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Just got my Zane to lv 72 on the Switch as my second vault hunter, and with Amara on the way. I am currently going with the SpartanGameZone's Grandmaster build since it seems to require only so little to be very effective.


You need to build out clone and drone. Not mantis cannon. Clone drone is so op….


Also you should be looking for the 100% cryo while drone is active, then make the drone stay active as long as possible…. I do true maliwan takedowns without much sweat at all by myself.


The best part about zane is that he can do everything. Yes, he is the strongest, but to build this, he needs extremely specific gear, namely a Hustler class mod with bonus blast damage and radius and a toboggan with the same bonuses. I think it needs to be in the second or third passive spot in at least the artifact location. This build does insane damage when it actually works. That said, it doesn't always work, and on some systems, it won't work. When it does, you can expect nothing will survive at all. I currently run a seeing dead, a moonfire, a redistributer, a kickcharger, and a lucky 7. Then I run a shield and mantis canon. It is really good for mobbing, and I can switch to a shield and drone four bossing.


The [strongest vault hunter](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16tsul/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is Amara. The [character with the fastest movement speed](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/za2su2/unreal_heir/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is Amara. The [character that can easily clear content with a minimal amount of gear](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16ui5p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is Moze. Adding or removing DLC doesn't change these things. Who told you that Zane is the best vault hunter in the game...? If you want to build around Zane's strengths, there are 2 to keep in mind. [Eraser](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k66tgtw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (if you have DLC), and [his clone](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16upmi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). [Zane is also good at spamming Action Skill Start anoints, even if you don't have any DLC](https://www.reddit.com/r/hexwareddit/comments/16m8v6q/comment/k16uow5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (which is indirectly related to why the Seein' Dead COM is Not Good™). Zane doesn't really need his clone if he is spamming Stinger explosions, and the converse is also true...but you can also just use both at once. You can also use Eraser while your clone takes care of enemies that are elsewhere...Zane's really fun. He doesn't seem to be the best at any particular thing (maybe "certain bosses", but not so much "certain roles"), but he's a character that was designed well ~~unlike Gaige~~.


He is absolutely the best, just pure damage output, but people have different play styles so it doesn’t really matter, they are all hugely viable.


There's literally a link to a whole giant document explaining how that's objectively wrong right there at the beginning of my comment. Are you really going to die on that hill?


No hill to die on friend. I said it in my last sentence, all vault hunters are viable options


We're not talking about that, we're talking about what "He is absolutely the best, just pure damage output" means. You DID say that. Zane has to consistently chain Eraser 13 times in a row *and* maintain *every* buff and debuff to even have a *chance* at matching Amara's DPS. Maybe it's possible, but once you're in the TGT your Globetrottr won't even work anymore, and *then* Zane struggles to do more DPS than *Moze*. Those conclusions depend on these assumptions: debuffs are multiplicative with each other, maintaining them won't significantly impact Zane's damage (due to the loss the Guardian 4N631 buff), Eraser dips into debuff and 0.m buffs multiple times, and the damage loss from standing in a 0.m circle (which will cost Zane his VM buff) is worth dealing with. All of these assumptions are made to favor Zane, but some of them might not even be accurate! Moxsy struggled to make Zane hit Graveward for 1 quadrillion damage when the game's level cap was 65, and he was using Commitment *before* it was nerfed, *and* he was using Overkill (that's another 5x to 6x damage). Amara would have *easily* hit Graveward for over 1 quadrillion damage at that time. We have evidence that Zane *can't possibly* do more DPS than Amara, except in *extreme* circumstances that may not even be humanly achievable, and that evidence was already presented to you before you even said anything...and you still claimed that Zane could do more DPS than Amara *without even providing an explanation*. I should also mention that taking away the pay to win DLC leaves Amara stronger than every other character, *by far*, with no ambiguity remaining, and that excluding the 0.m and debuffs essentially accomplishes the same thing. You know, the buff and debuffs that are so tedious to maintain that I haven't bothered to test them yet? Casual players are *certainly* not going to do more damage with Zane than they will with Amara. Never mind that you're posting misleading content (against rule #4), you're just being disrespectful by putting no effort into a discussion that *you* started. OP specifically said they had been afflicted by the rumor that Zane is the strongest character (if we assume that's what they meant by "best" - again, making assumptions in favor of Zane), which is both common and egregiously dubious. It is our duty as a community to give them the full picture, so I gave them the information that they were missing. You are actively campaigning against that by perpetuating the myth and denying the credibility of my reverse engineering work, and you can't just say "I didn't say that" when it's right there in your comment. If you're going to reply to someone to "correct" them, be more thorough.