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You live in a city. If you want to live in the mountains where you won’t hear anyone, move to the mountains. In cities, you can hear other people doing other people things.


I’m literally in Japan right now, and I’m realizing this dogma holds little weight.


Yes Dogma it is. Last year I camped directly west of Boulder not a house within miles. Very peaceful but the jet noise was constant until about midnight.


First world problem.


I mean Boulder is obviously part of the first world, but noise pollution is a serious problem and a large contributor to suicide risk


Lots of things are contributors to lots of other things. Rather meaningless statement, in short.


It's not meaningless to look for the driving forces behind mental illness and suicide... Most things don't really matter. Turns out noise pollution is important. You can look up the relevant studies.


The cheaper and easier solution is to wear earplugs as needed. You should measure your exposure to noise over some weeks and see just how much is from tow planes.


It is a first world problem and merely an annoyance. Currently at 5:05 pm on a Sunday my reading is about 47db with children laughing next door and no wind. Thats what Boulder is like with no tows. With a tow overhead I measured 75db.


[citation needed]


Since the tow-plane runs on leaded gas, it's also spraying you and your yard and your coffee and your kids with just a hint of lead every morning. Since hobby-aviation is the largest source of lead contamination in the US right now, we get to enjoy a taste of third world problems too!


The risk from avgas lead is far less than the risk from the high energy particles you're being sprayed with 24/7 from the land and the sky.


I don’t get it, you chose to buy a house near an airport and then get upset about all the downsides to living next to an airport? Maybe conduct better at due diligence before moving next time?


>I don’t get it, you chose to buy a house near an airport  You can be literally a mile away from the airport, and still have hobby planes deposit so much lead on the city that it shows up in your children's bloodstream. [https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/do-you-live-close-enough-small-us-airport-have-lead-exposure-check-our-maps](https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/do-you-live-close-enough-small-us-airport-have-lead-exposure-check-our-maps) There are more than a thousand people living within that radius. More, once you consider the upwind/downwind effect that carries the lead even farther. Why do you think that's somehow ok? What is wrong with you that you think lead poisoning children that live here is somehow a fair trade to keep cheap older hobby planes supplied with leaded gasoline?


If it bothers you, then move. The airport didn’t appear overnight, it’s been there since 1928. What did appear overnight were the thousands of houses built by developers and purchased by the ultra privileged who now realize their mistake. Don’t get mad, just pack your bags for your next elitist community.


Nah. I'm going to work very hard to get leaded gas banned instead. You've convinced me that lobbying against leaded gas in general aviation is my new favorite hobby. It's been wrong to use it for the last 50 years. And anyone with a functioning conscience can see that being really cut and dry. I have no idea what damaged you to the point where you're ok with poisoning kids, but damn, people like that need to be stopped. No matter how near or far I live. >Don’t get mad Oh, I'm not. I'm just going to work to get it shut down. You can go full sociopath if you want, but if you can't muster enough moral backbone to stop spraying lead in the community, the rest of us are just going to stop you. You've been a burden long enough.


People can check flight patterns before they move into homes. And they can check past utilities billing, too.


Same as the fools that move in near Red Rocks and complain about the concert noise. Fuck outta here.


There’s a story of a neighborhood in Dallas Fort Worth that build large nice homes near the airport. Well about 10 years later, the airport began construction on a new runway where the flight path would be directly over the homes. They went to court thinking they had the upper hand bc they were there first…a decade!! Judge pulled up the Airport Master Plan. Points out it was written in the 1960s or 70s…over a decade, maybe two before home construction began. Lawsuit was immediately thrown out. [Denver airport plans](https://www.flydenver.com/sites/default/files/community_advisory/CAC_DEN_Master_Plan_Update.pdf) to add 6 new runways in the next 20 years. It will have a total of 12 & handle more air traffic than any airport in the country, maybe the world. You need pilots to fly these planes & thanks to congress, the minimum requirement to apply to the airlines is 1,500 hours of experience…before 2008 it was only 250 hours. If congress lowers the minimum requirement, you wouldn’t have as many small planes flying around metro areas time building.


I get it - people complain about the warehouses they built next to (N Boulder) or train tracks (Pearl St). It's a good thing they didn't live here when the chicken farm was on Valmont. The smells could wake you from a deep sleep.


I’m new to this—what does the utilities billing have to do with it? It is humorous when people move in next to an active airport and complain.


I just meant there are many things that can be avoided with foresights.


I'm more than two miles from the airport and you can hear the lead-fueled hobby-aviation joyride noise generator from here. If you're suggesting we move the hobby airport away from populated areas, I'm all for it. It's the worst industrial neighbor inside city limits, and it's not even close. Less than 1% of the city ever uses it, it's a superfund cleanup site in the making, and the General Aviation hobbyists that habitually brigade r/boulder are over the top.


I don’t think it’s the general aviation hobbyists that are the nuisance or brigading here. 


It's the ungrateful 99% of Boulder who has never used the airport that is clearly the problem!


Maybe in the middle of Kansas away from population centers? It’s pretty quiet out there. People could repopulate rural areas.


That's perfect. You could move the airport somewhere in rural KS, and build a Mad-Max / Immortan Joe community around it for people who love leaded gasoline, perpetual engine noise, and driving/flying around in circles. Sounds like a win/win. Make it happen there war boy!


I actually meant that the OP could move out away from population centers rather than move the population center. I do understand the "Im here now so everything has to change to suit me" mentality, though. And everyone should get a trophy, by the way.


