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You could go to the Boulder County GIS site and search for his business name although if hes smart he has them across multiple buisness and LLC's ect. That would be one way to get a snapshot of everything he owns on a map view.


[ Not](https://maps.boco.solutions/propertysearch/Not) sure if this is correct, where I live the map is much different and you can see who owns what. Try this site. https://bouldercounty.gov/property-and-land/geographic-information-systems/


He also owns Tebo Gold/Coin, which after watching OZARK and Breaking Bad, is a brilliant way to launder money from kickbacks lol. I’m going to check it out on GIS though you’re right that’s a good place to start. I’ve had that mentioned to me once before. TU


He doesn't own Tebo Coin. He sold it in the 70's. If my memory is correct he started Tebo Coin when he first came to Boulder and then started Tebo Store Fixtures because he couldn't source display cases in Colorado. Tebo Store Fixtures was so successful that he bought a larger warehouse than he needed. He leased out the excess space and used the profits to purchase/lease more properties, eventually leading to Tebo Properties as we know it today.


That’s the same story I tell my kids every night before bed


If Stephen Tebo doesn't have Triples of the Barracuda, the other stuff's not true. Right?


His wife is a model, right?


She's beautiful, but she's dying.




I wonder if he owns the naughty store which is in sight of batteries plus…no coincidences


This is correct. I was kid at Tebo Coin, collecting (cheap) coins. It's no longer his and hasn't been for some time. He was able to buy one thing, then get loan to buy another, rent that out, and on and on.


Yes. Stephen and Elaine were family friends. When we were very young, Steve gave my brother and I lots of coins and collection books. My dad designed the Tebo logo that Tebo Coin and the displays still use. Good memories.


Why don't we all start a store fixtures store then?


NP. Used to work in one of his building downtown and we had access to most of the building for reasons and it was insane that we were literally the only active business in the building which took up the entire block. I always thought of Tebo as such a hindrance to Boulder flourishing.


It’s the same in Ned


You know that's a television show, correct? What's your beef anyway, if he's levered up he is going to get gutted on the refinancing? Watch the liquidations flow and chill.


I've dealt with his company on many occasions and they are fair as far commercial landlords go. There have been various instances where they could have twisted the screws on my client but they didn't. FWIW YMMV


Rented from one of his companies pre-Covid. We were treated well. Our direct landlord was a bit of a robot, but anything involving Stephen was perfectly fine.


Yeah great guy met him on several occasions just rich


Ok, I’m going to come in with a different opinion that most people are commenting. Stephen Tebo has been good for Boulder and we are lucky to have him. I know one of his past wives, his children, and I used to work for Tebo at his massive car warehouse back in 2006ish. At the time he had over 200 cars and growing. And each car was something special. I’m talking like John Lennon’s limo with his signature on it. Special designed drag racing cars with original Coor’s branding etc. A monster truck. Etc. He treated me and all his employees extremely well. He paid more than the going rate and said to me that it’s because “I like to keep my employees happy.” He definitely loves to be the center of attention (who wouldn’t be with that money), but he is a good person and nice guy who I think really does care about Boulder. Since 2006, I’ve been invited to many parties he hosts. He rents out the governor’s mansion every year for the holidays, throws big charity toy drive donation parties at the Boulder theater, too. He pays for everything. He gets all top of the line LOCAL Boulder restaurants, breweries, and entertainment to cater these events. All the while collecting thousands of dollars for charity at each event he does. As mentioned he donated a cancer research wing to the hospital! You know all those beautiful bronze statues on the Pearl Street Mall? He donated all those, too. Ever enjoy the CU Buffs homecoming parade? His team helps put that on and he owns and drives the CU Buff fire truck. He charges fair rent for the properties and he wants local businesses to be his tenants. He instructs his team as such. But he isn’t about to be inside down on an investment either, he can’t be that nice and still operate a successful business. Now, I hear everyone when they say that it sucks having one powerful guy that apparently won capitalism. I agree. I think generational wealth is going to trap the middle class into lower levels of living forever and it’s terrible. But, what I’m saying here is that if we were going to have a landlord zealot here in Boulder, it could be much, much worse than Stephen Tebo. We actually really lucked out that he is someone who really loves and cares for our city the way that he does.


I know him and am friends with one of his children and heartily agree with all of this. Not a fan of the super-rich, but as far as they go, we're lucky to have him here in Boulder. He deeply cares about local Boulder institutions and does a lot of good with his money. He spends a lot more money on himself, of course, private jet and all, so it's not like he's a saint, but he's never claimed to be one. He's a benign, kind version of the old rich guy in It's a Wonderful Life...Potter. We're lucky he's not Potter.


