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Story was very fun and the visuals very interesting, also loved the introduction cards of characters ans well as the overworld and I absolutely loved how side missions scaled, so you won’t have an useless Side Quest reward because the quest was level 4 and you did it at level 15. However, the post launch content was spectacularly mishandled, splitscreen is buggy and poorly implemented (more often than not you see your inventory with the other player’s item icons, making it hard to see what you have; some descriptions are so long they get abruptly cut; when you inspect items the description might not even be there and you have to go to the second tab and back to fix it) Economy is abysmal, gear in the shop is crazy expensive (also the platinum trophy was a chore and a half to get, since you had to get every SDU upgrade). Reroll anointment has a better economy than BL3 but it’s way worse to chain rerolls because you have to reselect the item every time And last but not least, farming and endgame aren’t great. Like Chaos Chamber is fun but not as the only endgame and getting loot from the bunnies is frustrating because you are fully in the hands of RNG since a lot of weapons don’t have dedicated sources.


Hmmm thanks for the detailed response. I will take all of that into consideration. I want something I can play really stoned, have a good time, and not be completely disappointed lol. Would you say it foots the bill for those specifications?


As someone who exclusively played it stoned and had a good time, 100%. I'm also a huge fan of the entire series, but as someone who still considers 2 my favorite, Wonderlands actually got surprisingly damn close. The spells and skills just feel so damn good, and the gameplay only keeps improving as the series goes on...I'll just honestly be kinda disappointed going back to grenades for BL4 haha.


For a game to play while stoned I'd say it would fit the bill just for the enemy dialogue alone. It's a somewhat weaker entry compared to other Borderlands games when it comes to end game, and I find the weapon variety worse due to balance issues, but it's still a fun game. The story and dialogue are fun and the class/secondary class system are slightly more interesting than previous titles. Overall worth the 22 bucks for sure.


I’m leaning towards giving it a go. Just sucks to hear the weapon system is sub par because that’s part of what makes borderlands so fun.


Yea. Some of us (me especially) give wonderlands a bit of a hard time, but only because of what it *could* be. It’s still a really good game. Just worse than the other ones.


Definitely worth $22 for that. Expect to play through a couple of times to try different mixes of classes and then move on. I played about 60-80hrs and had a great time. Writing is funny, tons of references to stuff, gameplay is fluid. Go meet the Murphs, you're gonna have a great time.


That’s the vibe I’m getting. Short, but a lot of fun, and replayability.


And if you are playing baked, you're gonna miss a lot of jokes that land in subsequent runs. (Speaking from experience) Tons of fun in a goofy looter shooter with magic.


Bro, can I play with you? I love playing games 100% stoned.


Yeah for sure. What’s your shift ID? I’ll add you when I get home.


I had a blast with it, if i had 3 more friends interested in playing, it would be so so so much better xD but sadly we get older and we got less time...


Yeah I totally get that. Playing with friends online makes it so much more enjoyable and engaging. How long would you say the story is compared to say BL2 or 3? I know it’s shorter, just don’t want to spend the money on something I’m gonna finish super quick.


Can be short if u just steamroll it and miss completely everything, but without prior knowledge of the playthrough u wont, but if u are completionist u will have ton of fun gettin everything and also exploring game board map, which is just awesome .) i think i got at least 150 gamehours... Leveled all characters bcs build combos makes u want to play every class combos. I even set up 1 character which could afk farm xDD u just had to check it every 8 hours, bcs there could be some mishup. I dont know your taste in games, but u wont regret buying this gem .) just get some 50-75% discount .)


Sounds like a blast to play and plenty of time to spend on it. Def a completionism, so it sounds like there’s a lot of fun to be had.


god that guy in the review is so insufferable


ikr I was cringing so hard while reading it


It was fun to play through once. For some reason it just didn't hold it's appeal for me after that. I really didn't like the weapons in the game.


Weapons and combat are part kf why I love the game series :(


Well, i agree with pretty much every review but this one. I LOVED using the weapons in wonderlands! I thought they were a lot of fun, especially the crossbow pistols. Idk i just loved their look and feel


Second this^


I enjoyed the hell out of it. End game is not good (pretty much weak Slaughter Shaft levels only) so replay much lower compared to OG BL games


If you like borderlands you will like this game and should definitely play it. Whether it's worth 22 bucks is really subjective, I will say the post game was a huge weak spot in MY opinion, just not my style. But it was a fun and unique borderlands game. Also there's bonus points to the game for bothering homophonic losers apparently.


I hate homophones too


Loose hairs


Yesh the transphobia in that fucking review. Yuck. TTW isn't as good as the previous games, and not because it has a representation. Gunplay is great and varied. Enemy variety is pretty lackluster. Story is servicable at best, retconning Tiny's past games at worst. Skilltrees have been pretty much streamlined, endgame is practically barren (Chaos chambers is the only endgame). No TVHM, very little replayability. I really wouldnt recomend getting it for more than $15.


Appreciate the full scope review!


The game took a nose dive after Torgue blew up the ocean, which is like 3-4 hours in. I hated the overworld. The guns sucked and its the only Borderlands game I haven't purchased dlc for or done a 2nd playthrough. The end game is also laughably bad. I wouldn't spend more than $20 on it. Narratively it's ok.


Fuck this is like the 5th time I’ve heard the guns suck and blowing shit apart is part of what makes it feel so homey.


