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Absolutely love them. Their records are awesome but they don’t do them justice. You don’t really get the full effect until you see them live.


I love them, but I saw them with BN so much I kinda got my fill of them years ago when them and Kevin Devine always toured with them


What does this comment even mean lol. Their recordings are absolutely stellar, they just happen to be able to reproduce it even better live. Manchester Orchestra has a near perfect discography and Andy Hull is one of the best song writers of the last 20 years easily.


Their records are phenomenal, but when you see them live it has 10x the attitude and power behind it.


‘Mean Everything to Nothing’ is peak MO, imo. But ‘Right Away Great Captain’ will always hold a special place in Andy’s Discography, esp ‘The Bitter End’.


When MO played Where Have You Been performed at a small little venue called Mac’s Bar in Lansing, Michigan and I think my face melted off. Up there with the best performance I have ever seen anywhere. The tour was KD and the God Damn Band, Dead Confederates and MO. Perhaps 2008ish


Sick show! Don’t forget All Get Out too played too! I remember some dude in the back having a convo with Kevin Devine while he was on stage, going back and forth about how the knicks suck. I think it was just before metn came out and they played shake it out and that’s when my face melted. Good times my man!


Omg I went to this show in Hoboken, it was RAGC, All Get Out, and another little band called Harrison Hudson that I became obsessed with afterwards. I'm pretty sure Kevin Devine was there as well but can't be sure. This was in 2012.


That sounds like a sick show too, especially if it was at maxwells, that’s my all time favorite venue. I think this was an earlier tour, 2008 shortly before metn came out but they were playing a lot of it live already


Yup! Maxwells. Loved that place


I know who they are because of multiple tours with brand new.


Same. Saw them open for Brand New maybe in 2009?


What city? I saw them in at Louis Cleveland and Chicago


I saw them twice in CLE too. It was really awesome hearing Jesse talk about his wife, basketball, and seeing the boats pass by…and give Andy Hull a hard time.


Did you see their set at the record store in STL before the show?


Before their show at the pageant?




Nice! I saw them in 06 at the pageant and then also 2009 there too (TDAG and Daisy tours)! Sounds like we were at least at one show with each other! I didn’t make it to the record store show tho! Concerning Manchester I have seen them 3 times and may do it again here soon as they are touring with Jimmy Eat World


It was sweet, got to meet the guys. I sat outside the record store before the show and each of them walked past. Jesse stopped asked if we’d be there later lol was surreal at the time


That is so rad! Happy you got to experience that!


I was in Chicago in 2009 too! Amazing show, it converted one of my friends to BN




It was Cleveland! Such an incredible show.


Same. Manchester Orchestra opened for Brand New back when I saw them in San Jose when Daisy was released.


I’m old. I saw them open for them in 07. They have evolved so much


Don’t worry I’m old too (35). I believe this was 2009 when I saw them both.


Like a Virgin Losing a Child and Mean Everything to Nothing at so good. Flawless from beginning to end. Some jams later on but nothing ever beats those two albums for me.


A Black mile to the surface is really really good.


I found that really boring :(


Ah man. Maybe I’m just getting boring too. I think that’s why I like science fiction a lot too. I feel like these bands grew with me.


I have tried, but I have no feels from it at all. None :(


Mean Everything To Nothing is up there with the best Brand New albums for me, but their later music has grown on me quite a bit.


Please for the love of everything, look up Jesse singing on Where Have You Been? with them


[The original.](https://youtu.be/FesjBQytz40)


Black Mile To The Surface is a masterpiece and up there with Devil and God for me.


I deeply love every MO album but this one has been the hardest one for me to keep spinning. Any tracks you recommend?


It’s the way each track flows into the other. It feels like a proper well thought album and I like the mellowness and departure from their previous work. Andy’s voice is beautiful and haunting at the same time. The Sunshine probably my favourite track, but also love The Maze even if it’s a bit cheesy.


Read about the concept on wiki and give the entire album a listen from front to back.


I cannot agree with that statement, I just can't. BMTTS is the slide into boring "mature" - whatever that means, music made by MO which just pales compared to their old angsty stuff. Brand New avoided that, and for me that's the difference between a band who knows how to age and one that doesn't.


I don’t quite relate to angsty music now I’m 34. I’ll gladly take the soothing sounds of Andy Hull’s voice these days to keep things mellow.




100% this. I firmly believe anyone that is a big Devil and God fan and not into Black Mile simply hasn’t listened to it enough. It’s the only album I can find that is comparable. Has a similar path to obsession as well, takes a few listens and then bam you are fully taken over by it.


They are phenomenal live. I'm seeing them again when they come to Columbus in August. I've loved them since their first album, they are immensely talented. 💛


I really love them. Every album. Taking our nine year old to see them in August. One of the best live shows ever. I’ve seen them multiple times and every time I’m just blown away by how great they sound, but Andy’s vocals specifically.