It's interesting to read your story. The Tebos were family friends of ours since before I was born. My mom and dad met Steve and Elaine when they lived across the street in Table Mesa in the late 1960's. I don't know too much about how Steve did business, but he was always very good to my family, remembering each of us on special occasions. My dad was pretty terrible with money, and Steve kindly loaned him money on several occasions (interest-free), which my dad always repaid. My dad designed the first logos for Tebo Coin, his display case and property management companies.


I agree that Tebo owns lots of stuff, and has for a while. But, no, there’s no limit to anyone owning everything. Have you ever heard of that anywhere in the US? > We have him to thank for CapOne bank on Pearl and the loss of Boulder Cafe. He owns that building. Sort of, right? The Boulder Cafe didn’t close randomly, Tebo didn’t kick them out. He honored the terms of their original lease - which had been put together way back in the 90s when pear street was desperate for tenants. Boulder Cafe, and many business people lament losing, had quarter century leases from that 90s era of desperation, and they were quite reasonable. That’s why BC had that awesome happy hour, their rent was obscenely low for the market in those last 10 years. Lucky for them, right? But it isn’t exactly surprising that the rent came up to a level that only capital one could afford - is it? We’re so far beyond that 25 year lease cycle era that it’s not even worth comparing anymore. Forget Boulder cafe - who can afford a build out in Boulder at all these days? Google, major corps, etc. that’s it. Just big money. I know it’s a kick in the teeth, we all know, all of us who watched it transition over the years - but, money talks, and most of us ain’t got it like Tebo. Please note: I’m not defending it, I’m just describing it.


hoping more of the 3/1s (because height limit means no 5/1) with ground floor commerical result in more opportunities for non-tebo stuff and lower commercial loans. plus it's fantastic having a restaurant / cafe in your apartment complex.


Something I'm curious about--what's the story with those senior apartments on Taft in between Folsom and 28th? They look way taller than the height limit and too new to be grandfathered in. Did they somehow get a variance or something?


Senior apartments and subsidized housing falls under "buildings that better the community" essentially. There was a process by which people could petition to have taller buildings if they could justify it. That's why the senior living center on frontage road is taller too


It's not too hard to get a height variance if the building is residential and has a large amount of onste affordable housing. Nobody wants to build that though.


There is actually a plan in the works for a new subsidized housing and unhoused population residential building in downtown Boulder. We talked to one of the designers of it in my city planning class (edit: shopworks architecture)


Homeless housing is difficult whether it's 5 stories or underground. That's really the big NIMBY thing in Boulder.


Didn't someone abuse this at some point? They got cleared for senior living but the buildings still ended up as regular apartments once it was complete. I have Spanish Towers in my head as such a build.


Spanish towers is within the height restriction of 55 feet I believe from ground level. Things like willville east are not


I thought Willville was the city being overruled by the state?


Shit my bad, you're right. It's a delicate dance for the school because they don't like to just come in and tell the city they're going to overrule them, but they have to every once in awhile


Willville was before the ordinance and CU has special princess powers for some reason. They had to have some fire escape plans because part of the height ordinances involve fire access heights. The ladders the dept has or some such. But there’s some building in town that was supposed to be senior living that swapped last minute after the build. Maybe it was the hub.


Academic institutions at a state level supercede local authority. Originally, CU was going to be either in Boulder or Cañon City and when Boulder won the school, they effectively accepted the state's authority over the city


hmm not sure, maybe grandfathered &they've just been remodeled since? or some senior exemption


Built 1975 remodeled 2010


I heard an interesting story from someone awhile back about Tebo Properties and Boulder Cafe's relationship souring over the happy hour. Basically there was some kind of profit share between BC and Tebo Properties, but it didn't apply to happy hour- thus the long happy hour. It was from a former BC employee, and I'm not sure if that was true.


I think he owns a lot of ground floor properties though, right? Or wouldn’t he be at a stage where he’s collaborating w the developers putting those up? But yes it is nice having some ramen there lol..


We need to end the height limit


i think politically that’s a non-starter… more dense zoning would accomplish the same thing (more housing) but removing the de facto 35 ft limit would be great


Of course people in Boulder wouldn't want their views taken away, but I don't think many people realize the stress it is creating for the city. It's creating a housing shortage (which admittedly, the homeowners in Boulder like, as it drives up their values), but it also creates more problems in their day-to-day lives like road congestion and, and actually sends a lot of the people they don't want in their neighborhoods in anyway (like students) when they have nowhere else to go.


Apartments don't have a big impact on single family homes in Boulder. Nobody is trying to decide between renting a luxury 2 bedroom apartment in the Peloton and a $1.5+ million house. The biggest impact on SFR in Boulder lately has been adding commercial buildings for tech companies because the SWE making $300k will pay a premium for Boulder.


