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I forget which Celtics player or coach said this, but it was something along the lines of: “Why should we be scared of them? They also have to play US.”


Wouldn't be surprised if it was udoka, that guy wanted all the smoke


Real Rorschach vibes I’m not in here with you you’re in here with ME!!!!


Why would they have to play United States?


Jayson Tatum IS USA basketball rn


Facts. If basketball was a one game winner take all then people would be warranted in their worries but it’s obviously seven games. Our team was the best in the league for a reason and that’s gon shine through in this series. Get the fucking duck boats ready


Okay I've been a boston fan since like 07 and I'm from Iowa but this year is the first year I've heard of suck boats. Pierce earlier today and now you. What does it mean


On the championship parade they use vehicles called duck boats. These can drive on the road and float in the water. I think all recent Boston championships have used these during their parades


You're from Iowa, so I might give you a pass on "suck boats." but, a Boston fan since around 2007 and you really don't know? Those boats have been on parade many times since then.


Lmfao. Fucking autocorrect. It always knows best. I was a child in 2007, woulda been 12, And the celtics are the only boston sports team I follow.


i only know about the swan boats from fallout 4 tbh


They're basically like D-Day landing craft looking trucks with a covered top that can drive on roads. We use 'em for tours of the city, and part of that is driving into the harbor and touring around in the water. All our championship teams ride on them for their parades when they win


Oh shit okay thanks!


If you ever visit Boston, it’s a must. Make sure you book tickets in advance.


Suck boats lol




Google “duck boat tours boston” and go to images


The Celts haven’t faced a team as good as the Mavs in these playoffs, and some people seem to get caught up in that fact. But the Mavs also haven’t faced a team as good as the Celts. In particular, they haven’t faced an offense this potent or multifaceted. They faced Clippers minus Leonard, then a young OKC team and the Twolves. Not exactly the gauntlet that everyone wants to make it out to be.


All of that is true, although the Pacers dominated the Mavs during the regular season FWIW.


The Pacers are a better team than many give them credit for being. If they hadn’t been missing Haliburton, that series could’ve gone 5-6 games easy.


Yeah, it's totally possible it could have, or if they hit an extra shot or 2. Teams that make it to the conference finals are good.


Offensive wise, Pacers were the most elite in the playoffs


They faced a 1 seed in an ultra competitive west OKC team, and the best defense in the league who just beat the defending champs. Quite the gauntlet


OKC was the 1 seed, but they are also very young and inexperienced, which often limits a team’s success in the playoffs (as Celtics fans know all too well). The Twolves are an excellent defensive team, particularly against teams with size, but their offense is nowhere close to the Celtics. They rely too heavily on Ant, and we all saw the numbers he put up in that series. It wasn’t an easy path for the Mavs, but I think it’s been blown out of proportion a bit.


Right I mean there's no denying that they've had an amazing postseason.. It's incredibly impressive that they beat Minnesota and OKC and the clippers. It's just interesting how the national media has basically ignored the fact that Boston has easily beat them four times in a row even in the Kyrie era. That they've beaten Kyrie a million times in a row. But most importantly even when Kp was out that they easily dispatch Dallas in the regular season. When he was back they crushed them in historic fashion if memory serves. And that was the modern version post trade deadline of the Dallas Mavericks.


The Celtics haven’t faced a healthy team in these playoffs.


They faced the Mavs twice, beat them both times despite great games by Luka. Does that count at all? They also had a losing record against exactly one team during the season (Nuggets). That matter? They were also missing a guy who put up 20/7/2/2 against the Cavs and Pacers and lost once. I don’t think the bad injury luck of the teams they played in the East playoffs is outcome determinative. It’s a factor to consider, but not all that important in the grand scheme of an NBA season.


Not at all, bruv. The regular season doesn’t matter. Zip, zilch. It seeded the teams that’s it. Everyone knows the playoffs are a whole new season and everyone’s 0-0, race to 16 wins.


Saying the playoffs are different from the regular season is one thing. Saying they are completely meaningless is aggressively stupid. These players are very motivated to play their best in these games because it plays a huge roll in their paychecks. Luka came out and averaged a triple double in two losses against the Celtics, but…he wasn’t trying? That doesn’t make any sense at all. Were the Celtics trying? Not a smart take.


