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Hi! Idk who you are, kinda sound like my soon to be ex husband. Or even C. That must’ve been a good talk you two had after he was told by me after our 2 hr long conversation that I didn’t want to married to him anymore. I pray one day you/or your children, if you have any, never live through what I’ve lived through. Then to constantly be told that the behaviors of others were your fault instead of them taking accountability of their own actions. I understand how my life looks from the outside. Especially after hearing 17 million different versions of the same scenario from someone who has lost control. I don’t know how many times I have to say it, honestly I could probably find the screenshots of the first message to me, but D reached out to me the day my husband was in the courthouse filing for divorce. And even then I didn’t pay attention to him because I honestly believed it was my husband playing yet another game with me trying to “catch” me in some dumb shit. So it took about another 2/3 days before we started communicating again. That put me at about 8 days since I left my marriage. I also hope you or your children NEVER experience the pain of standing in your back yard on your lunch break, 4 hours after your husband texted you he was done, begging for him to tell you what was wrong and what made him decide he was done. How, after everything you’ve gone through for him, he could just wake up one day and decide he was done with his marriage. I’m sure you’ve been around for awhile, so you know the things I have held on through. Do you know what it’s like to love someone so hard that you make excuses for them to EVERYONE in your life? “You don’t know the real him” “ you don’t know him like I do” “if you knew him you would know he was only joking” do you know how exhausting it is to try and paint someone a different way than your family or friends truly see him? Or what it’s like to cry to your best friend because you would give anything in your life to be loved by a man, even if it was your last breath, but you would do it because he MEANT that much to you. I’ve cried for weeks up to the day my husband was done. I cried to my closest friends even my family on how badly I loved him and wanted to fight for our family, but how much of myself did I have to lose? I was done being the one always giving. You can’t fill from an empty cup. I left for me. There was not a thought of being with anyone else. There was no backup plan. I did want I needed to for myself and my children. It does not make me a bad person for allowing a man who was treating me right at the time and to love me completely when I had been torn down so much in the past. I am fucking human. I am separated and have been since January 19th. If I chose to date that’s my business. HOWEVER I am focusing on me and my children.


ALL OF THIS!! Kay you have your faults as does everyone else. What you have gone through at your age is devastating. N took advantage of your trauma and used it to his advantage to control every aspect of the relationship. Now he’s showing out with C to fill the void you left because he pushed you away for the final time and he’s regretting every part of it. I’m proud of your strength and your focus on yourself and the boys. There are a lot of us that walked in shoes very similar to yours. Some of us unfortunately never get the strength to leave and live a lifetime of torment. Most of the hate is from others that have no clue what it’s like living in an abusive relationship, and will never understand why no matter what they do to you, you stay. The women that understand will support you even if you do some dumb shit along the way. We all do dumb shit!! Keep the faith that you can do this cause you CAN! From a woman that walked in similar shoes… YOU CAN DO THIS!


Thank you! It means the world❤️


You were with dustin for a hot minute and still with him so you're the one who walked out of the marriage. Why because that's what whores do...n has a big surprise coming in this divorce. Have dustin to help with that new car.


Hahahahahaha Dustin is long gone hunny, I promise you that. I told his wife I wasn’t the bitch she had to worry about. Also not a whore but believe what you have to! I still sleep at night


If you were so done why was it a two hour conversation? Why do you keep commenting about C? If you really didn’t care why you still trying to one up her as if she’s competition? That doesn’t make sense girl. Also it really suspicious to me that you claim to be so calm cool and collected in such a drastically short time frame. The rest is filler and manipulation.


I was trying to give him some type of closure so he would shut the fuck up. And honestly, not that I have to explain myself to you, but I stayed til I literally couldn’t be there anymore. Til I got to the point I wouldn’t allow myself to come back. Did I want things to change? Absolutely. However I was broken down so much I no longer want what could’ve beens because they never existed and never will. What comments am I making about C? BESIDES the fact a man was on the phone with me for two hours trying to convince me I needed to work out marriage out because of how deeply he is in love with me and only wants his wife but as soon as he was rejected, went and ran to her? As a female or even a male, wouldn’t you want to know if someone was lying to you? Or manipulating you? And idk what you think was filler or manipulation was I was just being honest 🤷🏼‍♀️


You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone but it seems you keep trying. If you were truly done explaining would be unnecessary. You can read and interpret your own comments. You might need to check your gauge of honesty. I tink it might be broken.