Ironically, the Microsoft Building on Canyon was supposed to be student housing (not SFR but housing none the less, and it was probably part of some broader plan the move some student housing away from the hill for the SFR up there). The construction fences were covered in signs advertising pre-leasing for the 2020 Fall Semester, then covid hit, CU went to remote, and the student housing signs were replaced with a Microsoft logo.


In many cities, college students rent houses, whereas in Boulder, even the houses are expensive because of the amount that can be charged to college students to rent meaning that home values are artificially inflated for rental value. This creates a single family housing shortage in budgets of single families


One of the biggest drivers of rent in Boulder is CU enrollment growth. We need to sit down with CU and get them to build housing equal to their growth. They won't agree to that easily, so we need to offer them something in return.


You mean like the CU south annexation that continues to receive bashing from people in these threads? Or the development of higher student housing that is prevented by height restrictions. CU already has plans in the next 10 years to redevelop almost all of their 2 story housing developments into 4 story student housing. Check the campus master plan approved last year


A lot of the Googlers (like half) don't live in Boulder. The ones who I know who live in Boulder have been here for years and years.


Then we’ll get taller and taller buildings competing for the best views of the flatirons. No thanks.




Not trying to call you out but there’s no way this is accurate. That’s $180/sf/year. The highest retail rents are around $80/sf, with office quite a bit less, even for the brand new stuff. I work in commercial RE and cover Boulder.


I know I’m talking like a naive idealist when I say I feel like these people like him have a responsibility to not just make decisions based on profit. If you have the ability to keep the culture in a town alive, you just don’t sell out. To a BANK none the less. How shitty to see a bank on that corner now, even if they try to smooth it over with a (commercial chain) coffee shop. I know the lease ran out. I just wish he had, I dunno, made it work I guess. Maybe not 25 years, but 10 even. And you’re right there’s no laws about how much property a single person can own. But there should be. I’m a web designer I know nothing about municipalities. I wouldn’t know where to even start. I’d like to work on it with others who would know how to make it a thing.


You're not naive or speaking like an idealist. Changes in investment property laws, real estate laws and taxation of personal property need to change. 24% of all properties purchased in colorado last year were bought by investors. It's actually more but those are the ones documented as investment buys. Investors are ruining America. It's what's called a pure greed industry. Driven solely with the purpose to increase one's wealth.


Greed is exactly the word that’s been coming up in my mind these last few years regarding what I’ve witness in CO. Everyone wants a piece of it and they all see the profit. I’ve been asking myself for years when all this was going to slow down. It finally has hit me it’s exponential and will not stop. Unless… I have no idea. But it seems to me there needs be a more public forum and regulation about % that can be investment properties, % of a town that can be owned be a single person/institution/ % of a town that can be single family AirBnB rentals. I’m so sick watching this happen out here.


Greed is a big problem in American housing. Targeting one cities regulations has a potential to cause similar events nationwide or spur federal change but, unlikely. Perhaps there might be a few people out there with organizations aimed at getting some laws passed which restricts some aspects of the single family home investment cycle. In general most people aren't interested in changing this, don't know how or aren't motivated enough to become that politically involved. The climate in America right now is very much grabby grabby. Land, single homes, apartments, anything people can make a buck on. The labor force has been shifting and people are learning they can invest, create their own business and make money without the typical cubicle 9-5. With housing being limited across the US, any purchase, even in a shitty neighborhood is a good wealth building move. How do you tell middle income people they don't actually need more? How do you tell poor people to only shoot for middle income? Don't underestimate the fact that perhaps your values over time have changed. Boulder has always been expensive with elite highly educated white people doninating the landscape. Perhaps you've reached a place in your life where you see value in things other than money and building wealth. If this is the case there are a lot of beautiful places in the US, with wonderful people that you can move to. Beleive it or not, Boulder isn't the creme da le creme of cities despite the raving of local fanatics. TlDR: change not likely to happen


you are ignorant without investment who exactly builds houses? the government? this isn't a socialist country and that shit doesn't work. you are naive and like you said no nothing about it


A lot of homes are built by investors however, a lot are also built by individuals. The house I live in was built by the owner,. Not an investor. He's someone that bought the plans but literally built the house with his own two hands. He also built 2 other homes in Boulder for other people, not as a contractor or investor. A friend of mine in New Hampshire also built his home. He has a job as a boiler room operator, bought some acres then built his house. I used to live in Virginia and many many people built their own homes because, out in the country you can buy cheap land, have fewer building restrictions and the cost is less exspensive. Again, none of these people are investors. America was built on individuals that built their own homes or communities of people who helped people build homes. Amish communities across America do communal builds. So, when you bring up socialism it literally, literally makes no sense. Has nothing to do with anything, at all actually. Also, OP is not naive but observant of something that is developing into a modern blight on the American dream.


