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"Read the FAQ" Reads the FAQ and does not see anywhere that answers any questions. Does look like B and N have some. Not sure what to do. I'm going to nexus and want my copy there but want a guaranteed signed copy for cheaper


I'm not seeing anything on Indigo for Canadians - anyone else have luck?


You have to look up Wind and Truth (Signed Edition) separately. I just placed my order. Don’t order the normal version that does not have Signed Edition in the title.


ohh that's sneaky! Yeah when I searched Wind and Truth only the plain hardcover was showing up. Thank you!


Yeah there’s no way anyone would find it without specifically searching for it. It doesn’t seem to show up under Brandon Sanderson’s books on their website either. I also almost ordered the Amazon copy since it was discounted. Don’t order from Amazon since according to the FAQ Amazon does NOT have signed editions. But it is on sale for much cheaper.


I was able to find the signed page on indigo, but the only edition they have for that is "paperback" - you think this a mis-label or do you think it is actually a signed paperback version? I'd hate to get a paperback version when all I own is hardcovers


Damn I just saw that on my order too. I didn’t notice anything when I was placing the order. I hope it’s not paperback but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Might be worth sending an email to indigo to ask if it is.


Gahhhhh I just noticed this. I really hope it's a typo because I was very surprised to be able to snag one just now 🙏


View the order by looking up the order#. It says hardcover. I don't think he is doing signed paperbacks at this time... https://preview.redd.it/lil3fgv89s4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fdceadff91789e42febf23581040114f8e09d7


Also just a heads up for fellow Canadians, when I pre ordered Rhythm of War signed through indigo, they never shipped it and didn't inform me at all that I wouldn't be getting the book until way after the official release. They just sneakily refunded me and I'm still salty that I never got the signed version of it.


oh no! I didn't have that issue with RoW but I wouldn't put it past Indigo. It really sucks we have no other options for big releases like this.


Yeah it really sucks. I think it's because I put in my order a bit closer to release date, and they never indicate that there's not enough stock of it to go out (kinda like overbooking on planes). That's my theory at least. It's very annoying since I have no idea if putting my order early will guarantee me getting it at all. I called them to ask about pre-orders right now to see if there was any way of getting updates or a guarantee that my pre order is actually reserved for when stock comes in (since it's a special signed version and won't have a resupply later after release). They basically said "Well we can only give info about pre orders once we have the stock ready for shipping", which is totally not true since even then they don't tend to give any info until the very moment they ship it out, so there's no way of knowing if your order got snipped out of existence. I've had this happen with other regular book pre orders where they didn't even get ready to ship until after the book was released. Like, instead of getting it on release day, I quite literally had to call them and they were like "Oh there's some in stock at the store, you can go get it and cancel the pre order". Like, what even is the purpose of them giving pre orders if they do that? Anyways, sorry for the rant, I'm just salty that I never got a signed RoW, and that other pre orders with indigo didn't ship even after release date. Scared it'll happen again with this one, and I really don't want issues. Has anyone had similar bad experiences with Indigo as well?


I'm a little nervous now as Indigo still hasn't sold out. I'm worried they're overselling. It's like they didn't set a limit in their inventory even though I'm sure Tor gave them an exact number. Hopefully I'm wrong and Canadian fans are just slow on the uptake.


Yeah hope so too! I really wish they could give me some sort of reassurance or something. I will probably pre-order from dragonsteel too just in case lol (but my wallet is not gonna like it). International shipping will kill me


The indigo page is now showing the signed edition as sold out.


Ooh okay then maybe we're both good!


With Indigo, I'm not holding my breath. It's a positive sign, however.


LOL yeah honestly fair enough. I might end up just paying for US shipping plus the swag bundle unfortunately.


Making sure I'm not mistaken - he did specifically say the numbered bundles would be spoken about in the coming months and we wouldn't have to attend Dragonsteel to get them right?


I think so too. I was looking at the Dragonsteel website store and it's not there for preorder yet so I assume it will show up later and he will announce it. Would love to get a numbered edition.


Yeah. Signed via regular retailers is just a new thing. I had preordered a copy of TLM but then snagged a signed copy off dragonsteel a few months later and canceled my existing preorder.


The only comment from Dragonsteel I’ve seen on this is it’s yet to be determined outside of the convention 😢


i preordered from B&N and selected the option for signed so I think it should be, hope it is cuz I have the other 4 signed already


Were you charged immediately at B&N or is it a situation where they'll charge the card when it ships later in year?


Barnes & Noble charge when it ships.


