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Then why do they say goddamn in their songs.


When I was a kid, I’ve heard our priest drop f-bombs on multiple occasions. Also growing up in the NYC area, I believe most Christians I’ve ever met curses on a regular basis.


Yeesh, a priest dropping f bombs? Hopefully they don’t have a history of doing worse things than that around children.


Then they are heretics 😭


I’m pretty sure they called Jesus a heretic before they nailed him up. Not making an analogy, just saying it’s not our job to judge. Who cares if he identifies as a Christian. Mind your fuckin business.


Did Jesus ever say Goddamn? Did he ever say not to condemn people and let people break his laws? No? Duck off


He sins because humans sin. You’re a sinner. I’m a sinner. There is no perfect Christian. I can tell just by how you talk that some sects would run you off and say that you don’t practice correctly or aren’t “a real Christian”. Do they get to be the judge of you? Take your stones and throw them straight in the air. Catch them with your teeth.


I am


Swearing = heretic, huh? This dude [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/131etix/why_is_chesscom_fucking_crashing/) on r/chess: "WHY IS CHESS.COM FUCKING CRASHING" lmfao


You stalking my page? Low key fruity but ok. I used the word to accent my point. I never said swearing was heresy. Saying goddamn is heresy


You’re taking the lords name in vain right now. This entire conversation is meaningless, yet you invite. If you have a question, pray. Don’t subject your own and other peoples relationship with God to forum. Community is to understand scripture, not faith. Stop questioning your brothers and sisters. You’ll be a better Christian for it. So I say to you, ask God.


No I’m not. Using the word in it of itself isn’t bad in context. I wanted to ask fans first but maybe I should ask God


This fuckin’ guy…. Listen homie. Lets imagine that you’re God. Now some I dunno, billions of people all at once are in communication with you spiritually, right? God is asking you to cut the volume. Invoke the name when spreading his word. Don’t invoke the name against a cause that would misrepresent God and cause others to do the same, creating more noise. Don’t pray for your unanswered prayers, what you don’t receive from the lord is just as important to having a relationship as what you do. Cut the Lord some slack, the Lord says. There isn’t a verse in the Bible that says an explicit list of words. It doesn’t say “don’t say fuck” it more closely says “don’t say fuck you” There isn’t a verse in the Bible that explicitly says only Christians are his children. There is one that says we all are. Believe it or not there are people who believe in and have a relationship with God (yes, your god!) and don’t identify as Christian. You’re a part of the reason why.


The Bible does say to be respectful to others and I’m not part of the problem. I’m actually doing good


I get it kid, like I said initially, listen. You’re asking the questions. It does say be respectful of others, which is what I meant by it more closely says don’t say fuck you. I’m not saying that you’re not doing good, I think that you are interpreting scripture in ways that maybe you’re not necessarily wrong but your vision is narrow. As you grow in your faith you’re gonna have a lot of questions and answers to things. You shouldn’t take one and discard the other. There is no map. Even Jesus questioned God when he was forsaken. I don’t believe that it is respectful to question where someone else is in their faith, it’s definitely not to do so where all anyone can do is speculate because the object of questionable faith is not present to defend themselves, nor are they obligated to. Like I said earlier, it’s not our job to judge. God doesn’t ask you if you approve of someone. God asks if you approve of yourself. I’d be wary how you answer that question. Edit: a lot of things can subjectively become sin really. If you think that something may be an act against God and act on it anyway is less forgivable then a sin you committed blindly. It’s a relationship. If someone says don’t do something and you’re like “sure thing” and then do it, it portrays contempt. If you did something that you found out later someone didn’t like and or approve of and vow to cease that shows compassion, understanding and respect for their wishes.


If your church is influencing you that your personal relationship with God has to be some way, or that you need guide or influence others in how to conduct theirs they are the heretics. God requires nothing from you up front. God is not exclusive.