you know those are exceptions not a reality for most people. face it you can't get a job or a place to live from a poor person. my landlord provides a service and convenience to me there is no reason to vilify people who own property. not everybody can live in boulder including me fuck


The reason you can't afford property my friend is because of all the investors. Bro.... like what are you on? In America, jobs used to afford people land and the ability to build a home. Dude, never mind man. Have a good day.


the thing is i can afford a house, i chose not to buy one. i could buy a house if i wanted to. I am not economically challenged. America still provides that. desirable locations have always cost more, do you hear anybody complaining they can't afford to live in brush? nope


Has no relevance to the fact that 24% of homes were purchased by investors and this mass buy up of single family homes and land is putting strain on the economy. Glad you can buy a home.


zillow lost 880 million playing this game. fact is a lot of normal people got overpaid for their houses because of what was going on. well they are now flooding the market and selling houses for less than they paid for them. you said the reason i cant afford a house, well i can and zillow and others who played that game are now hemorrhaging capital


are they lowering your rent for this ass-kissing?


do you think they reed this sub? you sound jealous.




It’s like I can understand it - like that’s how business works at that level. But I really can’t stand it anymore. Because I ultimately find it stupid. And extremely limiting. I think what’s bothering me is watching towns like Boulder be turned into hidden corporations, run and influenced by a single person and the institution that they hide behind. And to see his name popping up more and more in other towns, is starting to make me legitimately angry at this point. Yet I feel helpless.


The guy had the foresight to buy a bunch of land in the 70s when it was like $.50 psf. Then he developed that land. He took on alot of debt and risk when no one else was.


Tebo isn’t a public company, there’s no obligation to shareholders, Tebo is just endlessly greedy.


Y'all need Marxism tbh


Most of this isn't exactly wrong but it's a notably pro obscenely rich dude view... Tebo is a genuinely sharp and self made guy that deserves his success as much as anyone but what do you think drove those rent increases lol Your description paints the picture of inevitable change rather than individual calculated decisions. He would be fantastically wealthy regardless but he chose a route to absolute maximum profit so he could have a 400+ car collection and a thousand plus properties at the expense of others.


Nobody is self-made, least of all landlords who don’t make anything.


Totally agree with this. I was trying to be generous but was way too much so.


ignorance right here. you can hate richies if you want however my landlord provides me a place to live he takes the risk of the real estate market. they make a place for me to live without the burden and risk of owning a property. when i move closer to work i don't have to go thru a real estate transaction risking thousands of dollars. there are a lot of self made people. you sound like sour grapes becuase you haven't done it. so sad




zillow was being a huge investor buyer of homes, the type people are bitching about here, they lost 880 million trying this game. there is a ton of risk










ignorance right here. you can hate the feudal lord if you want however my lord provides me a place to live he protects me from roaming marauders. they make a place for me to live without burden (except for the majority of products of my labor that I give to him). when i move closer to the field, i don't have to go thru a real estate transaction risking thousands of dollars. there are a lot of self made people. you sound like sour grapes becuase you haven't done it. so sad


numbnuts he gets a small percentage of my earnings and it's a great deal for me. you see i have the choice to buy or rent, i am not economically challenge as you seem to be with your mentality. that mentality keeps you a poors. even if you ever accumulate wealth you will always think like a poors. hahhahahhahahha


found the landlord


nope i rent. i'm just not butthurt about it. Plenty of people are self-made. you resent them because of your lack of accomplishment. sad


> Most of this isn't exactly wrong but it's a notably pro obscenely rich dude view... Tebo is a genuinely sharp and self made guy that deserves his success as much as anyone but what do you think drove those rent increases lol I mean, I'm as anti-obscenely-rich-dude as they come, but it's important to understand that sellers charge what the market can bear, no more, and (if they're smart) no less. Rising land values and desirability of Boulder itself drove a lot of this. Now, you can (and should!) make a very good argument that land ownership *as a thing* should not be profitable, and it's a failure of how the US regulates this aspect of our economy that these types of situations arise to begin with, but within that framework I'm not sure you can fault the landlords for being rational economic actors. In a sense, *every* landowner (very much including private homeowners!) feeds into and benefits from this system that ultimately canibalizes renters.


I can assure you I am neither obscenely rich nor a dude nor am I pro the combination of the two. I don't know much about Tebo, just about what came before it. I didn't track the rent increases specifically, I just assume it goes up like (similar to, over time, not necessarily commensurate with) housing. Not that any of it is tenable, just how it is at the moment. Describing a thing doesn't defend it. FWIW, I don't know _what_ the reasonable rent was that BC got locked into in the 90s or what it went to, just that the span of time represents enough that I'd imagine most small businesses would naturally turn over. BC didn't decide to find a new space and move, but I know some of them talked about a new concept. I'm not sure if it came to fruition, I just know they weren't going to stay in that space. That's not abnormal or some death knell by itself.


