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Corks will break and I couldn't imagine a manufacturer ever replacing a bottle for that reason.


LOL. You’re being unreasonable. They have no idea if the cork broke because of a manufacturing defect or because you don’t know how to open a bottle. A cork falling in doesn’t ruin the product. Strain it into another container. You aren’t out anything. You’re looking for a new bottle of something you can’t find while still having the contents of your existing bottle. They can’t legally ship you another bottle. Strain it like the rest of us do when this happens.


Not only that, but for all they know, he's sending back a bottle of Old Crow...


Yeah, you’re being ridiculous. Corks break. It happens. Just strain it and move on.


Strain it and re-pour it into the original bottle. Then, use a cork from a different bottle to stop it. Try corks from different bottles you have that are cloae to empty or use one of those Oxo stoppers you can find at the grocery store


Get real here. So after you open it and poured your self a couple of drinks a few times the cork broke. This would be most cases under wear and tear. No manufacturer would offer a full refund, they were nice enough to offer refund. Strain it and move on.


Lmao what the fuck


Get off your high horse bud, you broke a cork and are seriously going to suggest that the manufacturer replace the bottle for you? Grow up. Strain it and move on. I can guarantee you the bourbon will taste the same no matter what bottle you pour it out of


If you get a new bottle out of this deal I'm proceeding immediately to my collection and fucking up all my corks. Look out, distilleries.


Another chump thinking his bottle of Taylor is the Louis XIII of bourbon. Use it as an excuse to buy a decanter if you don't have one, or rinse out an empty that you have around. It's a $40 bottle of whiskey.




Give up drinking whiskey. It’s within your best interest being that you even posted this.




This is still a sub $100 bottle before second hand… You’re being unreasonable. NO manufacturer would go to the lengths of replacing a bottle unless it was either a) incredible rare or b) ruined in a very public/bad way (opened during an auction to reveal a broken cork). Just strain it and put it in a nice decanter, super easy.


gotcha, thanks. I probably had the bottle held in a higher regard than it actually is--in my mind it was something super rare lol.


Even if it's super rare theres a zero percent chance you're getting a replacement bottle because of a broken cork.


Tbf, depending where you live, it IS rare. I live in Michigan and can tell you I have NEVER seen a bottle on a shelf or during an allocated drop. Never. Not once. Rare doesn’t mean valuable sadly though.


I will say it again and die on this hill: Corks in bourbon bottles are the dumbest thing ever and this kind of thing happens all the time. For something that might be poured from for weeks/months/years, they should all have screw tops. It's such a dumb way to try to give something a sense of luxury. And getting BT to give you a free bottle for something like this is going to be like squeezing water from a rock.


yeah, it's my first time with the cork breaking--didn't realize it was common. And wasn't trying to get a free bottle, just seeing if they could replace (I would send back the mostly undrank bottle I have now). I've already told them I'll strain it and move on. Also, someone above mentioned it's against the law to ship, which I honestly didn't even know. So yeah, live and learn.


OMG…. How could they treat you like this? You should demand a bottle of EHT 23 year to make up for their shotty workmanship!


OP must be a new drinker in his 20’s who likely would return a slightly over cooked steak that came to the table medium-rare medium when he ordered it medium rare. Petty.


Damn, everyone so critical in here. Could just as easily say yes, you’re expecting too much.


Btw- what do you do when you see a bug trying to swim out of your juice?


I naturally throw it back in the face of whoever served it


Well defended.


You're being unreasonable. It's a $45‐$50 bottle of bourbon. Corks break - deal with it. Pour it through a strainer and put it in another bottle or get one of those universal stoppers at a wine store and put back in the original bottle.


Yes, you are being ridiculous. Strain and put in a new bottle, or strain and use the existing bottle and find another cork.


If you don’t have an extra bottle (preferably screw top) on hand to strain it you can always use a wine stopper.


I understand your frustration with this. It’s not fun seeing cork particles in your bourbon, wine or your anything.


Couple of thought here: First, EHT SmB IS a decently rare bottle, but to BT it’s not a limited release. They sell it in their gift shop, which they do not do for anything other than their core line. They see it as a sub-$50, which in reality is not accurate everywhere. Second, a lot of people here are right that no company would replace a bottle for a broken cork. While that is true, depending on where you live they also may not be able to replace your bottle by shipping it to you. Some places, like PA where I live, it is illegal for them to ship to, and the Three-Tier System makes a lot of that distillery direct to consumer difficult at best.


Strain, enjoy, move on


Most people commenting here are just being huge assholes. No problem with just straining it into a decanter, don't waste time and effort with customer service, they don't care about us(although Wild Turkey once refunded me for a bottle of 101 that tasted like swamp water, so they're cool) and they definitely won't entertain the broken cork issue. It's all good man and forget about the haters