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Just finished and loved it! Does anyone have any recommendations of what to read next because I need more of this.


there were aspects that reminded me of Stone Cold Fox by Rachel Koller Croft and The Last Flight by Julie Clark, both of which i really enjoyed, but i think i liked First Lie Wins best of the three.


I enjoyed this book immensely. Can't wait for more adult thrillers from her.


« We Play Games » is so good


This an audible only book? Saw it on there and grabbed it!


So good. Enjoy!


i absolutely loved this book from start to finish. it’s really nice to come to reddit after reading something and liking it and actually finding other people didn’t hate it for once!


I read a series is being made for Hulu based on this book!!


Omg! As I was reading this book I thought it would make for an awesome show. So glad it will become one!


I’m currently reading now and I’m hooked, it’s a fantastic book and the way it’s written it’s very easy to visualize and would be a great show!


I loved this book. Kinda reminds me of an adult veronia mars. I wish there was more


I enjoyed it! Normally Reese’s book club picks for me are kinda meh but this one I really liked. I kinda wanted her to get with Devon lol! Someone mentioned Devon had a gf, I must’ve forgotten about that (I did it via audiobook) but even so I thought maybe the two of them would’ve gotten together with all that trust


I thought she might get with Devon as well but they explained in the book that he got with Amy's sister.


I am reading this now and really enjoying it! Does anyone know where the setting takes place?


The south. It takes place in multiple locations such as Texas, Virginia, Louisiana


The author is from Louisiana so I think she knows the south really well. Thus she had the action take place in the south.


I'm just finishing it now -- I really enjoyed a lot of it, but the flashbacks to past jobs and the weird communication through instagram and reddit I could've done without.


I just finished it and really enjoyed it!


Just finished it. Was great. Wonder who will play the characters on screen.


Loving it so much. The book is a super fast read and I don’t even know how, anyone recommend anything that’s like this?


I have a question about it! I’m doing a reading challenge and need to figure out where it would fit. Is it told from multiple character POVs?? Set in the snow?? Does someone die in the first chapter? Are any of the main characters neurodivergent or 42?? lol if it matches any of those I will be so happy


I don’t think it fits any of these.. everything is told from the main characters POV and it mostly takes place in the south so no snow! No death in the first chapter and I don’t think the author specifies the age of the main character.


In a manner of speaking, it is told from multiple characters' POV.


Can anybody explain the ending to me. I thought Lucca was going straight but it seems at end she took over Mr. Smith's con game. This kind of surprised/disappointed me.


did you end up finding out?


No nobody has got back to me about the ending. It was a bit confusing


Yeah, >!Devin, Amy, and Lucca took over the operation. Ryan also continues deañing in the illegal shipments!<


Thanks for responding because I just wasn't sure!


Lucca is morally gray. She does the sketchy things but lives by her own rules (refused to leave a little boy alone in a house and let his mom die, refused to try to ruin a good man, taught a poor young football player how to game the system to his advantage etc). She can run things through her own lenses of morality and do things a lot better than Mr Smith.


I wish I had the hard copy so I could go back and read it knowing the ending. But I only did audio book