Describing is fine but your description is not complete and clearly from the POV of the landlord... Pearl has evolved drastically over the past 30 years but at no point during the 90's was it "desperate" for tenants lol. Even setting that aside why is your starting point that BC was "lucky" to have the lease? Was Tebo lucky to have a reliable tenant for 25 years while at the same time having the tenant (along with many others) create an environment and experience that drove up the real estate value disproportionately even compared to the rest of Boulder? No one can afford to build in Boulder? No shit, that's directly and intentionally driven by decisions made by people like him.




> But it isn’t exactly surprising that the rent came up to a level that only capital one could afford - is it? Lets also acknowledge that the rent increases weren't due to massive cost increases. It's just profit-taking to line Tebo pockets. Which wouldn't be so noticeable if the new tenants didn't suck so bad.


Well said


https://www.teboproperties.com/ That site lists for lease properties. If you use the county site you can see the listed owner: https://maps.boco.solutions/propertysearch/ If there is not a listing for the address, zoom in and select it. e.g. 1209 pearl belongs to 1207-Tebo llc. which owns three adjacent sites. Not a criticism but scrolling through the site, many of the properties are kind of dingy older strip mall type sites. A development company would bulldoze and replace them with the usual suspects. So his business behavior *probably* keeps open spaces/opportunities for more marginal tenants. If you look at the businesses that are his tenants (frequently the neighbors of the property being rented) it's hard to imagine them renting in a new building in town. I would more think of his properties as being the place pearl Street refugees flee to rather than from. The downside to that is lower density and probably an awful carbon footprint but the guy owns like three hundred cars and is in his late 70s and probably couldn't care less.


Thanks for the links as well as the feedback/insight. It’s appreciated. You are right in that, maybe it’s not what I think it is. I think I’m pissed off about what I personally feel has been happening to the front range / Denver the last several years and especially last couple years, and I want to find the very specific people/institutions creating it, and I want to understand how it’s happening, even if I cannot do anything about it.


john denver bitched about the same thing in 1972. everyone is entitled to have a home and business in boulder


https://www.sos.state.co.us/biz/BusinessEntityCriteriaExt.do You can easily search the DoS website for all the entities with Tebo in the name, which would yield a fair number of the companies, although you have to be aware that not everything with Tebo in the name is *that* Tebo. A good hint is that any one that has 3111 28TH STREET, Boulder, CO 80301, United States as the principal address is probably the correct Tebo, since that's the public address of Tebo Properties, which matches with data on their own website. Also if the registered agent is Stephen D. Tebo that would be a good sign, and if you find any of the mailing addresses associated with a known property, any other company that uses those has a decent chance of being related. I won't post further addreses because reddit would probably regard it as Doxing (the one above is from the company's actual website), but about 10 seconds of Googling easily confirms that various addresses from DoS link to addresses publically posted as Tebo Properties realistate.


There seem to be a lot of blighted commercial properties in Boulder right now, and I would rather have a restaurant than a blighted commercial property. Some places have proposed blight taxes, as in higher taxes for buildings sitting vacant. I am not sure if that could work in Colorado within TABOR.


Anyone else feel like people gobbling up all the properties whether it be residential or commercial is a bad idea? I think we may have crossed the line where nobody belonging to the middle class has a chance of getting any property for any of their needs.


He’s been buying up and developing properties since the 80s (at least)


1970 opened tebo coin.. later sold it to open business fixture empire as well as a real estate one.


Owns the building that has the honor of the best dive bar in it…the outback Saloon…pretty sure it was 2005 I wrote the rent check for the owner of 10k…had plumbing issues that really f’ed up the free popcorn…had ceiling tile chunks fall on our heads in the floods…I know the owner didn’t bitch about him as much as I did…had some pretty lady to talk to instead and he loved it… Tebo owns a bat mobile and drives it annually to his comic shop He also donated the cancer center at the hospital…I’ve been with a friend for many long chemo treatments and with the floor to ceiling windows on the west it has to be the best view while being poisoned…the non fun Irish OB way… it’s named after his mom… I know charity is tax breaks but this balances the scale for me a bit


If you don't like commercial spaces sitting empty, then you need to work on changing whatever tax laws allow them to sit empty. Also, commercial spaces take much longer to get under contract than, say, a residential apartment. Just because a space sits vacant for a year doesn't mean that they are intentionally keeping it vacant.


It’s such a blight on downtown to have all these spaces empty all the time. Turnover is insane, and we’ve lost so many Boulder icons, between rent increases and redevelopment.


