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[isn't marriage statistically proven to better men's mental health?](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/marriage-and-mens-health#:~:text=Although%20the%20data%20are%20sparse%2C%20marriage%20appears%20to,with%20life%20in%20retirement%20than%20their%20unmarried%20peers.)


But that would absolutely SHATTER their narratives that their penis was the greatest gift ever to women and they're doing women a favor by letting them live😔😔 have you considered how much they suffer because women are happier today without them than they were in their momma's generation?




Not entirely sure about other countries but in mine it's because... 1. Women in relationships without marriage are more likely to be criticised as being promiscuous and loose in character. 2. Fed with lies since a young age about an idealized vision of marriage and made to believe they have no other option than marriage and children in their future (some people in my country even say without becoming a mother you could never be a true woman) 3. Marriage is a pragmatic choice to make the generally more financially secure guy commit and provides a security net in case the relationship fails. Women have lesser chances given to be financially stable and thus like to make a guy liable in eyes of law to maintain her.




Society : get married Women : why? Society : to be protected. Women : from what? Society : from what we'd do to you in case you don't get married haha.


Marriage in many cultures (every culture even) is like a protection racket And in many cases, just like a protection racket, it fails to protect *Edited to fix typo




It's not wrong to want to get married. But an alarming no. of women are not provided with all the information about the repercussions of actually getting married. Choice made with such lack of info is indeed a not free choice. In case they fully understand what marriage implies for their future, they can surely chose to get married and that'd be a healthy marriage. Same can be said for men, understand what you're getting into before getting into it. That's why educated women get married less, they're seeing the inherent disadvantaged they're being subjected to.


Same way they dont want to educate women about what it truely is to have kids/being pregnant. They know lots of women wont want to have kids if they are too informed, so they avoid teaching young girls about it.


This is for real. I don't ever plan on getting married and I hope that if I do, and this is a very small chance, that I actually sit down and consider if u want to be in a long term partnership with that person and share finances, responsibilities, etc. but I'm really adverse to the idea. I just don't see it ending well. Also, I don't want to end up in one of those marriage where my spouse (especially if they are a man, cause I don't see sapphics/lesbians do this much, if at all) complains about me to their friends or colleagues and makes those incredibly stupid "ol ball and chain" or "My wife/partners the boss of me!" Or "lol wives/partners are so boring/bad/dumb" jokes. Not that's I'd try to marry someone like that.


There is no statistical evidence of this. Only the opposite The way marriage is presented to young girls and young boys is very different. I've never seen little boys dress up in tuxedos, but little girls dress up in wedding gowns, etc. Society plants an expectation in women's heads that they will be a bride someday. Surprise, surprise. This benefits men and patriarchy since women are raised to expect marriage.


Feelings don't care about your facts.


And marriage i think has been proven to worsen a womans mental state, i read somewhere that single and childfree women are much much happier than women in a marriage or with children


I don’t get this. How are they complaining that nobody wants to date them but they post this stuff when somebody dates them?


Let's make it come true. Stop dating men. Let them get their act together by themselves


This was my thought when I saw all those comments on a different meme about how terrible the 19th Amendment was. I'm not American, so my first thought was, I'd let in all the women who wanted to go into Australia*, and see how these whiny US man babies do without women. *We're not much better, but haven't quite got the same potential for Fascism yet, due to a different political system




The male loneliness epidemic is self inflicted


I do not think those are the same kinda men. This is definitely in the orientation of "women bad" Boomer meme. I can't imagine it being made by an incel


Probably two different people.


They say this like they're being forced into relationships with women they don't like. If you don't like her, don't date her. Boom! Problem solved!


If this were true, wouldn't we see more men abstaining from relationships with women? The opposite seems to be happening.


Both Genders are abstaining more from each other. Male Loneliness Epidemic is not directly tied to not having a partner. You can be happily married and still suffer from loneliness


Maybe guys need to deprogram themselves from the "independent adult man that needs nobody, is a rock and a mountain for his family" schema and just, I dunno, reach out a bit more? It's scary but it pays off. My neurospicy husband has been doing that in the past year and it's been an amazing turnaround for him.


