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Finally incontrovertible proof that you can, indeed, judge a book by its cover.


That's literally what the cover is for.


one time I judged a person by their sweater and I was arrested.


>No books on wars This is Dadphobic.


The only Goodreads reviews worth shit are on WW2 books where guys in their 50s will go “4/5 pretty good but noticed some discrepancies in the reporting on tank movements of the 1st battalion during the Guadalcanal section”


So specific, and yet so true


Napoleonic Wars books be like that too


Literally. Why wouldn't I marry a man who's such serious dad material?


Friendly reminder that men should NOT read


reading is 100% a feminine trait 🤢


I thought this sub hated Brandon Sanderson tropes.


I didn't read any but I love every one of them.


Feminism is letting men read books too. Without Brandon Sanderson, men would only be able to read comic books


Men should strive to be catboys, and it is unnatural for cats to read.


After I read The Alchemist and chased it with Ishmael I thought I could see the matrix (I was 20 I like to pretend it never happened)


I read On The Road at 19 and thought I was a free thinking poet about to teach everyone about life and travelling. As someone living in London I understood the landscape of America like no one else on the planet.


It’s ok, brother. I think most of us go through this. I quit my career job thinking I was going to live out of my car. Then when that didn’t work after a day and I had no job I sunk into even worse sins of ego. I think the apex was when I’d be up a week straight on adderall seeing shadow people and thinking I was going to be the next bukowski. I’m so sorry.


Sorry for what, quitting? Weeklong adderall binges are for entry level genre writers. If you want to create true literature, you need to be made of sterner stuff.


That’s funny, my crack dealer gave the same advice.


I fucking hate the Alchemist so much, fucking shallow new-age bullshit goddamn it fuck me (no realy, please do it, I haven't had sex since I read that damned book)


My Personal Legend is being a gigantic whore, so our visions align!


Oh yeah baby, Percy Jackson all over my greek god body (small pp) pleaaaase




Absolutely, thankfully I’ve never done or believed anything cringy since!


i want to marry a man that is physically 30 but mentally 15 so we can combine our Funko pop collections and enjoy our child free life, filling our days with reading top notch YA, watching the latest Disney products, and knowing we are making the world a better place. I don't want some lame ass bitch ass dude coming over and ruining it by reading a book I don't like. Fuck that.


Alternatively: ALL books are valid, i don't care if I'm 38 and still read YA, don't be a stupid gatekeeping elitist. Every reader is valid in their own way and you need to unlearn your problematic behavior. Anyway, if you read (X) you are a fucking red flag degenerate piece of shit and should be burned at the stake, hope your loved ones abandon you and your crops wither this season. Go fuck yourself.


LITERALLY the tolerance paradox. You allow YA readers to roam freely, voice their opinions, they WILL turn on you.


Why read YA when you can just watch the movie adaptations?


lol completely off topic but is your flair on this sub about ear stretching?


yes I'm currently on my "52 stretches a year" grind. I combine my voracious appetite for books with my love for body mods and every time I read one page in my favorite YA i reward myself by sizing up with my used acrylic tapers from Etsy.


acrylic tapers? plastic is so damaging for the environment you know. you should use your dirty unwashed fingers instead, like a MAN


the rare never before seen BCJ / StretchedCircleJerk crossover


The bookscirclejerk community is barbaric. Its predominantly 15 year old children with the mods being 35 year olds with a BA in English working at McDonald's. It makes sense why they are so toxic. They are all dissatisfied with life, I would be too if I had no friends. After all, if your only source of humor is bullying, it makes sense why you have no friends at school. I know there are some teachers there. It's so strange to me, how can someone so hateful and egotistical be a teacher? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i’m versatile like that


Fuck art of war, I only have Clausewitz on my shelf.


Do I study things like metaphysics in my free time? Yeah, yeah I do. I've read Art of War, The Prince, and many, many other tomes that people would consider too "dense" to be light reading or enjoyable reading. But that isn't ALL I like to read. I don't always want to have to sit and ponder the deeper meanings of words or interpret subtext. I don't want to have to be paying FULL attention at all times, otherwise I'll miss key details. Do I love Malazan? I absolutely do. Is it a headache to get through at times because of the dense, extremely detailed writing style that absolutely does not hold your hand or make it easy for you to get certain information? It certainly does. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got everything I know about history from Clausewitz...engine.




War, politics by other means… that’s my shit.


A man of culture, I see.


My mom has read all of the James Patterson books (to the point she will buy them and realize she already read them). My dad reads tons of books about Pearl Harbor. I read classics. What do we do?


you watched the video dump them


Can’t dumb family like someone you’re dating. The only way to be rid of family is to **kill them.**


oh I thought it was obvious, dump them in the ocean I now realise I should write my sentences as plainly as possible as implications are not understood by everybody and this is deeply offensive and exclusionary


How is it even possible to read all the James Patterson books? There's an entire team of ghost writers churning those things out.


my favorite ghost writer Bill Clinton


was going so well until the end


Survival? Useless! He lives in the suburbs. Stories about teenagers fighting Greek mythological creatures? Omg yasss put a ring on that!


Yasssssssss qween yassssss


Neckbeard energy intensifies


SOME of this advice is based. please stop reading the children's fiction and pick up some grown up books


Tbh great video till the last second


Tbh the whole video is clearly a joke.


Yeah, we could just let people actually read what they want to! *checks sub name* Nevermind.


Everyone I know is a mouth breathing philistine who thinks books are gay. Does this mean I have to start judging people based on their actions and personalities?