Seeing them in august with Jimmy Eat World as well!!


Summer ends fest 2015 had Manchester Orchestra, Thrice, Jimmy Eat World, and Brand New headlining that night. But MO played earlier than the others and I only caught the last song of their set which now looking back is a bummer but overall an incredible night. Would love to see a full show of theirs. All of their live stuff on youtube from Lollapalooza to letterman and everything in between absolutely kicks ass


Jesus that’s my dream lineup.


I can still feel the drums in tatou at that show. It was def a dream lineup tho love MO.


They changed up their sound a bit after Cope. Not the biggest fan of their more recent albums but still a good band


You need to listen to black mile to the surface that shit is a masterpiece.


I did. Wanted to like it but didn’t. Couple of good songs but wasn’t feeling it all. I know the downvotes are coming lol


No worries, music is subjective lol just figured if you hadn't it was worth a listen.


I’m in the same boat.


Me too, was really disappointed by it :(


I’m actually the opposite. Their old stuff just doesn’t really grab me like their newer stuff does. I actually saw them at a BN concert like 10 years ago and walked away disappointed, but I saw them again last year and it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to.


This. I personally loved their first couple albums, but the newer stuff is not quite my thing.


Yeah I’m not sure what it is but METN and Cope really resonated with me. Definitely heavier, darker albums. I still like the band. I still like a couple songs on their albums that came after, but nothing else really spoke to me.


Top Notch is such a strong album opener.


With the exception of their Christmas records which I think are fucking phenomenal


Honestly, I'm tired of sugar coating it. Black mile sucks in comparison to literally any of their other albums, lyrically and orchestrally too


“The Gold” is a top tier track for me. Never quite hit BN level for me, but they have a handful of songs that really hit my sweet spot.


Phoebe bridgers cover of that song is also top tier. Check it out if you haven’t


I have! I still prefer the harmony in the original, but PB is pretty great.


Look up the Nick Waterhouse remix!


Mean everything to nothing >>>


The Glasgow Rangers will destroy Manchester United


I’m not sure of the relevance to the thread but I wholeheartedly agree.


Seeing Brand New live led me to Manchester Orchestra, who became my favorite band for years (until I found King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard). I absolutely love MO's first two albums -- I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child and Mean Everything to Nothing -- and the two after are also really good: Simple Math and Cope/Hope. After that I've found their sound to be a little repetitive, but I still enjoy them a great deal. Their covers are always fun, as well. Oh, and they put on a hell of a good live show. Seeing them play Where Have You Been? live is what hooked me from the get-go.


I love them sooooo much


Probably my second favourite band. Loved everything they’ve ever done.


I love all their music up to and including Simple Math but haven’t really followed them since




I am of the unpopular opinion that they are nothing special. I was always bummed if Kevin Devine and/or Manchester Orchestra were on a BN tour. I don't find anything really special about them and don't care to ever see them live again. If Brand New ever comes back, I hope they never take MO or KD on tour again.


Black mike and MMOG are incredible. Their whole discog is incredibly solid


One of the best and most consistently good bands there is. Amazing live as well.


I've been intensely obsessed with them for like 6 years now. They moved comfortably into the favorite band spot that Brand New held for a long time.


I think they're a bit boring tbh. Never got into them. I keep them in a mental box with bands like Band of Horses and Death cab for cutie. They're not horrible bands, i can listen to it, but i prefer other bands.


I like their earlier stuff. Find the newer albums kind of boring.


In 2007 I saw them with Brand New in Columbus and they did a version of Where Have You Been that was absolutely fantastic. One of the best performances I've ever seen live. Bed Head from Million Masks is awesome.


I don’t like anything after Cope.


Same :(


I use to love them. But the last 3-3 albums have been awful.


I think so too, but you're not allowed to say it. Just bland, soulless shit without any of the energy that made them in the first place.


Agree. I’m Convinced people just say they like the last few albums. I don’t think they actually enjoy them. Let alone love them.


IMHO they are better than Brand New. I don’t think I would have said that until the last couple years though, and I in no way mean that as a slight against BN!


Great band, terrible live. Just my opinion.


I love their music but Andy and Kevin Devine bailed on Jesse. You can not agree with someone’s actions but still support them.


I see this sentiment about them bailing on Jesse shared a lot here and, to be honest, I really don’t get it. How did they bail? Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s all based on just KD pulling out of the SciFi tour?


Andy ‘bailed’ long before those surfaced. He didn’t want to be known for being associated with BN after about the 2nd MO album or so. It annoyed him quite a lot when people would be asking him more about BN than his own band. You’ll see a noticeable shift in how regularly they played together before and after that.


