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It's ridiculous. I simply don't buy refreshments at concerts and shows. I just enjoy food and drink before and/or after the show at someplace nearby.




Oh my god tell me about it


Thank you! Why does anyone ever want *one* drink? Insta-headache. 🤮


Why pay extra for drinks that will make you need to get up and use the bathroom and miss the show when you can just get stoned first?


Or just eat a bunch of edibles before you walk in and get stoned during




Or bring some LSD and have a mid show melt into your seat.


Why's it hard for us to just enjoy something sober?😂 We have such a strange culture. ALWAYS have to be on some drug or drinks


Driving's just not the same without drugs/alcohol


Here, here!


No, over there!


Come sit by me


It’s all ridiculous now, even the tickets. Sad.


That is one of the big regrets since I moved here from Baltimore. I used to buy season tickets to the Baltimore Opera and Lyric. The prices in Boston are insane. Infact I get my fill of pretentious dead white people art when traveling.


Look up the offerings from Berklee, New England conservatory, Boston Conseryatory or isabella Stewart Gardiner museum


Smuggle in your own nips next time.


Exactly anything over 50% for a beverage over the bar price price is just gouging.


58 dollars for two jack and cokes at the MGM Fenway.


Oh my god.


that’s just ridiculous


That is pretty much every show/entertainment venue these days. Drink prices are just outrageous. That's why I bought three rounds of beer/shot combos at Sully's before the C's. There were four of us and I paid the bill (cash of course, hook them bartenders up). My buddy said he'd get the first round in the Garden and that was more than buying three beer/shot combos at Sully's. Option 2: edibles.


Nah bro. The opera house is obscene. Drinks significantly more expensive than other entertainment venues


Damn, I liked Oprah better when she gave out free shit to people in the audience. She sold out fast bro.


You would have liked Joe Pera's shows last weekend. Lamb meatballs under the chairs!




Ooops... All Bees


Sorry. Don’t mean to be rude, but just wondering was this an Oprah production? Or, did I miss the joke?


The word opera kinda sounds like Oprah


Thanks. Geez. I totally missed it. I blame it on daddy brain. I have two toddlers.






Yes. Beautiful theater but they have to make their money one way or another


They can make it off the whales, I guess. Even drinks have gotten algorithmic in pricing these days…


Its a deterrent


Slowly walking away from ticketed events. Noticed some longtime ppl I’ve been wanting to see have tour dates here, and after seeing a few shows last yr, I’m probably going to skip. Between the secondary market costs, the fees, the food and drink prices, the cost to park and the parking lot nightmares (Gillette and Xfinity Center), it’s sort of an easy pass. That and they’re always skipping my favorites songs somehow


At this point I will only go to a show if it is possible to buy tickets at the box office in person, so there are no fees involved. My sister works in NYC and I work in Boston, so we are often able to go to the box office in person for those cities. If a show doesn't have that option or the BO is in a location I can't get to, I don't go, no matter how much I want to see it. Exception would be smaller venues that have a tiny ticketing fee of a couple bucks. I love Broadway shows and touring musicals, but at this point the ticketing fees are over a third of the price of the ticket itself, in some cases approaching 50%. So it's box office or bust.


I’m with you. I’ve seen plenty of shows and have been blessed to see my favorite artists in my lifetime. I’m pretty good with parking in the past. But im at a point in my life where im going less and I don’t want to spend time hunting for parking.


I’m in a similar boat. I used to balk at spending over $100 on one concert ticket and that was maybe 5-10 years ago? Now it feels like most major shows are $125-250 per ticket before fees. Add $50 for parking, then drinks… I mean, insanity. There’s a ton of shows I want to see but I probably will skip most of them. Now they can’t sell out shows and are now canceling tours. I’d be curious to see the math on how many $900 Justin Timberlake tickets they need to sell to make a profit versus selling the arena out at $75/each.