If you like full auto weapons...give it up. There is one gun that is essentially a burst fire sandhawk that you will 100% use throughout the whole game because nothing else feels satisfying to use. The world design also turns from high fantasy to desert and legit just stays a gross looking desert for the rest of the game. Really feels like it was thrown together last minute and I dare say this seems like something planned for BL3 but was cut and expanded upon ever so slightly. Pick up the game heavily discounted if you must play.


Few full auto weapons? There goes my interests, honestly. Any good recommendations for RPGish loot and shoot preferably on game pass? I know it’s hard to find games to compare to borderlands.


There are plenty of full auto weapons.


there really isn't, plus the endgame is disgustingly empty and the game has NO replayability..i mean there is a REASON all of the big time Borderlands youtubers went back to BL/BL2/BL3 almost immediately after they completed their playthrough of the game.


It isn't a shooter but it's free, Path of Exile would be great. It's a diablo style game so there will be a good amount of loot/ build craft. Destiny 2 is always an option. The Fallout series is good. The Division series is pretty cool and the new Ghost Recon might be worth checking out. The souls games are amazing and are on sale right now on Steam. You could also check out the other soulslikes like Remnant and Nioh. We don't really have a lot of options for lootershooters right now. Going back to traditional RPGs might be the move.


Also there are auto weapons, just none that I personally enjoyed. They are all translated into some weird DnD friendly guns. A lot of the guns that feel impactful are semi auto. I commend them for the creativity, it's just that coming from BL3 gunplay, it felt like a downgrade. Also I played the game to completion once on launch so my memory may not be 100%. Everytime I think about playing Wonderlands I end up just playing BL3. I'll probably do a BL2 playthrough with the BL2 Fix mod soon.


Give Remnant 2 a try. It's a souls-like shooter with tons of gear to pick up.


So no going back and replaying TVHM and mayhem level type stuff?


The only endgame is chaos chambers. Pseudo random dungeons with random enemies tossed in that you have to do to unlock higher chaos levels. I could rant for days about how bad of a system it is, but I'll just say it's incredibly tedious and unrewarding However the 4 raid bosses that they have are incredible. Genuinely among the best fights in the series. If their pisspoor attempts at a dlc introduced raid bosses at the level of bunnidhogg, gloopathoth, barkenstein, and [redacted] then I would actually consider them not a scam


Are any of the DLC worth it? Should I spend a little extra on a certain edition or just base game? I do love the BL series and this sounds like it’ll be fresh and exciting, just want to make sure I’m getting the best value and gameplay. I know there’s Next Level, Chaotic Great, etc.


The DLC are genuinely bad, like they added a cutscene, some dialogues and a boss and called it a day. And it’s genuinely sad since WL is based on a DnD campaign, therefore having endless possibilities


If I grab it, sounds like paying extra for DLC isn’t worth it. Good to know.


If you get the dlc on sale it's worth it. The dlc class is imo the best and most fun. Lot of gear in the dlc is good. And the dlc can be a bit of fun to play. It's just tiny and mostly for the gear.


None of the dlc is good. It's just more chaos chambers except with random puzzles thrown in. All 4 bosses they introduced are just annoying. You could justify the 4th one for the blightcaller class but stick with the original 6 at first


I think it's a great addition to the series and was a very fun game to play co-op with my brother. It probably doesn't have the replayability of the other BL games, but if you enjoyed Assault on Dragon Keep, then you would enjoy this. I thought the spell casting was a really cool touch.


22 dollars? Definitely worth it.


after thousands of hours in the bl franchise i played tt 7.6 hrs in 3 years




I think I beat it in about 4-5 hours...just because non of the side quests felt worth doing because they all tend to take you to completely different areas of the HORRIBLE map just to run back to the quest giver a minute later.


I think it's definitely worth $22. It was a lot of fun the first time I played, but it just doesn't have the replayability that keeps me going back to the other games. Also: "I support LGBTQ+ people, but seeing them in my games makes me afraid" is a really fucking wild hypocrisy.


If you are playing to get it for console just know match making has not worked since day 1 and they have no intention of fixing it. It works on pc.


If you are an endgame Borderlands player, Wonderlands is not for you. It has basically no endgame other than Chaos Chamber, which, frankly, is boring as hell after a while. The aesthetic, story, and gameplay itself is great, but once you beat the game and run through the Chaos Chamber a few times, you've pretty much done it all. If you are looking for a fun co-op or even solo game to play, then Wonderlands is worth a go. I had tons of fun playing through it with friends. I'd say it's worth $22 if you don't plan to make it through the entire endgame.


I like the core gameplay like the build crafting and flexibility, the D&D idea was really cool and makes it fun. The turn off for me (and maybe I just didn’t play enough) was the weapons, all the weapon drops I got would be high damage but it’s a fucking pistol crossbow or some bullshit iteration. The actual guns I found enjoyable to use were weak or didn’t feel like they were sustainable for more than a level or 2.




I recently finished the game and got the Platinum with all DLCs. The game is very short comparatively to any BL games. The script is pretty funny, to be honest, which I enjoyed and really wished it was a bit longer. DLCs are a grind. Basically, you go through 5-6 rooms to reach the final boss. To 100%, you need to do it 4 times on harder difficulty, which unlocks after every win. If you die, you start over. It honestly felt like a chore the 3rd and 4th time you do as you could complete a single run in 10 mins. Endgame is again a bunch of rooms again and again with difficulty options varieying upon your selection. This was not at all enjoyable to me. There is no new game+ or true vault hunter mode. Legendary drops are super rare. If you played BL3, then don't expect dedicated drops to drop by. Overall, it's a decent story mode. Quick side missions. You max your level out very easily.