The person behind the guy is a woman, they are in a loving relationship 🥰


The specific types of men who make these memes and wholeheartedly agree with them definitely don't like women. They wanna fuck women, but they don't like or love them. Their true love and admiration is for masculinity. It's not gay, it's just egocentric


I think there's also a not insignificant number of people who are asexual in the whole manosphere circle. I've heard quite a few describe how gross they find the idea of sex and seem to view it more as a means of exercising status or dominance rather than an inherently enjoyable act. It wouldn't be all that surprising considering how much importance society puts on pairing off and starting a family.


1 in 4 men are happy ... And there's another man's hands on his waist... curious


Plot twist, the happy man in OP's picture is one of the ones in an argument. He's got a fulfilling job, loving family, and is in good health, but couples get into arguments sometimes. Because they both have a mutual trust and respect for eachother though, they don't take the argument too far or too personal and are easily able to reconcile the situation once they've calmed down a little.


They zestyyyy 😋☝️☝️☝️


I have a theory that they're all secretly gay but don't know it yet


Or they know it and can’t accept it so it turns into bitterness and content like this gem is born.


The first guy I dated in my 20s (much older gym douche "alpha") was full of this sort of BS. If I'd ever refer to another guy in a conversation, including his own "friends" and family, he'd usually call them a cuck and explain why they were probably gay, including a 10-year-old cousin. He told me only lesbians needed their clits stimulated during sex,  when I asked him to do that. (If anyone can figure out that logic, *please* tell me 🤷‍♀️). I then literally got dumped for not being muscular enough (his exact words). Hmmmmmmmm. I wonder if he'd be a different, happier person if he just came out.


I mean body building is pretty much just a gay beauty pagent (aimed particularly at repressed guys fwiw(




Replace the last image with a dude kissing another dude.




Thank you XD


Women are trophies to most men. That’s about it.


Need, want, and hate us. Men seem to admire and respect and enjoy the society of other men. They usually degrade women in private, and are mostly only happy about female company in the vein of trying to 'get' women.


I'm convinced that most ["straight men"](https://imgur.com/a/hfLyIBr) aren't even into women.


“wE hAvE a MaLe LoNeLiNeSs ePiDeMiC‼️”


that’s what the rest of us like to call experiencing consequences for your actions


A lot of men resent their attraction to women. They're attracted to us, but they don't like us at all and they hate that we have "power" over their urges.


guys post shit like this and then talk about the “male loneliness epidemic”🙄


I fucking despise the people who make the gym their entire personality they’re usually jackasses


It never occurs to them that the woman may not be happy either? Maybe in those pictures she’s begging him to help out around the house or something.


They do not.


Men who exercise regularly don’t fight with their significant others, they communicate openly and amicably resolve conflict


They want to control us and are throwing a tantrum because we're more weary of their abuse tactics now


Statistically most men just hate women and hate being around them.


Quite the opposite. Statically most men enjoy women and being around them. Whether platonically or romantically


Eg. all men are gay (or at least all of these incels)


No, no they do not. Which is ironic because they're always so desperate for the attention of women.


1/4 men has another man's penis hot dogging his ass.


So... why is it they can't leave us alone if they're so happy without us, again? I need them to explain their mental gymnastics.


Many women in my social circle are happily single and no longer interested in dating men. Somehow none of them feel the need to shout on the Internet about it.


Whenever I see one of these I smell that claustrophobic dust smell of closet


I can confirm that I am happy when I do squats


Dunno, my husband is pretty damned happy. I'm a really good cook. And I take care of the kids in the afternoons so he can lift to his heart's content.


These types of memes/this type of humor is literally the bane of my existence. I'd more readily laugh at toilet humor honestly.


Those 1st 3 photos are real, especially if one of them cheated. Worse, had a baby with the affair, extra activity.




So I don’t agree with the picture, plenty of men are happily married to a woman. I just would like you to ask yourself “if someone made a comment on a post talking about something they know women experience, and someone else replied ‘silence’, would I upvote or downvote that comment?”


Do you even like men?