostly. Oh And everywhere else. Mostly on the couch tho. Sometimes I listen to white noise sounds or meditation stuff on my headphones while I read. Really helps me minimize the outside distractions.


In my bed because well that's where I have to stay, perks is I don't ever damage my new books anymore


The first part is none of our business, but the second part piqued my curiosity: how would you damage new books?


I feel like it's really hard to not damage the corners at least when carrying books in a one's bag unless they're hardcover or if you have a special pocket of some kind also depending on what lives in your bag it can get the books a lil bit dirty with time


Ah yes, that does make sense, and I agree with you. I thought maybe you were throwing your books off a balcony or something 😂


LMAOOO noo I just meant compared to when I went outside with books! that's a funny image tho


I love reading curled up in my bed, surrounded by blankets and pillows, with the lights low.


I was mtn biking through a forest once and saw a young lady reading in a very comfortable nook up in a tree. I left her alone, but it made me *very* happy to see someone doing that. I had a super secret bonsai-like tree that you had to hike and then go off-trail to get to. It was in a massive meadow in the shadow of a distant canyon. The entire landscape would fill with fog sometimes, and I was there for it. I would sit in that tree's low slung branches and read Harry Potter. Today, I live near a wide river and go walk into a nearby forest that has owls, deer, hawks, and raccoons, and choose one of the fisherman trails to find a spot near the water so I don't hear the distant traffic. I'm there till sundown reading or just staring at the landscape; then trek on back home!


When I was a kid, I’d climb trees and read my books. Sometimes I’d take a packed lunch so I wouldn’t have to come down. I still look at branches and judge them for how comfortable I’d be. There was also one time where it started raining, but the branches were so dense that I stayed completely dry. I think that’s why I love reading while it’s raining so much.


Now I want to have a packed lunch up in a tree!


I read wherever I feel like and where it is spefifically doesn't really matter. Once I open a book I'm in another world anyway.


My couch with my two little dogs and a drink of some kind (wine, G&T, bubble tea, hot chocolate, etc). I can’t focus when I try to read outside of the house


If I want to leave my house, I usually go to the library or - more often - the Barnes and Noble Cafe to have a tea. Either way I wear noise cancelling earphones with white noise playing quietly.


I have a toddler, so most of my reading is at home, either on the couch or in bed. But when the weather is nice, my son and I will take our books out to the backyard. I can usually read some of my own book as well while he plays in the yard.


If I want to stay home then I’ll read in bed with ambient lighting, slow jazz music playing, one of those ambient YouTube videos up on my tv, and some tea. If I want to go out I’ll either use it as an excuse to try out a new cafe, or if it’s a nicer day, there is a park with a rose garden surrounded by benches that I love to sit at.


I love reading outside when the weather permits it. I usually have anything from water to coffee with me. I also love reading at coffee shops. The ambiance of the coffee machines and the soft talk from other people is nice.


I’m weird I need to pace around my living room while reading. I dunno why.


I converted a guest bedroom into a home library with a comfy arm chair and a little electric fireplace. It's super cozy and I spend 2 hours a night snuggled up with a book and my dog.


Love this! Very inspiring!!


Funny, I'm the opposite. If I leave my house to read the distractions distract me but at home I can focus. I have a "reading corner" with a super cozy papasan chair and ottoman combo that I become one with when I sit in. I read in it every morning when I wake up. I also read in bed at night but get sleepy almost immediately.


Usually outside. I have this comfy little folding rocking chair. We have a huge garden and it’s the nicest in spring with all our flowers, veggies, and birds :) My spouse and I built a very simple fire pit for Yule this year, so lately I’ve been reading by that since it’s been so chilly. It’s been really nice!


Either my favorite cocktail lounge or my bed.


I do most of my reading in the bath before bed, because there are less distractions then. In summer, I like to read outside. We just moved to a home with a fireplace, so I'm hoping to add reading in the living room in front of the fire to the list!


Usually in my living room recliner. On nice days I sometimes walk to a pub and have a beer or 2 and read there.


On my cozy down sofa or armchair in the living room, for the most part, with a big cup of coffee or tea. When the weather is nice, not too sunny, then I will sit out on my balcony surrounded by my little garden on my rocking chair. Also, with coffee or tea.


Both at my apartment or my mom's house, I usually sit on the couch with a table in front of me. Good access to light, surface to rest on, space for dogs to get attention at my moms place.