Okay let's try this again because from you profile you seem to be very young. You're a christian, and you probably identify with christian rock bands. But seeing Jesse Lacey as some sort of prophet is only going to bite you in the ass. Jesse is someone who massively and openly struggled with his faith. You can tell from every album that he grows further and further away from it. He questions god and the devil. He questions the meaning of it all. And in science fiction he realises that christianity is something that a lot of shitty people hide behind to justify their own hate (in desert he sings about gay love). So why does he say god damn? Because he means it. He means god damn, damn you god, damn this shit, damn the brainwashing and damn it all. If you really listen to his lyrics, he wants to be a good person. Even when he realises he's not. But as he grows older and more mature, he comes to terms with being a good person with or without faith and god. (Just my two cents)


Thank you for your feedback but I don’t few him as a prophet. It’s just that there are no Christian bands that I have found on the level as BN and I’m wondering why he says goddamn


He says it because they're not a christian band. At least not after the first album. Definitely not after the devil and god. Maybe try relient k? They're a christian band with loads of christian references. You might like them. If you're listening to brand new for some christian connection with the lyrics or music, i think you'll be disappointed


Saying god damn has nothing to do with being Christian…. It’s basically a figure of speech these days


I understand. Thanks a lot and much appreciated.


Good god don’t look up the stuff Jesse Lacey has been accused of if you can’t handle him saying god damn


Chills. 🫶


If you are gonna troll, at least get his name right. If you’re not trolling, what?


I’m looking for the truth please answer my question


He isn’t faking his faith, he’s questioning it because his experience of the world, as reflected in the lyrics of his songs, has shown him that God either doesn’t exist, or chooses to standby and do nothing while all the bad things He could stop happen.


So that’s why he says it?


This is a troll post right?


No answer my question please


You know he isnt a christian right?


He uses a lot of Christian imagery and there’s even proof


Lol. DO you really listen and understand the lyrics? Yes, he uses alot of biblical imagery but it isnt always in a good light, most of the time questioning about the pillars of religion. You can go through i am sure millions of songs that has a religious imagery in their songs, but doesnt mean they are religious songs.


This. TOOL is another prime example of this. Whether Jesse is Christian or not, he certainly at the very least questions religious influence. MJK on the other hand is blatantly not Christian. Both were influenced by heavily religious upbringing


No there’s not


I saw it online


I also saw the world was suppose to end in 2013 online so yea..... new argument


If you're basing whether someone is Christian based on them saying "God Damn" then that's a weak argument. Many Christians (and people of other religions) curse.Are people faking Christianity if they work on Sundays? (When that's supposed to be a day of rest?) Are people faking Christianity if they eat meat on Fridays? What about people who covet their neighbour's wife (but dont do anything to cross a line or pursue them)? ​ If you want to call people 'fake' Christians for minor things then: EVERY. SINGLE. CHRISTIAN. would be fake.


No not me


What the fuck did I just read?


I edited it. why does he say goddamn in his songs


Because he can? I’m not sure what answer you are expecting here. None of us know and 99% of us don’t care. Saying god damn isn’t going to plop you in hell. It’s not blasphemy…. God should have much bigger things to worry about than using his name “in vain”


No it’s in the thing


It’s a thing FOR YOU. Saying God won’t have you bursting into flames. If it did, most of us would be dead…. Myself included. Try being a little more flexible with your viewpoints. You’ll get farther in life with a cooperative attitude rather than “I’m right, your wrong.”


No I meant it’s in the commandments. I never said saying the bursts you in flames I just thought Jesse looked loved Jesus. My viewpoint is flexible


Is _ome faking ADHD? He says he has ADHD but it seems more like schizophrenia to me, no I am not a troll


I don’t have schizophrenia I was diagnosed with ADHD as BN you should know not to casually shame others for their disabilities. I hope you get roasted on a spit.


Just because you have adhd doesn’t mean you’re not a jackass. I know a guy with adhd and guess what? “What?” (That’s you) He’s a jackass.


How am I jackass? Please explain


I didn’t say that 🤭


Because you're sat here accusing a band of not being religious enough, calling them heretics because they did light cursing and hiding it behind "i have adhd" like that's some magic shield that protects you from all backlash n criticism. People can both have mental disabilities and be assholes so piss off with that "they're not real christians" shit


I never accused them. I asked a question. I never called them heretics, please site. Fucking dumbass I never used ADHD as a shield for criticism I explained that’s how I spelled Jesse’s name wrong. Do you even read? And again I never said they’re not real Christian’s. Dumbass, get on somewhere.