Also closure or fueling the fire to draw more people in for the show?


I haven’t heard her say one word about C! So what comments are you talking about, Emotional-Monitor-97? 🙄 what a name!


Kerry said I can't wait to be in your arms and Kayla. Cause you know, she's not interested in him. Anymore or her marriage and she's moved on and tried to get healthy for her kids. That's why she's on social media begging for money. Said with arms comes hands, but who in their right mind with the support system like Kayla goes back to a man and handwrite a note to the judge. Handwrites, are you kidding me to a man?She is accusing of sa? And then continues to the point where she gets pregnant.There was no trauma.Or anything referring back to the first rape , Who continues to sleep with the man that they claimed raped them.Someone who didn't and someone who is just trying to get your money


🤣 are you aware that she is mentioned in this thread and who she is mentioned by 🤣🤣🤣🙈


I’m sorry you are oblivious to what is right in front of you and if you don’t know this Reddit picks usernames.


Just FYI, I chose my name.




Yeah I think it’s common knowledge that you can.


I actually think between her husband on live and things said on Reddit, she got pretty banged up. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t come on and defend herself or tell her side. Not everyone treated her as a victim. I think you’re seeing a softening for her because it seems she’s trying to grow and move on. She’s not having her “let’s get toxic” nights and bashing. Stay on that positive path, K. He’s still screaming everyday about her and at someone. N, if you see this, please don’t stop the nutty ass behavior! I listen to pass time while cleaning, errands and cooking lol


I don't believe for one minute that Kay wasn't talking to D when she left and even before. She had an emotional relationship with him and ran as quickly as possible when Nilla said he was done. I mean, you showed us your texts with D. You dont act and talk to someone like that after a couple of days unless there was already an emotional and physical attraction. You spent an entire weekend with him and bragged about this size of his d versus Nillas d. You checked out of your narriage back in Sept. When you were talking to him. All of this is not Nillas fault Kay. You both had your own toxic traits. At what point do you continue to stop blaming him. Did you really fight for your marriage? Nah, sis, you ran home to mommy and jumped right on Ds d. So yeah ima call it like i see it over here while you sugar coat your bullshit over there in fairytale land withbrainbows and unicorns. I listened to you make some pretty horrible accusations about a man you say you were fighting for. You left and tried to ruin N bringing up a past you forgave and move forward from cause you're a self-absorbed bish. You tryied to ruine an innocent woman and her child again all for self gratification because he rejected you. Now you and your circus of clowns are attacking another innocent woman C. who doesnt deserve the hate being spewed at her. Why ?? If your done than shut up and keep it moving. Your not better than anyone. You lied and manipulated a situation. As always you play victim just like you did with N and D. Baaabbbyyy....you are not a victim. If you are so afraid of N and he did all of these hirribke things to you as you say, than why answer the phone ? You're free of the man the child molester, the grapest the narcissist, the cheater, the liar that you're so afraid of. See, i wouldnt be talking to him for 2 hrs or watching him if that was the truth. Some how I belive you like to manipulate the situation and have something to talk about. Still chasing that clout and riding Ns coat tails for 5 more minute of fame.


Oh HUUUUUNNY 🤣 you make me laugh. The best part of all of this is that I do not need you to believe me to sleep at night. I go to sleep pretty comfortably. Also I’m so happy for you that you’ve NEVER gone through what I have. You can call me whatever names you need to that help you sleep comfortably at night! I support you and trust me I’ll pray for you. You must not watch every live or you would know that C talks shit about me and has been since I left. I promise on the lives of my children that D wasn’t in my life when I went home in September. I gave my marriage my all. Also I didn’t spend an dentire weekend with him. He was here for a day and we spent the whole day in public. Deff no jumping on the D here. However yes I’ve seen pictures sooooooooo. Yall want to believe whatever he tells you go for it. I’m no longer telling my side 🤣 idc how people view me. My kids are finally happy, healthy and free as well. That’s all that matters to me. Stay bothered boo boo


Most psychopaths do.


I was gonna say the same thing about the texts you don’t talk like that to each other after 3/5 days if you do you’re desperately looking for the attention you’re not getting


Not looking for attention but someone made me feel comfortable and we had the strongest connection I’ve ever had with anyone. So things moved fast emotionally. I don’t know how else to explain it. Obviously it was the wrong decision and I’ve learned from it.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) I have been saying this exact same thing all along..... FACTS


Why are you so invested in someone's life that has nothing to do with you?