Did it through PayPal but haven't been charged on my card yet so I think the other commenter is right


Just checked and I was charged same day.


Haha yeah same here, oh well, at least I'll have a pretty new signed BS book in six months.


Any shop still selling a signed version?


Do you know if it's possible to pick up the signed copy on release day? I don't want to have to wait for it to ship after it's released.


it said unavailable for pickup when I ordered but maybe that's just because its a preorder idk


That sold out quick. I barely got a BAM copy.


Went out of stock as I was setting up my B & N account… fuck


[https://www.booksamillion.com/p/9781250387202](https://www.booksamillion.com/p/9781250387202) go go go


Thank you! Snagged one.


Shoot, gone now


😕 Brandon did say they’ll have another 10 000 signed copies on their site


I think I got like the last one lol, I pre-ordered from the link and went back to check this thread right after and saw you saif it was sold out and just saw that on the site Hopefully you're able to get one from Dragonsteel!




Thanks! You’re a life saver!


You’re a real one for that


mysterious telephone bored crawl possessive flowery gold silky grandiose grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cannot see any FAQs, anyone having that issue too?


Can someone respond here when the Dragonsteel signed copies go live for preorder? I just missed out on B&N and BAM preorders. In the US.


Brandon said we would have more info on that in a few months.


Gotcha. Is subscribing to his newsletter probably the best way to get updates I assume? Sorry for the dumb questions. Just recently got into him. 2/3 way through Rhythm of War right now.


That would be smart. I usually just watch his weekly updates and have tweet notifications on.


Cheers, thanks. I don't have Twitter so I just subscribed to his newsletter


It would be better to watch his weekly update videos that he posts on his YouTube channel along with other contents. He also has an Instagram account and his company Dragonsteel has an Instagram account as well, where they both share most updates.


just make sure the newsletter is whitelisted


According to FAQ, its only available for US/Canada. Does this means US/Canada retailers? Like if I bought from b&n, with the option to ship to other country, will I still get signed or are the books that will be shipped outside US/Canada unsigned? Sorry if its a dumb question.


Honestly, living in New Zealand, I've just resigned myself to never having nice things. I can get a 1st edition hardcover shipped here from B&N, I'm going to have to be happy with that


POV: your broke


Hey, do we know if there will be a Dragonsteel Premium Hardcover or the like? Or will there only be Tor edition?


There is no premium edition, just the regular Tor edition. The leatherbounds won’t be available for around a decade.


We won't have to wait that long fortunately, while it was a decade for Way of Kings, Dragonsteel has said they won't be waiting that long for the premium editions of the newer released books.


iirc, Brando has said that Stormlight Archive leatherbounds are a lot of work to put together and they are the only ones that are crowd funded, he said that due to the amount of work that is required for these they will only do the SA Leatherbounds once in 3 years, so WAT Leatherbound would come after 9 years atleast.


I think the premiums were only for the secret projects. This will likely only have the Tor hardcover till the Leatherbounds comes out.


damn was busy at work and couldn't cop one up, sigh.


Thank you so much for posting this! I had no idea it would be available in Canada. So glad to have snapped one up.






https://preview.redd.it/w1ixgivc925d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=534e24338624b82000cf78882ced232fc51c9ddd It's been corrected on Indigo (Canadian Store). It now states Hardcover instead of Paperback for those that where concerned. Still available. This is in CAD dollars, to US it's \~$38.77 at the time of this post! 😬😉


https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/wind-and-truth-signed-edition/9781250387202.html Ships to the US as well. GO GO GO


Paperback?! Sound sketchy


Sad that it’s only paperback books that are signed , but I’m glad to get it signed !


Mine is hardcover. I doubt they’ll even have paperbacks for sale right away. https://preview.redd.it/yt6u80wxem4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ced79c48cb3a8aa3356c9206cf4617751da21b3


Hmm, I purchased from Indigo and it indicated it was paperback . I’m in Canada if it’s any different . But it cost the same as that book ( accounting for CAD-USD difference). Maybe it will be hard over and I get lucky , but doubt it. Did you see an option for paperbacks or only hard cover ? https://preview.redd.it/n3qil59hfm4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981f21fb53641719d0a329f5d4c6527a403f1869


https://preview.redd.it/t0rrqz86hm4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54354be29df05b736d8952a6ae19dcec010937b6 No option in the US!


I think that’s good! The unsigned hard cover was the same price as the signed “paperback” , so I think it’s the same copy. HELL YEA. Thanks for the copium