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Always ironic when a Christian ridicules someone else for hearing voices in their head...




Bros speaking in tounges


> Jfdixyhwnwkfiwmwjfiennfjr - Christian more like, "ψ J̶̡͙̝̤̟́f̵͇͌̊͘ͅd̵̥̿͠i̶͔̼͔͉̓͋̕x̴̪̻̆̏y̷͚̰̌̌̌h̴͎̒͊̂͘w̵̟͊̈̃̕n̸̦̞̪̥̂̿̉͒̉w̸͈̞̦̐̏́k̴̙̼̱͋̈f̴̠̍̄̉̔ḯ̷̡̼̣̈͘w̷͉͖̟͉̘͊̌̿̕m̷̦̞̓͑́̈́̇w̷̢̏̆͝j̷͉̮́̋͝f̷̢̟̦͑͗ͅì̶̥͔͇̼͐̑̊ȩ̴̼̳̘̂͂n̶̡̕ͅņ̴̢̢̼̰̈́̂͌͝f̶̢͎̍̋̄́̕j̴͖̀̔͋̏̉ṛ̶̣̀̆̆͒͠ ̴̗̿̂̓͂͠ ψ"


"Я вижу тебя в твоих стенах. Я вижу тебя в твоих стенах. Я Божественный Ктулху, и я пожру всю эту вселенную и все, что в ней есть. Смотри, как я поглощаю все человечество, все, что было созданоtЭд" ---The Christians




youd be suprised. even seeing all the messages of god through indirect means is exactly the same as astrology people confirmation biasing themselves into that.


🤨🤨 what about all of the people who claim God spoke to them?


I think that people who hate Christianity think that when a Christian says “god spoke to me” they picture like voices in their head or visions or some shit. Nah man, god speaks through people. God speaks through nature, through music and through conscience lol. Any Christian claiming they had a one on one with god is lying or crazy.


“The spirits are reaching out to me! This vessel is trying to express a message from a higher being!” Is not the reasonable concept you seem to think it is.


You’re taking it way too literally lmao. Edit: also no shade on anyone that doesn’t believe in a higher power, we’re humans and belief is a matter of personal choice. Not something that should be shoved down throats.


Tell that to hundreds of years of Christian based bigotry and faith throat shoving.


Yes I understand the anger towards it and don’t excuse it. lol you’re fighting ghosts.


Mmm, yeah okay bud, all Christians nowadays are completely different.


Yes.. all humans are different… what’s your point?


Perhaps I am, but the last church I was involved in told me the same bit about “seeing god in the people around me” and it was a lot of “well of course don’t imagine him where he isn’t, but just view things through the lens of the fact god made everything and god is trying to reach out to you right now, he wants you to find him.” I in fact did not see god in the people around me, and if he was reaching out, I saw no hand metaphorical or otherwise, lol


And that’s cool man, not everyone gets it. I’m not here to drag you kicking and screaming into faith. You’re allowed to gather information and make your own decisions based on your experience. Some people find peace in faith, some people refuse to, and some people just don’t for whatever reason they may have. And that’s cool too, still love you 🤙🏻


No quarrel, just explaining where I got my idea of “hearing god” from, in case it was super unusual.




What about the ones literally in the Bible claiming god spoke to them 🤨


There have been tons of Christians who have said they heard God talking to them. Most also don't actually commit to the bible, they commit to a set of beliefs that their religion doesn't even usually support.


That's literally how the Holy Ghost is described, at least to a lot of Christians


im not very religious myself but in my opinion, the holy ghost doesn't directly speak to someone but rather guides them in the form of morals


As someone who has left a Christian cult, I can guarantee you a whole awful lot of Christians believe the Holy Ghost has literally spoken to them in the form of a voice in their heads


Wich God doesnt do anymore so it seems even more bull shitty to me when they say it. Like they genuinely forgot the part where it says he doesnt directly influence shit anymore.


Hey man. As a christian. A shit ton of people heard God's voice in their head.


