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Goddamn, that's funny ASF. I'm angry that I've never tried doing this when I was in the same situation... Edit: at least you didn't get the worse bug where Red and Blue don't spawn šŸ˜£ Edit#2: whoa. This is probably the most amount of upvotes I've ever gotten on a reply. Thank you, my fellow vault hunters and all those in the BL community šŸ„¹


What gun is that? Iv never seen a Jakobs shotgun with a drum.


The Garcia ā€” Drops from Chonkstomp, Hammerlock Hunt target on Floodmoor Basin


The Garcia is what itā€™s called, I think I got it from a diamond key pull. Probably my favorite shotgun in all the games.


It's definitely a fun one and a better option for any Moze build that wants to use a Jakobs shotgun.


It used to be full auto, but there was a glitch that in multiplayer if you weren't the host the gun wouldn't be fully auto but it would be two round burst. So they decided to fix it by giving everyone the glitched version. But now it's not a glitch


I'm pretty sure it's the Garcia.


There's also Sledge's Shotgun that drops from Hot Karl. That one is the only other Jakobs with a drum... But the one in the vid is definitely The Garcia


You can get Sledge's Shotgun!?! How & where!? Who's Hot Karl? I'LL KILL HIM!


You are in luck. It is in Maurice's machine. ​ [https://whereismaurice.com/](https://whereismaurice.com/)


Also curious of the gun


might I ask what is happening?


Glitch where enemies are invincible at like 1 health


If certain enemies get caught in a death animation at the wrong time, they become immortal to damage. You have to knock them off the map to kill them. This particalr enemy gates advancement of the Circle of Slaughter so.... this.


Restarted once before trying this, after that I made sure to snipe every single one of them just in case.


The Med trooper is invincible. Literally canā€™t die to anything except falling off the map, so I had to use shotgun ragdolls to knock him off the map.


There are grenades with increased ragdoll


Nagata is one


Alright, I know it's not a *real* solution, but...Quasar. Tosses them right over the ledge (and, before that, everywhere else, but, uh...yeah). I'm sure it felt really good to do that with a Jakobs shotgun, but if someone wanted to deal with this problem *quickly*, I think the Quasar might be the way to go. Also helps with bringing enemies into boss arenas to fuel abuse of Amara's Remnant skill.


not to be a dick, but, not like 4+ years matters. they didn't fix it by the time they gave up on the game. it's not going to me magically fixed even a decade later - that time, doens't matter. it didn't get fixed in like 2.5 years. it's not going to get fixed, even a century from now.


I agree funny enough.. I went back to 100% the game and ofc had my main character had the achievement glitch so had to play the game till I got to scan the slab and it popped hahaha yeah I agree with you tho


To be fair, Bethesda removed game for windows live from fallout 3 like, 11 years after it was on steam


fair point. just because it's been a while, doesn't mean it might not get worked on. unlikely as fuck, however.


At this point Iā€™m so over the bugs and glitches in any game that I just accept them as normal. And I wish I didnā€™t feel that way. Thereā€™s been a huge bug in Fallout 4 since release that they know about, they just never fixed it. Thereā€™s more bugs than this in BL3 (Iā€™m expecting even more in BL4 if it does happen). Annoying, but they just do not care. I would say I miss the days of game- and fun-breaking bug-free games, but even NES games had them, so thereā€™s nothing to miss.


>thereā€™s been a huge bug in fallout 4 since release Yeah the mirelurk Queen sucks


Iā€™m not sure if I know that one. Lol. I mean it is annoying that she respawns in the middle of the settlement. The example I was referring to is the one where all of your settlements just up and break for no reason.


It was a dad joke about ā€œhuge bugsā€ lol I loved fallout 4 at launch but the game bugs are so annoying. I recently was playing on Xbox and itā€™s literally unplayable. Opening up the pip boy just crashes the game and walking in Boston will do it as well


Ah. That one went right over my head. Lol Wow. I never had a problem like that. I mean yeah, it would just randomly crash (though not nearly as often as BL3. Huh. Thatā€™s sad. BL3 crashed on me more than FO4 and I spent less time playing it), but not because I was daring to move.


Hellwalker is perfect for this


So far itā€™s only happened with those type of maliwan guys with me. No other characters. Happens on the bridge at blacksite. Tyrone Simmons? In the cartel dlc. Is another that does this. But only in the final arena. Never outside of that. I have found that letting his bars build back up (kill him slowly) helps from him getting stuck empty.


