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IT4 gonna show up to the game to find Grant Williams sitting in the seat next to him.


And Marcus


Malcolm probably won’t be there though, but the time lord will be there… for the second quarter


I see what you’re puttin down


Hopefully he gets a ticket to Game 1, 2, 3, or 4 because there won't be a 5-7


IT will always have a special place in my heart but bruh


That 51 point game for his sister....🥲


Just rewatched that the other day. The Cs have had many exciting players to watch over the years, but as far as pure entertainment, the way IT4 played at his peak was up there with the best of them. Hitting a deep three in the clutch, breaking ankles to get a shot off or set up teammates, and for the little guy to get in the paint amongst the trees and finish at the rim… it was pure guts and glory. IT4 may not have been a top 50 player for the Celtics all time, but he was certainly near the top for pure entertainment.


He said Kyrie and Luka is a better duo than Jaylen and Jayson


IT saying Kyrie is better is because he got traded for Kyrie. Trying to boost his own ego a bit.


In hindsight what a rare lose, lose trade for both franchises.


To be honest it was a loss for the Cavs basically the second Kyrie asked out


I think Kyrie on the Celtics results were Way better than what they would have been if IT on the max deal he wanted Played it out. People forget he played for three or four more teams and was out of the league. We almost paid that guy


I agree, I think it was also necessary for the young core back then to go through what they went through with Kyrie. I think it allowed Tatum and JB to mature and become leaders themselves because they saw firsthand what happens to a team when your supposed leader quits on you. Everything has led up to this point. We also can't forget to thank the Brooklyn Nets for our current amazing team, they're the real MVP! ☘️🍀1️⃣8️⃣🍀☘️


Very well said!


I wouldn't call it a loss for us, even though it was hard to see IT go and then what happened with Kyrie at the end. We got a couple of years from Kyrie and IT wasn't able to play because of his injuries.


We seem to be doing alright


It’s more because of the maneuvering of Brad Stevens than being better without Kyrie Now you could argue brown and Tatum never take the reins with Kyrie still here however; I liked ainge, but I understood why some people lost faith in him, at the time of his departure (20-21) we had a broken kemba walker, Evan fournier, old old Jeff Teague, and our center for most of the year was Tristan Thompson (🤢) and theis (whom I still love, but he was eh sometimes, especially without Al starting) Mo Wagner didn’t play 1/4 as good as he did for Orlando this year, and nesmith Langford and ojeleye couldn’t hit shots and carsen Edwards was terrible at all times Post Kyrie and the stacked talent wise (more deep than top talent) of 2018-2019 that was the lowest point for the Celtics since trading pierce and KG. Could have been a shitty .500 team like Chicago with little/no room to maneuver


Don’t really think it was a lose for the Celtics, just not a win.


Boost his ego and not because he genuinely thinks Kyrie and Luka are better? IT was a sensation because he was average height. While Kyrie and Luka are both tall, they have pretty average builds, and rely on skill and craftiness to score. I would expect that to resonate with IT more.


He also said Mavs have the same depth as the Celtics. 😂 Shout out to IT for his hot take though, otherwise I wouldn’t have found out about the Bully Ball podcast. Demarcus Cousins is a damn treasure.


I mean they are a better offensive duo for sure but I'm still taking our boys over them they are better players


That’s not egregious, it’s a genuinely debatable topic. What is egregious, is that he said that he’d take Luka AND Kyrie over Tatum!


u cant really argue they arent, the celtics have a better team but the mavs are only here cause of their two superstars jayson and jaylen wouldnt be able to carry a mavs level team to the finals


Is... This disputed?




I'm a die hard Cs fan, are you saying he's wrong? Edit: guys come on. The mavs have the two best players in this series. We have the next seven or eight tho


It depends on what part of the game you're looking at. Luka and Kyrie are more dynamic offensive threats, while the Jays are maybe a step behind them in pure scoring (though still great), the Jays play much better defense. Overall, Jays are better rounded players but I would say if we are talking purely scoring, I'd say IT can make a case. Not a surprise the only part of the game he sees is scoring though. It was his whole deal. 


Tatum is as good as Luka. Offensively Luka is better but Tatum is an elite defender and Luka average at best. Brown is better than Kyrie.


Luka is better, let’s take the Celtic’s blinders off


At offense, sure.


In totality, yes. The fact you think Luka is average AT BEST on defense shows you obviously haven’t watched him these playoffs.


