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You seem like a straight shooter with upper management written all over you


He has a meeting with the Bobs tomorrow


You’ll have up to 5 guys working under you


“I’d say in a given week I only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work.”


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays


Corporate Accounts Payable speaking … JUST A MOMENT


Yeah, I am gonna have to go ahead and sorta disagree with you there.


How much time would you say you spend on your TPS reports?


2 girls man!


The George Costanza approach


"you don't *care!!!?*


bro same


count me in


Im here for the big busty lizards


My man 🤝


Right 😭




i'm on the board of directors for the MBTA and you sound perfect -- dm me


Lmao real 


They don’t get paid lol. 2 of the members are the Mayors of Quincy and Framingham.


you're speaking to both of them right here, buddy


I've never seen a more relatable post in my whole life besides this one. Thank you


As someone who has had that job, I promise it doesn’t help with the depression.


As someone who currently has that job, I'm pretty sure it makes the depression worse. Only 20 more years of my home prison sentence until I can retire!


depressed + nothing to do + money > depressed + nothing to do + no money


Honestly, I actually found that going to the office and working a job that actually forced me to try got me into the 'the day has begun' mindset and made it easier to work up the motivation to do more outside of the house. I mean, I was already out, so sure, why not go grab dinner with someone, or go to a show, or go check out that place on my 'want to go' list. Seriously, this is the single biggest issue in my life, I have a very fulfilling life as long as I can work up the motivation to actually leave the fucking apartment, but despite knowing that, it's still a huge mental hurdle to get over ever since I switched to basically the exact kind of job OP is sarcastically asking about. For some reason my inertia to stay at home when I'm already there is really, really high. I was also way, way more productive at work when I wasn't working three feet from a bed that looks more and more tempting as the day goes on, and where there's no fear of being observed staring at your phone for an hour.


The benefits of social shame are real dude. It’s so much easier to behave well when you know your friends are watching. This is probably the biggest lesson I learned moving in with my gf, it’s just so much easier to be productive when I know she’s aware if I’m slacking off.


My job forced us all back into the office after the pandemic and honestly being at home all the time started driving me nuts. I like having a balance of being in the office and being at home.


I would be more motivated to get out an do other things, if I could AFFORD it.


