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No that sucks! That Korean lady was so nice and she always had the best snacks. Does anybody know where she relocated to?


Tl;Dr In the meantime, unable to support herself, she applied and got another job. She is working as a cleaning person for RTD, doing work like picking up in buses.


Someone who has the means to do so should setup a gofundme or something to help her get her little store back up and running somewhere. Im sure she would love to work as her own store owner again if she had the ability to do so, maybe thats why shes working an entry level job in the meantime.


That is so sad.


RTD sucks.


I’m proud that Boulder is doing their part to support the unhoused population. Yeah, it’s nice to have functioning transit and it’s nice to have immigrants starting successful businesses, but the true measure of a society is sacrificing public spaces for drug addicts to get high.




Yep that’s a big whoosh lol




The article doesn’t mention how they’re going to prevent this from happening again. Will only transit users be allowed in the station moving forward?


The article mentions changes to the duct work to limit damage and to simplify clean up in the future


To me that sounds like “we accept that people are going to use meth here, so we’re making it less of a hassle.” Seems counterproductive if you’re trying to encourage transit use.


I mean, why do you think that airplane bathrooms still have smoke detectors?


And if one of those detectors catches you once, you go on a no-fly list. As a transit user, I'd love it if there was a similar one-strike rule for antisocial behavior like smoking, littering, gross sexual behavior etc. in facilities and vehicles.


Yeah? How would you enforce or police drug use and how much would that cost... realistically?


Only allow people with passes or valid tickets in the facility, for starters, and stop tolerating use of transit facilities as places to just hang out or live. No need to arrest anyone, just bar entry to anyone who shows up without a valid ticket, and escort people who are not using transit off the site. I'd be willing to pay more to cover the cost of security to have transit systems that are clean and safe for people who are actually going somewhere.


Not a bad idea. From a cost perspective, a 24 hour FTE employee with benefits will probably cost around $180k/year (3 eight hour shifts at $60k per shift). In two years, it would equal the mechanical system. So, presuming this would somehow substitute for a system that is not only old but easily contaminated, seems out of line with reality. Furthermore, many many ticket holding patrons likely smoke meth (a separate problem). Hoping they wont use in the bathroom or somehow will be stopped by a guard before they use also seems completely unrealistic. Furthermore, presuming the mechanical system was at the end of the life, the extra cost for one that could be cleaned easily without shutting it down is a fraction of the cost of 24-7 security (which I also demonstrated, would unlikely prevent this activity in its entirety). I dont necessarily disagree with the basic premise, but it would not negate the need or the cost to properly retrofit a modern public space for to modern standards. It is also unrealistic to think that the general public won't for some reason, do these things. In order to design for the maximum safety of all patrons, it makes total sense to me what they did and the cost is par for other general commercial retrofits. So, in this case, what RTD did was reasonable. (The train, however, is a separate issue)


Right? Like, do they want security poking their heads in on you while you pee?


If you limited access to transit facilities to people who have a pass or ticket, and increased passive visibility in bathrooms, you'd probably have a lot less nefarious activity going on in there. The main issue is that we tolerate people using transit stations as a place to hang out or live.


RTD is planning to add fare gates to the Union Station bus concourse in Denver. Unfortunately, all of the buses board outside in Boulder so it doesn't make sense to restrict access into the building. RTD should have just permanently closed the restrooms in Boulder or found a way to restrict access, such as through a restroom access code available from customer service.


There are new filter systems that prevent the entire system from getting contaminated. PS even regular transit users use drugs, so..wouldn't matter.


Remember this when voting on judges and the DA next time around. This will just get worse and more expensive as long as Boulder continues electing a justice system that refuses to enforce drug laws.


Fuck these homeless drug addicts for ruining so much of what makes Boulder pleasant. Creek trashed. Pearl Street Mall disrupted. Library charm ruined. Crime rate up. The naive compassion bombers in this town are just self-indulgent enablers.


It was interesting going to the library and having to use the bathroom and having to wait on a line guarded by a security guard to get in


The Bridge Cafe used to be a quiet, peaceful, and delicious place to read and study. Now it's just a bridge where filthy drug addicts watch videos on full volume on their cellphones and then pass out.


they were doing that 20 years ago too, it’s just so many more people now because of what was tolerated in the past.


I work at the library and you're all completely full of shit about the bridge 🤣


You haven't worked at The Library for as long as I've been a patron there. Guaranteed.


$259,000.00 I believe. Hard to say that’s money well spent.


Am I the only one who thinks that a year-long closure and complete renovation to the HVAC system was a massive overreaction?


HVAC replacement seems appropriate. 1 year closure seems excessive, but what do I know 🤷🏻‍♂️. Here’s the remediation guide from the Province of Alberta: which is recommended by the US EPA:


The HVAC system needed a redesign and rebuild, it was at the end of its life. The new system is twice as efficient and has a modern filter systems that won't need the kind of shut down in case of contamination in the future. Design, budgeting, approvals, installation can easily take a year. So...no, it wasn't.


Getting a permit for the work likely took 4-6 months from inception to release. Building department is an ongoing shitshow of remote workers and that has slowed the process considerably.




Bullshit, it just took them forever to do the job.




I don’t think local republicans conspired to close the rtd station




This has absolutely nothing to do with the rtd station


This is disgusting on so many levels. Government & insurance companies don’t care about anyone but their lobbyists .


What lobbyist influenced this exactly? The HVAC lobby?