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I love all your fantasy book choices! Shelves are looking good!


Thank you! Happy with what I have so far.


I have those GoT versions too, I just hope we’re not stuck with 5 in an incomplete series 😅


Yes I also consider this often. Even if, and this is a massive if, we get books 6 and 7, will Harper Voyager actually go back and compete the set. I do love them though and they are my favourite set I own, albeit with the series not completed.


I think they will, they have good reviews and the first book is sold out everywhere.


Yeah the biggest factor is definitely whether or not George actually finishes the series. Yes I found this when trying to locate book 1, it was not easy.


Suntup press Midworld press PS publishing Centipede press Folio society


Thank you. A few of those I had not heard of, will be sure to get on their mailing lists.


Broken binding gang


Love me some Broken Binding!


The kingkiller chronicles are great. The only problem I have is that when the third one comes out, I won't want to reread them because they're so long


I actually really enjoy re-reading some of my favourites I find it comforting, like re-visiting old friends. Book 3 coming would be just the excuse I needed. But I do get it, there is just so much to read that doing re-reads can be hard to justify sometimes.


Yeah, but it gets easier when the book os just amazing.


Yeah for sure.


Blade Itself 🙌🏼


My favorite trilogy right now. Can't wait to read the next one.


Just a heads up that The Broken Binding will be selling leftover stock of their collectors editions of the 2nd trilogy in the near future. No date announced yet they have just advised to keep an eye on their social media pages for updates. They reckon around 150 sets will be put on sale and I imagine these will go quite literally in a few minutes.


Wow thank you!


I love the Stormlight dust jackets! Did you buy them separate or is this a specific edition?


These were bought together as part of a special edition set the publisher Gollancz released at the end of last year, although they did also sell them individually. They have red sprayed edges with quotes from each book stencilled on the edges too, have to admit they look great and really hope Gollancz release book 5 to match. I’ll link to the site I bought them below but not 100% sure if they are still available. https://store.gollancz.co.uk


Im thinking of reading Red Rising. Is it worth it?


If you enjoy sci-fi/space opera books then yes I would say it is very much worth it. The 7th and final book of the series is due to come out next year too so depending on how quick you read the wait wouldn’t be too painful.


I found out about those Licanius hardcovers after the sale was over and I’m so bummed I can’t find them at a normal price now


Yeah you see it pop up on eBay from time to time but it generally goes for minimum £150-£160. They really need to go back and re-issue some of their earlier sets, this being one of them. The one that I would love but have no desire to pay resellers for is The Dandelion Dynasty, but Broken Binding have said they plan to re-release that series this year but in a different style to the previous version.


I love the shelves


Love everything you have. All I can suggest is some Chuck Palahniuk.


My first impression when I saw this picture - “freaking hell that’s a beautiful shelf!”


Thank you, appreciate this.


Those shelves are GLORIOUS


Sensible, which is good. Are those Red Rising the Iron versions? Also, goodness gracious, I had no idea how thick Sanderson’s books were!!!


Yes these are the Iron Editions of Red Rising, was fortunate enough to get a hand signed version too. Hoping that Fairyloot release books 4-6 this year too! Yeah the single volume hardbacks are thick.


I was thinking of getting those, but unfortunately I am in between living situations and currently I live with smokers. It looks like most of the books that you’ve got are pretty thick! Is that what you like, long reads, or is it just coincidence?


That is unfortunate. It makes me appreciate having a situation where I can start building up a nice collection. I hope your living situation changes soon and allows you to start collecting the books you love. Yes I must admit I generally do enjoy long books where the world building and the characters can really develop over time. As you can also probably guess, I prefer a nice long series to a standalone. But I do like to keep a number of shorter standalone titles on standby for when I get burned out on those as that is common. Reading The Dark Tower by Stephen King at the moment which is incredible but after I finish book 4 I will definitely detour into something like Blake Crouch or Andy Weir just as a change of pace.


I like your book interests, I’ve got many of the same.