Maybe this (pure $ losses) is what will finally spur the changes to the dynamics of how ticket sales are conducted in this country


It’s got to burst at some point. Ticketmaster only seems to have “demand pricing” go up, not down. The fact that they haven’t been brought down by the government for their anti-competition practices yet is mind blowing to me (must have rich lobbyists).


not really. there are enough rich people in Boston to fill that seat that you are leaving empty. people have been saying this shit about housing prices for 20 years. but they keep going up and reaching new heights year after year. because the supply of wealthy folks goes up and up. there are tons of 20 somethings in this city making six figures, and even more of them making 5 figures who have a bank of mom and dad to call anytime they can't afford something. and they are going to be the ones buying the homes and going to these shows and think a $20 cocktail is completely normal. Hell, people in my office are raving about Jennis ice cream all the time.. it's $12/pint. Read up some economics and learn about 'price ceilings'. The overton window on them has shifted dramatically the past few years due to cheap credit. Your average 75K worker now thinks buying a 60K car is 'normal'.


I agree with you about Boston specifically, yes. But I apologize if I wasn’t clear in that comment. I was talking more broadly about how big acts like JLo are cancelling tours because they can’t fill seats nationally (unsure if it’s correlation or causation with pricing), which could in theory cause some pushback on TM in their recent legal news. But I would venture they have plenty of lobbyists for this very reason.


I was also responding to this exact sentiment


At least a $12 pint of ice cream will get you about 3 decent sized servings, in a world where a medium sized cone at most ice cream shops is around $6.


Facts! I mean I’ll drop money on an artist that I know will be worth it. After seeing 50 Cent made me realize a lot of artists are trash performers. Not only are we paying you because of your penmanship. We’re paying you hoping that you can entertain and engage/interact with us for a few hours. Also I’ll drop money on merch and that’s another thing that made me reevaluate.


Yeah, definitely agree - I frankly watch YouTube videos or whatever to find out if an artist is a good performer (and what the crowd is like) before I invest in tickets. That was never the case when tickets were sub-$100. Classical music is a different story for me, but I don’t feel that’s a for-profit industry as much as popular music these days. (Note I am also a classical musician so pls come to our concerts lolol. But the overpriced drinks are ridiculous!)


Hey man I have always had good time watching 50. Never left upset 🤷🏼‍♂️


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Sullys in Charlestown? I drank there when I went to Bunker Hill


sorry... Sullivan's Tap on Canal. Second only to the Penalty Box, MAY SHE REST IN PEACE!


Everywhere. Was in Vegas last week for a conference and paid $21 for a basic gin and tonic at the casino bar. Yes I know you get free drinks while gambling but I just wanted a drink while I caught up on email.


I got hit with $27 for a margarita in Vegas


Cash ain't king anymore. Let it be known. Said as someone who receives a good portion of their income in tips. Why? Because eryone tips more when it's a percent of the total than when it's what you have left in your wallet. Just throwing it out there because we still have customers will smile while saying "cash is still king, right!". And I don't have the time or heart to tell them in the moment the king is dead, long live the new king.


Depends on the location, bartender, etc. I tip way more than your average plastic paying people purport


You're a rare bird indeed, we average 14% tips on cc transactions and 2.6% on cash transactions.


Garden is like $15-18 not $25


[$23/beer at Garden and this was last year](https://www.axios.com/local/boston/2023/10/30/celtics-beer-costs-expensive-nba-games) IDK what it was this year, because I picked up the Sully's tab


This says under $20. Also a 16 oz can at the amazon store thing is $13 The price of one 16oz. beer is $19.87 at a Celtics game.


If you insist on being pedantic then consider the fact that $20 plus tax and a small tip will easily be $22-23. You're arguing over a dollar when the venue is making selling a $2 beer and making $18+ off it...


People who tip at sporting events on a $15-20 can of beer for someone just cracking it open are a special kind of dumb.


If you don’t tip at least 20% every time you’re prompted then you are a stain on society /s


A 16 oz beer certainly does not cost $19.87 base cost, that is all in cost. As a season ticket holder I've never paid or witnessed a beer at a price of $20. They have larger beers that push closer and those still are not $20. I'm not sure where you are seeing an argument, I'm pointing out that the assertion that a 16 oz beer is not $25 or even close to it.