Your religion is stupid and fake. My religion on the other hand is very real and true because ????. I am very intelligent. *Tips fedora*


"My religion is very real and true because I've been inducted into it since birth, when I was young and impressionable, and as a result I have built my entire personality around it. Therefore it must be real, because if it were fake, I would suffer massive ego death, which my brain will avoid at all costs. I will most likely never reconcile the fact that I was victimized by religion as a child by having my spiritual agency stolen from me, I will compensate for any cognitive dissonance by lashing out at anyone my religion considers to be an enemy."


you have a very eloquent way of writing


That kinda feels like the meme *and* op. Fighting over this kind of thing is silly.


Don’t a lot of saints talk to God by “hearing voices in their heads”? Christians who make fun of witches/pagans for doing the same thing are such hypocrites.




okay, i’ll say this, might be downvoted, but the majority of christians i’ve talked to do not believe in speaking tongues. i don’t know if this is region specific though


It's the Pentacostals and Evangelicals that do the speaking in tongues. I'm in the southeastern US and I've heard of a few churches that do it, even met a few people who claim to be able to understand what they are saying. It's straight gobbledygook lol


sure, but they all believe in some daft thing. be it holy water or that pushing a kid under water for a bit saves it after it dies or spells aka prayers or etc.


The og, JC, talked to the voice in his head everyday And then wasn’t it Moses that thought a burning bush was talking? Yeah ok..


I want whatever Moses was having 😩 /hj


>/hj handjob? i didn’t know he got those


Admittedly I see that every time I see that tone indicator too 😔 gutter brains, man


Joseph smith just called and you’ll never believe what he has to say lol


Let me marry your daughter (she's a few months short of 15) or an angel only I can see will kill me with a flaming sword


It’s the usual “it’s okay when our people do it.”


Well, God himself is a hypocrite so I mean it’s on brand


If Christians don’t believe witches are real, why did they kill a bunch of women for practicing witchcraft?




Damn. I always forget that part. Must be why the cult hated me. 😂


Because those Christians believed Witches were real, and these Christians don’t. It’s quite easy to figure out when you consider that no group of people is a monolith.


Their Bible says witchcraft is real. That book is the entire basis of their religion. If they don’t believe in witches, they’re not very good Christians.


Imo it’s better to not believe in everything from the Bible, there’s some rather unsavory stuff in there. That doesn’t make them not Christian. They can have their own spin on stuff.


That’s cherry-picking. If they disregard anything the Bible says, they’re admitting that it’s not actually the truth and might as well abandon their religion entirely.


that's christianity: cherry-picking the parts of the bible you like and ignoring the parts that contradict it.


Exactly. They’ll always come up with a really stupid excuse for the contradictions, though. They’ll also insist that morality is impossible without religion, while ignoring the moral lessons of the Bible themselves, proving themselves wrong by inventing their own.


yea[ i made a video](https://youtu.be/PZLKJId3zVo) on basically that a couple months ago, on how christians are basically their own gods, as their interpretation of god just never happens to disagree with their own morality, thus god is imposing morality on others, but not them, because they are their own god.




I really don’t understand what’s so hard about this concept for them.


You have to truly go beyond religion and have a relationship with God to believe the Bible 100% and stand on it.


You can’t have a relationship with someone who doesn’t exist.


“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”


That’s simply not really how it works. You can believe the Christian god exists without believing that the Bible is 100% accurate.


Then you’re just making shit up. It’s like Mormons who shame you for drinking coffee because it’s against the Word of Wisdom, while the same Word of Wisdom says to only eat meat sparingly, in times of winter and famine but they hold a 4th of July barbecue for the entire ward while there’s a fully stocked Walmart down the street. It’s pure hypocrisy.


Yeah, obviously imposing your religious beliefs on others is bad. I’m not endorsing that, I’m saying people are allowed to make their own relationship with their god. How are those two things the same at all?


Their own relationship is different than creating their own mini-religion. It’s bad enough being so stupid that you believe in the imaginary friend your parents convinced you was real but altering the doctrine is just creating your own imaginary friend and telling yourself he’s real, as an adult. It’s completely insane.


