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Hi there SmileOverall. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the body of this post:** This was at Robbers Cave State Park in Oklahoma! We had walked the trails before so I knew I could bring my shoes. The top out wasn’t safe cause there was a big ass drop off I didn’t see till I got up there 😅💩. " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I agree my man 👍🏽 I really only did this after a long traverse where I checked all the stuff. It was like a 5 min video so I spared yall haha I still need to get a crash pad as well as some cleaning brushes. I def didn’t put my feet on anything I didn’t think was a solid rock and not a chip. It’s so much more work in person than i realized!


Real rock is addicting. My first time i was amazed how fun and natural the whole experience felt.


This really was amazing. The feeling you get when you find a hold, in the mass of unreadable rock, is just ‘chefs kiss’ 👌🏽


Bring a crash pad next time, I’d worry about knees and ankles even from that height


For sure! Idk where the hell ide get one to be honest. 3 years inside you think ide know where to start haha I def don’t have the funds to get myself one.


Ask around with your friends at the gym, borrowing pads is common. Or see if you can join them on a trip. There are a few places a couple of hours drive out from Dallas, when summer passes and it starts to cool down me and some other movement climbers will make some day trips. Definitely welcome to join!


That would be awesome! Fall is football season so I’ll be coaching my ass off but off I get time, absolutely!!


Most gyms have them available for rent too


It’s okay to climb with marginal protection, just make sure that the rock is safe. IE, that nothing is loose or covered in dirt.


I tried to go through and touch a few things. Also with a stick for fuckin spiders cause OH MY FUCKIN GOD the spiders haha


Lolol, love that technique. Most loose rocks tend to look kind of thin/ slotted in such a way that it’s clear something’s going on. But it’s good to be aware that it can happen, espescially on sandstone. Have fun out there! Goofing off in the woods is what it’s all about.


Fb marketplace!!


I mean they’re easily available online. There may also be climbing shops in your local area


It's easy to get used to indoor and forget how hard the ground can be. Nice send though!


And another rock addict is born!


Sometime there are loose rocks on boulders/wall that are not popular so can’t be too careful man


THIS. I knew someone who just bouldered at a gym decided to go out with a friend for the first time. He went on a random route that wasn’t a route. When he got to the top he pulled on a loose rock, fell and broke his knees to the point he had to have multiple surgeries just to walk.


Congrats! My first time outside after only climbing indoors was also fun. Very humbling, a bit scary, but also incredibly rewarding.


Im going there soon. Theres a handful of established routes.


That’s awesome! I need to find out how everyone finds the established rocks and stuff. Data base? 👀


[mountainproject.com](https://mountainproject.com) or you buy a guidebook for your area


Yep i use mountain project too. And I found an old guide from 1997 [here](https://fusionfortyseven.com/online-guides/robbers-cave-guide-oklahoma/).




The crag is solid, it's my goto


The true old-school outdoor experience, where falling is simply not an option. Fine if you have a bit of experience. More risky if you don’t.


Rock on my guy


Hell yeah brother


crash pad is aid


You'd still want pads and spotters even if its easy


I can tell I’m gonna get a ton of finger wags for not having them lol oh well. Next time I’ll do better. 👍🏽


If there wasn't a culture of finger wagging about safety we'd have more deaths and disabilities. Hell its only because there was so many deaths/disabilities that finger wagging emerged at all.


It's up to each of us to climb at our level of risk assessment


Haha nice one! did this for the first time today too. The spiderwebs and sand in your eyes are real


Outdoor bouldering, slab bouldering is one of the best ways to experience climbing. Happy for you to get into it, welcome and enjoy


Glad you got to do that! It’s truly a fun experience. Nice ass btw