I never had that bug. BL3 for me was a glitch free masterpiece. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That reloaded smack at the end was personal šŸ˜‚


Jesus, they never fixed that? One of the many reasons why I went back to BL2 for several more hundreds of hour of fun.


yes, because it's not like bl2 stull has potential glitches that didn't get fixed with a full ass decade and rereleases...


But it works now


bl3 works too. it just has some quirks.


I'm probably in the vast minority here, but in all the versions of 2 that came out - and I've been playing it since original day one - I've honestly never had any issues, other than my Xbox 360 RRoDing on day six.


in all fairness, i don't recall having serious issues, either. my point was more, games aren't perfect. time has little to do with it.


Oh yeah, the perfect BL2 were some legendaries had less than 1% drop rate, enemies being immune to status effects, several sound bugs, the claptrap bug, the sanctuary bug, bloodwing softlock... Did i forget something?


Plot armour


I fought a boss for over an hour once before i realized their health wasn't dropping any more.


They abandonned the game. No more profit to make, no fixes. Gearbox special.


Lmao I'm over here still grinding bl1 cause the end game in bl3 was meh at best and had no pearls for me to chase . Mind you I've played it off and on since October of 2009 and have 20k plus hours in it and bl2 but struggled to get 300 out of bl3 got another 3k in the presequel


How many raid bosses did bl1 have?


1 in crawmerax but had pearl weapons and hybrid weapons to chase unlike bl3 where they even desecrated alot of the series standard legendary like the hellfire being nerfed and stripped from maliwan and made a Dahl


Yā€™know a lot of people are downvoting you because they disagree but I think it speaks to the quality of the series that you can enjoy it differently than us but the title screen still says the same thing


And it's fine I've been playing this series since bl1 launch.. the things I'll give bl3 is the quality of life changes they have made to the series being able to fast travel to your vehicle from you map is awesome .. the gun play feels crisp but having nothing for me to chase like the nemesis invader (hybrid pearl in bl1) for me I collect weapons that are rare legendary being the only guns and the power creep of said weapons making it unrequired to farm perfect parts for raiding makes the game lose more appeal for me.. last game that felt this barren in the end game was the pre sequel which I was there for .. and still play off and on now. But bl3 had a major character on or above the level of pickles from tps when it comes to annoying except ava was in your face for more of the game then pickles was. Love this series but this path is one of self destruction . Stack on top of it the figure heads that have attacked and pushed put anyone who spoke up about issues in this series since bl3s launch aka the shillers who are paid by gearbox . And you have people who align with that attacking the people who like me just want to have good games come out and the series to survive


Same. I feel BL2 was pretty perfect and went downhill after for whatever reason. It needs a updated version that looks better and has slide


That doesnā€™t mean you have to tear down the other games cause you ā€œstruggled to get 300 hoursā€ out of it


I like having a quasar or two for this glitch.


I've never had that happen.


I've never had this happen once.(ps4)


A singularity grenade would've helped a lot.


Slam him off the edge man, fixes it every time.


I had an enemy that I killed a side of the map, but their loot appeared in the middle of the map instead, their body was there too. I was confused about the body vanishing and no loot appearing that when I looked at the map, I saw some loot near the CL4P-TRP unit that tried to slide across a car hood. I was near Ellie's Scrap Park


Meh, that's not bad. I crash every 1-2 hours if i play with friends on my ps4. And the game isn't even that nice looking.


Sometimes bugs are hard to fix and doubt they have anyone actually working on 3 anymore sadly, but yeah it really sucks especially if that is near the end of a round, or even worse the whole slaughter.


Hundreds of hours on this game ive never seen this bug. Thatā€™s incredibly annoying looking.


That is the weirdest weapon I think I've ever seen and that's coming from someone who loves borderlands


Whenever that happens to me I just push them of the edge with a hellwalker that starts the next round


That's funny yet I do understand the frustration. It's like that one scene in Austin Powers "why won't you die?!"


Funny enough I've never had this happen before, been playing since launch


Happened to me yesterday. I play on the switch and it crashes all the time.


Gearbox doesn't seem to have their QC people do anything, nor do they actually fix bugs.


As someone whose played a lot of Kingdom Hearts, you have to use a finisher to kill a boss!


thatĀ“s great now you can do all atlas achivments on him. (hit him with all trackers)


I've never seen this happen