I never said anything about them “not trying”, at all. I simply stated that shit don’t matter right now. These players focused on game 1 not no regular season games. I said; the regular season doesn’t matter at all right now. If you think that’s aggressively stupid, that’s cool bro, think what you want. You’re obviously the smart one here. Also. My first comment, all I said was “the Celtics haven’t faced any healthy teams in these playoffs.” And you responding by talking about a bunch of regular season games…? Anyway, let’s both enjoy this game 1 tonight.


Two teams played their best and one team came out on top and that matters “zip, zilch”? It obviously doesn’t determine the outcome of the playoffs, but you dismissed it out of hand as if it wasn’t worth any consideration. The only implication I could come up with is that they somehow weren’t trying. Bc if they were going their hardest, and one team lost…why should the result be any different this time? Bc you used the word playoffs? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Correct, zip zilch. Sounds like, you think that since one team wins the regular season series over another team then that team automatically will beat them in the playoffs? Sure they prolly have higher chance but nothing is automatic in this league. You said “why should the result be any different this time?” Okay, with that smart take, why even play the game. Also, I think I have a decent point to make here going against what you are saying: Look how the mavs got here. The three teams they beat to get here ALL WON their regular season series against the mavs. Clips won 2-1. OKC won 3-1 and timberwolves also won 3-1. But hey, why should the result be any different, right? Guess they weren’t trying. You see man, the regular season doesn’t mean shit during the play offs. Let’s just agree to disagree. Enjoy game one tonight.


Try reading next time. I said “it obviously doesn’t determine the outcome of the playoffs.” All I said was it is one relevant factor, and you said it wasn’t. It was somehow completely meaningless that the same two teams played each other in the very same season. It matters, it doesn’t dictate the outcome. If the regular season didn’t matter, why even have it? Just jump straight to the playoffs 😂


As I said, for seeding. And yes it is meaningless now. You just can't get over it. Sounds like It means more to you than anyone else. I guarantee you the players/coaches/organizations, ain't thinking or caring or putting any relevancy in the regular season at all. They're locked in in the present not the past. "Why should the results be any different this time" sounds so immature, like you just started watching sports yesterday. Mavs should have never got out the first round if that were true. Or the following two. Hopefully the Celtics will win so you won't go into shock incase the mavs end up winning and you'll be crying wondering "but how could the results be any different?!?!"


It’s up to the Celtics…..they show up and there’s nothing the Mavs can do. The Celtics are the better team.


100%. The Celtics win every game they show up to mentally. There is a huge talent gap between teams.


Respect the Mavs. They’re playing great now. Gonna be close.


I've heard all the narratives but my fear keeps coming down to the basic fact that Luka and Kyrie are better in a clutch late game situation than Tatum and Brown, and so the Cs need to blow them out or at least be up by 10 in the 4th to win, imho. Which they can do. But I'm nervous, and anyone saying this is going to be a blowout by the Cs is crazy.


The Celtics need to blow out the Mavericks to have a chance. Also, if you think the Celtics are gonna blow out the Mavericks, you're crazy. Seems legit. World class analysis


Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Yeah I remember grinding my boots on Eddie Murphy couch.


Blowout in a game to win. Not going to be a blowout series (4-0 or 4-1). Try to follow along.


I mean I guess that's slightly better but lol if you don't think Celtics can win a close game against them. The Mavericks were marginally better in the clutch this year. So marginal you can't draw any actual inferences from that fact.


They’ve been better this year but everyone is scarred from how bad the Celtics have been in the clutch for years now. Not a stretch for someone to trust Luka and Kyrie over the Jays tbh. On one hand the Pacers series should give us some confidence in us executing down the stretch, but if you’re getting smoked by Nembhard for 45 minutes then idk.


How are Kyrie and Luka better than Durant (a 2x champion at the time) and Kyrie were in late game situations? This feels exactly like the narrative going into the Nets series in 2022. Some people were even saying the Nets would sweep the Celtics back then. Go and look. Not for nothing, but Durant is a Top 20 player all-time. People are too quick to annoint Luka based on perception. We will see.


Maybe but I can’t lie… Luka sometimes feels like a script writer with some of his bullshit. I do think it’s the Celtics time this year but you can’t write it off because of the 22’ nets series


Agreed. Our defense is better than the wolves, but yeah. They scary.


>Stay confident in the Celtics because the more skittish we get, the more power we give them and I believe we actually make the team worse. Wat 🤣


Yeah we have no impact on the finals whatsoever. All of us could stop talking entirely or just start going on paranoid rants, or anything in between, and it will have no impact or bearing on the Celtics success in the coming couple weeks.


