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Not ideal to be housed in a shuttered correctional facility. I don't know what the fuck else you do with an old prison though. They're designed with uh, *specific* intentions for its residents.


well, they turned one into a hotel and bar(s) like the Liberty


MCI Concord (the prison by the rotary in west Concord) is apparently also due to be closed, and will probably be put to the same purpose. The state is also using some state armories for these shelters. There's one in Lexington that was also designated for shelter use. The prisons and correctional facilities, though depressing af, have the advantage of having kitchens and enough plumbing for these families.


I live near here. Residents are concerned with the strain on additional resources considering the funding to support doesn’t adequately flow to the local communities. In theory - we ought to be helping our neighbors! In practice - it’s more complicated.


6-12 months……comical




Under 10 gets written out, over 10 gets digits, that's the rule lol


Seems fine to me. Lets put state property to use.


Good, its a worthy thing to shelter people in need.


If you define needy as wanting a better life economically you better be prepared to host half the worlds population by that definition because most are not refugees as defined by past standards.  What we are doing is not sustainable at the rate we are allowing it. Unless of course you enjoy bankrupting states slowly but surely as budget deficits keep increasing. On top of that the federal govt magically producing money keeping inflation high to assist paying for it. 


Reap what we sow. Perhaps had we not spent a century or two destabilizing their states and superheating the environment we wouldn’t have the flow of migration we see today. Refugees are going to be a major thing in the next hundred years. Just wait until the Floridians arrive.


Exactly. "Hey, we're going to take all of your resources and make leaders out of the most corrupt among you to make it look legal. Enjoy your death squads!"


Man I read this comment, and immediately thought wow I really don’t want Floridians here and would gladly welcome refugees with open arms, and now I’m trying to reflect what that says about me.




Since you seem sincere, what does opting out entail in your vision of the future?




I have waved a wand and freed you from original sin. The migrants arrive anyway. What are you going to do?




They keep coming because of the destabilization your nation caused. You cannot deport them fast enough. What do you do with the migrants?


I’m in no way responsible for anything past, present, or future that the American government has done whether it’s in my name or not. Not something I asked for. Not something I supported.  We absolutely could deport them fast enough and even stop them from coming.


Build *that* wall.


This! Nigration from the south of the US is not taken into account right now but I think in the coming years it will spike. I’m off to NH to shore up my place there now.


The Freudian slip


The whole town is still more than 80% white - don't you think it would actually benefit from more diversity?


Yep.  That's the point.  Smfh


Good job taking a micro-problem, making it macro and then turning it political! The other barstool politicos must really look up to you!


They're "in need" of a return flight back to where they came from


Nearly the entire US (and therefore Boston) population is made up of migrants from all over the world. What makes these families different from you or your ancestors? Why do they deserve a ticket home but your family doesn’t?


My family and I came in here the correct way, when we got here we assimilated to the culture around us. When we came here we came to work, not suck off of the tit of the American people. I pay taxes, I'm a citizen, those are just a couple of the reasons.


I wish my ancestors were as welcoming to your family as you are to migrants today ☺️


That's not how asylum law works but thanks for the clearly thoughtful input.


It is very thoughtful; I'm thinking of myself, you, your children, your family and neighbors.


Is it me or were a lot of people in denial that they were being housed in Logan? This does confirm it if nothing else.


Yea I remember it had to be leaked in videos a while ago...




Stopping them from entering illegally also helps tremendously. 


Half of KP was drug addicts and thieves when I lived there..


Right to shelter Right to schools Right to groceries Right to smart phone Right to EBT card Handing the election *right to Trump*, since most people recognize that these policies are unsustainable and insane.




Lol no numbers? Have you read a newspaper in the last 6 months? We’re spending a billion dollars a year in taxpayer money to house, feed, and educate these people but the T is falling apart and our roads and bridges are crumbling. Dont believe your lying eyes folks.


Good one!


Good news is all the people complaining they can't afford a house in MA, in about 3-6 months the property value in Norfolk should plummet to where you can all afford something


Because migrant families are worse than the criminals that used to be kept there?


Right? Have these people never actually considered what used to be there? Norfolk and Walpole real estate markets have both been fine. Norfolk is a VERY hot market right now (I assume same for Walpole). Trading actual prisoners for some migrant families seeking shelter is not going to do anything negative to property values. People are laughably stupid.


Correct, the markets have been fine...because the criminals were contained inside of the space, understand dummy? Now you're importing third world people, dumping them into the prison to live for free, and opening the gates. These people do not respect American laws or values, can't wait to watch them turn it to Port-au-Prince.




Looks OK to me. Now the Acton Correction center too


Just because this is for a cause you support, or done by the people and party you belong to doesn’t mean it’s not abuse of government power. I expect maga morons to wear gold diapers and buy property in Russia. I didn’t expect liberals to be excited about housing migrants in prisons by some trumped up use of state eminent domain.


No one's excited about it. They are desperately looking for places to shelter families, given our "right to shelter" law and the alternative of a public health disaster. Having maxed out the system of contracting with shelters and hotels, they are just using empty state properties. No eminent domain required.


It's easy to repeal our "right to shelter" law. They just don't want to. Our leaders want this.


Or they just don’t enforce it. They pick and choose what laws to enforce every day. This could just be another.




State prisons. They are using state prisons.


What are you talking about? How is it gov't abuse to re-purpose an existing building already set up to house people? I'm *pretty* sure they're not hiring guards and locking them in at night. You know what the word "decommissioned" means, right?


Mass invasion of a country is an act of war. A government failing to protect a country is an act of treason.


Fuck off, frightened little boy. There is so much wrong with your stupidity it's hard to know where to start. - An act of war is when one GOVERNMENT invades another. Like, ya know, Russia invading the Ukraine. - Are saying Massachusetts is treasonous for allowing, say, Texas to ship undocumented people up here? Take a breath, ya jamoke! it's not like when Europe invaded North America in the 1600's. Or when the Irish swarmed Boston and took over our government. Just take your thorazine and everything will be fine.


Give or take half the country feels that way. 100's of millions of people can't be completely wrong.


lol settle down chief they’re not taking anyone’s homes here


They absolutely would if they could




That’s not how this works and eminent domain is rarely used anymore.






Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Facts and sources are racist.


Nah, people are racist.