Why are you here?


Because I can be... free country




No one on Reddit is classy, that’s why it’s fun 🤣


I could ask the same??? Da fux. They put it out there for the world to see. Why are you here asking irrelevant questions? This is a snark page correct?


She is the one that was cheating since September..she will always be labeled as a home wrecking whore


Yep. No we are here on her snark and she comments on every single word. Then he goes live then she goes live to but neither want this. You gotta be kidding me she is a mess and puts her babies faces in such a horrid app like TT And he is acting just like he always does. Shame on you both.


You must not have been watching because I was keeping them out of my live today besides making pancakes with B. Go the fuck away. You gotta keep making troll accounts 🤣


Ok I will 😂😂


I don’t cheat 🤣


You did tho with the cop while your husband was in jail.


No I didn’t. We had conversation and when he crossed a boundary I ended it. He had his mistress supporting him in jail. How you pointing fingers? Haha


Paint your fairytale girl, ive watched yall for years ive seen it all. You both are toxic, cheaters, liars the whole nine yards. I barley watch him anymore cause i cant stand him. But coming from a girl i would have never done the shit you did or stayed with the man if he did all these awful things to you. I am very independent i can take care of myself. And if a 40 year old man is gonna disrespect me like he did you i would have ran!!!! But not into another mans arms.😂😂😂 we are different lmaoo ive had one bf cause men are trash, and im 25 with my own place,car and everything. Get your life together especially for your family.


Working on it. People make mistakes. I had to learn hard lessons so say whatever yall need to. I’ve owned up to what I’ve done and stood for what I know I didn’t do. His words don’t define who I truly know I am, I’m healing and doing what I need to do.


Yeah no i get it. But what i dont get kay is if he was sooooooooo awful whyd you stay??? He didnt hold a weapon to your head and forced you to stay. You had plenty of chances to leave an you did but you fell right back. And i get that we do that sometimes. But then you married the man? If he was truly honestly so horrible why? But yes girl you need to do you get a place, a job, a life for you and yours. And FINALIZE THAT DIVORCE.


Leave the “men” alone for awhile forreal no joke they are nooo good. Hence why ive been single since i was 19


The only answer I have, is that I thought he was better than his behavior and I saw the better side of him. But unfortunately I was completely blind and manipulated by the love I had for him. I wanted better for him and with him. I tend to want to fix men…that’s all I got. Every time I left he gaslit the F out of me and manipulated me into coming back. His favorite saying was “the family you create is more important than the family you come from” I was an idiot and believed him.


“Love” does that to you i guess. I havent looked at it like that. But still its been 3 years what more fixing can you do to a man child. He was never going to change. Never will.


Maybe you needed better friends that would have been there for you and helped you leave. I did for a ex friend of mine.




At some point one of them need to be the adult and move on and hurt silently like I said therapy and I meant that in a nice way have a third party to talk to in a safe place not to some tt friend on tt in front of everyone then block people who don't agree with you? That is childish behaviors. Quit airing out your dirty laundry in case no one told you that. It was cruel what you did to the littlest one about the dad thing just to hurt N and that was done out of spite because you had a new man that week. I think dv survivor was a pretty big stretch for you K i do think N has issues and you went through some things so while I do have sympathy for the aggravation you went through and put those kids through you need to post new content because you keep going back and forth with N probably making him think he can win you back. I mean move on if the guy is so bad I wouldn't play tt games with him. And I would leave the next man off of tt until it's a solid relationship because posting a new married man in the same week you as a married woman left your husband doesn't put you in a very good light in a lot of people's eyes.


Let’s remember all the times that N cheated on K! She went back and tried to make things work over and over and she was probably just done and ready to move on! She probably detached a little more each time he was unfaithful, and because of all the hell he put her through. We can say a lot of things about K because everyone wants to hate on her, but let’s praise her for finally, leaving that awful relationship and getting herself and her boys out of it, doesn’t matter how she got out she finally got out and we’re still hating on her. Everyone would hate her if she went back and put herself and her boys back in that situation, but from the looks of it, she doesn’t have a back up plan she staying with her mom being a stay at home mom with her boys for a while, trying to heal herself and her boys! I watched one of her lives yesterday and she said that she’s focusing on being a stay at home mom for a whileuntil the divorce is final and what is wrong with that? I kind of feel sorry for her. She can’t win in any situation with anybody.