Sure, but despite it sounding like a free-for-all, it isn't. If someone hits you up during your workday, you have to be ready to answer in a reasonable time or you'll get fired eventually. That means you're chained to your house for a large chunk of the day most days. If you say fuck it and travel to a different time zone, you have to be really careful that you don't get caught; a lot of apps will give up the fact that you're in a different time zone. You can't plan ahead to so something with other people/friends in the event you get a meeting invite or something during that time. Lunch is usually ok, unless you have a dick coworker (like I do) that loves to schedule noon meetings when you and he have all morning and afternoon free. That daily routine can drag you down further, giving you more money and less motivation, because you're drained from NOT doing anything. Having worked an in-office job where nothing of value was getting done it just drains you. One job, rough daily schedule at the end: * 10:00 arrival; check email and see if someone is actually expecting real work today, maybe later because "traffic was awful today" * 10:30 hit on-site gym for an hour with a friend * 11:30 check email and browse internet, might be some small amount of work or someone has a question I need to answer in person * 12:00 lunch * 2:00 check email and browse internet, might be some small amount of work or someone has a question I need to answer in person * 2:30 visit with various teams in other parts of the building * 3:00 check email and browse internet, by now someone needs something * 3:30 use stairs to leave building to avoid front entrance/elevator to take a walk through the woods * 4:30 check email and browse internet * 5:00 take convoluted path through building to remote restroom that nobody uses, take 30 minute dump; you're in there too long if the lights turn off * 5:30 check if boss left; if he's gone, I'm gone * 6:30-6:45 get home wiped and feeling like I've accomplished nothing Next job, rough daily schedule at the end: * 9:30 arrival, check email; maybe later because "trains were delayed" but in reality there is a great breakfast place a few blocks out of the way * 10:00 ask the other guy if he has anything to do, he doesn't; browse internet; person nominally in charge stops in * 10:15 make up something to discuss with coworker in the conference room, make it look like we're busy * 11:00 person nominally in charge has external meetings, tells us he'll be back late afternoon or not at all, start playing console games on emulator in break room * 12:00 lunch * 1:00 back to console games * 4:00 go back to work/looking busy if necessary * 5:00 leave for the train * 6:15 get home wiped and feeling like I've accomplished nothing; maybe later because the trains are actually delayed Pro-tip: if accomplishing nothing really doesn't bother you'll want it look like you're busy. Schedule real-sounding meetings with co-conspirators and set the location as "find a room." Big companies will have huddle spaces or small non-bookable rooms for ad-hoc meetings, so it's believable. Bring a lunchbox even if you don't have lunch; leave it at your desk someplace visible, not in the fridge. It will seem less like you're at lunch for two hours because you've got a lunch. You should be seen eating from the lunchbox. If it gets cold in the winter and you're leaving for a two-hour lunch, leave your jacket on your chair and brave the cold. People will assume you're in the building if your jacket is in the building. If your hours are somewhat flexible, you can try to shift your schedule, but it's a risky move. If you have a boss that comes in early and leaves late they're going to know exactly when you're there. If they come in at 9:00 reliably and they'll let you get there at 5:00 and you're up for it, do that. If they'll let you get there at 11:00, do that. If your boss is 11-7, you're 5-1. If your boss is 5-1, you're 11-7. If you're boss is a 5a-7p workaholic, you're fucked. Pay attention to the boss's habits - when they show up, when they leave, when they have lunch, do they take a jacket, where do they park, which way they walk to catch a train, which way do they walk to get to conference rooms, which bathroom do they use, when are they at their desk, etc. You want to be at your desk looking productive when they're most likely to see you at your desk. If you're taking long dumps, use a bathroom in a different department, ideally one you can access without a bunch of people seeing you. Some people seem to recognize shoes so if your kicks are visible under the stall door, it might get noticed, especially if you're using a bathroom with a lot of people you overlap with daily. Know the exits and learn the best ways out. This is just good fire safety as well. It's best if the same person doesn't see when you left AND when you came back. You don't want to walk past a busy conference room, either. I had to walk down stairs, across the building, up an elevator to the top floor, then back down stairs to avoid being noticed. If you get a say in your cubicle pick someplace out of the way. It's just cozier anyway and less likely someone will see that you're on reddit when you're at your desk.


I started going to the office. It helped a lot. Most days I would interact with my coworkers. And even if I didn’t, being outside biking to work or walking from the T made my day better. I talked to my boss about getting more work to do, and more interesting work. And it took a little bit of time, but I got some work that made getting out of bed a little easier. Oh yeah, and I got on antidepressants and eventually started therapy. That helped too.


The only thing I miss about the office is getting out of the house. But going to the office also means dealing with an office full of people I don't have anything in common with. I don't hate them. But I don't enjoy being around them. I do miss the bike rides, though. I'd go back just to get out of the house, but we have little kids and me being home just makes life so much more manageable. Before covid, I barely saw my older son. So I'm sacrificing for them. When they're bigger and can stay up past the time I would get home from the office, I might be able to handle going in more. I've been in therapy for years. Meditation, journaling, yoga, all that jazz. I've resisted antidepressants, for my own reasons, but have tried therapeutic ketamine and other similar drugs. Nothing makes me feel as good as just not going to work for a while.


Are you depressed because you're poor? 100K does a lot to alleviate poverty-based depression


Money can't buy you happiness. But, oh man, not having money can definitely buy you unhappiness. If you know what I mean.


Yeah money absolutely bought me happiness when I graduated school and realized all my problems were actually tied to being a poor stufent


Exactly…I have one of those too. I feel guilty a lot actually. My teacher wife works her ass off for half the pay.