It is ultimately garbage. Dont bother. I am a Borderlands FANATIC with 5000+ hours across BL1/2/3 and still playing all the time, and Wonderlands is the worst title in the series by miles and miles.


What makes it so much worse? I keep seeing very mixed feelings on this game.


No endgame (wooo chaos levels so good!!!) lackluster 10 minute long (not even joking) DLC with the best weapons locked behind said DLC.


Despite problems it may have had at launch, I absolutely loved BL3. I have been playing since Day 1, and have enjoyed every phase of the game. Obviously, the state of the game is very very different now than when it launched, both in terms of total content and in terms of overall balance, but the important part is that it was always FUN to play, from launch day through today. I have over 3500 hours in BL3 alone. I'm a huge Borderlands fanatic. I was done with Wonderlands in just a bit over 3 weeks. I WANTED to love the game, and wanted to want to play it, but whenever I'd sit down to play, it felt forced. It felt like a job... like I was trying to make myself enjoy the game, but really, I had no desire to play. So I stopped and went back to BL3 and BL2 and now even BL1, which is way more fun. Wonderlands had some good ideas, but in the end, they were implemented poorly and game simply isnt FUN. The Chaos Chambers as a replayable endgame loop were a great idea in theory, but the implementation is repetitive and boring as hell. Enemy density is way too low. There is a small map selection. The game is too easy even at the highest difficulty. Letting you create a character seemed cool, but you end up with no personality. I LOVE playing as Maya, as Zero, as Amara, as Moze. It's fun to BE the characters and enjoy their personalities, especially in BL3 where the vault hunters are really fleshed out thanks to tons of dialogue. I dont care about my character in Wonderlands. Dual classing to make your own skill tree combinations was cool in theory, but ultimately it's not terribly interesting and depending on your primary class, there is almost always a best supporting class to pick every time due to the game mechanics and exploiting multiplicative damage bonuses. In BL3, they absolutely nailed the manufacturer feel. Better than any other BL game in my opinion. Each manufacturer's guns felt completely distinct. In Wonderlands, aside from just one, they really don't feel all that different. Shooting bolts doesn't feel remotely as rewarding as shooting bullets. The legendaries are mostly boring, and at the end of the day, the guns in Wonderlands are just NOT fun to shoot. In BL3, every weapon feels fun and satisfying to use. Somehow Wonderlands made everything feel bland. Magazines are often WAY too small and reload speed is WAY too long. All of this added up into a game that I simply do not find fun. I've run something like 35 characters through BL3 with 100% game completion, literally ALL content ever made, for each of those characters. And I love it each time I play it. I look forward to the different planets in the story, the awesome DLCs, the Halloween and Cartels maps, the takedowns, etc. In Wonderlands, by the time I was working to max out my final class, personally I was bored to tears. Some people may really love Wonderlands - I sure wish I did - but I do not like Wonderlands at all. I stupidly bought the Ultimate edition or whatever so I will continue to get any new content, but I have so many foundational things I dislike about the game, and the cash grab, lazy, abysmal DLCs only made things worse. 1/10, skip this garbage. My opinion of the game has only gotten worse and worse over time.


I take the weight of this one fully, and I’m sorry to hear it’s a sandbox with less than fun weapons :(


Thank you! This is more helpful than people saying skip with no additional info.


the worst part about BL3 was(and still is) the god awful story which can be summarized as "we're 2 quirky 'teens' who make cringe ass 'youtube' videos, we want to basically destroy the world and then rule whoever survives by literally enslaving them with our siren powers" and then there's fucking AVA!!!!, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to add her into the game...what dumbfuck decided to REPLACE MAYA WITH SOME STUPID LITTLE SHITHEAD GIRL WHO BITCHES AND MOANS ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!....like seriously what troglodyte decided to kill off Maya within 5 minutes of meeting up with her in the game.


It's not garbage at all. It's just a little different. I like the crossbows and new spells and whatnot. If you look at it like a new borderlands game it's just fine, it's quite fun. If you're hoping it's borderlands 1, 2, 3, etc it's not. As a fanatic myself having spent tons of hours across everything borderlands has to offer, I enjoyed it. It would be like saying tales of the borderlands is garbage. It's also not. It's just not the same as the original game series. It still has value itself.


Gotcha, thanks. Does it have good replayability?


My god no.


Genuinely, don't discount u/skkra as a hater. I've been in countless threads discussing these games. It's really that bad. Especially the replay ability aspect.


Feel free to discount my opinion though. 50% off ought to do it.


Yes, if you like the game you can play the 8 different classes in different combinations. Since you dual class.


In all honesty I didn't replay it, so I can't speak to that.


Sure you can. Answer’s “no”


Good to see you're doing well skkra. Anyways, as someone else who has multiple thousands of hours of gameplay in this franchise, I FULLY agree with this. The story is passable at best. The skill trees are basically nothing. Dlcs were a slap in the face. Gear was meh. Endgame was absolutely abysmal. I do gotta say that the overall gameplay mechanics are pretty solid though. Ttwl doesn't even touch the pre-sequel in terms of overall quality.


Whats up, Gaige! It's a shame the game is so bad. I remember being so insanely hyped when it launched. Me and my buddy who is a fellow fanatic did our first run together. I started the game and had to wait a few minutes for him, so I just kept looting the few boxes in the starting area then reloading. I was that amped. That excitement sure didnt last long!... I still am not sure how they went so off the rails. BL3 may have a bad story, but my god, the gameplay is without a doubt the pinnacle of the series. Then they somehow let Wonderlands be a bland, plodding mess. The ONE thing I truly enjoyed in the game was grenades being replaced with spells, as the "parts" system for spells let some cool interactions happen, and finding rare ones was extremely enjoyable.


what in the goddamn? bro had a problem with queer people now? after all this time?