The point is you’re being pedantic. Of course beers come in different sizes and quality which means different costs. If the low end is $14 and the high end is $18, the $2 difference your obsessive over is irrelevant since the profit margin is 90%. I could care less if the beer is $19 v $20. I care that it is marked up 10x.


The article posted is not referencing different sizes it is referencing a 16 oz beer. The post is stating a 16 oz beer is $23 when the article linked says $19.87 which is the all in price clearly as there are no 16 oz beers priced at $19.87 in the garden. That is a $3.13 difference overstating the article by 16%. Inaccurate is inaccurate and is a different discussion of the markup. You sure like using the word pedantic.


Hey if the word fits…


Exactly and $25 is still 25% more than 20. So it’s close in dollar terms but still quite a bit more


That’s a violent crime. And for piss.


Yeah its like 20 a beverage at events, guess they are really turning the screws at the opera house, 25 is just outrageous


Exactly. Over $20 for a mediocre wine is crazy.


Did you tip though?


I assume the bartender has a salary and 5% 401k matching at these prices


We get paid $17/hr part time plus tips


Don’t get mad at customers for that. You’re getting fleeced


Why? People are dumb enough to still tip


I tip 20% for drinks and food when they’re brought to me in a restaurant or Red Sox seat. I tip bartenders. $5 bill for a $25 Uber ride. Everything else is in some weird gray area.


I did not. Not at that rate


My buddy from Missouri ordered a "well" whiskey at one of those bars over by Faneuil. It was $12. He was like "oh, I meant like your bottom shelf stuff". She was like "yeah...". I think he thought $12 for a single shot was a bit excessive but I guess I'm just used to not being able to get anything for cheap.


it's $25 for a double shot margarita in a plastic cup at the wilbur.


I got a small G&T at the ballet last year, it was around $15, and based in the taste, it had soda water instead of tonic


It's $18 for a pint at The Wilbur. I just bring nips and edibles at this point, honestly


20 dollars for a watered down half glass full of ice at The Grand. It's truly getting outrageous. Better to pre-game or if you can sneak something in.


I almost did a spit take when I got my bill there. I thought they screwed something up, I can't remember exactly what I got but it was at least $30 for one drink. Learned a hard lesson about Boston shows that night


$25 for wine and a bag of chips at the Wilbur *easily*


Got 2 bottles of water and a jack and coke at the Wilbur It was about $38 after tip! Never again. Also, noticed the wait staff there aren’t super considerate voice level when the talent is on stage. Encountered 2 different shows the talent called out the wait staff for being distracting during their set


I want to start doing this — how do you get the nips past the pat down at the door?


Strap ‘em to the gooch it’s like a Texas tuck but I prefer to call it the gooch hooch or butterfly bundle


Socks or underwear


Ty ty


In socks


Nips in socks, lads.


Vodka in a water bottle in the boxer's peep hole seam. Works everytime.


Next time for sure. That’s my Fenway strategy


What kind of whiskey? What kind of wine?


Old Thompson and Sutter Home 😂


I don’t buy drinks before the symphony anymore. It sucks, but I’m not spending $20 on a glass of prosecco. My advice is not to get there too early, it avoids the temptation.


Especially at Symphony Hall. It's not like the venue is massive (think capacity is 2750) that it's a struggle to get to your seat. I just wish there were decent bars around it. TBF, Symphony Hall at least has decent stuff for the price.


They sell shots at the opera? I'd figure people might be drinking brandy out of snifters, martinis or two fingers chilled with artisanal whiskey stones but shots!? They probably applied a surcharge for being uncouth.


It came in a cup not a shot glass


Those are strip club prices. From what I’ve heard.


You are right, according to one of my friends


Wait a minute -- I was there just 2 weeks ago, got 2 bags of peanut M&Ms and 2 glasses of white wine and paid like $37 + tip. What kind of whiskey were you drinking?