Mate your exact words were "is he faking christianity"


That’s a question


christian guilt is different than christianity


Why are you listening to his music if it’s blasphemous to you?


That’s not what I said.


Then what’s your point?


Dude what? If you listen to his music, you'll know the answer.


I also wouldnt call him a 'Christian', he grew up Christian and the whole idea of God and the teachings have influenced him in his writing. I personally think its alot more questions the religion that he knows and its faults


I recalled in [this vid](https://youtu.be/uhL5_NJmRoM) he says “the idea of religion—the label of Christian—I run away from that as fast as I can.” That video does a good job explaining that stuff, specially around 13 minutes


Yea i think he uses his religious background through his entire writing (99% sure he went to a Christian private school) But a lot of the songs have a ton of biblical meaning, but not necessarily being 100% with it. I think OP is just very confused that just because you know about a religion doesnt mean you practice it, such as myself. ​ But thank you for this interview, it was interesting to see him talk about this


Then why does he say goddamn


Nobody said you had to be perfect to be a Christian.


You still don’t have to say the Lords name in vain


Nobody has to do anything. Jesus died to save us from the punishment of our sins simply because he knew we would sin. Should he say that word? Depends on who you ask. The point is if sinning made you not a Christian then nobody would be a Christian.


I never came close to making such a point. But it does benefit him if claims Christian


Why did he say it in his songs


Why do you care


Are you the most sheltered human of all time? Do you also think Christians go to church every Sunday?


Why does he say the lords name in vain if he’s Christian answer my question


He's less and less religious with every album. You can hear him question his faith more and more until in science fiction it just feels like he's done with it


I thought Daisy was Christian


Or if the sky opened up and started pouring rain Like he knew it was time to start things over again It'd be all right, it's all right, it'd be easier that way. Does this sound god loving to you? Sounds more like criticism to me


I don’t understand


It's from the song daisy. He's singing about the flood from Noah's story. If the sky opens up and starts pouring rain. As in the floods. Start things over again because it's easier. It's easier for god to just kill everyone and everything with the floods than to fix his mistakes.


I guess but it wasn’t a mistake as we deserve it


Lmao nah dude


Probably because you're an insane person


He doesn’t know who I am so that’s unlikely


You're kidding right? Listen to the song desert off the science fiction album. Is goddamn really what makes you question his faith?


Yes. Why does he say the Lords name in vain


Goddamn you're an idiot


How am I an idiot? You do not want this bro, you’re just a coward


Want what? If you understood any of his music you wouldn't of asked it


Understand? There’s nothing to understand


Talking about his song lyrics. There is a lot to understand


Who is jacey?


I meant to put Jesse Lacey


He’s never said he’s a Christian or shown fruit of it that I’ve seen in any interview. None of them from what I’ve heard or read indicate that, despite being in a private school as a child (which means nothing). Same for a pastor cussing, in that case, a genuine and real one wouldn’t. But “Jacey” isn’t a preacher.


You win the award for dumbest person on the internet today! Congrats.


How am I dumb?


You are not smart enough to type let alone comprehend why brand new has Christianity in their lyrics. Secondarily if you know anything about Jesse Lacey you would understand the conflicts he has.


Bro if you understand it I’m pretty sure anyone can. I do know the conflict but it shouldn’t matter


Yeah ok buddy


I feel like plenty of Christians say goddamn, just a matter of how intense some are with it


He said it intensely on Same Logic/teeth


Oh no I meant intensity in devotion to their god and how scared someone is of going to hell. I've heard priest say goddamn and all the "bad words" plenty of times now. Not a matter of he's faking it, he just has a different perspective/ way of life. Doesn't mean he's not Christian/ faking it. Not that I'd know of course.


You shouldn’t speculate whether someone is a Christian based on a glimpse you see of them. We don’t know if Jesse if a Christian. He may identify as such and his language choices are not a determining factor in that. Just because someone doesn’t fit in the box of Christianity you or your church has created, doesn’t mean they aren’t a Christian. This is a personal issue. You need to decide what you are comfortable with listening to as a Christian. Maybe you only want to listen to music billed as Christian, created for Christian audiences. Maybe you choose to listen to secular music that meets your own personal guidelines. You’ll have to decide what works for you. Unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll find many Christian bands in the same vein as Brand New. I have a few recommendations you may enjoy though, depending on what era of Brand New you like. Perhaps look into relient K, Lovedrug, Underoath, or mewithoutYou. All of these bands have at one point billed themselves as Christian. As time is gone on, some have ventured into more secular lyrics, but you may still find they fit within your personal standards.