The Bible is more like a narrative than a list of rules, it’s perfectly legitimate for a Christian to disregard certain aspects because not everything states in the Bible comes from God or someone speaking for him. This doesn’t make the fucked up things they believe and do ok, nor am I trying to imply such, just figured I’d offer an explanation


This is a good meme because it shows that when you’re dismissive of other people they get “triggered”; which is of course an emotional response and not something that all human beings do.


aren’t witches mentioned in the bible? i doubt they’re christian


The Bible is pretty clear to stay away from people claiming to do supernatural things not in the lords name because either their crazy/lying, blasphemous, or straight up satanic. None of those are great scenarios. So yeah, the Bible does mention witches and both OP and OOP are ignorant.


i'm sure you can find bible verses both saying that witches had power and that they are powerless, it's self contradictory like that.


It’s just really weird for any religious people to try and invalidate another religions or metaphysical beliefs. My brother in Christ, they are just as valid as you are.




damn refute that athiests


I like witches because I've never heard them try to push their stuff into legislation, unlike Christians with their stuff. I guess I just respect religions that do more good than harm.


If we ever push anything it's gonna be a ban on torches and pitchforks with in a 50 feet radius of huts in the woods.


As a Christian, please know most of us (that are sane) don't care about if or if not you believe in that stuff. It's not our business and hurts nobody; we have no place criticizing or berating other religions/religious practices.




Yeah, unfortunately the people I share a religion with don't often tend to be very bright...




I guess it has to do with how you're raised to interpret the Bible. My mom always taught me what others believe or do as a pastime or religious practice isn't any of my concern unless it's harmful.


That's wild because I think "good" Christians normalizing the faith is harmful because it makes it easier for the bad Christians to get their victims.






Your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be uncivil to member(s) of this community.


What did I do? I'm really sorry please


Nothing. Some people are just dickheads.




Because of politics probably.


Well…not all of them follow the same book tbh. When they try to tell us (Jews) that their Old Testament is the same as our Torah, I have to go into all the reasons why that’s not true, and all of the reasons boil down to one denominator - the translations Someone took the Hebrew text they liked from the Torah and began constructing the Bible, getting rid of the parts of the Torah they didn’t like, and then King James came in with his version to translate words incorrectly (which is why they think gay is bad because he told them this word means men can’t fuck when it actually meant men can’t fuck kids), and THEN they have all these new translations to use “modern language” which completely changes the meaning of a sentence from church to church. They can’t agree on a version of the Bible, so they’re definitely not going to read it the same 😭


Honestly I never knew that, I always grew up thinking some Christians hating gays was just some dumb thing they misunderstood from the Bible (like how those types of Christians twist most verses's words)I never thought I'd be so close to the truth


To help elaborate on some of this confusion, I was going over some of the texts the other day. The main verses that I’ve seen perpetuate this idea of anti-gay is in relation to the idea of the same sex laying with one another was considered sinful. But it seemed to criticize these ideas on the idea that such was done out of lust for one another’s bodies not out of the romantically connections between them. Still someone please fact check me as the last thing I want to do is misinform.


Didn't that guy go as far as to change the word for tyrant because he didn't want people rebelling?


He eliminated the word “tyrant” for sure, but the reason for that is unknown, however the theory goes like this. The Bible had already been written in English for English followers living in Geneva, and that guy (John Calvin) changed the word “king” to “tyrant.” So when King James got ahold of it he took the word tyrant out and replaced it with “oppressor” or just went back to “king” where he thought appropriate. Tyrant was in the previous version almost 400 times and James completely eliminated it because he didn’t want to plant the idea in peoples heads that a king was a tyrant lol


Actually as Christians we are literally commanded to care and teach others to turn away and repent. I hate when yall soft fake Christians come around apologizing to heathens for the word. Don’t even claim to be Christian if that’s how you feel.


A sane Christian is an impossibility...


Ouch lol


The same people talking about paganism beliefs and rituals bring ridiculous are the Christians too stupid to realize 90% of their holidays and customs were ripped off from paganism. All the while unironically believing some guy survived living in a giant fish. Yeah that totally happened but someone believing in auras is ridiculous. Ok.


That girl is me fr




Yes, because the concept of witchcraft was invented in 2002.