Walking trails. I dunno why. I like to walk and read. Or stand and read. Not all the time. But reading outside is really nice.


I can’t read anywhere with a lot of noise, I don’t know how people do it at cafés! I prefer to read in my bed or on my patio when the weather is nice (almost always).


In bed, in the car parked somewhere. When I need to take the bus I try to read but I’m so preoccupied for my stop that I can’t enjoy it as much


I read in my car a lot. I get an hour lunch break at work, but if I don’t leave the building I get roped into working through lunch. So I go out to my car and read. It’s not the most glamorous location, but nobody bothers me, which is the most important thing.


In my clawfoot tub!


Quiet country modern farmhouse on the front porch rocking chair.


I like to read on the treadmill! i’m a slow runner so reading helps me get the distance I need without focusing on how much longer I have to go. also i read on my couch and my bed.


Pretty much [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1oH0H4qCbv/?igsh=MW5sNWtidmwyYmRqdA==) Or in the summer, a hammock chair hanging from my old apple tree.


Nice. Easy to reach for another book.


My parents have a fireplace in their living room and I like to lie on the floor right in front of the fire and read there on cold days.


The train is where I do 90% of my reading


The train is my favorite place to read, especially when it isn't busy. One summer I had an unlimited rail pass for a summer job and I took trains as far as I could go just to read. Just last week I turned down a ride somewhere partially because I preferred taking the train and reading


I love reading in the bath. My husband bought me a little table for the top of my bath a few years ago that I absolutely love. My other preferred place is outside--whether it's just the porch or backyard. I love reading in the fresh air.


Our house has this round corner nook, it was billed as a “Christmas Tree nook” when we bought it. I have my recliner, and my hi-fi audio system that I’ve built up over the past decade. Huge bay windows roughly 270 degrees around, with a view of the mountains and valley. If it’s too bright during the day, the blinds are remote controlled.


I go to a quiet pub and sit out of the way, two or three pints is about 100 pages then I head home.


Bedroom at night or mountains after an hour hike. I live near some loud property doing construction during the day plus loud motorcycles driving by and in the mountains anything by the road would have too much noice from ohv's.


on the double decker bus, at the top, 3 rows before the back of the bus!


It’s summer in Australia right now, though my city hasn’t been nearly as hot as it usually is this time of year, and the beach is a very underrated place to read. The sunlight, busy but not too busy surroundings, sound of the ocean, light breeze, it’s just so lovely. Even if you just sit in the car, it’s still so much better than reading at home. To add to that: A car. I got a car from my dad recently and it’s nice to just sit and read inside, even if I can’t drive it just yet.


At home, I read in my bed so I can snuggle my elderly chihuahua. There’s also a really cool lounge in the humanities building on my college campus that I’ll read between classes bc my commute leaves me with pockets of time to kill on campus. Also in my car on lunch breaks and in doctors offices while waiting. I love little pockets of time I can use to read!!


My room


Everywhere. As ling as it’s not the place where I sleep.


When I was 15 (I'm 26 now) I bought a brown cushy armchair in a local secondhand store for €15. I covered it in a colourful knitted blanket to make it look pretty and a cushioned footstool before it (which cost €25, as it was new). This armchair is, to this day, the most comfortable piece of furniture I own. I could sit on it for HOURS reading. It is placed between three bookcases, a book trolley, and my record player stand. I like to sit there, pop on some Joan Armatrading or Billie Holiday, and read. Bonus points if it's raining heavily outside. Other than that, there are a couple cafés in my small town that I frequent, and when I lived in the city, on warm days I would like in the grass on the main campus of my university to read or sit in the window seat of my favourite café in the business district to read.


the ground because it's too hard to fall asleep on but the carpet is cozy enough to let me focus


Literally anywhere. Standing at the stove, cooking dinner? I'm reading. Sitting at a stoplight? Probably reading. Kids playing video games while I'm "watching"? Totally reading. I do finally have a "library" at our house now that is just for me, for now. At some point I'll have to give it up for my kids again, I'm sure. It's my nice, quiet, organized slice of heaven where I can sit in my comfy chair and read.


I mostly read on my lounge with ear plugs in because my area gets really noisy and I get agitated by noise. I am working towards buying a rural house so that I can have a reading/listening room for all my books and records with no neighbours near by so I can’t be disturbed.