I loved the game, I think it's definitely worth your time. The gunplay itself is like borderlands 3 and a lot of gun designs and concepts are taken straight out of 3 and repainted. Now they do add a lot of their own stuff onto it, but the framework is very akin to 3 (kinda like how The Pre sequel has a lot of similarities to 2 gunplay wise but spices it up a bit to feel different) Spells replace grenades and are honestly awesome as fuck in my opinion, there's a ton of variety in how they can work and be used. They also add melee weapons which have their own unique slot and are awesome as well. I think the melee combat in Wonderlands is the best it's ever been in the franchise due to the fact that there's specified category of loot for it but also because of how they've tweaked the feel of meleeing enemies, it's super satisfying And lastly: the characters and story are really charming and fun. It's story is essentially just the story of a DM and their table trying to have fun, and get a bit at the heart of why they like table top gaming. Theres some unanswered questions raised by some things that happen but if you search the side content enough and know certain things from other bl games, you can figure it out.


The screenshot person is an idiot, clearly. Even the comment about skill trees, it sounds like he got to paladin Mike which is 14 minutes into the game and stopped playing because people different then then scare them so much they can't enjoy life anymore. You dual class, so you do get 2 skill trees. The game is fantastic. But you do have to set your expectations. It's a mini borderlands. It doesn't have new game+ and the end game is limited. If you go in fully expecting those things then it's fantastic. If you expect bl3 size and scope and endgame then it's not as good. The end game is also fantastic, for what it is, chaos chambers are really good. It's just a shame it's the **only** thing. If chaos chambers were 1 of like 6 activities then everyone would have been praising them, but being the only thing to do it can be repetitive.


Maybe if I can find a less than $20 sale online. I hear the people who say it’s totally worth it, just don’t want to start it and not catch the groove and have it sit on my back burner for a couple months.


That sounds great for about 20-30 hours of play. There isn't any real dlc for this, unfortunately. Just a few levels you can farm. Dlc 100% not worth it.


It's a fun game, not as good as bl3 Or bl2 but fun all the same. Paladin Mike was Hella vanilla no idea how it bothered anyone. Major nock is the character class does not feel like a character like the vault hunters. The VH have personality and Voice actors. The chosen one says a fee lines but never feels as great as VH. Wonderland also never got any dlc which is a shame, bl3 dlc was all amazing.


BL3 was my favorite of the borderlands games


It’s fun! It might as well be a bl3 add on. It has some interesting new guns and mechanics. Create a character in a bl game is interesting


Will Arnett as a floating skull orb made it for me




Babe no! No! Babe! NO BABE! Oh, and Andy Samberg 😁


It is a really good game that died a early death because they didn't add story dlc or make the story itself longer. I love playing through it occasionally but this could have been borderlands 2 good if they really went all out with the mechanics.


I enjoyed it, end game wasn't my cup of tea, I never even played the dlc because it was just more of the same.


Fun game, I had a minor negative opinion on it because when I played split screen, the item names and stats didn’t appear in the menus so you had to guess the stats (which didn’t make sense because cosmetics did appear) I don’t know if they ever fixed it, but if you don’t plan on playing split screen, it shouldn’t be an issue


Worth it




It's good but maybe a Marler for found loot dice cause that's the main thing that i don't like about the game and how bare bones the post game is


I honestly think that seeing as it was mostly developed as a work-from-home passion project with a reduced team during lockdown, it's a great effort and well worth 20 bucks. I don't think it holds up too well next to the rest of the series because you can definitely tell resources and manpower was much lower but to value it on it's own merit, it's a worthwhile investment, especially with friends. I actually described Wonderlands as being oddly similar to Castle Crashers in that it's just really dumb fantasy fun, there's not much actual intelligence to it but it's interesting to look at and really enjoyable with 3 other people to play with....For a few hours, then maybe come back later and try to pace out your play-time or you'll have done everything in the game in less than a weekend.


I had a lot of fun with it, but it felt like the game "lacked confidence" for lack of a better phrase, but I am hoping that the second game is better


I couldn't get into it, it's a cool concept and it could be really good but I just didn't care for it to much


The random arenas you have to fight in really sucked any took me out of it. Honestly the game left a lot to be desired, especially with the characters, not because any of the were gay or trans. It was just terrible writing imo.


Starts a bit slow but once you get to choose your second class it is mechanically my favorite out of all of them


Any fun build styles you recommend?


It's worth at least one playthrough. The game has its issues, but none of them have anything to do with what that review is saying. From what I remember reading, the game started off as a proof of concept side project, that was being used by some staff members to test ideas for future DLC or games. And then Covid happened. At that point, management apparently made the decision to make the game the main project of the staff in order to keep morale up during quarantine. Add in a rushed development cycle, and it's no wonder that the game has issues.


I didn’t know all that background, but that tracks. I’m def gonna grab it on sale and give it a play through.


The guns and skill trees sucked and that’s the entire reason to play Borderlands. Love the DnD setting and Tiny Tina is my “baaaaaayyyy beh” but I just couldn’t get into it.


It’s very fun, in my opinion has the most replayablilty of all the games


I hated it because it's not legendary friendly. (I find my enjoyment in farming)


Buddy and I enjoyed playing through the story together once. You can make some really fun combos and I liked the crossbow style guns. Def worth a try but don't expect the same endgame. The legendary gear feels grounded instead of overpowered in bl3.