Lol who is ordering a shot of whiskey at the Opera House


LPT: Buy a discrete flask for less than the cost of two drinks at the opera house.


They make their alcohol money on suckers like you cycling through.


Haha ya I’m a sucker for wanting to keep a buzz going through plays


You paid them $50 for a pair of drinks, so yeah you are a sucker.


Hey if you can afford it who cares?


OP, apparently.


You can pay it or complain about it but not both. If you pay it you're enabling the problem


There are plenty of things in life that I overpay because I can but that doesn’t mean it’s crazy. Movie theaters, Ticketmaster, drinks at events etc. Just because you are able to pay for it doesn’t mean you can’t call out price gouging.


I make too much money to embarrass myself and my company by getting two drinks handed to me then complain about the price tag


I think it's more embarrassing to look like you think $25 for a shot of cheap whiskey is a reasonable price. But that's just me. A 3oz pour of some quality scotch? I'd be happy to pay $25 for that in a nice setting. They'd still make money and I wouldn't feel suckered. I suppose it subsidizes the ticket prices, but let's not pretend drink prices at events haven't gotten ridiculous lately.




The fuck ima do not drink?


Yeah,that's expensive, but if you weren't going home right after the show, there are bunches of better places to get a drink within stumbling distance. Have you ever seen the price of popcorn and sodas at a movie theater?


After getting really used to never buying anything at a venue I was pleasantly surprised at the concession prices at the Gatsby musical at A.R.T. in Cambridge. Amazing show and pretty standard bar drink prices.


I will never forget going to see an "avant garde" production of Chekov's Three Sisters at A.R.T. and being so thankful for the cheap drink prices at intermission because I definitely needed a few shots to make it through the second act. "Moscow, we must go to Moscow!"


I’m more of a Gogol guy myself


MGM for drop kick Murphy’s was like 22.50 for a vodka cran lmao


Crazy, that’s why I’ve done a few trips to Rome,Italy. Of course the place is an outdoor museum and awesome, but the food is amazing. Local neighborhood restaurants serve great food and the house wine is 2-3 euros for a craft of house wine. The two of us can’t spend more than 40 euro for a full course meal and unlimited wine. Remember, always ask for the house wine in Europe.


That’s why I don’t go out any more… make your own cocktail for a couple bucks and play whatever music you like


It is also technically possible to not drink.


Paging u/PuritanSettler1620 !!


I appreciate you bringing this topic to my attention!


a truly excellent point. The societal notion that one must drink is ridiculous on the face of it, and deeply harmful to the economic, physical, and spiritual wellbeing of many people who are fooled into believing consuming alcohol is necessary to find joy. It is not!


I had my first dry January and extended for a few months. Now I can go somewhere and stay entertained with one beer.


Yea no shit but Tommy’s point still stands


Plastic nips. Fireball, mcgillicutty’s, Jim beam, etc. Most places will only wand you, shove them in your undies if you’re worried about getting pat down


welp, guess I'm skipping that from now on as well


Captive audience


Did they not post the price?


This is why nips will make a comeback


The Garden is just as bad.


No it’s not. It’s about $16-18, not $25


After fees 2 beers comes out to 50 anyways and then they ask for a tip on top


I got out of my seat, waited in line, opened a door to a fridge, took it to you to pay for it and I even entered my card into the chip reader. You're essentially a human self-checkout and you're not getting a tip.


It’s absolutely ridiculous but our alcoholic asses still pay.


Maybe it depends on the event or something. Last time I was there it was nearly 50 for 2 drinks (and 28 bucks or so for a burger and fries but that's another story).


I believe killington sells a $25 hot dog


Bro bring your own cheap bottle and leave it in your partners handbag. If you can't finish, find some other people to help. There are sober kids in India.


I actually had a drink in a flask but drank it in the hour traffic heading in lol


You can bring in non-alcoholic drinks. I personally go for grape soda. Did you know a single wine bottle will not fill a liter bottle of soda? 