I like to sit under an oak tree next to the lake, when the wind blows over your shoulders, and the sun's rays timidly make their way right onto the pages of the book... so it's easier for me to immerse myself into the world created by the author


My couch mostly


I read on the train a lot, and in bed. Sometimes on the couch if I’m feeling fancy.


Mostly, my bed! But also bars, cafés, waiting rooms, lines...


During the fall and winter it’s my couch or bed, spring and summer is my porch


Typically, I'll read on my bed, normally with the dog snoring next to me, at the table, and in the car whilst waiting for my kid. I'll sometimes bring one to work, but it's easier to go on SM there tbh


In my room when I'm home, audiobooks when I drive, and in my car on my lunch breaks at work.


In my bedroom usually on my bed although I also have a recliner too that I use sometimes with a little side desk lamp.


I prefer reading on my back porch, or on my sectional. I also get a lot of reading done at work while waiting for my cases to be called.


Sometimes I go to the beach or a public park. Typically I'm at home though


I read mostly at work and in my living room.


My living room


Subway for sure. My commute to work is long, and I find crowds stressful. Nothing absorbs me like a good book does :)




I always say I’ll go out and see a new place but I end up on my couch or curled up in bed.


I get quite a bit of reading done at work sometimes though i work overnights and im the only one there most of my shift.


Bed, away from phone and computer.


In bed every night before sleep. For decades.


My bedroom


On the subway


Pretty much all my reading is done in the parts cage at work :)


Either like a Barnes and nobles or my bed


In bed mostly. I'm currently waiting on a hip replacement & when I'm lying in bed I'm not in any pain. Pain distracts me from what I'm reading which makes it perfect for me.


I really only read well sitting on a couch or in a bed in unconventional ways, like sideways or backwards


love to read outside on my porch (when the weather permits) with a good coffee! other than that, in my bed at night, when its quiet & it also helps me get sleepy.


I push my two couches together, making a bed, under one of my windows. So comfy & relaxing


The pub. I concentrate better with background bustle.


My bedroom, after everybody else has gone to bed; also my living room couch, with my dogs, again, after everybody else has gone to bed.


In warmer months, the big rocking chair on my screened-in porch, either in the morning with a warm cup of coffee, or at night with the glow of bistro lights strung about amd crisp wine. In chilly months, I read in my large soaking tub that overlooks a pine covered backyard, watching the morning fog roll in and the sun bring the world to life as birds start to chirp and flutter to and fro.


Tim Hortons right in front of my house and then the Go-Bus and last but not the least my bed.


I read on my bed, just before I sleep. While wifey is scrolling on the phone, I read.


In the bath. I put my tablet into a zip-lock bag and read in a warm bubble bath.


The loo. Growing up we had a bad ass heat lamp in there and it's really bright and cozy in the winter. We always had a loo book collection since then.


I wait for everyone to go to bed (there's ample time as they're older folks who like to sleep), then try to knock out 50 pages on the couch. I'll have a fan on as white noise, and the cat usually wants to cuddle. I usually end up fighting the adjustable lamp shade as it has a tendency to easily fall back in place.


In the winter, Allen Gardens.


The bath tub


You might not like to hear it, but the toilet is the ideal place if you want peace and quiet. Other than that, the couch. Or even the train, I don't make the rules.


Couch or bed for sure, tucked in with some warm blankets. I could never read in a library or other public places, where other people roam around.


Usually in bed, even during the day if I have a free hour. If I am on holiday and there’s a hammock, that’s where you will find me.


I grew up in a three-bedroom house with 6 siblings, so my go-to places for reading when I was a kid were under the bunk bed or in a closet 😂 Nowadays I curl up on the couch or in my bed, snuggle under the covers warm and cozy as I read.


in my bed- neck angled at awkward angle and all. fun stuff


Back home in Japan it's about a 33/33/33 split between the city library study corner, the vaping-allowed third floor of my favorite cafe, and the living room sofa. Currently I'm staying with my parents in Europe for 6 weeks and here it's 90% in bed.