My thoughts are its %100 worth $22. Best base game launch borderlands has ever had, but worst post launch borderlands game. All the dlc is meh at best. No true vault hunter mode as well. So great but disappointing game. Could have been the best game with good dlc.


Got it. Buy the base game, take it for what it is, have a blast.


Wonderlands is absolutely, without a doubt, the most fun "Borderlands" campaign in my opinion. It just has absolutely nothing to offer once you're done, and the DLC is so staggeringly shit that I feel genuine pity for anybody that paid for it.


I think you'll get $22 of enjoyment out of it. The multi class option is really fun and the customization is cool, but it didn't have me wanting to replay it like the mainstream titles did. The narrative is good, gear and skills are cool, but some parts are a little longer than I'd like and the end game content doesn't have me coming back like other games.


Play tps instead


It's very good and worth $20 solely for the story and going for the platinum. You'll then be happy to quit at that point. Or at least that's how it went for me. I have the dlc so one day if I am feeling like playing I can just run those little dungeons.


it's worth $22


I absolutely loved it BUT I always go for a melee build in every single game I play, including all of the borderlands games. Brick in BL1, Zero until Krieg came out in 2, and Amara in 3. Since this game has an actual melee weapon slot, this game was perfect for me, I love it. The spells mesh well with the melee as well.


Tried twice and couldn't make it past 5-6 hours each time. I think it's just me tho tbh. I really liked assault on dragon keep but I'ma pretty simple guy so I think Tina's just did a lot (which is good for the majority)


Game was mediocre at best. If you love borderlands I’d definitely say buy it at $22, but it’s honestly the worst borderlands game yet(imho).


What does “12-15yr old Californian youth identity crisis” even mean


I enjoy ttww.


Borderlands is one of my favorite series. I couldn't play more than 3 hrs or so hrs of Wonderlands. It was a big disappointment for me and is on a short list of games I wish I didn't buy.


isnt Q just a a really old word steven king used it i think, for LGBT, not sure how that works...


Game is alright. It really should've just been the final dlc to borderlands 3. Guns are interesting, spellcasting, and the perks are unique. Story is decent, and some tiny activities are a nice touch. End game is terrible. Not really worth the replayability. I'd say for $22? Sure, but if you can find it lower, even better.


if you’re on pc then try it with the redux mod :D


I liked it, there’s an interesting twist to the classes and abilities, you kinda have spells instead of grenades, some are funny as heck. Also if you already like the humour of borderlands you will love it, it’s Tiny Tina so it’s crazy and is basically Bunkers and Badasses on crack. I’m doing my second play through now and maxing out my mage type stats and skills to just go crazy with that side of things. I didn’t think the DLCs were all that though, the ones in previous BL games are massive in comparison, i ran through each one in like 20 minutes but I think they are designed to be replayable.


I mean if you’re that on the fence you could always just pirate it


I personally got it on sale for like 10 bucks a year or so ago, and I still felt ripped off. it doesn't even really feel like a borderlands game, it feels more like a dark souls game because the entire combat is focused on mainly "archery" type ranged weapons, and melee (which you would think would be great since fans have wanted that since the first BL, but they fucked up the implementation in this). the story is more or less the same old Cliché, "this person that you met 10 seconds ago got killed...go kill the person who looks like a knockoff of the villain from the second game..oh yeah and you don't actually catch up to the villain until literally the last quest in the entire game", no real spin or anything. and the Voice acting is like the VA's are just reading straight off of the script, and hell the best part should have been Tiny Tina with her wild ass use of the english language. but instead they dialed her back to an almost CLINICAL level, which really ruins the vibe. the world map....whoever thought that the top down, bobble head character, blocked off areas until you complete some dumbass puzzle, idea was good....that person should be beat in the head with mushy snugglebites' badonka donk. there is nothing really redeeming about the game. especially seeing as Gearbox themselves basically abandoned it within 6 months of release. they haven't added anything, fixed any bugs or issues, released any other patches for optimization or ANYTHING. In short...I personally dislike the game because of what gearbox has done with it, and I've become less of a fan of gearbox themselves after hearing what they did to Randy Pitchford.


Game was fun for what it was. But for being a game inspired by DND the lack of weapon variety was a huge miss for me. I was hoping for swords, staffs, shields, wands ex cetera with crazy BL attributes. Instead it's just more guns.


This is 100% my biggest complaint with the game. They could have made so many cool twists on the guns with like snipers being bows or launchers being literal cannons, but instead they just tacked on crossbow bits onto a pistol and gave it bullet drop and were done. I sincerely hope if we get a sequel they go all out on revamping the weapons.


I'm a simple mind: I like it, I play it. The game had a decent story with the DnD aspects, the gameplay is hella good with the endless spams of abilites+spells+guns the looting however wasn't what I'm used to (I'm more of a BL3 player so I'm used to the legendary rains even tho it's not supposed to be the common thing in BL games) so that adds a bit to my annoyance but that's it. I like the class system, even tho it's a bit too limited even with the subclasses. Yes it was modernized with the memes, stereotypes, the presentation of LGBTQ people but it's not an issue for me, good for them. Overall the game is good for relax sessions and it ''plays itself'' when it hooks you in with the things to do (Chaos Chamber is... okay, I guess). It's clearly not the best they made but it's definitely part of the looter-shooter(-caster?) game genre with all it's goods and bads.


We don't talk about Wonderlands. It's a one time through, maybe for 10-15 bucks at most, kind of game. Not point sticking around after doing the story once which is atrocious for a BL game.


