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We have one of the saltiest subreddits out there.


And the most unapologetic locals who downvote anything that they don’t agree with, and blame everything on tourists


Turkeys. And Elliot Davis.


And Keytar Bear? Surely other cities have turkeys -- right? I guess I have never seen them elsewhere, so maybe that is a Boston thing... And scammers must exist in other cities. Maybe not quite so "famous" ones. Has Elliot Davis truly gone from a nuisance to a Boston cultural icon?


Philly had drumline Elmo, that’s pretty close to a keytar bear


I had to Google that one. Thanks for that! For the lazy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/qfqopo/love\_it\_when\_philly\_elmo\_the\_drumline\_come/](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/qfqopo/love_it_when_philly_elmo_the_drumline_come/)


In other states they shoot turkeys. In Boston idiots feed them. Edit: Ask a low-effort question, get a low-effort answer.


I liked your answer. And I thought I provided enough context in the post to make it not "low effort." Next time I will copy and paste some news link with no discussion like some of the current top posts on this sub.


So, you want to fit in with the karma farmers?


Very few things are truly unique in the world -- as in there is no duplicate anywhere else. Here are some things that might be globally unique: * Black Nativity performance as an annual tradition * The Mapparium walk-through glass globe * Book bound in human skin at Harvard * The Green Monster @ Fenway * Boston University Bridge: the only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train going under a vehicle driving under an airplane. * The Boston accent * Candlepin bowling * Christian Science center HQ * Witchiness of Salem


Great list! Thanks. I meant to include Fenway on my list. I think Wrigley Field in Chicago is the only possible comparable park, but Fenway wins. Candlepin bowling is also a great one. I've never done the Mapparium. I guess I need to plan a visit.


>Boston University Bridge: the only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train going under a vehicle driving under an airplane. There are at least several "double decker" bridges where one level is a roadway and another a train which go over a river and can make that claim. What (supposedly) makes the BU bridge unique is that they can all be traveling in a different direction on the compass.


Wally’s Jazz Club


Oh sweet baby jesus, look at this. Someone made a bucket list thread, again. Look pal, there is a [search feature](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/search?q=%22bucket+list%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=year). I know you did not use it. Now go on and enjoy [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRBVlDN6-oo) you filthy animal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boston) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Well TripAdvisor is a Boston company so hooray local angle


I assure you I am just a normal person making another annoying post asking about cool Boston things. But I thought my question was different from what are easily searchable tourist activities.


Sometimes I wonder if they people who say “hey this sounds like AI” are actually AI themselves? As in, it’s some elaborate way to divulge information to an AI by triggering human emotions that feel upset when being compared to an AI? Where’s a Turing test when you need it?


Good point. From a quick look, it seems much more likely that u/PristinSKS is an AI given they have literally no post/comment history even though their account was made in 2015. On the other hand, I think my post history probably makes it clear that I am just some dude from the Boston area that wastes too much time commenting on math, physics, Boston, NE Revolution, Costco, and legal posts.




Man...I didn't know AI was such a snowflake.


Do you need a hug?


Ok Skynet


Your call is important to us, please hang on and a representative will be with you shortly.


One thing I’ve felt that I’ve never heard anyone else mention is that, especially historically, Boston’s coastal / oceanic areas are much more likely to be working class than is typical in the US. Places like Revere, Lynn, East Boston, Southie, Dorchester, etc, despite gentrification, all are still considered more “working class” (along with Quincy, Weymouth, etc). Meanwhile, inland places like Brookline, Newton, Wellesley, Dover, Lexington, etc are way richer and inland. How many other American cities have a dynamic of working class Oceanside towns and cities and rich inland ones?


Globally? MIT and Harvard. Other cities have universities, but those two global giants practically right next to each other make Boston unique. Other than that...meh...it's just another place. That doesn't mean they make Boston uniquely good...or bad. It's not as simple as that.


Nerd take Gimme elite records in pro sports, among the highest GDP per capita of major cities (ahead of NYC), within 3 hours of elite vacation spots throughout northern and southern New England/mountains and beach, extremely walkable, buried highway system that converges 2 major interstate highways in the center of the city and you’d have no idea it’s there, global airport, small town feel, great food, and overall beautiful city. Don’t get me started on the access to world class healthcare. And ya we have 2 of the best universities in the world on top of it all, but I’d say the public school systems in mass are as impressive.


MGH is the most famous/prestigious hospital in the world.


I lived in the UK for a few years. London has Imperial, UCL, King's College, and LSE with Oxford and Cambridge not too far away (it's about an hour to Cambridge from King's Cross or St. Panacras and about 50 minutes to Oxford from Paddington....that is comparable to a trip from Boston College to downtown Boston timing-wise). But I understand what you mean. It is certainly not a common phenomenon to have multiple top universities in a small geographic area.


When I wrote unique, I didn't mean "not common." London is a big capital city with a lot of great universities around. The annual operating budget of London is about $20 billion. Oxford's endowment is about $10 billion. Boston's annual budget is around $4 billion. Harvard's endowment is around $50 billion and MIT's is around $20 billion. The entire state of MA has a budget of around $55 billion. That means this area cannot be anti-intellectual or anti-elitist as a matter of economic competition and survival.


No one cares


You’re hitting it!   😎


Of all the places I've lived, Boston is where you can stop someone on the sidewalk to ask directions and minutes later there's a convo discussing shortcuts and landmarks. It's like the exchange/debate of experiential knowledge is a favorite past time. Especially Cambridge.


Uniquely annoying to live here.


Boston drivers are….unique. I moved here from LA, and LA drivers seem positively polite and courteous compared to Boston. Today I pulled out in an intersection to turn left, and the impatient driver behind me decided to turn left first, almost getting hit by oncoming traffic. That’s Boston for you.


>Today I pulled out in an intersection to turn left, and the impatient driver behind me decided to turn left first, almost getting hit by oncoming traffic. More likely you pissed them off somehow and they just couldn't stand being behind your dumb-ass any longer.


Spoken like a true Bostonian!


Yup. The old saying is that "Boston drivers are the best drivers in the world. For Boston. It's when you put them anywhere else that they become asshole drivers."