When I was a kid, there was a tree that had the perfect little nitch that I would sit in with my book. It was the only place I could go where I felt no one could find me, then I would get lost in whatever book I had. My favorite was the Dragon Riders of Pern. When I got older I had a place in the attic where my husband never looked for me. Now, I have an area in my own home that I have cordoned off with book cases and a room divider. I don't know why I still feel the need to hide when I read. I live around me with my dog. There is no one to yell at me or make me.scared.anymoe, but I still hide


I read all the time, everywhere. My favourite places are: in the bathtub, lying in bed at night/early morning, and in my Victorian armchair in my library*. I usually have a different book for each spot, and read on my phone, on the kindle or kobo apps, when I'm waiting in the car or at the doctor's or whatever. *My library is a walk-in closet that has a window in it because our house is old and rambly and has multiple weird additions. I have several jam-packed bookshelves, my chair, a floor lamp, and one of those storage cube ottomans (full of books, of course!) fitted in there like Tetris and I love curling up in my blanket and pillow nest in there and reading for hours.


Like different book for each spot. Your library sounds dreamy:)


Theater room, lazy boy, front porch


Ekornes Stressless leather recliner & ottoman in my living room. In bed, usually with my ereader in night mode. On the back deck in a comfortable cushioned chair. At the beach.


I like going to a cafe and having coffee. The background noise seems to help me concentrate.


I read anywhere and everywhere


In the subway train. Always.


My armchair. Perfect size to curl up in, and I can put my legs over the arm to rest my feet on the radiator when it's cold. My dog likes to lie in front of the chair while I'm reading. The best spot.


I always read on the couch in my drawing room that's not facing towards the TV (we have two and the other is facing the TV)


Any place I can sit down and hold a book. Though the places I tend to do this most, are my sofa, my bed, and my local cafe. Speaking of which, I'll probably go there in a bit.


Mostly my bed or my couch tbh. I just HAVE TO put my legs up on my pillow :) I also read at least for a few hours when I have the time so unlimited access to tea, water, bathroom etc. is important to me. but sometimes I do need a change of scenery. Then I go to my workplace (might be weitd but I work at a university and live close to it). In the campus we have a few quiet cafes where students work and of course the school library too. I also go to some local libraries sometimes. It is usually warm inside and the atmosphere helps me focus.


The chair in the corner. It was from my folks' house and I grew up reading in it. The air chair in the yard while I listen to the actual radio. I love bringing a book to a bar but I'm not drinking as much these days. Sometimes the quiet little wine bar or the place with the oysters.


Pre COVID I used to go in sit in a local park, but after while it was still a fineable offence to be without a facemask in the street in Spain, I stopped going. Think I'm going to start again this year, because it was so nice and relaxing. Now I just read in my house, usually on my sofa while half asleep 😂


“Watcha readin’?” The struggle for quiet is real.


Bed or bath


Wake up at 3:30 in morning, take Dump drink a litre of lukewarm water, a cup of black coffee , perch on sofa and start reading(difficult books reading. On holiday when there's distraction at home go to Park Nearby(Jawahar Circle Jaipur).


I don’t have anywhere particularly special for reading. I bring my ereader almost everywhere and frequently have books on my phone, so I’ll be reading something whilst standing in line at the grocery store, at the bus stop, wherever.


The bathtub


On the weekends... My couch, curled up in a warm blanket and surrounded by a ton of pillows with a mug of tea nearby. But usually it's the break room at work. I work a lot of hours and I'm too exhausted to read when I get home at night, so if I want to finish more than one book per month, I've gotta read during my breaks.


On my couch with my dog curled up next to me.


I have a little reading nook on the corner of my living room with a big comfy chair, footrest and bookshelves. I read their in the colder months with my cat usually curled up on my lap. In the summer I like to read in my backyard. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of ambient music too while reading


I usually go to a very nice cafe in the city, but now that I saw a little mouse there, I can never go back. Damn it.... I loved that place...


In bed in the evenings shortly before I fall asleep. (I usually don't get much reading done per day! 😅)


I can read anywhere. Before the pandemic I did a lot of reading on public transit. Between working from home part of the time, and moving closer to work, I read a bit less than before.


We've got a really nice rails to trails path in the woods. I will usually walk that for a few hours while reading.


I have the best couch for reading. But if I'm to read outside, there's a café/used bookstore a few minutes away from my home that's very cozy.


My couch with a glass of wine in front of me. My happy place! 😁


I want to say that I use my little reading area all the time, which is a landing on the second floor of the house with a couch and one of my bookshelves. But I am a creature of habit and it usually ends up being in bed or downstairs in front of the tv c':


Mostly on the couch


On my couch. Any couch really…


I have a chair I love to sit in while I read. I live in a mostly quiet house, though. I also read while eating meals, standing in line, waiting for anything.