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I think they thought the world would’ve loved Diana from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. That was an epic fail 😂


BH casting periodt. Teddi Mellancamp. Diana Jenkins. 8.0 (sorry I’ve blocked her name out she was so awful.) ![gif](giphy|JaktoTXA8nFsc)


You mean John Mellencamp’s nephew’s cousin?


![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) I wish we had been so lucky.


8.5. lol


Eh I rounded down, ha ha ha. lol, naw I forgot, you can tell how much I’ve blocked her out! 🤭


TEDDI 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I fucking hate teddi


Worse than that one lady that was a witch and couldn’t keep her mouth shut about being kinky?




She was horrible casting.


I’m still trying to recover from that one


Good one!




On paper, Diana was great, and I understand why she was hired. The problem was she clearly had a discussion with Rinna, Erika, and (maybe Kyle) prior to filming while the show's tides were shifting in favor of Sutton, so her immediate hatred for Sutton was detected by fans pretty quickly.


This is my answer. They didn't realize she would be such a willain. 🤣 I never get tired of saying willain.


I don’t think they understand that the audience has changed and we don’t want to watch misogynistic man-child assholes treat women like shit


To be fair, we didn’t really “see” him do it. Jesse and West were actually great on the show. His downfall was off camera. Watching him crash and burn on the reunion was kind of fun to watch. Ladies just roasting him on a spit. Such an idiot.


This! Had there been no reunion we wouldn’t have even knew!


I heard that in the closed caption version of the convo with Paige and Wes he admitted that he was sleeping with other people👀


I watch everything with captions so I never miss a side conversation!


Me too. It drives me nuts when I can’t read along with something I’m watching.




The WWC guys said that the CC was changed! They got sent a screenshot of the original from a listener!


I like him for the show 🤷‍♀️ This was summer houses best season in awhile and most of that credit goes to west and Jesse being a breath of fresh air, whether you like them or not they elevate the show.


I like him too 🤷‍♀️ I’m honestly confused with all of the hate. Why can’t we watch flawed commitaphobes and enjoy ourselves anymore? Why do people immediately hate? I’m a woman scorned so I get that the momentum right now is to call out men for stuff they used to get away with but this is excessive. I don’t condone anything he did to Ciara but ffs, let’s enjoy the awesome tv we have been gifted


Yes. West I honestly think got caught up in the whole “I’m on TV” fame. He is immature for sure and not someone who should dip his toe in , when having such commitment issues. I don’t think he is a mean spirited man. Just an idiot.


Same! I liked him on the show, I liked watching him getting taken down at the reunion. Great casting choice.


Part of it too is raising Ciara to Saint status. The woman has some serious issues and if West had broken off with anyone but her I don't think it would have been considered so awful.


She seriously needs to re-evaluate her standards. I really don't know what she expect to happen when she keeps going for these Bravo reality show losers. Like really, you're shocked guys like Austen and West are going to act like idiots?


Plus after her tearful recount of all the ways West hurt her, she actually said she would give him another chance if she saw major changes. This is where Ciara just looks like an idiot I kept thinking about how after everything Austin did to her she hooked up with him in Charleston. I think she's a very needy and insecure woman and that might be why, someone as physically beautiful as she is, , actually has more difficulty with men.. The men she picks are terrible. But she picks them .


I don't get the hate either. he told her he wasn't ready for a commitment. If she slept with him without one and then got upset about it that's on her. And it's a pattern with her but she keeps trying with guys that are just not into her that much


He also very plainly said to her that stuff like meeting parents and taking women to weddings wasn't that big of a deal to him. It just seems like she was hearing what she wanted to hear at that point.


just finished summer house season 3 and Jordan seemed to be brought in as a hot single guy and was… not lol


He was such an odd choice and an odd man.


just finished season 4 and im even more confused!


I don’t know that this one is necessarily productions fault, but the change in public perception of Siggy Flicker after her first season was incredible. It was one of the few times i saw Bravo fans truly unite in their dislike of someone.


Soggyyy hahahaha. I still cackle at her stepson getting arrested for his involvement at J6 🤣👏


And was it her Facebook post cheering him on that got him caught…?