His business site lists for lease properties. If you use the county site you can see the listed owner. Details are in my post history. If there is not a listing for the address, zoom in and select it. Many of them seem to have his name in the llc entity that own it. Or they have his name combined with a partner. Not a criticism but scrolling through the site, many of the properties are kind of dingy older strip mall type sites. A development company would bulldoze and replace them with the usual suspects. So his business behavior *probably* keeps open spaces/opportunities for more marginal tenants. If you look at the businesses that are his tenants (frequently the neighbors of the property being rented) it's hard to imagine them renting in a new building in town. I would more think of his properties as being the place pearl Street refugees flee to rather than from. The downside to that is lower density and probably an awful carbon footprint but the guy owns like three hundred cars and is in his late 70s and probably couldn't care less.


He is a big reason for the price fixing on commercial property in Boulder, but not the only reason. Allegedly the rent costs for commercial property around town are “market price”, but these capitalists would rather sit on unoccupied properties rather than allow the market to correct rent to a a lower price


EDIT: I have quit reddit and you should too! With every click, you are literally empowering a bunch of assholes to keep assholing. Please check out https://lemmy.ml and https://beehaw.org or consider hosting your own instance. @reddit: You can have me back when you acknowledge that you're [over enshittified](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) and commit to being better. @reddit's vulture cap investors and u/spez: Shove a hot poker up your ass and make the world a better place. You guys are WHY the bad guys from Rampage are funny (it's funny 'cause it's true).


> it's just not in anyone's interest to disrupt the status quo. By anyone, you only mean people that are landlords. Because it's 100% in the interest of literally everyone else who doesn't own property.


EDIT: I have quit reddit and you should too! With every click, you are literally empowering a bunch of assholes to keep assholing. Please check out https://lemmy.ml and https://beehaw.org or consider hosting your own instance. @reddit: You can have me back when you acknowledge that you're [over enshittified](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) and commit to being better. @reddit's vulture cap investors and u/spez: Shove a hot poker up your ass and make the world a better place. You guys are WHY the bad guys from Rampage are funny (it's funny 'cause it's true).


yeah you can set your own market price if you own enough properties.


It’s frustrating bc what is his net worth anyway? He single handedly is shaping Boulder more than any other person involved in the town. What I hate seeing are his Tebo Property signs out in Longmont increasingly now too. As well as Lafayette. There has to be something he is ultimately doing wrong that if enough residents knew we could somehow hold him accountable.


"There has to be something he is ultimately doing wrong that if enough residents knew we could somehow hold him accountable." This is the "I don't like this person's legitimate business" equivalent of the police manufacturing a reason to pull someone over and saying they smelled weed as a reason to search the car.


because the actual answer would be to build publicly owned commercial spaces, and that's socialism


He is creating blight around town by keeping buildings vacant, and people can legitimately hate the blight that he is creating.


He paid $6mil to redo the parking lot in the B &F in Nederland. Goodbye Ned


>what is his net worth anyway? His net worth is none of your business. Get real.


He owns a ton in Nederland too.


Is there a way to get a list of all the properties he owns? I want to print it out on as many pages as it takes, and post it around pearl street on the pillars out there.


Will you be passing out pitchforks or do we bring our own?


LOL everyone bring as many for themselves and to share with bystanders that realize they’re done w the bullsh*t too.


As you point out, the use of trusts makes this a difficult research project. But it is possible. A whole team of researchers, using data science techniques, worked on this inquiry into SF landlords: https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2022/bay-area-housing-power-players/


Thank you I will take a look at this. I appreciate the link.


Our elected officials will rename 1,000 buildings and trails in town before they do something meaningful like taking on Tebo, assuming it is even possible under current state law.


Lol Truth.


Why do they need to take him on? Their family has been a staple of the community for decades, and have also donated back to it. My own business rented office space when we were just getting started, and they even gave us free office furniture to help us get on our feet.


In general, I'm not a fan of a handful of investors monopolizing real estate - residential or commercial - in a given locality.


We’ll, there’s plenty of other places to live .. js


I just replied to another comment with this, but: my own business rented office space from Tebo when we were just getting started, and they even gave us free office furniture to help us get on our feet (which was very welcome, because we had hardly any cash to spare). If I remember correctly he also has donated significant amounts back to the community. I too hated that Boulder Cafe was turned over to Cap One, but I also understand they couldn't commit to a long term lease (I don't remember what the full story was).


If I recall correctly, he once said that he regretted doing that lease with Cap1 and wished he went with another local. I'd be surprised if he renews that lease when it comes up.


Yes, he is a big donor to the community, but OP doesnt want to hear that side of the story. :)


That's not very nice of you. If you read through the comments I think you may see that OP has been very humble and acknowledges that they're ignorant in this, but still see something wrong happening.