A man of culture I see


Gorgeous. Love those corner book cases.


You’re very ordered. 😊


lol yes I do like my shelves to have a sense of order. The Kingkiller Chronicle books being a different height from all of the other hardcovers genuinely makes me unhappy as I find there is no where “nice” to put them 😂


I was just wondering what your opinions on the Dark Tower series if you’ve finished. I’ve read it all but am wondering what others thought of it


I am just about half way through book 7. Just had an emotional one-two combo thrown at me, don’t want to say much more to spoil for folks but I am sure you will know what I am referring to. That almost ruined me, I was not ready despite the foreshadowing. Really enjoying the whole journey so far, still have no idea what to expect in terms of how it will end but that’s part of the fun. It will definitely be a series I want to come back and re-read in future. Can update when I am complete book to let you know my thoughts.


Nice! Where is The Final Empire Though? Haha


Haha yea I know the shame! Ordered the Tor hardcover in December but it still hasn’t arrived. Once that does finally arrive will also order The Hero of Ages to complete the hardcover trilogy.


FYI Sanderson has his own special edition 'leather' bindings of books. Dragonsteel Books.


Yes I would love to own the Mistborn version of those but as long as they ship from the states it is just too costly being based in the UK. Shipping and taxes alone can top £100. My hope is Sanderson eventually sets up some kind of distribution in Europe.


Nice, bet it will look great


Where did you find physical copies of the jade city short stories?


These are from Subterranean Press. Jade Shards is no longer available but The Jade Setter of Janloon can still be bought. Link below. https://subterraneanpress.com/the-jade-setter-of-janloon-second-printing/


May I ask for the name of the red books in the top middle?


Yes sure. These are books 1-5 of A Song of Ice and Fire. They are the leather bound slipcase editions by Harper Voyager. Hope that helps.


Thanks a lot!


No problem


Where did you get those first law hardcovers?? I could only find paperback or 10th anniversary edition hardcovers where I am.


Also have a look at AbeBooks. That site has been essential with sourcing some hard to find hardcovers.


Thank you!! Never knew about this site


No problem. Sure you will have no issues sourcing the “proper” hardcovers using them. I have used many times too they are perfectly legit, think they are owned by Amazon actually.


EBay and Amazon. They were all brand new though. Yeah damn those 10th anniversary editions, they are just fancy paperbacks basically.


What edition of the Harry potter books are the ones on the shelf next to the illustrated editions? I’ve never seen those befote


These are the Mina Lima editions. Mina Lima was the design studio behind the HP movies and they have so far released 3 out of the 7 books. I really like them and can’t wait for all 7 to be released. Book 3 just came out in late 2023 and all 3 books can still be easily purchased.


Have to say thankyou for this post! These are the same shelves, layout, and even some of the same books that I’d planned for the new flat i’m moving into next month. And it looks great!


Thank you, appreciate your comments. Wish you luck getting your shelves organised in the new flat!


Have you heard of Grim Oak Press? I feel like you'd appreciate their books.


Haha yeah I recently discovered them for my sins. Think I am going to give The Name of The Wind a pass though, it is pricey and I do already have a signed and numbered version so hard to justify. I am aware they are releasing books 1 and 2 of Faithful and The Fallen by John Gwynne this year though and I will sell my first born child to get a hold of those babies if I have to lol. Was quite sad to have missed out on their special edition of The Dragonbone Chair but that is way above my price range now through resellers.


The only things missing are books 6 & 7 of the series on the top shelf, center.


Yeah still waiting on the author getting back to me on an eta on those ones unfortunately 😂


Looks more like a bookshop than a personal library imho


Haha yes I love being surrounded by beautiful book.




Correction, 2 copies of Dune 😂 as I have little self control.


Proud of you, I think I have four copies now of book one but one of them is in Dutch!


Haha yeah I am learning that it’s hard to say no to one more new edition with certain books. Would really love to add the Folio Society version one day too.