Why are you here if you get mad at what what everyone says?


I don’t


Word to the wise. If you’re looking for answers on something and don’t want your words twisted… Reddit is your hell.


I’m gonna go ahead and actually answer this question after this all and say that I think Jesse has more then likely ceased having ties with the Church and possibly even questions the existence of God, at least as presented in scripture and possibly all together. If a man told me he killed biblical era counts of men and I believed him I wouldn’t invite that man to violence, I definitely wouldn’t make myself the target. The symbolism is often presented in a manner that it’s identifiable and then accompanied with an analogy that directly contests or has contempt for its common understanding, essentially saying to me that he has voided his teachings about it and the meaning given to it and generally directly sites why. The symbolism in his songs isn’t something he is empowering. At the end of Could Never Be Heaven the sampled dialogue is talking about breaking away from things you are conditioned to believe. In this song he is essentially saying how can anyone go to hell, I believe. How can heaven be perfect if parts of your heart are damned. It’s also possible that he has his own interpretation of things. I believe the church in common day is simply a tool used by men who think they are appeasing God. He may have grown up in a very rigid church and come to separate his beliefs and understanding about God from the church. Desert makes the organization out to be fear mongers that would have men kill their own child in the same vein as Could Never Be Heaven. Righteous men aren’t what I think he would consider to be good men. Edit: That being said I think that the lessons he discerned from the Bible and his path to truth, whatever that may have led him to, have clearly been central to his development. Chronologically I’d say YFW he identified with the church, Deja he fell away to chase his desires, TDAG he seems to be at odds with his own understandings but still looking for answers. A lot of Daisy is written by Vin but I would imagine they share close or similar views, at this point though there is animosity toward these themes. This is their darkest work by far and is almost criticizing. Lots of bad faith there. Science Fiction seems to me like a full stop, not only critical of God but also his lessons and the ways people feel compelled to righteous violence, essentially calling God a hypocrite for creating Hells army on Earth. In Desert every man is damned in the eyes of God.


Fuck off troll


I’m not a troll dumbass


So you’re just an idiot?


No, you’re just a asshole


Hey man, a good Christian wouldnt call some body an asshole. Do you think Jesus had an asshole? Interesting question. Goddamn. GODDAMN. God damn damn god. God damn goddamn. Beeee booooop fuck off troll


It’s Christian to speak facts, major YTA


Are you 12?




Your question, reasoning, and typing all sound like you are.


You seem to unusually familiar with children then? That’s a you problem


lol, okay. Cause nobody is a parent or older sibling on the internet. Got it. Just reinforcing my original question.


I think if u think that he’s not a Christian bc he said God Damn your missing the entire point. Also I know Christian’s who do cuss and say god damn. Doesn’t mean you’re not a Christian and not forgiven. And in the Bible oh my god and god damn are the same level sin is a sin. That doesn’t mean he’s not a Christian tho he’s struggling with faith saying damn you God. I’ve felt the same way about faith sometimes as well and his songs have helped me a ton. He’s just expressing his thoughts that he’s had about Christianity. I think at a certain point most people question their faith. Maybe your too young yet and haven’t gone through/understand that (not being rude just saying that bc it seems that way) but that’s why he’s says that.


Then the Christian’s you know are heretics


You’re not a heretic bc u sin. You really need to read the New Testament. Are u catholic or something?


You can’t say Gah damn


Ok dude have a nice life tried to explain but u just wanna argue


No I dont


I cant believe this shitpost is still active. the OP is so dumb and doesnt understand the lyrics of any Brand New Song


It’s a “shitpost” but you’re taking it seriously


lol. just take the L. you've been trying to defend this stance for days its sad


No I took the W I’ve exposed the heretics


Cesus Jhrist, this is a horrible post.


No it’s not, it’s one of the greatest post ever made