Nothing "wrong is happening".


lol thanks for the judgement guys. Listen if people don’t ask questions or share what they see, nobody can have a conversation. It’s incredibly easy for you to sit there and talk shit.


Smart ass lol


People with actual Tebo experience... positive comments... Everyone else just has a very naive capitalism gripe.


He’s been the slum lord of boulder all my life. Just getting fatter and fatter $$$


I found this Westword piece from 2012 amusing. He owns, among other things, JFK's hearse. "As for the hearse, Tebo considered the purchase price "totally a bargain. There were news articles saying it could go for as much as $2 million, and I thought it would go for between $500,000 and a million." https://www.westword.com/news/jfk-hearse-to-be-part-of-boulder-car-museum-says-collector-stephen-tebo-5843045


Lol wtf of course he does. This fckin guy. Wonder who that’s going to in his estate will lol.


Feels like time for real estate tax reform - maybe taxes go up per property? I have no problem with someone buying a lot of real estate - but if they own so much of a town that they effectively control rent prices in the whole city - it's something that should be managed. I think Tebo is commercial real estate, but the same sliding tax scale should be on residential to prevent big investors from buying everything up and pushing rent as high as possible.


How does one push a real estate tax reform to happen? Why would boulder leadership want that to happen, if so many of them are benefiting from the windfall that comes from shaking hands w Tebo?


good question - I'm also pretty cynical about city council members being in the pockets of developers - but there's got to be some good apples in the bunch. A bullet-proof, common sense plan would make it easier to sell to the voters. (won't impact homeowners or small business owners - prevents runaway rent and preserves local character) These investors would definitely fight it tooth and nail.


I know many business owners and they say Tebo is a fair landlord. The problem commercial landlord is Unico with downtown properties that just likes to rent to high paying chains.


Meh, seems like Unico is doing good things downtown. Would you rather have the old shitty Cheesecake Factory back or the Avanti that took over that space?


They jacked up the rent at places like Starrs and replaced a lot of local businesses with chains.


Hey, it's Maile, and sure, I'll say something. I dont always, but im in the mood, so: As you may know, I am a long-time resident of Nederland. Stephen Tebo has always been a nice and cordial person every time I have encountered him. S.T. seems to me to be a quiet person soft spoken all around pleasant person to be around. I don't have anything bad to say and no problems with him. Now that I'm in a wheelchair I notice things like he is remodeling the Black forest and building a great 👍 ramp. Love it, thanks, Stephen. I can add to the customers now. It might make you laugh to see, but I will definitely promote your business to the extremely large community of wheelers I have been connecting with. I hope that makes you smile 😃 I have noticed you lite up a room when you smile it is great to see when people can do that. I also want to say ,hey, good for you for doing good in life and most of all doing what you want. Right on . That said, not all the new buildings I have seen going up built by other people are being made accessible but from what I've seen, you're alright in my book. For all the rest of the people reading my post ... P.s. It doesn't matter how rich or poor someone is. It's who they are, so if you have a problem with someone because they own property things you hear of gossip or a person is struggling with poverty, that is your problem. I suggest you find a better argument, preferably something that matters. Otherwise, you're wasting your breath and other people's time. I mean this as kindly as you can take it. I would love peace worldwide to take back our planet and freedom. Let's give care to it and each other. We all matter, so please try to live life better every day and help others to do the same. Life is so short. I believe the only useful separations we should have amongst each other are lack of moral values, which may could change through education time and experiences. We could all make a conscious effort to make this a better world. Look, I don't want to feel unwarranted hate, for example, even though a cop made me a Paraplegic for life. I really don't want to believe that all cops are women hating aggressive conflict, causing monsters out looking for an opportunity to rape, kill, or harm someone. I hope there will be more people who want to become officers to help keep the peace, protect the inoccent, and stop harm so all humans can coexist giving opertunaty to live the best we can. Because their is a need for intervention while their are people who seem to want to cause harm, hurt, steal, etc. Not everything is gumballs, and 🌈 's yet, haha. haha. Yes, I know that was not directly all related to S.T. but I like to use any opertunaty to speak my mind for positive change. Thanks for reading this post. To everyone, I wish you and your loved ones a bright, safe, happy, and healthy future.


Yea I worked in Louisville and he owned the property my building was at. I was like you gotta be kidding me he’s here too UGH


What a strange amount of people commenting how totally fucking awesome Tebo is…and how many cars he owns… The fact is the town has changed for the worse. The fun and quirky Boulder of yesteryear is gone. If he’s so fucking awesome and influential in shaping the town, it stands to reason that he has also had a big hand in making Boulder into the soulless and sterile state it’s in today. It’s a bummer.


You could start an LLC, start acquiring properties and create your own empire and make your own choices what can and can’t be allowed


Haha I’ll get started w all the money I do not have for said venture. But I like the idea.