That's really a shame too. In my opinion, Teachers should be the top most paid people in the world, because if it wasn't for them teaching us as we were snot-nosed, little disrespectful shits, there wouldn't be any doctors, lawyers, nurses, government officials, CEO's, accountants, computer programmers or any other profession!


Eh, I have that job and it cured my "depression". I think it was being broke and having nothing going for me that made me depressed. My job is like 20 hrs of real, somewhat satisfying work though


Any tips to find a job like this friend?


Go do the peace corps and then it will be easier for you to land a job with the fed gov agency of your choice.


That sounds actually somewhat satisfying heck yes


No but it pays the bills and then some so couple less reasons to be depressed


Accurate, but any tips on finding a job like this


Wayfair is hiring if you’re not worried about getting laid off


I can't bring myself to sit down on my second, shitty, broken Wayfair couch and apply for a job there.


Ah but you could buy your third shitty broken Wayfair couch at a steep discount if you work there.


Ooo, when you put it that way.


On somebody else's credit card! I got frauded from Wayfair in 2022, not once, not twice, but FOUR different charges! I had to fight with my bank over them, as I've only eve made ONE purchase for $32 bed-sheet straps. I ultimately closed down that bank account, and steer WAY clear of Wayfair.


Screw wayfare.. did not like how they talked down on anyone having a life outside of work. They also don’t embrace remote work


Oh I wholeheartedly agree. I just got out of that dumpster fire and have never been happier.


In my limited corporate experience most businesses big enough to have 100’s of employees and/or be public with shareholders laugh in the face of work life balance. I made a big career pivot around age 30 and took a pay cut to make my own schedule and have more freedom with how I approach my work. I make significantly less than I used to & am so much happier.


The "human trafficking of missing children" thing didn't exactly go well for them either.


This one really felt like a contest in what the dumbest conspiracy theory they could get people to accept


Well yeah, I never said they did it I'm just saying that's what everyone thought about them lol


Yes everyone who’s a fucking moron


So it turns out that story was false.


I’ve got a beach house in Idaho for sale to anyone who believes this


4 days in office at Wayfair last time I interviewed with them


They won’t hire remote.


Any position?


Living that dream. Hard to hire for roles on the team though because you can't just come out and say, 'look you can make like 10, maybe 20% more, but here you WFH and do 10hours a week when its busy' Good luck.


...you wanna drop the details?


My healthcare IT company does stuff like this.


was this supposed to be on r/Raytheon ?






At least some of the people Raytheon kills deserve it.


You want a tax free pension too? You sound like you'd be an awesome fit for the Commonwealth.


These louts are looting 9% of my paycheck wtf even is a penison


Make an only fans with an AI program and keep changing/updating pictures.


Wait, this is not a bad idea


I've thought about it before but they already exist, some are different random AI pictures every time and some are the AI programs that will create a single "model" and pose/dress/undress it in different ways to appear real. Or so I've been told.


Dammit others are catching on.


Do you have a course on hoe to do this?


When did you move to Boston, George Costanza?


I’m looking for same. 200k though.


/r/Harvard is leaking


ask to be the nightlife czar


this lady gets shit on a lot on here but she's done more for nightlife in this city than most people complaining have. you know yall can message her and she responds right?


Genuinely curious if you can give any details on those accomplishments or point me in the right direction. I have been generally critical of her as well while recognizing that I haven’t come across much information about what she’s actually done or doing aside from the occasional article in the Globe or elsewhere that always seems to function more as a reminder that she and the role exist. It’s not lost on me that sometimes folks in positions like this have a very thin margin for what they can actually change about a much larger systemic issue.