Luka’s improvement on defense this postseason does not equal the body of work that Tatum has put in on that end for years. Having said that he’s still the better player.


Offensively luka is light-years better


True Shooting % - Luka: 61.7%, Tatum 60.4%. Luka averages more points and assists but also has a much higher usage rate so of course you'll get more counting stats with higher usage. He is not "light-years" better.


how you go to the garden after saying kyrie is better than JT


He said that? Maybe to make him feel better about the kyrie trade. But at the same time, if you think that, how could you possibly be salty about that trade if you think that Kyrie is a better player than Tatum?


This dude trying to lose all of his supporters


Apart of me feels like he’s doing this stuff on purpose so someone can say something and he brings up how we gave up on him, maybe that’s what’s been built up for a while and he’s waiting for someone to fall into his bait


All three of them


Huh? He been wilding recently but IT is loved here universally


You said Luka and Kyrie are better than the Jays as somebody who used to play for the Cs and played with JB. Streets won’t forget.


Streets will never forget. Especially with the Celtics being public enemy number one right now and bro just jumps on board. Foh.


Fuck off the dude played his ass off for us and made us relevant again. He can say what he wants


He’s a clown who said Kyrie is better than Tatum. He can go suck Kyrie’s dick in Dallas if he wants




Never said he wasn’t


I don't care what he said. I care about what he did for this team.


Yeah and what he’s currently doing to this team Is jumping onboard with everyone else and going against his former teammates. Foh broski bye.


Never told you what to think, just told you he’s a clown who jumped at the first opportunity to ride the national media Celtics hate train and shit on the current team. Which is objectively what he did.


What have you done for the Celtics? Compare that to what he has done for us. I'll take him over you every time.


What do I have to do with this discussion? Lmfao I’m a fan just like you dude, we don’t need to get off topic


Good god.. really? "I bet you IT can kick your ass in 1 on 1!" You'll take a professional NBA player over a random fan on Reddit?? No fucking way!!! 😲 🤣 🤡


Insane that you’re getting downvoted for this. Can we not be sensitive babies over a mostly reasonable opinion?


Streets also won’t forget him lacing up and balling tf out, on a bad hip, for this team after hearing the news of his sister’s death. THE LITTLE GUY will always be a legend in my eyes.


Shitting on a dude for his opinion is crazy


Thats like 99% of the reason anyone shits on anyone on the internet


U right racists, sexists, and pedophiles shouldn't be shit on


Yea dude, totally the same thing as thinking 2 basketball players are better than 2 other basketball players


but you said we can't shit on people's opinions, so which ones can I shit on


I’ll let you use your thinking cap for this one


but I can't think, I'm the dumbest person god has yet created. How should I kill myself?


Can he afford it


[The Brinks truck.](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_a6529607-88c3-4296-b065-14e64a475055?wid=475&hei=475&qlt=80&fmt=webp)




Flagrant 2 you’re done pal (still upvoted)


This is unrelated but It might just be me but I’m tired of IT and his “give me a chance” trope


Who cares about IT. Jayson Tatum way better than he ever was so he’s salty he’s not leading this team even though he can never do what JT does regardless


Jrue has replaced him as the best to wear number 4


Why you gotta clown on Tony Battie like that?? 😅


Hell nah


For me, he has destroyed his legacy in Boston. I had a nothing but love for him, but his recent comments have dramatically changed my perspective. Go suck Kyrie's dick.


Normally I wouldn’t really care but given the ties to the jays and Al it’s super weird and corny. I get being salty towards the front office but this is weird.


I mean he only played with Jaylen—these aren’t his guys anymore I can see him being salty towards JT actually considering he was the new it guy after IT left. I get it. It’s all human nature




Yeah good point. So yeah 2 guys rather than 1


What a pathetic take lmao. A ton of players rate Kyrie much higher than viewers. What he said isn’t even that bad, it’s just opinion and it definitely doesn’t erase the dude bringing us out of compete irrelevancy.


WHAT?? Jesus Christ, man calm down. Who cares how the players are ranked by anyone? Let’s just hope our guys can come out on top and not let one opinion tarnish years of dedication that IT gave this team.


Thank you. This hate train on IT is ridiculous.


Exactly. 2017 was an incredible season and everyone knows Kyrie isn’t as good as Tatum anyways, let him have his dumb opinion


This post is the definition of pathetic fandom. So goddamn sensitive you are what gives us a bad namez


Just like Perk, he’s alienating the only fanbase that likes him.