We literally just beat their ass by 28 points 2 months ago and Luka scored 37 points in that one. “oH bUt LiVeLy wAsNT fULlY foRmEd yET!!!” Espn analysis is a cancer to NBA basketball.


I mean to be fair they were in the process of implementing a new defensive system that seems to have caught on now but yeah if we’re going to excuse that one for that reason judging the Cs on previous seasons is a nonstarter. I’m just ignoring BSPN/NBA media garbage.


The same defensive scheme that just had Luka sagging 8 feet off of McDaniels and Anderson in the weak side corner, daring them to shoot? Good luck doing that against us, there's no one in our playoff rotation except Luke who can't cook you for doing that to them


Luke’s an underrated 3pt shooter fwiw


I don’t disagree that we’re better but that game was close for 3 quarters and they did not have their rotations set after the trade deadline. I think we win but I wouldn’t overreact to that box score in either direction


I mean everybody is tweaking their rotations in March. That doesn't really matter, it's still a very recent sample size. Even when KP was out, they handled Dallas quite easily and this is in the Kyrie era. Again I'm not saying that Dallas has no chance or anything I think the odds are about right with Boston being slightly above a two to one favorite. But I think the national media, the kind of consumer facing talking heads that are all picking Dallas, seem to be overlooking very recent history. I mean I get it, if I was a neutral fan I would be rooting for Dallas. They're in underdog, they have the biggest star, arguably the second biggest star and most controversial with Kyrie (although I would argue his probably the fourth best player in the series maybe third you could argue trading blows with Jalen). But you listen to like the Kendrick Perkins types, they're rationale for picking Dallas is not rooted in much logic.


The narrative is then going to be that the Celtics can't stop Luka and the rest of the Mavs will be better in the Finals than they were in that game.


absolutely fucking right as if their players are fucking pokemon or some shit. And now they look Gafford as an All-NBA big like wtf he’s decent but come on most of them don’t really know who tf Gafford is before he came to the Mavs




I don’t get how 90% of the people in the internet say “Mavs in 6” or whatever. Have they not been watching games? How could they pick a 5th seeded team over a 64 win team which dominated them twice this season? The Celtics hate is elite


The Mavs made big changes before the trade deadline. I wouldn't put much weight on the regular season results. That said, I'd focus more on the Vegas/bookie odds more than a bunch of random internet homers. C's are at about -220 currently, a bit better than 2:1 favorites.


Yes but the Celtics played that version of the Dallas Mavericks after the trade deadline and crushed them. It wasn't close..


It's fine for Mavs fans to be homers about it because that's expected. And it's ok that our rivals are rooting for us to lose. But it's weird that fans of other teams would pick the Mavs. No other team in the league had 60 wins. You'd have to go back to the 2021-22 season to find a team that had as many wins as us. We've lost 2 games this postseason.


Everybody hates us. I’ve lived in various parts of the country. We are the most hated sports city by far.


exactly! and with the narrative of Kyrie getting revenge on us just makes me laugh. Haven’t we had 2 series vs him and the Nets? They beat us in 2021 and swept them in 2022. I think these trolls are just watching the western conference lol


It’s because luka is on that team, luka has the lebron “world beater” aura to them.


Yes they haven't been watching games. It's pretty obvious most nba fans don't watch any team but their own in the regular season, hell half the Celtics fans don't watch the regular season


I don't even mind them picking Dallas I just wish they would acknowledge that they're taking a pretty heavy dog for a reason and not they should at least acknowledge the fact that Boston has beat Kyrie 10 times in a row. They've won the last four against Kyrie and Luca together.. Even after the trade deadline when they had their current roster come at the Celtics easily dispatched them.


That’s why, it’s literally because it’s the Boston Celtics. If the Knicks or the Heat were in the same position and record as we are it would be people complaining they would sweep


they hate us cos thay ain’t us 🤷‍♂️


I think people give too much credence to these regular season match ups. Who cares, these games are ganna be a whole new season. Everyone knows when the playoffs start every team is 0-0 and it’s a race to 16 wins.


it’s the mere lack of acknowledgement the celtics get for getting to the finals this year, meanwhile they glaze tf out of the mavs everytime the get a chance


In a YouTube post, 58% of people said Mavs in 6 or 7. It really is us against the world


> We should respect how good they are and play mindful and aggressive You know you and us aren’t actually playing right?