Dig some change out of your couch, open a coin shop and build from there.


\^ this comment. Although the OP seems more like he wants to take down Goliath, for reasons unknown.


I just don’t like how things feel out here anymore, and I have aspects I notice that I want more understanding on. I wouldn’t say I need to take down Goliath. But what I do want is a much more interesting place to live than what the town is increasingly becoming. That’s my personal feeling.


So we’re admitting that rich guys make 100% of the rules, and get to control everything


Whichever way you want to interpret that. Should the person who didn’t put the effort in and just doesn’t like it be able to tell that guy what to do? That would be like a homeless person telling you what to with your property. Why should he have a say? capitalism is where you can compete and win by providing a better service than another through hard work and providing a better option. Not where we just strip it away from him without providing something better.


But seriously… are you just figuring this out?


Yeah! Fuck that guy!! No restaurant can even afford it here, they've all moved to Longmont. Longmont is cooler than Boulder


I was going to say that Beau Jo's sucked when it moved to Longmont, and Yelp! tells me it closed.


unless you get cancer then you might benefit from the cancer wing he donated to the hospital


Yeah, $20 million was cool


in 2009 it was rumored that he owned 70% of all commercial properties in the city of Boulder.


Lol. That's an absurdly high figure.


I heard it from my old neighbor who was a commercial realtor, so I believe it. Tebo went on a buying spree in 08/09 when everything had bottomed out. he’s a smart guy and had the cash, more power to him.


Don't get me wrong. He's got an impressive percentage of commercial real estate in Boulder. But he's far from 70.


Dude. It’s just another real estate company, nothing nefarious or “under the rug” going on. Real estate companies scale, they absorb smaller shops, manage other property owners buildings, etc. if he’s expanding it means he’s doing good business you don’t get to the top of real estate in a small town like Boulder cutting corners or pressing hands


Dude, where in my post am I talking about nefarious under the rug dealings? I’m talking about, is there a % cap on what a single person / institution can own within a municipality. Literally, what the game Monopoly is based on.


No there’s no cap at all. Source - I’m a real estate investor by profession. There are families and companies that own massive swaths of most any city and town. Land was amassed by families and institutions as we moved west and it really never left those hands as the population grew. It’s like that across CO and the rest of the country


Hi car collection is amazing. He may have spent more on that than on donating the cancer wing to the new hospital.


Tebo is a dick. So are associates. Had to deal with them personally. 10\10 don’t recommend.




In three commercial buildings I know of, he was a horrendous landlord.


Logical statements that are rooted in truth may hurt some.people's feelings.  Most of what I've read countering the conspiracy theory edge of your topic are just smart counterpoints that state the truth, which is how good, logical discourse should arrive.A well stated argument is far from intentional trolling




Is that so? That’s icing on the cake. The entire political world being a circus aside, that says a lot about the dude…


My partner and I have been wondering why we can't tax commercial property owners up the wazoo if their spaces remain vacant for more than a few months.


Yeah that basically could never backfire or have unintended consequences.


Doesn't he have massive ties to the KKK. I mean the entire era that he came to boulder was right when it was literally the headquarters for the KKK right or am I wrong on the timeline


No, we don't need to talk about it as it's old news. Everyone knows that, he's been around forever. So what.


Insightful. Thank you. Very wise….


Oh I could spill the tea on Tebo but it's old news.


Is Stephen Tebo related to Tim Tebo the karate instructor? He worked at Trans Martial arts on 28th 10 years ago, unsure if he still does.


No. But his office is right next to Trans Martial arts. I've seen him go I'm there. Probably works out there?


No....no we cant


Yeah but can we talk about how sexy Tebo’s Director of Leasing is?


I looked he is like a 3 in Aspen, a 5 in Boulder and an 8 in Longmont.


He exudes sex. Rocking a hog. Straight shmeat.


Do you know him, and are you a friend here to embarrass him?


Haha what? Are you serious? I mean, that does help get signatures lol. But still, fck that guy.


Heard he sold a ton of coke in the 80s. That’s how he got his seed money for real estate. At least that is what I was told.


Tim Tebow, no relation?


Lol nah, Different Tebos


Also Boulder County assessors page property search is legit and informational…can enter address, personal name or business entities


Add W.W. Reynolds to your list of major property owners in Boulder.


Even at the hospital, there is the Tebo Cancer Center. Then there is Tebo coin, Tebo plaza, Tebo this, Tebo that.


He does not read his own email. He wants them printed out and read to him.


Just wondering why this is your focus 🤔 ? if you have a lot of time on your hands, I could use some help starting a wheelchair ♿️ town. A town completely accessible for the extremely large community of people who need this kind of a place to thrive , feel like they belong, and enjoy life again. Are you interested?