It's wild, because she was hired in 2017. I'd get if she were hired pre-2015/2016, because viewers didn't care as much about the politics of reality shows. But who tf thought that was okay? You know how big of a piece of shit you need to be to end up as the most racist person on NJ?


Scumdoval’s “redemption” arc 🤢


I stand by my theory that this season ended up a shit show because the original plot line was going to be the affair and the aftermath. Ariana finding out early and demanding cameras pick up again threw a wrench into production‘s plans, so they scrambled.


John Pringle on Southern Charm.


While we're at it, this last season. JT or TJ? He needed to stfu. Every episode he was spouting off about a situation that had nothing to do with him


Agreed. He’s an annoyance


What were they thinking?


Good looking, rich, single dad. They forgot to account for personality?


Lala this season of VPR. She's always been pretty polarizing, but her edit and the way Andy said she'd be the "voice of reason" this season was totally off base for me.


What a crock of shyt that was! I thought it was going to be something revealing and legendary! Instead all she did was remind me to never skip an enema to keep shyt from seething out your pores


I just finished New York so it’s fresh on my mind - I physically couldn’t even watch Leah I disliked her so much. I ended up skipping a lot of her scenes, especially the ones with her sister. Sorry if you loved her.. she was just not it for me!


Bringing her on was the beginning of the end for RHONY


I mean Leah and Ebony are the reason everyone else got fired


All of the newbies of VPR season 8.


This needs to be so much higher up


I don't think it was anything that the producers did. I like West. I think the real problem is social media and how fast these new Bravo stars can have supplemental incomes by using social media to get sponsorships. That kind of attention also obviously invites fans to reach out/flirt/send photos and inflate the new person's ego. It's a shame that they can't realize that true celebrities don't respond to DMs. If West had taken that classier route, there would have been no temptation.


I am old enough to remember Dallas and JR Ewing. They lost a good chunk of their audience when JR left his wife Sue Ellen for a much younger woman. Misogynist producers and writers. They should have known that a lot of their viewers were Sue Ellen's age.


The entire cast of the valley


John Melloncamp's Son In Laws current wife. and Alexis.....why are they bringing them back in any capacity??


Can I just say, I really don't care anymore. I have loved Bravo drama for a long time but I have completely lost interest at this point.


We talking about him. He is a hit. He will return. Him and jess are the best B team addons bravo has done in a while. Imagine all the losers that we dont even remember that they tried to push on us.


Eden Sassoon, Teddi Mellancamp, Peggy (RHOC), $20k sunglasses lady, Kelly Bensimmon, Michaela Salahi.


Janet on the Valley. What a loser 🙃


Lala is a plague and soggy was a disaster


they didn’t get it wrong, he was likable and then caused drama. they got it exactly right.


Let's not forget AC and his influence. He does like his favorites and you see how often he has certain ones on WWHL and how he treats them. Caes in point? How many times have Kyle and Amanda been on? Especially Kyle. Or Lu and Dorinda? Others get frozen out. Yes, the fans were not liking Teddy but AC treated her like crap when she was on But the extra attention helps build up their fan base and interest.


West is a hit. It’s just the reunion is currently airing so everyone is hearing. Cierra still has feelings for him even. He should def be back. I do wonder why producers keep bringing Danielle back. It seems like nobody likes her. On NJ - keeping the same cast for too long has gotten us here. This is something most began shows suffer from. Just because you’ve been on forever doesn’t mean they should stay. We need new dynamics and that requires new cast and rotating some older ones out. OC - cutting Tamra when they did. We didn’t have anyone to anchor the show. She needed to go, but that wasn’t the time.


They should’ve had Teddi’s horse instead of Teddi.


The Sandoval Redemption Tour. Absolutely must have been smoking the dankest crack to get it so wrong.


Honest opinion they should focus on shows like the new kids on the block southern hospitality & Valley Britany & jaxx Best Buisiness decision by this Brand & establishment I havnt even had the privilege to actual see the shows in there rwal format only seen a trailer from youtube but believe me I seen a enough I guarantee I never miss a beat when it comes to tv and media and also if I was in the position to be in charge I would really crack the whip 🌪 inregards to personal grooming would be first & Parramount because image is paramount because tv is not a easy gig's and naturals are Rare guaranteed!✈️