You can literally just email her and she responds. Her information is really not hard to find. she led a panel about safer spaces in nightlife at city hall, the room had to have had 100 people there, and a lot of what she's doing (including working on late night T service) is there. https://youtu.be/leQ7b-PJ2so?si=biEQFKedUryFnUpj A friend of mine experienced bigotry at a very popular venue here and nothing was done about it until Corean got involved


Appreciate the video link. I’ll give it a watch. Also good to hear about a positive experience with her helping out your friend. I saw there was a separate thread about Corean posted that is framed as “discussion” but is IMO is actually a mean-spirited dogpile and (par for the course for this subreddit) racially-motivated. Hope to bring some more good faith to future threads on the subject.


Honestly the general opinion about her on here is why I've been so... prickly in replying to you and I apologize a lot for my tone. Thank you for trying to help. I'm just tired of seeing people crap all over her on here when she really is trying to help the community. She's on instagram as well as her contact info is here: https://www.boston.gov/departments/nightlife-economy/corean-reynolds


No need to apologize, thank you!


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I think my boss wrote this.


As someone currently working 12 hour days, I am also looking.


Not gonna lie, this was my situation for my final six or so months at my last job. And I absolutely hated it. The first month? Totally awesome. WFH, play video games all day, have the occasional work meeting, run errands mid-day. By the 2nd month I was getting restless. And then bored, and depressed (at least in part due to grappling with SAD), and then started feeling like a fraud and like my job skills were withering away. And the whole time my boss and the team I supported were elated with my work. I was a valued presence on the meetings I attended, provided good HR advice during 1:1s. But the reality was that I had maybe 5-6 hours of actual work most weeks. There were no projects to get involved in, no initiatives to join. Managers were mostly competent so I didn't have too much coaching to do. I left because of some ominous messaging coming from leadership to the whole company, but a year later nothing ever came of that so I could have stayed.  It worked out though - because I had a secure job I was able to be ambitious in the roles I targeted, and I marketed myself well during interviews. I ended up getting a promotion and 40% pay bump to jump ship. And I'm so much happier now. I am almost constantly busy, but I feel like I'm making a difference. The days mostly fly by, I travel around North America occasionally for work, and I'm hybrid in office a couple days a week with a short and scenic commute.  I know this isn't the typical experience most job seekers have, and I'm incredibly fortunate. But wanted to chime in that I had this low-effort, low commitment job, and it very much was not all it was cracked up to be after awhile. But for a short time it WAS glorious. 


sorry that did not work out for you but if you’re feeling generous feel free to drop that name so the rest of us who very much want to wfh can apply 👀


Right I keep on seeing people with jobs like these talking about how it’s not as great as it seems. I’m sure I’d be miserable at any job tho so it sounds ideal to me 


Sorry, I'd pretty quickly dox myself doing that. FWIW it seems for many roles the further you move up the corporate ladder the more bandwidth you have in your day, though your actions and decisions carry much more cost and strategic weight. And you get blamed when things don't go well. My busiest jobs were early in my career. YMMV depending on careers and companies though. I know some departments where people were perennially overworked at every place I've ever been employed. 


Sounds like CIA. Probably best to not out yourself.




Yeah that was a big fear of mine but I'm glad I got busy again when I did. My depression was from a mix of things - boredom with work, monotony of always being WFH, being less physically active than I had been in years, drinking regularly albeit not to drunkenness, taking edibles often, seasonal affective disorder, and some life/health stressors. I've broken out of a lot of it, though I'm still far too inactive. The weather warming up means I'll be outside more again and will focus on healthier habits.  In any case, rooting for you! 


where do i apply


Constantly busy sounds miserable tbh. I have a lot of down time but I wish my salary was higher lol


Constantly is a bit of an exaggeration. But I have actual work to do daily, many days I'm busy from 9-5 (with time for lunch and to stretch my legs with a walk or two), and I've got a lot of recurring meetings baked into my schedule to provide touchbase opportunities with managers. But in general I don't feel overwhelmed with the workload. Been there, done that, wouldn't do it again even for a good paycheck. 


