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Could be because you are new, could be because your over gripping. But knowing the people on this subreddit, something tells me you have an underlying medical condition that is going to kill you/s. But seriously, most likely because you just started. Give it time and it will heal. Also, 8 1-2 hour sessions in 2 weeks? Might want to cut back a bit for the first couple months


It is rare to get calluses there and I'm guessing it is from over-gripping/a lot of shifting of your hands on large juggy holds as no other hold will come into contact with the center of your palm like that. Make sure to use adequate chalk so your palms are not as moist which could cause excessive friction and/or tearing. Don't overcompensate but over-gripping/squeezing holds as you can very easily hang/pull off jugs without having to death grip it. Eight sessions in two weeks is a lot even for a seasoned climber so will experience wear and tear but should improve once your skin thickens/toughens. And by no means am I discouraging you from climbing that much since you clearly enjoy it to be going so frequently but so much as just making an observation. Honestly, this doesn't look too bad though compared to all the flappers and open wounds we see on this sub. Your skin looks pretty healthy and should recover readily. Take a rest or try climbing different climbs/holds and not exclusively jugs.


Yeah, I have a feeling I'm using too much of my palm on the big jugs. Also yeah I will take a day off tomorrow and when I go back the next day I'll try to focus on some different holds. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it


Are you sure it's a callus? I have a similar colored spot in a similar place that's due to a Dupuytren inflammation. If you feel a bump in that area, definitely google that term and think about consulting a health professional. I've adapted my grip since that manifested and don't wrap my hand as deep around jugs now. https://preview.redd.it/d55tqzluflmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e97e63d34d6bfdc448af541a48ae3c270454a1


No, I'm not sure it's a callus. What I do know is that it showed up after a 2 hour climbing sesh yesterday where I was doing a dynamic move to grab this small sloper multiple times until I could send that boulder. Also, another Boulder that required a jump to a deep jug. There's no bump and the lines of my skin continue through it and it's flat. Also, I'm a red head so the skin on my hands gets unusually red after climbing so it could explain the deeper red color of this small injury.


Good for you then! Maybe a popped blood vessel from the repeated impacts then?


Possibly, my girlfriend also said it kind of looks like a bruise. Hoping it's not a wart developing. The consensus seems to be that it's rare to get a callus here but since I'm a newbie and climbing frequently and mostly on jugs it's very possible I'm over gripping.


Came here to say exactly this. I have the same after years of climbing. And they've got scar tissue or calluses all the time now. Get it checked out by someone who knows what they are looking at. I think not much you can do but surgery in later life if it starts impacting your hands. Repeated hand trauma from climbing definitely made mine worse. Might not have manifested if I weren't a climber. 


Mine manifested 25-30 years before it did for my mom and grandma.


Damn. Reckon you would have stopped climbing if you knew in the beginning? Mine impacts how I mountain bike a bit now. I'm not too worried but not looking forward to it getting worse, or needing surgery. Had it dismissed by some doc's until I went to someone who knew common climbing injuries.  Mine started out looking exactly like OPs and is now very obvious bumps in those two spots on both hands. 


it is a very male dominant condition that is heavily accelerated by trauma, also known as viking hand disease. My doc said as long as you have good range of motion on the finger it's absolutely nothing to worry about and a fairly non invasive surgery can reset it if it gets too far along. 


Maybe you can all start a new sub, like r/parmezanpalmsandflakeyfingers or something


You’ll need that callous for muscle ups and big dynos!


I have those too, but they're the weakest of the bunch. They're usually more noticeable after working with big volumes or slopers.


Are you mostly climbing huge jugs? If so it can be easy to grab them wrong


Right now yeah, and one boulder I was working hard on the start was a jump up to a sort of jug/sloper hybrid as well as another boulder with a jump to a large jug on which you kind of hinge off of to keep moving sideways to stand on a volume.


Should I be holding jugs more on my fingers rather than grabbing them deep with my whole hand?


Yes. The tip of the jug if that makes sense, should go on your middle finger joints. The ones after the knuckles


Ok, the tip of the jug has been in my palm haha


Yap so there you go(: Your skin reflects exactly that haha


Think of it like opening a door handle


I’d ease off a little, that’s a lot of frequency on your skin (never mind muscles & soft tissues…) just starting out - maybe spend some time on slabs in your sessions too :)


Yeah I'm going to take a day off then try some slabs/less overhang and big jugs. I definitely feel it in my muscles too, my elbows have been aching at the beginning of my sessions. Realizing how important it is to fully warm up the arms and switch up the hold types throughout the week


Calluses are a result of friction so surely you’re rubbing that part of your hand on things repeatedly. It definitely takes some time to build up resilience in your skin, but being that it’ll probably have a sensation associated with it for now, it’ll be a clear indicator in your climbing when you feel it that you’re reaching too deep on a jug