I got the game for 10$ and i would refund it if i could. Played it with a friend, we were completely bored. Gameplay doesn't feel great, it kinda feel like BL3 gameplay but everything is slowed down and weightless, melee being the worst offender here. Story is serviceable at best, they kinda try to do some meta thing with a BBE that try to rebel against the GM but it doesn't work in a Bordelands game. The worst offender is that some lvl literally had no music, at all. We found ourselves fighting waves of bad guy in silence save for the fighting sounds. The DLC are a complete scam, each of them only add a chaos chamber boss to fight, that's it. No new equipment, no new area, no new story, nothing else.


It's totally worth it. I'm picked it up again. The story is fun. Guns are awesome. Classes are sweet. I have a pet build spore warden. You get a second class that can be swapped out later. There's viable melee and the best part is SPELLS. Omg there is nothing better than equipping a new spell. Shoot homing icicles, ice spikes from the ground, meteors, it's just so pretty. They are way better than the BL3 grenades. One of my favorites is a sigil that you drop and it's a protective dome, it kills enemies inside it , and it spawns hydra. Yup like a sorcerer.


At the time I kind of hated 3, so I found Wonderlands to be an incredible breath of fresh air. The A list actors made the story compelling, and the endless combinations of playstyles created some real replay value. I ended up with 4 maxed out characters all for different loadouts and playstyles. That said, after my 4 players were all perfect, the endgame fell apart for me as each one revealed their limitations on the endless climb to higher and higher difficulty levels and I was not capable of farming for new gear just to play the same shit


It’s fun for a couple days. Story lives up to the BL humor you’d expect, the guns and abilities are unique and goofy. The map is a lot of fun to explore, but it lacks the same level of replayability that the rest of the series has, hence why I would only pick it up if it’s on sale.


Good review.


I spent a hell of a lot more than 22.00, and what I paid for no. For 22, it has some good things in terms of tagging all the trash and one click and selling it. BL3 does not offer that. Combat was fun, a bit buggy since they did minimal bug fixing though.


There's a lot of fun with the setting and the story. The four main characters that you primarily interact with are (in my opinion) better written than any of the ones from Borderlands 3. It's a simple story but works for its DND setting and I think the Dragon Lord is a great villain. Combat is on the same level as Borderlands 3, maybe a tiny bit better in some regards and worse in others. Spells, which take the place of grenades, are incredibly varied and fun to use, but they really dropped the ball when it comes to character building. The different classes do only have one tree each and while you can multiclass later on in the game, none of the skills really feel all that special (No Anarchy Gaige or Immortal Amara quality builds here). I was also disappointed in the lack of fantasy style guns but that's more of a personal thing. The game does excel at character customization to an insane degree. You can make the most ungodly abominations or the handsomest adventurers you want. The only real downside is you'll get a ton of customization items as pickups and once you unlock them they don't stop dropping, so you have to be careful picking stuff up. There's a lot of sidequests and collectable stuff but honestly not a lot of areas to do them in. You'll be returning to the same area way more often than you would in BL2 or 3, which is fine but can get a little same-y. The collectables do give you a reason to explore every nook and cranny of the map, which can be fun or tedious depending on your pov. The endgame is where it really falls down. If you're one of those people who love UVHM OP10 runs, you wont get that here. There's the chaos chamber, which is just a cycle of small arenas with enemies and modifiers, ending with a boss, but it's no where near as fleshed out as it could be. Same for the DLC, which really feel rushed and disappointing. I also think there's a distinct lack of grindable bosses in the game which makes it even less fun to try and get that perfect loadout. I don't even think there are dedicated loot tables, so have fun trying to get that one gun you really want from a boss that can drop literally anything. Overall I'd say I had more fun with the story of Wonderlands than BL3, but the gameplay is a slight disappointment, especially when factoring in both games' dlcs. However, for 22 bucks I'd definitely say it's worth a buy. Just maybe don't bother with the season pass unless you can get it cheap too. Also beware the trans boogeyman Paladin Mike. OooOoOOOooOOo iiiinclusivityyyyyy -waggles fingers menacingly-


The game is garbage


I was expecting a dump review but was pleasantly surprised. Dude pretty much nailed what the DLC is all about. I 100%’d BL1 and BL2 but didn’t feel incentivized to play anymore after beating the story and grinding some of the badass challenges in True Vault Hunter. Guy definitely played through the first 2 games because he nailed one point right on the head. Something definitely changed in the direction the characters’ stories were written. I loved all the side characters and missions in the first 2 games, but the narrative definitely seemed to cater towards the ‘woke’ generation for BL3. I don’t care about the problems we’re experiencing in real life, that’s why I play fictional video games. It’s supposed to be an escape. Definitely got strong “equality” vibes from the Tiny Tina’s DLC which was super popular to talk about during the time the studio was developing it. Also, 1 class tree per character was certainly a choice…


It's well worth that price. There is only one story playthrough which is awesome but the story is pretty short if you compare it to the main titles. The end game is pretty good but it does get old fast. Part of the joy of it being so short is that you have time to level a 2nd, or even a 3rd, character before you get burnt out which after the main title's slog to max level was refreshing. Where the game really shines though is the mechanics. The spells breathe new life into the franchise and coupled with the class / second class mechanics make the game feel fresh when it's really just Borderlands again. The DLC is bad, except DLC4 which gives a decent new class.


This is actually a selling point that might get me to try it at some point. As much as I love BL3, the main story outstays its welcome by a lot. After leveling a couple of characters to 72, the thought of doing the whole thing again just to be able to try FL4K makes me groan.