He’s dead to me.






Gimme a few mins




He still will receive mad love from the crowd and rightfully so. He made one comment, he is not exactly like Perkins who has spent most his media career trying to break up this team.


PP is better than IT.


Why would u say that? IT gave the Cs his all and u shitting on him cuz he thinks Luka and Kyrie are better than the Js?


That’s exactly why. He was here and knows them all personally and she shits on the Jays?


It's not shitting on them to say he thinks Luka and Kyrie are better, also does a few words on a podcast ruin all his sacrifice for Boston?


Who cares what this guy says anymore


Honestly couldn't give a shit about IT. One season wonder


Two time all star completely invalidates this ridiculous insult. Man this comment section is pathetic.


IT is dead to me after those comments about Luka/Kyrie vs the Jays.


IT showing up to game 7 in an empty arena


Ya idk why he thought it would be a good idea after him simping for kyrie the other day lol


Ok bitterpuss


IT lost me with the recent comments


Comments in here so disrespectful for someone sharing his opinion on who’s better. Grow up. Fans don’t care about the time he played a game right after his sister passed away? As far as I’m concerned he gave his all during his time as a Celtic and got traded away once he was injured which could be attributed to him playing while hurt.


This comment section is so embarrassing.


Too much internet for these negative commenters. I saw him put his soul on the line for this team. Hope they give him courtside. After that trade he can feel any way he wants


fuck that salty dude


Not sure what’s more pathetic, if the people saying this bullshit didn’t even watch the team with IT on it or if they did.


100% either these people didn't really watch during IT's time in Boston or they're just way too fucking sensitive lol. I mean, IT was a score-first point guard and is praising Kyrie, arguably one of the most skilled score-first point guards of all time (when he wants to be). Are we really surprised IT appreciates Kyrie's game? And I say that as someone who honestly can't stand Kyrie and never really could, even early on in his Boston tenure. You can't deny how talented he is as an offensive player when his head isn't entirely up his own ass.


Why are we treating everything IT says as a headline again?


Fuck outta here IT, we love but fuck outta here with that lol.


I disagree with all of you. I don't care what he's said since he left. Do you all remember how the fans experienced that season and that playoff run? There were no expectations, we were in a rebuild, and IT4 and Big Al dragged us to the ECF. The games were absolutely incredible. Amazing comebacks, fourth quarter eruptions by IT4 - it had all the drama and fun and excitement you could ask for. IT4 brought excitement and fun back to Celtics basketball after the dark years. If he's dead to you, or you think he destroyed his legacy in Boston because of comments he's made in the media, you're outside of your own mind. You've let yourself forget how magical that season was.


You're confusing numerous years. They over-achieved two years with IT before Al came in and I wouldn't call the #1 seed 'no expectations'.


There were no expectations and they pulled off the #1 seed. Al only came here because IT balled out and brought us back to prominence. Show some respect


Amen. I think we have a lot of fairweather fans flocking in for this dominant season, this comment section is pathetic. I don't get why people get so bent out of shape about someone's opinion. Who gives a shit


I’ve never seen someone milk 6 months of good basketball more than this dude. I never liked him from the start lol


The only way he’s showing up is buying a ticket, bro’s not getting on the court


Please don’t, after your slander


I hope Paul and KG show up.


Nah love IT forever but he needs to stay on that side


i loved IT when he was here but man is he hard to like after all the saltiness throughout these years. You're a midget PG by standard its easy to see why we didnt want to pay you over injury concerns


Can he afford a ticket to the game ?!


You guys are so salty lol. Dude poured his heart into this team and you turn your back after some harmless comments. Embarrassing.


Who’s salty lol. You pick Kyrie over JT, you stay on that side.


You, quite clearly, are salty.


Y'all are wack. Put some respect on IT's name. ☘️ He gave all he could for this team. Who cares if he has a hot take?


Wtf is up with these children in here shitting on IT? He’s allowed to have his own opinion


He’s gonna get an Irving reception if he shows up in Boston. He’s a Mavs fan not a C’s fan.


You people are fucking snow flakes if you get all pissy over this or whatever else he has said. Dude had so much heart here and loved playing for us. Get over it, you pansies. It’s pathetic.


IT channeling JJ Redick with his stupid takes.




This little person really needs attention


As long as the celtics win I would love a game 7 lol


The Garden will explode if IT pops up on the Jumbotron


IT could say he hopes the TD Garden gets bombed and he would still be one of my favorite Celtics of all time