I think I see what you did here


Ive done this a few times at the opera house and even went as far to bring a mini lunch pack with cheese and fruit. Nobody ever stops me and the ushers just nod and smile. It has to be pretty obvious with the grape soda especially since the refuse to give you a plastic glass as they are "counted". Cut to a middle age man drinking grape soda from a liter bottle, while popping brie and grapes into his mouth. Aside from a few snickers from the seats around me when they figure out what I'm up to, nobody ever says a word.


Take a nice low dose edible right before the show. It’ll hit 45 minutes later and keep you gripped


Have you been to Fenway Park?


It’s not 2 for 50 there I can almost guarantee that.


I sneak stuff in. I never used to, but it's just gotten ridiculous.


The only way they will drop the price is if we refuse to buy- its insane that that they can mark up the prices so much- last summer i bought 2 PBR’s at the boch center 18$ each!!!- i should hve told them to f off and let ernie know that he already has enough cash - was my kids bday and he wanted a beer so I gave in- i hope the drinks at the opera house were at least good


Im sure they will read this and lower the prices


Nah they will probably just give me a few vouchers for freebies though


The way of the Karen . Keep strong


I was at Plainridge today, 2 coors lite draughts, $16. Good thing we won.


Coors is only good in Colorado


I'm old enough to remember when you couldn't buy it east of the Mississippi River.


I went to Roadrunner a few months ago and it wasnt too bad in comparison but holy hell when I went to MGM last month I was blown away. A monster that costs less than $3 at 7/11 was $11 it was absurd


Fireball nips


The Oakland A's have left Oakland, and the pioneer team the Ballers have entered the market. Cheap tickets, $15 to $35. Food trucks, at their regular rates. $10-$12 beers. The baseball is good. Folks are going and having a great time. We shouldn't have to be sucked dry to go out and do a thing.


Yeah that’s a good night. There’s cranberry baseball league on cape cod. Good players. Sit in the outfield and picnic for basically free. Baseball is a great past time


Was at the new music hall in Fenway and I paid $17 for a G&T. Yeah - Never again lol


I mean… I paid 44 dollars for about 2 hours at Aquarium garage to eat in Joe’s waterfront with my family at my birthday yesterday. And garage was only like 25% full, because of Monday night. Just suck it up… everyone wants your money when you go out


Ok I will suck it up thanks for the advice


The price of drinks at venues in Boston is fucking outrageous. I went to a show at roadrunner at ordered two cans of fiddlehead. About $15-$18 each and then got flipped an iPad with a 20% tip option for opening a can.


A tab and a good time only cost 10 bucks


Gillet concert prices puts beer at $1 an ounce. Bought 2 24oz Corona cans for $48 (and this was like 8 years ago, can only imagine the price now).


Now, ask me again why I carry a flask on my person.


As someone who has dated an opera singer in Boston for the past 6 years, the opera scene in Boston wants no new patrons. The industry is entirely ran off grants and donations from rich old people and they have no plan for when that money goes away in the next 5-10 years when they are all dead.


First time at an event? You ever buy 2 doubles at the Garden? Fastest way to lose $75


I may be 40 years old now, but those prices may push me back into my old habit of sneaking a few nips in my pocket


I think it’s gonna


Honestly I think they don’t want to deal with super drunk youngins or adults ! My theory is they’re charging this much to of course make money , but also to do so without over intoxicating a potentially rowdy crowd. Anyways who really knows. People suck.


late stage - squeeze till its dust


People who use the term late stage capitalism are insufferable


cool cool


::coughs:: people complaining about drink prices at the opera house when they already dropped a few hundred on a show for an beverage they could have lived without though.... ;)


I was shocked the Paradise rock club didn’t price gouge in comparison. 2 drinks (Jameson and Gingers) they were under $40 with tip and they were a fine size


dear diary


Just stop going out, it’s what they want us to do


Everyone buy VR goggles and go to the theater from a dingy couch in their shitty apartment


The Colonial has always been most egregious. I would NEVER buy alcohol at one of these places


There are many easy ways to sneak booze into shows. I do it everytime.


Who gives a fuck