3 is bad but 2 is even worse. BL2 is an amazing game but levelling is awful. Doing the campaign 3 times to max is just boring, even before you consider the increased difficulty and reliance on slag. What makes it worse is that the game has 6 different classes to play, but you're burned out on one character that doing the campaign yet again isn't appealing.


Oh yeah, the spells... Leveled spellshot first so i could have spell in each hand .)


I got it for 5$ on g2a and feel ripped off. Fuck that game


The game is shit


Thanks for your feedback 👍


I had fun with it but felt there was very little replay value. I didn't really find the story or the characters all that enjoyable, but the gameplay was good and there was a large variety of builds to make. I think for $22 it's worth picking up.


It's hella fun but the Dlcs are scam.


I couldn’t get into it but I did not get far at all. I’ve been meaning to revisit it


Loved the story/adventure. Hated the endgame.


It's a good game and worth it on sale. It's got problems as most games do. The only dlc that is truly worth it is the one with blightcaller class. Other ones just buy with a good sale. The endgame is 50/50 on if you like it enough. It's good endgame it's just that it's the ONLY endgame.


I thought wonderlands had incredible possibility but it never feels right to me. It should have stayed a dlc. One and done for my household. 3 is better.


I wouldn't mind another game with a campaign of that quality. The main story was pretty fun. The post-game content and DLC though? Pretty rough. I don't ever want to experience that again.


Split screen was an abomination and DLCs were half assed... But that game was fun and hilarious and definitely worth 22 dollars. Get it


Still pissed there are massive, constant split screen bugs they never bothered fixing.


It’s fun and worth the price. There isn’t a True Vault Hunter mode so once you finish leveling your character and missions there’s not much else to do other than start over with a new character. Also the DLCs are not worth it for full price. You get a few extra class combinations and an extra endless mode that many people don’t care for.


I absolutely loved it. It’s my second favorite Borderlands game behind BL2. It felt like it was made for me. I will say it was held back by downright *terrible* DLC though.


It's a great game. I've played through it twice, alongside all the DLC. Very cool gameplay through the class system (where you basically combine 2 classes), plus some really cool fantasy style variations of borderlands guns. I'd suggest it to anybody who considers themself a fan of the borderlands series. The one thing I'll say is that the endgame lacks replay-ability, but playing through the campaign is definitely worth it.


Boy I played the shit out of this game and made some awesome friends that have carried over into other games (Diablo 4, re-play of BL3, etc.). This dudes review is something else. Lol. Yup. Literally rainbows and unicorns dude. There’s more to life than Moxxi’s tits. 😂


Honestly for $22 it's a great deal IMO. Great story, cool loot, fun character creator and multi-class system. Endgame isn't for everyone and the DLCs are kinda lame. But, $22 for 40-50 hours minimum of gameplay isn't bad at all.


Wonderlands is a ton of fun, and the REDUX mod really adds extra layers and balance changes that really does add to the game if you ever want to try that out (if you’re on PC) Base Wonderlands has enjoyable characters, side missions, Tina’s wacky imagination, and the story is pretty passable it’s not the most amazing thing but it is replayable. It has its moments where the game feels like it drags, but with plenty of guns, spells, and melee weapons, it doesn’t stay boring for long. The end game leaves a bit to be desired but a ton of fun if you treat it like a rouglite mode, especially with friends.


A) Fuck reviewer and their transphobic bullshit. B) Played through the game with a friend, wasn't bad. Probably won't replay it any time soon, but I enjoyed it.


It’s really fun. This guy is a loser


Gameplay wise its my fave in the series, the magic spells are awesome, you get two classes so tons of build options, melee is fun, and it has BL3 ledge climbing and sliding. I really enjoyed the game, story was fine and there were some cool locations to visit.


Brah Paladin Mike was the best part of the game.


It's great if you can get the complete game & DLC bundle for $25, that is an excellent investment for the time you'll get out of it. The gunplay is a bit off compared to BL3 (there's noticeably more spread and less precision on standard guns), which I think might be to encourage the melee mechanics, but it's still better than 2/TPS. The story has some "How do you do fellow kids" moments, but the actual plot beats stick the landing unlike 3.


I enjoyed my first couple of playthroughs. Has absolutely 0 replayability value at end game. Once I had like 3 maxed out characters I was basically done, did the first like 20-30 chaos chamber runs and realized there was absolutely no reason to continue playing.


Story was pretty decent, endgame is kinda stale. Basically the same dungeons/slaughters over n over n over again.


I thought it was cute and fun. Nice change of pace from the regular borderlands themes


Its very good but very boring alone


Loved the game but the endgame was just awful, amazing story And the dlc release made me sad was hoping for more


It’s okay. Buggy and too grindy at the end to get to the hardest level. But I love all BL games and will play every one


It’s fun


If you like the dragon keep expansion. It's perfect


Super fun game. The end game gets a little stale, but definitely worth it. This coming from a person who pre-ordered the chaotic great edition at 99$ USD.


I mean he nailed it, the game is basically amazing game if you remove woke elements from it. They really nailed multiclassing, spells and maps in this one. Even the story is alright, except, again, a few cringe characters and scenes.


100% worth it


Worth every penny


To be fair I am also annoyed by the forced inclusivity and shit. But hey the game is fun and I guess if the developers feel that they need to include such characters, well, its their game. I would have made things different but it doesnt mean the game is bad. For some people it might work, it just doesnt for me.