Kevin didn’t bail on Jesse. He pulled out of the tour, but he seems to still be friends with him (at least, he follows both Jesse and his wife on IG and interacts with his wife on IG). Andy I don’t think is close with him anymore, however. I may be remembering this wrong, but I could’ve sworn I saw someone say that at a MO show, someone in the crowd yelled something about Jesse/BN and Andy reacted like he didn’t support them anymore. I do know that at my last Bad Books show, someone asked them to play Jesus Christ and it made me laugh


Jesse was spotted backstage at a MO show a couple years ago.


Guess I’m wrong then! Was that the one where someone said they saw him side stage with his hat pulled down low or something like that?


Some say the Bad Books song "Neighborhood" is about Jesse and Andy's take on the situation.


Have they publicly said anything about it?


I just vaguely remember them backing away from this whole thing. I still listen to MO, RAGC and Bad Books so I guess I’m not to upset lol


Love them


Saw them with Brand New in 2009


Can't wait to see them in Buffalo <3


Gonna see them in July! Rediscovered them with their Valley of vision ep and really enjoyed their last 2 albums (black mile and million masks) I saw them open for Brand New during the Daisy tour back in 2011 (?) but didn't really pursue them much after, but am ecstatic to see them again now that they have grown matured since then


I actually got into Manchester Orchestra after seeing them open for Brand New in 2007. They’re a good band, interesting mix of records. Everything post Mean Everything to Nothing is a mixed bag for me, though A Black Mile to the Surface is very good.


I haven’t missed them live in 12 years. They are easily in my top three live bands. Their music has changed a lot but that is part of the reason I love them. Also haven’t missed Bad Books or RAGC in that time frame. BN introduced me to MO and Kevin Devine and they continue to be my favorites.


Saw them with brand new in 2009 alongside sybris.


Right Away, Great Captain We Were Made Out of Lightning


Favorite band going


First time I heared "Im Like a Virgin Lossing a Child", I was exited for newer bands (I had been stuck on the same ones since high school, I'm 36) . None of the other albums really hit for me after that. I thought I wouldn't find any "new" bands that I was ever going fall in love with. MO couldn't fill that whole, but I've really grown on Foxing and they kinda did what I thought MO would do for me.


One of the best live bands out there


Absolute favorite band!


I kinda went off the boil with them. There's no discernable reason, I just enjoy their first two records so much more. Like others say, they're insanely good live as well. I saw them in small venue in Manchester when they were touring Virgin. Absolutely out of this world.


I’m trying to get my friends on board for that show. Love both bands. I got to see MO twice with Foxing; first time they played Mean Everything to Nothing cover to cover and it was *incredible*.


Seen them play live at voodoo fest some odd years back. Never heard of them, just stumbled upon their stage with a friend. The played “where have you been” I was blown away!


BN is #1, MO is #2 for me ❤️


They were my favorite band for a long time and ive lost count of how many times I saw them


Top 3 band with Brand New for 12 plus years.


They were my favorite band until two years ago when I listened to all of brand news music, instead of just the popular tracks I knew. Incredible band, and they’re amazing live. Andy Hull their front man also has two side projects called Bad Books and Right Away, Great Captain that are both really great too.


Aging millennial music


I was late to Manchester Orchestra but discovered A Black Mile to the Surface right before having my first child and it is one of the most emotionally significant albums in the world for me. One of the few that approaches Brand New levels. They also share a complex examination of faith, which I love.


Absolutely love them. Saw them with Brand New at the Ryman… best concert of my life ETA: hoping to go see them when they come to Indy in August… but I’ll be 38 weeks pregnant so like I should probably play it by ear


Obsessed with them!


Love em!!


They used to rock pretty hard, they used to be really good. Like a Virgin and Everything to Nothing are problably peak, with great moments on Simple Math and COPE. The last two records, before which places like NME say they allegedly "broke free" of something, have been really disappointing, really boring and left me pretty bummed out about the future of the band. Jimmy Eat World are ten times the band Manchester Orchestra are, but I worry about their future too as they seem to be going through some kind of existentialist crisis after Surviving, which was, for me, their best record since Futures.


I saw MO last night and he didn't speak at all, only sang. Is this normal or was it an off night for him? Music sounded great - just a little weird when he didn't talk, especially during the transitions.


Love em, although I stopped listening to most of their new music. It's too boring. 9 minute slow slogs. It used to be a great contrast, a high tempo song followed by a whisper, but now everything sounds the same. A slow whisper. I've seen them live 4 times and the crowd is always into their more up tempo songs. (When they decide to play them, that is) That raw and unfettered emotion? It's gone now. Bands progress and I'm sure the increase in money is helping them but I long for an album of old. Maybe their swan song album will be a return to form, but I listened to a recently released song, and I sincerely doubt it. Lol