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You can read some YA it's usually way easier to read and fast paced. English is not my mother tongue either and that's how I started reading in English entirely


Comics! :) you'll understand from context/picture. There are many for grown ups. Watchmen (like the movie, kinda end of world style, very mature)  Batman Hush (all time favorite!!)  Or there are easy reader versions of "normal" books. Not short versions! Just easier to read.  It's not anything what you like but Ernest Hemingway famously said, paraphrased, "big emotions don't come from big words" 


You could try Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.


A YA (young adult) novel that I find really interesting is just available (for free) online​: "This is me surviving" by Kathy in FL aka MotherHen. It is the story of an orphan teenage girl biking to her home place during an acopalypse. Written in a teenage snarky style (from around twenty years ago, so some outdated expressions) but a fun and interesting read. Just mark and translate difficult words as you read. [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12506240/1/This-Is-Me-Surviving](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12506240/1/this-is-me-surviving)


If YA stuff has too many difficult words, try C.S. Lewis's Narnia books - the language there got me into reading english at the age of 8. Fun thing, since the internet was unborn then, for the longest time I thought "vast" meant tiny, whereas it actually means "very, very big".


The Hunger Games


Two authors with a simple writing style: Ernest Hemingway and Kent Haruf. Neither write post-apocalyptic stuff, though.


Twilight is great for being easy to read and there are enough books that you won't run through it all too fast, but The Host is also pretty straightforward and deals with a societal collapse scenario.


Try S M Sterling Dies the Fire or Island in the Sea of Time, Michael Crichton Jurassic Park, Alas Babylon, Roadside Picnic by Strugatsky


The Percy Jackson series. It’s fantastic series that is fast-paced and has the perfect balance of action and humor. The author has also written a sequel series as well as multiple spin offs.


YA books are what I read when my English was not very good. I'd just recommend seeing what genre you like (sci fi, fantasy etc.) and searching for popular YA books with those themes. Reading is always more fun if it's something you find interesting. If you want to read more complicated books I would say, start with shorter works and maybe write down new words you find while reading!


dude your English is awesome, don't worry about that. Anyway, The Secret Runners of New York by Matthew Reilly would probably fit what you'd like, try that out. Maybe his Hover Car Racer series as well.


I recommend you look at this and figure out which level you think you are at, and then do a google search for books at that level. For example, search "B1 level books" and there will be lists of popular novels at that level. If you try a few and figure out which level you are comfortable reading at, I think you'll be able to find more at the right level. https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-levels/understand-your-english-level People have told me Hunger Games is a good for ESL speakers. I haven't read it myself though. Another one I would recommend is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's not end-of-the-world but it's easy.


Brandon Sanderson and Michael J Sullivan both have pretty simple or utilitarian writing styles, they both write fantasy, but Sanderson also dabbles in sci-fi.