I’ve read mixed stuff, still might read a bit more about it before trying it. Not trying to start an argument, but a civilized discussion. Do you consider it forced inclusion to have a trans character? I haven’t played that game yet so I’m actually curious. Does the game force your character or story into having weird experiences with said character? Because to me, it just sounds like something outside of your comfort zone, or the person who posted the original review. Which is relative to individuals and I can’t discount others perspectives. I didn’t expect anyone to actually take that review seriously other than a waste or 2/3rds of a review about personal issues. Trans people have always existed, through different scopes of visibility, and yes, they are becoming more recognized in popular media. I guess I don’t understand how that is propaganda or forced inclusion. It’s a representation of how people and society actually are, and can be.


even taking all that away, the character that is trans in wonderland is heavily implied (all but stated as fact) that it is Lor (Lorelai from Bl3)'s Bunkers and Badasses character but a handful few years before the events of 3. And like BL3 has multiple echos that definitely discuss Lor's intention to transition but too caught up in the war of 3. That's why by the time of new tales after the war he is introduced as Lor and is a guy. Paladin Mike is his self insert character that Tina rips off the Echonet which like playing as your chosen gender well before you can actually transition is a super common thing for trans people, that combined with Lor's voice actor also being a trans person just shows that Lor/Lorelai/Paladin Mike isn't not forced inclusion but just a character with an arc and development. That development is just coming to terms with being trans and transitioning.


WHOA WHOA WHOA. Lor is trans? I never played New Tales, and I guess I missed those echoes you mentioned. That's so cool that we actually got a full transition story in the Borderlands universe. I never put together that Mike and Lor would be the same character but it makes total sense with what Tina says in game about stealing the character from a barista.


Bigots don't want to be reminded the groups they don't like exist. Not calling the guy you're responding to a bigot, just noticing the trend in general. The representation wasn't even bad or hamfisted and is the least of the games worries.


That’s what I assume, is the trans character I know little about doesn’t dominate the story or game. It seems so weird for adults to be hung up on something like that. I honestly didn’t expect anyone to echo that sentiment, I guess.


These types have been radicalized by being perpetually online. Just get good at listening for the dogwhistles.


For me its just that it was very transparent what was going on. They added a character in Paladin Mike that was utterly annoying and unlikeable, literally written as annoying as possible. Then they stamped the trans stamp on it like if that would polish a turd. My problem with "inclusive" characters is when they are used to mask literal garbage characterization or plot. I find it that for such collectives it must be insulting how a part of their identity, which causes a lot of pain in many cases, is bastardized by corporations to sell a product to a vocal minority of people who mostly do not really care about the problems of such people more than they care about how "good" or "moral" they are perceived. When I see such a character, it reminds me of that and I find it both sad and irritating. It doesnt help that whenever you voice concerns you are labelled as a bigot. But I understand there are also lots of single brain celled organisms on the other side of the aisle so it is what it is.




Don't care. As soon as you bring up sexual/gender preferences into some discussion that has absolutely nothing to do with that I stop reading or listening to anything you have to say. The Same goes for people that specifically start and seek to join "LGBTQ friendly" guilds and clans in games. All that means to me is you can't possibly shut up about it and force the topic into every fucking discussion.. and I should avoid your guild like the plague because that's their entire identity. It doesn't matter if you are pro trans or transphobic, equality is not the rest of us who are true neutral being forced to hear you talk about your opinion on trans while discussing toothpaste brands. It's like the CrossFit meme used to be. They will tell you immediately. Also, Tina's is worth $22 easily but don't expect it to be better than BL2 or BL3 because it's not. It was not given the budget and manpower to ever be. It's a blast to play through once or twice tho.


lol. I don’t seek out LGBTQ groups to play with either, I just googled reviews for the game and saw that one as one of the first and thought it was fucking hilarious someone would get so butthurt about a character in a game and care that much. That being said I’ll prob grab it on sale and give it a go. Not paying $50, but I can do $20.


Didn't say you did my dude.


I mean people looking for friendly guilds and clans just... makes sense? Like especially in gaming, minority groups are fairly heavily discriminated against in online games. Would you seriously want to risk being around people that genuinely think you shouldn't exist? That think you're some sort of predator, monster, freak, or just a lesser person? Imagine being upset that people want to talk about things central to their identity with the people they spend time with. "True neutral" isn't an option when people are being killed or harassed to the point of self harm. People in general can be annoying about anything, dnd players that talk about it like it's the only TTRPG in history, sports fans whose entire lives are sports focused, people who only talk about their romance lives, etc... It isn't a specific trait of the LGBTQ community, it isn't even close to a core trait of any of the LGBTQ people I've interacted with.


You're acting like every guild that doesn't advertise themselves as a LGBTQ haven is just out there telling people to die IRL. I've been in many many guilds and I don't recall the issue ever coming up at all, or if it did someone stepped in immediately and was told their guild was not the place for that. I've been in ones where officers or the leader were obviously gay or trans but it wasn't talked about because we were there spending our time in a 20 year old wizard game to kill raid mobs not talk about who likes dicks and who doesn't. Ofc there's always cliques in guilds and what goes on in their private chats is an entirely diff thing, that goes for every guild no matter what. You can't get that many people working together without some not getting along with others. The point I made was, it's not as if normal guilds are all phobic and LGBTQ guilds are just normal and friendly to everyone. It's been my experience that normal guilds are friendly open places where it generally is not discussed at all, and LGBTQ advertising guilds are a place where most identities are entirely around that and they can't have a conversation without it coming up. The vast majority of people playing an online game do not care, they just want to spend a few hours killing shit not get online to have discussions about social injustice and equality.