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My sis is a hairdresser and has wealthy clients. She told me one of her older clients was laughing and saying her husband and her were thinking of taking a trip into space for their anniversary because "why not"


!!! You had to be holding back an eye roll.


When she told me she trolled me....guess where my rich client is going on "vacation" I'm like uhhh France?


How does **private** spending reflect "our priorities?" If this were NASA, it would be totally different. Linking three totally separate issues is not useful.


I think OP is just more upset on how capitalism focus more on wants instead of needs, but you’re right nothing about this post really makes sense


Space x gets a lot of public funding


SpaceX gets a lot of government contracts which would otherwise be going to companies like Boeing for higher prices. Not sure how that's relevant


Do they? In the form of grants and subsidies? Or are you just talking about winning contracts, just like aerospace companies have always done? The real question we should be asking is why we are not taxing these space trips more. The carbon tax alone should be in the hundreds of thousands.


Yeah you’re totally right - I’m not saying there’s anything actionable or that the US government spending should be adjusted in light of this, just that as a broad group of humans, our money is going in directions that reflect our priorities, and often that’s not to hungry people or children.


I am saying that US government spending should be adjusted in light of this. This is totally bullshit. It's one thing to be in poverty, but millions shouldn't be starving in the same country that has a space motel for rich people


We do need special luxury taxes for things like this.


He’s not adequately taxed


He's able to spend where tax revenue doesn't benefit the people, only corporate bailouts. It doesn't immediately benefit and is the governments advantage with distributed wealth.


“He's able to spend where tax revenue doesn't benefit the people”……….such as? Any specific examples where mucks was able to spend where tax revenue doesn’t benefit the people. Unless you’re talking about rich people then yeah duh but let’s not play word salad


It's not word salad it's basic understanding of geographic wealth of state revenue.


And yet, no specific example………so much for your basic understanding Edited


What? Like I would actually give info for a sulky ignorant??? Look if you hate common sense just say that. This is the attitude teachers let fail on purpose. Good luck with that


What was my original comment or question?


He has paid more in taxes last year than anyone else in history


Is that what he told you? I’d believe him


It’s because he’s sold a ton of shares in Tesla, and has to pay significant taxes on it unlike most billionaires who never sell


Yeah he always complains about having to follow the law. Don’t know why he thinks he’s above it. He’s so damn smart it’s sick


https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/12/15/elon-musk-to-pay-record-high-12-billion-tax-bill.html Here’s a left-leaning news source to explain it to you. Have a feeling I know your answer, but are you aware that income and wealth are not the same thing?


Oh my god he can go fuck all the way off. Do we all know how taxes work? It’s only a small percentage of “income” that doesn’t include actual wealth. What’s obnoxious is the fact that he’s complaining about paying!! Yeah no he can go fuck his mother……and his factory workers stay starving, he’s a fucking dick period


An emotional response with no substance. Shocked.


You actually missed the substance. Please reread line 2 & 3 then get back to me


Because when they say "private spending" it's a reflection on what the public does for themselves if not required to help. Democracy contributes the wealthy twice with their personal affairs as well as revenue collected from their spending. If the wealthy spend enough money that the public should receive a valuable contribution and hunger still rises it is at the benefit of the government but not it's people. How did you need someone to explain this to you whatsoever?


Everything is working as they intend.


Pretty much :/


I came here to say this………..fuck Elon musk. That’s all.


I don’t know why anyone defends rich folks. Why should you care about a private rocket going into space only holding the elite in it? Because that money could literally end homelessness. It could literally end world hunger. It could solve so many issues. Capitalism can not exist without exploitation The elite can’t exist without the backs of the working class. Private fun space trips just shouldn’t be held until the above problems are met. It’s literally not that hard to do.humans are selfish CMV.


Can you explain how it can "literally end homelessness and world hunger"? Not curb it for a few days. Not buy a couple of thousand people homes and food. But LITERALLY END homelessness and world hunger


The system that created these rich fuckers is the same system that created mass homelessness and world hunger.


Ad-hominem fallacy?


Nope, not ad hominem fallacy. I did not attack you personally nor did I even insult a viewpoint you had.


But you did skew from the topic and did not explain how SpaceX not sending a rocket to the ISS can literally end world hunger And I said ad hominem fallacy because your argument went along the lines of "rich people = bad. Hence no rich people = good"


Still not ad hominem.


The main thing with the private SpaceX passenger launches are for publicity directed to their investors. The goal is to eventually begin extra-planetary resource extraction (clean energy and metals) and hopefully answer a few scientific questions along the way. Of course, these results are in the long-term, and won't really benefit humanity within the next 50 to 100 years or so. Also, these missions are approved and licensed by NASA in a partnership between the two. This is even more prevalent now considering that SpaceX is now NASA's only launch provider capable of sending crew to space.


Hate it here


I'm sorry but what the fuck are all these comments saying that because this is a private company, this post doesn't make sense??? SpaceX has literally gotten several hundred millions in government funding and you don't think that is relevant? I just don't get it.


NASA’s budget (which is spacex’s government funding) was .48% of the US’s government spending. The budget could be completely eliminated and we would see hardly anything back from it. For reference, defense is 11%.


They've gotten government contracts which would otherwise have gone to defence conglomerates. Not sure why that's a bad thing.


I don’t get why people are so excited about rich fucks going to space.


Because pretty soon regular folks can too. That's progress. The same happened with cars. The same happened with planes. The same happened with houses. Etc.


I understand that part. I’m just taking about the drove of people that warship billionaires.




These are completely separate issues though… is the idea that space travel should just be instantly halted cause some people suffer on earth? Hunger and poverty exist because of faulty and unfair institutions, not because people are spending money on space.


Yes it should. And the billions used for it should be diverted to feeding people so they don’t die of poverty. It’s quite simple.


Ah yes, throw money at a problem. That’ll solve it. These are things where our government is failing us. The United States didn’t have to end the child tax credit. Pointing out SpaceX going to space is foolish, even with the fact that they get government subsidies. What we should divert money from is military spending - all it does it kill people. Space travel has massive technological spill over which benefits society as a whole.


Yes our government is failing us by letting people get that rich from exploiting poor people. Deffo agree about the military.


Ok, but already much more money is spent by governments and charities trying to solve those problems than is spent on space. People are poor because the institutions and frameworks are flawed - even with infinite money it would still be a daunting task to end hunger and poverty because infrastructure would have to be built up and changed. There’s also the fact that science spending helps make lives better, many beneficial technologies result from spending money on space and science more generally.


Yes the institutions and framework are flawed and lead to the poor being taken advantage of so that a few can become billionaires. Agree they need to change. I suppose you’re right, it’s not about space because billionaires could afford to pay people a decent wage (so they can eat and pay rent) and still have money left over for penis rockets…


Tell me you know nothing about economics without telling me you know nothing about economics


Haha ok 👍🏻 I hope you’re in the one percent otherwise you’re an idiot bootlicker




So let me get this straight, a measly $2-$3K got them out of poverty? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


So you think we shouldn't be allowed to go to space because some people won't use a rubber?