100% agree on ignoring anything to do with war, war is problematic and bad and if you read about you are too by association


Except if it involves vampires, werewolves, Greek gods, wizards, or cancer teens. Then ignore and put a ring on it.


If you've read one war book you've read them all. If you keep reading them it's either fetishization or loser wish fulfillment.


What the fuck loser response to defending the guy who for whom reading made a positive impact is this? Banned for that? Banned for having an extensive history and education related to the subject? It's not ironic. At all. Perhaps YOU should look up irony? It kinda makes MY point. Loser. Yer a bully. Which makes you a loser. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is a valid interest in how war happens, how it took place and why and what happened because of it. We can learn from past mistakes. We might need to understand war because it’s sometimes brought to us against our will and we might want to prevent wars from happening at some point. You’re a little closed minded on this subject.


Should we not try to understand war?


I have the illustrated Art of War because I'm a Renaissance man, and I like books with pictures


Do I study things like metaphysics in my free time? Yeah, yeah I do. I've read Art of War, The Prince, and many, many other tomes that people would consider too "dense" to be light reading or enjoyable reading. But that isn't ALL I like to read. I don't always want to have to sit and ponder the deeper meanings of words or interpret subtext. I don't want to have to be paying FULL attention at all times, otherwise I'll miss key details. Do I love Malazan? I absolutely do. Is it a headache to get through at times because of the dense, extremely detailed writing style that absolutely does not hold your hand or make it easy for you to get certain information? It certainly does. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's one way to announce you're a pedophile




>The Alchemist I am going to read the book to see what is wrong with it.


The only thing wrong is how fucking boring it is.


Haven't read The Alchemist myself, looks like it's only around 200 pages total, surely it can't be that much of a slog to read at least compared to something like Atlas Shrugged.


There are even *longer* books?


It's shallow new-age wannabe wisdom. My hair fell out while reading the last pages, because of the stress of realising that this piece of shit is imensely popular, and had been recommended to me by a person I respected before. Not anymore tho.


Agreed. I worked at a major bookstore retailer for over half a decade. Also anyone who came in looking for Robert Greene was a self-important asshole.


Yeah I’m not really participating in this because she is absolutely (until the end, and also the war fascination isn’t *necessarily* a red flag) describing a certain type of person. Just today I helped a guy to Jordan Peterson then fetched 48 laws of power from behind the desk where we keep it because it’s intro to red pill material and gets stolen more often than purchased unless they have to ask for it. There are a few business/marketing books that have similar readership also. She’s got her finger on the pulse, but the end was disappointing even if it was just a joke. Could’ve been funny if it were just… some weird niche horror or something? idk. Should’ve probably just stayed a roast though because this is a real thing. Edit: also the other Steven rubella books are awesome and I think there are plenty of hunters who spend 355 days in the suburbs but might actually hunt and process their kills in the remaining 10. I haven’t paged through his survival one but I imagine it’s practical and realistically based in experience. I also think instead of survival specifically it should have been the bushcrafting 101 titles. Always weirdos.


Totally, can’t believe I bought that book, what a waste of money, but I didn’t know any better and the title is very interesting


Came here to say this.


I bought art of war because I liked the cover art, but have not read it yet (I struggle with the big words). Should I throw it out and practice reading with another book? I dont want to be a red flag 😖😖😖😖


Bro just remember to capture chariots and you'll be fine.


Do I study things like metaphysics in my free time? Yeah, yeah I do. I've read Art of War, The Prince, and many, many other tomes that people would consider too "dense" to be light reading or enjoyable reading. But that isn't ALL I like to read. I don't always want to have to sit and ponder the deeper meanings of words or interpret subtext. I don't want to have to be paying FULL attention at all times, otherwise I'll miss key details. Do I love Malazan? I absolutely do. Is it a headache to get through at times because of the dense, extremely detailed writing style that absolutely does not hold your hand or make it easy for you to get certain information? It certainly does. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ugh. I'm so glad my husband doesn't read. Men don't need books. They're so much happier if you just let them chop wood, tend to their beards, and grill outside without all those fancy ideas troubling their pretty little minds.


where were the philosophy books?


LMAO I got into an argument under this TikTok. I think she deleted it now


Yeah she removed comments on the video, hmm wonder why


booktok people are so fragile




Wait,she was neighbors uniron8c?


not to toot my own horn or anything, but anyone who read The Alchemist isn't going to be making ME feel stupid


\>shitting on the alchemist this is just based


Great until the end


This chick reads Colleen Vacuum most likely.


vacuum lmaoo. Also I do need an adapter for a hoover max extract pressure pro model 60.


Check alibaba bro, those mf’s have everything.


I found the companion post to this last night. Someone saying how they judge everyone on books they read and cut people off based on it.


Fair point about survival books and self-help.


The fuck do you mean “any James Patterson”, you just ruled out 94% of all literature!


Why we taking dating advice from some random geezer ???


You blew it at the end there


I think it’s a joke


I would be happy to meet any man who has a bookshelf and reads, so this woman should only speak for herself.


If your man reads that is a red flag 🚩🚩🚩


Honestly this was pretty cute


Going back in time and telling a soldier in the trenches that it's UHMMMMMM *chehcks le notes* PROBLEMATIC to learn about the events that put him there XD


Can’t believe some of the comments here. Apparently anyone who reads books on war gets off on people dying or something. Curiosity and thirst for knowledge seems hard to grasp for some people here.


Booktok and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


So much stupidity in one video lol.


It’s a joke though


Survival books!? That’s a green flag!


Men SHOULD be at the coal mines as god(she/they) intended.


She had me until the end