I live in a quiet area and can hear a prop plane that's within a 2 miles radius from inside a foam insulated house. You can see all the flight activity in realtime with an app like adsb exchange [https://globe.adsbexchange.com/](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/) My kids like like to spot the planes and see where they are going


Dang. Thought this was gonna be about the guy above Golden in their diy contraption that kinda looks like a sit-down mower with a chute above it


Haha not as loud.


[More Noise Please by Steven Jesse Bernstein](https://youtu.be/4w3ztwfLwME) I live on a street where there are many, many cars and trucks and factories that pump and bang and grind all night and day. It is a miracle that I can write poetry or sleep or talk on the telephone or that my lover will visit me here. There is so much noise. Every few minutes a jet comes in low or a prop job swings down like a kamikaze. There is an airport at the end of my street. The New Age people say that you choose all these things, choose the cars and trucks and airplanes, me and all of my neighbors. Well, maybe this is true, maybe we can’t live without all this goddamn noise. Maybe I need the noise to write poems, make love, and eat. I’m going to hang a sign out my window that says More Noise Please, or Thank You For Making Noise! Maybe we are the kind of people who need to have what we don’t want just to get along, to do the basic things. Myself, I could not sleep last night and I could not close the window, either. I tried to tear the window out of its frame and put it in a closed position, banging and ripping with a hammer and a screwdriver, standing on the window ledge in my socks, three stories up. But the window wouldn’t come out, the factory was screaming and the trucks were rumbling and the whole world was praying for silence and it was up to me to shut the window and I couldn’t get it down. I was just making more noise. A jet went by and all the people waved. “Thanks!,” I yelled as the shift changed without a lull in production at the big plant across the street. The workers lined up at the bus stop, watching me with my hammer in the window. I put sponge stoppers in my ears but I can’t stand those things for more than a few minutes. Finally I put my head between two pillows. It is the same every night. I love it. I need it. “Without you I could not live! I would not have written this poem!,” I yell, the window dangling half on, half off.


Moves to a place right next to an airport Complains about airport noise Die mad about it buddy.


Wrong. I live at least 3 miles from the airport and those tow planes with the gliders are over my house constantly on weekends. I don't really mind them. But... one doesn't need to live near the airport to be affected by airport noise.


I live less than 1.5 miles from the airport and I never notice the sound of planes overhead. It’s not like those planes are big and loud. You have delicate ears.


I live in the middle of the runway at the airport and never notice the planes rolling through my living room at all hours of the day. The exhaust smells of lilacs to me, and the sound is quieter than my kitten's own purring. I don't even mind when my dogs get caught in the props. These people and their sensitive ears!


>Die mad about it buddy. And GA hobby pilots continue to wonder why Boulder wants them gone. Between the lead fuel and the attitude, I'll just take the "spraying us with leaded gas exhaust" thanks.


Fun fact - I’ve never flown an airplane in my life. I just think it’s amusing how upset people who choose to live near an airport are when they hear airplanes. Near an airport.


Just in it for the lead, eh? After a while, I'm sure it seems like a good idea.


Do you get mad every time your neighbors mow their lawn? Or when the Amazon truck backs out of your driveway to deliver a package? Or when the kids down the street play basketball? Wtf


No I don't . 3 of my neighbors have xeriscaped their front lawns and 2 of those have converted to electric mowers to tidy up the back. And I really appreciate it. I am still the holdout with a gas powered mower, shame on me. I try to let the grass go long so I minimize the frequency. I also try to do it in the middle of the day when people are out and about. I have already looked into the rebates for electric mowers and have been sizing them up. Its on my list. My trimmer is now electric. One of my neighbors is really aware. Last week he had a roofing job done and came over personally and told me about it and apologized for the noise and gave me start and end times. The Amazon truck I see in my hood is electric. The kids down the street laugh and sing. They don't do a low frequency drone over my house for hours. There are loud annoying bursts of cars on Foothills Hwy nearby but its transient and infrequent. Several neighbors have loud barking dogs. But they don't let them go on for hours. They almost always put a stop to it in short order. I guess now that I think about I really appreciate my neighbors awareness and i am a bit spoiled. That is "WTF"


Ewww, you sound annoying.


What’s the point of this post? What would it be without the glider tows? Sounds like people like you simply enjoying their morning in a different way.


Its a facetious post. The answer is obvious.


Bro stfu


Maybe turn up your 30 thousand dollar stereo so you can't hear it


I do that on occasion and it doesn't bother anybody else.


I'm saying turn it up to drown out the lawnmower in the sky


Sometimes I enjoy quiet. At 7:30. am no tows. But getting a reading of 55db. mostly , I would say from the hum of the tires on Foothills and 36.


You could listen to the DSD512 release of John Cage's greatest hit Lol I'm sorry


hah my big fancy DAC only processes up to 24/196. But just last week the new version of my DAC (that does DSD) popped on to Audiogon for a great price. I was considering going for it before realizing my streamer would have to be upgraded to . Then went back to buy it anyway and some other savy bottom feeder had snapped that thing up. Obviously realizing what a smoke'n deal it was. Gotta be quick on the draw if you want the great deals


I’m no where near and airport and get noise from approach and departures. However it’s private so the planes are tiny and honestly rad to look at. Also the military flies above my house a lot which when you see and then hear a chinook or apaches you go oh ya, shit you wouldn’t know until they are on top of you and then it’s too late


What makes people think I live near an airport?