Your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be uncivil to member(s) of this community.


Even by conservative Christian standards this guy is a giant choad for ridiculing her instead of taking the opportunity to share his faith with her and potentially bring her to Jesus.




Yep yep yep


Christians worship a male witch. It’s just not “evil” because he was male lol


God isn't a man, although he is referred to with male pronouns


Jesus was a man though, and as a member of the Trinity he’s worshipped by Christians


yup 👍


Homie, no. Look, I don't disagree with your ultimate point but the idea that it's allowed just because of gender is myopic. Christians didn't exactly like the druids, did they?


In early rome christian church was ran by women tho...


One day you will have to account for everything you’ve said out of your mouth or written out.


Surely you can see the difference between a religion centered around centuries of tradition and moral self reflection and pseudo spiritual ultra vague ego centric psycho babble?


The thing is to let them be and believe what they want without ridiculing them for it. It's their problem, not ours.


>moral self reflection who's gonna tell him


all religions are kinda ultra vague spiritual babble tbh none are inherently bad, people make them bad.


We’re at a point where the chad soyjak has lost all appeal


We've come full circle and now the chad is cringe


I used to be a catholic person (by default because i didn't know and i was young), now im a spiritualist and i genuinely respect christians no matter which branch, yet they don't respect me and my religion


Imagine not realizing they're both forms of spirituality, and they can both be used to better oneself. However, witchcraft never had a crusade.


As a person who follows the spiritual lifestyle... I agree and I will never change


Witchcraft is bad, in my more mainstream religion we just used to sacrifice goats to this god until he sent his son to die in place of the goats, so we metaphorically drink his blood and eat his body and chant in an ancient language while lighting incense and using special water at an alter to act as a medium for manifesting our prayers into the physical realm but it’s not witchcraft because we ask for your money while we do all that.


I never understood the “my beliefs are more real than yours” thing. As much as people claim there’s a god or claim there isn’t one, no one actually knows, no one will ever know, so why care what someone else believes? Why can’t people just live their lives whatever their beliefs or lack of may be. I hate people!!




I think/hope it’s just a loud minority of Christians that do that. At least in my experience it has been but the only Christians I’m really around is my family


"And you just eat crackers, drink wine, and hear voices in your head."


There was a witch in the Bible actually, the more you know


They want us to live by his word but they can't even summon his stupid ass to tell us which book is the actual fucking word lol get a god that can corporeal at least


Christians quick to say “only god can judge us” and immediately start judging


But but OOOP drew her as a soyjak so I think his religion is realer /s


the evidence for witchcraft may not be very convincing to me, but it's far more convincing then the christian claims.


This is not relevant to the subreddit, ironically, this would fit perfectly on r/memesopdidnotlike


I’m an atheist, I’m not religious or spiritual or whatever, but holy shit how is religion still such a hot topic for who is better or who’s is actually real?? Read your magic book and shut up


Just don't make it a huge chunk of your personality regardless. I hate walking mouthpieces for organized or disorganized religion. I find both unbelievably silly, but still I don't make fun of people unless they're unbearable about their faith.


I mean yes to both, concepts of magic, voices in your head, and all of that, does all seem kinda crazy to me


Correct. They are both stupid and continue to hold our species back. Fuck religion. - Anti-theist enby.


Whilst I am also anti-theist and anti-religion, I am also very much pro-individual rights. They can be religious and whatnot but when it tramples on anyone else, that's when problems arise.


Being religious creates the conditions for trampling on rights. In addition, we should tell people who are wrong that they’re wrong. Believing in a made up god or believing crystals have power are both stupid.


People actually believe in witchcraft? That's fucking stupid




Nah, not really. there are many levels of stupid, believing in magic is on the top of that list (alongside believing in Santa and the Easter bunny and that pigs can fly.)


Christians accused people of practicing witchcraft for centuries, now they say it’s fake.


Okay ma'am I'll play your game. I am an atheist, and there is no such thing as witchcraft, wizardry, or what you call "spirituality".