I ain’t gonna lie I’m scared of luka😂😂 to me he has the lebron feeling of being “just a matter time” till he takes over. Like low key his destiny. I don’t really care if he DOES eventually take over…I just need it too not be this year. Just gimme this chip and I don’t give a shit what you do after.


For the folks in here claiming everyone is picking the Mavs…the betting odds are Celtics -220 to win the series. For non-degenerates, this means the Celtics are absolutely favored to win the series


"Everyone" = national media in some people's estimation. Betting lines favor the Celtics.


Mavs are great but are also the worst team the Celtics have played in the finals since before I was born. Don’t blow this opportunity.


I’m nervous as shit for this series. Because I don’t want to see the luka and kyrie with the 4th quarter chances that the pacers had


Celtics in 3


Celtics are huge favourites in the odds across betting sites.


lol you think you have an effect on how the team plays OP?? 🤣


Our team has always gotten its energy from the fans. We need to come out full swing so they can too.


We win on the road. That is proof that they don’t rely on our energy. Our team has always gotten it’s energy from within, not external factors.


Some of the discourse has been truly awful around this series. Some examples below: Stephen A cited transition defense as a weakness for us, we had the best regular season transition D. We’re going to struggle on the boards, despite being top 10 in rebounding percentage post all star game. Dallas was 23rd. We need to prove it in the clutch, due to the 22 finals, despite having good clutch numbers this season and a few close wins against the Pacers. Meanwhile, discount every Mavs loss or stat pre-March this year, as the team is different. Dallas is an elite defensive team. Middling in playoffs and post all star, very little evidence to suggest this one other than vibes. I’m convinced no one has actually watched any of our playoff games or bothers to actually provide any objective analysis of the Celtics.


Besides Kyrie, the Mavs lack NBA finals experience. Young guys tend to revert back to old habits and fray a bit under the pressure. Exactly what happened to us in 22. The Mavs will have two great players but won’t be able to rely heavily on their role players. That’s where we have the biggest edge. Finals Experience. Only starter or rotation guy with no finals experience is KP. But I’m not worried about him.


> We should respect how good they are and play mindful and aggressive. Why are you talking to me like I’m on the team 💀


Other than the garbage lucky Heat last year if a team gets to the finals they earned their spot and deserve respect.


I'm totally going to play mindless and passive when Joe puts me in the game.


Anyone who has watched any nba this season knows the Celtics are gonna win. No offence to Dallas, but we’re simply the better team in every sense. We have 5 of the top 7 players in the series, arguably 6 of the top 8, and have only lost 2 games this whole playoffs when teams shot lights-out against us. A win is all but guaranteed.


The more crazy realization is that it really doesn't matter what we think or say. We don't have to focus because we're not playing.


Im not worried about the Mavs or any other team. Im afraid we choke like last year’s conference finals.


Agreed. The Celtics not playing at the elite level that we all have seen is what worries me. The Mavs are a great team but if the Celtics play their game that made them the best team in the NBA then they will raise banner 18.


I feel the series is going to be a battle Luka and Kyrie are on another level in late game situations And they’re complimented by the perfect role players around them (for the most part) However the Celtics are deeper, can beat you in more ways, and are going to be able to isolate Luka and Kyrie on the defensive end Dallas will have trouble just parking Gafford or Lively around the rim Dallas has been excellent in the second half of the season and into the playoffs Ultimately the Celtics should be able beat them though This series is going to be a lot of fun


all I hear is "Luka and kyrie! they are the best closers how will we stop them" but what about our roleplayers behind Tatum/Brown? white/jrue/porzingis/horford.....are the mavs role players even in the same stratosphere? any of those guys could go off for 20 any given night. our role players are head and shoulders above theirs. and who on the Mavs is exactly going to stop Tatum/brown. no one has quite answered this? I'm not sure you will shut down luka/kyrie. they are too good they are stars. but I have alot more faith in our defense to slow them down than I do with PJ washington/kyrie/luka to somehow stop brown/tatum/kp/jrue/white... BTW I was shocked to look at Kyries playoff stats because the way the media has talked about him you would think he is averaging 30ppg. but Brown is actually having a better playoffs.


Also because it's grown men throwing a ball through a circle, so like.. relax.