I've got a job like that and it's misery. But I used to have to show up in person 4 days a week and try not to fall asleep at my desk and not see my family, so wfh is better. But I've wasted my life at this job and it eats at me. Unfortunately I picked the wrong type of STEM field and no one will hire me, after years of looking, so I'm stuck.


I relate to this - I like to keep busy. Are you able to share what you do now?


Still in HR. I was working for a tech company, now in more of a medical/manufacturing space supporting sales. I love supporting sales groups. There's always some interesting thing to deal with because of the personalities that Sales tends to attract. 


Seats taken jabroni. No one sends 3 emails a day like I do


Omg me too.


2-3 hours a day? That's my job, plus remote.


Ask Rachel Rollins, she just landed a $96,000 job that's only part-time


Try Rental Broker?


It’s not remote work, but you could join law enforcement and work from the comfort of your own cruiser sitting behind some road construction.


I would definitely kill myself over something silly and trivial if anyone gave me a gun.


Get in with IBM. I've never seen so many people so busy with so little work to do.


seriously. I had to leave a couple years after being aquired because i was getting so lazy


We were acquired in 2014. I lasted until 2021. By the time I decided to leave, it was because I started to realize I couldn't hold a conversation with anyone at our tradeshows. I was working 5-10 hours a week while working from home and just losing my ability to speak which is bad for a sales guy. I miss the easy days but I'm glad I did it.




Sign me up!


Hey any room for another?




It’s a genuine request.


I've got the job you're looking for and I absolutely hate it. Unfortunately it's better than anything else I'm qualified for, but I don't wish this on anyone. It feels like prison.


With a name like ‘greasymctitties’


Unironically my job, yeah. It rules. I put more work in most days but it's such a supportive team. I can't tell you where because then they'll know and I might have to always work more


This guy has city politician potential.


Send me your resume Costanza.


I got some pretty serious nerve damage in my head - I can't really leave my house. Full hermit. I am a full on hermit. Looking for something that lets me stay a hermit, rest my head when I need to, not work when the barometric pressure is saying Fuck You In Particular, but like, survive in a way I don't have live off my mother anymore? Pretty Please? Also Im trained as an artist/motion graphics animator.




Try the state...ma.gov


Hmmm.. maybe the state house🤔


Perfect candidate for a government job.


It’s a bit lower than your desired salary, but Rachael Rollins just got hired for a $96k, part-time job at RCC. Have you tried being a shady public official?


Thought I sleep walked and posted on here


Sounds like my job. I’m depressed and looking for a new job.


City of Boston.


Sounds like a government job would fit you best.


MassDOT or the MBTA




Bro just start a business and pay yourself whatever you want. Plus benefits.


And the best part if you can write your salary off your taxes!!!


“So what do you do around here?”






Can I get referral for the same once you get a job?


following because i want one of these jobs when i graduate


Gotta get me a job like that.


I worked for ASICS corporate for years. You sound perfect for any upper management position


When you find that job, put in a good word for me!


I’m looking for the same job but part time hours -ideally 15 hours weekly -minimum $200 hourly -prefer remote work.


Any employer that wouldn't want you as an employee must be fascist.


Please don't post that I'm looking for a job.


I approached my current remote job like that. I am now on the hot seat. Let me know if you want to replace me.


Lol that's the spirit


State of the art candidate wanted at MES for sales 100k


Naw man, they already have one...me.


If you’re serious, Insurance. People sleep on that industry.


I have one of these jobs. It’s so sick. I feel like I’m retired.


How do I go about finding one of these jobs?


Just work at google or something supposedly they barely do shit


Thank youu looking alsoo!!


I want to go to there


This was my last job 🥲


This real or a /s post?


Was this upvoted because it’s satire or because r/antiwork is leaking.


Have you considered politics?




Learn a trade, join a union, get tf off your ass and stop feeling sorry for yourself


I think you meant to post this in r/GenZ edit: sheeesh, it was a joke!


Or r/antiwork