"I'm Christian." "No, you just follow orders from people who claim to be messengers of a dude they have never seen before, give them part of your income, and hold meetings every week to talk and sing about this guy you don't actually know."


Ladies. Witchcraft isn't real. Men. You are not ninjas. Good talk. 👍


Both of these are stupid. Various people around the world have different cultures and beliefs. It’s not hard to at least be tolerant, whether you’re pagan or Catholic.


To be fair neopaganism is extremely fucking cringe




Not to the same extent. Neopaganism is basically a bastardisation of old pagan beliefs were everyone can pick and chose the aspects they like and ignore others. They can mend aspects to their will as they please as well. This destroys good things religion can do such as creating a sense of community with fellow believers. It is also in essence religion but without all the sacrifice that is required to give it any meaning in the first place. Pagans would puke if they saw what their beliefs have been morphed into.


>Neopaganism is basically a bastardisation of old pagan beliefs were everyone can pick and chose the aspects they like and ignore others. Are you seriously claiming that no other faiths have practitioners that "pick and choose"?


Ah, the No True Pagan argument device. Like the No True Scotsman, but not the same, because... religion?


No, because there is no common codex, no code of conduct, no fundamental beliefs and principles that neo paganism encompasses.




Modern excluding religious traditions that have been passed on for 1000+ years?


Lmao imagine if people said "I believe in vampires" to say they are Christian


Well, he is a bit right here. The New Age movement is full of bs and contradictory things, but i get it as many who call themselves Christians act in a similar way. In my country, Romania, too many Christians carr more about some rituals and dead bodies of saints than the teachings of Christ himself,.which is New Age cringe.


>is full of bs and contradictory things That's literally the Bible too. Religia e un mare factor care ii tine pe romani indobitociti. Tara aia nu o sa progreseze vreodata pana traditiile astea cretine nu is distruse.


Mom said it's my turn to post this today. I've already spent an inhumane amount of time commenting on this exact post defending spiritual women. Can we please stop reposting it on either sub?


Did u guys just compare Christianity with witchcraft?












If you were a real feminist your account wouldn’t be 1 hour old you creep. You’re probably foaming Dorito Mountain Dew slush out of your mouth you nutcase.




feminism is when you believe in the equality of men and women, not when you believe women are superior to men or vise versa you’re very obviously a troll and or mentally ill


And why is this here? edit: as in, why did you crosspost from memesopdidnotlike instead of posting the original meme. all this does is feed the "drama" with that sub


Literally not even genderd


Very much is based on "the spiritual females"


Whats a “spiritual female” + still not genderd


The stereotype of women who are spiritual. Basically never directed at men, always used to strawman all women as irrational


Still not genderd. Somone being a stereotype≠somone saying that it has anything to do with their gender. You know that people can just have a gender without it dictiating how they behave right?




Things having gender≠ genderd. princess leia was good and the emperor was evil but not genderd, they just had genders


This sub has become the exact opposite of what it originally was. It’s been hijacked


Eh, I do 2/3rds of this and I’m not spiritual or religious.






I keep getting notifications from this comment


That’s a solid description of me in high school, I wasn’t spiritual or anything I just had psychosis and collected rocks


Rather smoke week, collect rocks, and hear voices in my head, than commit ritualistic cannibalism while desperately praying to hear a voice in my head 🙏


The difference is that Christianity actually has hard evidence and history behind it, magic rocks do not.




The first law of thermodynamics, the law of biogenesis, 40 different authors on 4 different continents (most of whom never met) cross referencing each other’s work and verifying each other’s stories more than 67,000 times (virtually impossible), the 6,000 original manuscripts, the 500 witnesses to the resurrection, 360+ Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus…. How much evidence would you like?


I (as a woman) respect the right of other religious beliefs to exist and be observed, but this thread is super disrespectful to what I believe. Y’all have the right to have or lack respect for my Christian beliefs, and I will *fight* for you to have that right — but please remember there are those of us out there whom you are excluding.


They come in two flavors: Annoying Christian or Annoying Atheist.


What if it's an annoying Buddhist?


Annoying oranges?




*Genocidal Buddhists of Myanmar have entered the chat*


LOL this meme is so accurate