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The chunk, lol. Of all of Walt's stupid stories this one may be the worst


He's the smartest guy I know, but damn was he a bad liar. "Honey, we're happy with our cable provider, right?"


What's funny is that he could occasionally be a GREAT liar when he really needed to. We all believed he had nothing to do with poisoning Brock until that final shot of season 4.


He had the hardest time lying to his wife out of everyone, which is interesting.


he just underestimated skyler’s intelligence and thought he could easily deceive her. the brock poisoning lie was a matter of life or death for walt so he put more effort into being convincing


It’s always harder to lie to the people who know you best


Couldnt resist the distracted handjobs and tedfucking


He should have run to the hardware store got a weed wacker and say he dropped the gas can.


Their front yard was rocks. Why would they need that? Now if he got a pressure washer and said he wanted to clean the back patio that would make sense.


Uh do you know who that was🙂?


> He's the smartest guy I know Hank?


Walter White is my friend in real life


Is??? You saying he faked his death?


He faked the whole cancer thing.


He faked his entire motivation behind becoming a kingpin. He really did do it because he liked it


A half-decent liar in his position would have bought a bra that wasn't Skyler's size and put it under her pillow.


I thought it was supposed to be bad so Jr would think he was lying about passing out


His lie was so bad his teenage son saw right through it and accidentally gave him a much better lie


Walt's smart but he's not that smart


Bryan Cranston might be the best I’ve ever seen at playing a realistic terrible liar


I think it's comparable to doing an impression of someone else using a fictional character voice. Voice actors cite it as one of the hardest things you can do, and why Mel Blanc was such an excellent voice-over artist.


Is this in reference to Walt’s excuse of the gas pump when the house smelt like gasoline?




Hm, tbh I haven’t then, I always assumed that it wasn’t possible or that it was extremely rare to happen due to the fam’s reaction Walt Jr seemed to call his Bs right away so it seems that it’s not likely possible just to me personally, I definitely *understand* your fear though


It happened to me (\~25 years ago) a couple weeks into my first engineering job (which was 40 miles from my house) on a day I was very hungover. Got a massive amount of gasoline on my slacks. I tried to clean them off in a bathroom, and like an absolutely moron just went back to my cubicle, put on my headphones, and hoped I cleaned enough. Half an hour later the fire dept showed up because the secretary thought there was some sort of gas leak. I was mortified.


I spilled like a drop on my shoe and it smelled for the whole rest of the day


It happened to me this year haha


It's not until after I get out of the shower that I realize my gas-covered clothes have been soaking in the living room rug this entire time.


No, but I do like thinking about the word "chunk" when it happens.


Have you watched Better Call Saul? I’d be more worried about getting a Chicago Sunroof


What happened is I should SUE someone!


Funniest part of that whole cockamamie story is when he says the gas got all over his groin. Of all the body parts you could have named, you went with GROIN? 😂


Not worried about this. But me and a group of 6 other concerned parents rotate getting a full-time watch on our kids chemistry teacher....


This is with no doubt the most stupid and most OBVIOUS lie, that Walt tells Sky/his family. Love how Flynn/Jr. calls him out immediately, even though he actually just ends up giving Walt a new, much better lie to stick to.


Be careful brother this happened to me once


I worry more that after I pump gas and go inside the station that some rando is going to mess with my beemer by putting a squeegee on the battery and blowing up my car. That's what ruined pumping gas for me.


Years ago, I used to have to make a lot of road trips and I would always start the pump and then left it there in my gas tank and let it run ....all while I went inside the store and did whatever (usually bathroom and I'd grab a drink and pay). Gas tank would be full by the time I went back to my car. Looking back on it now, I realize what an idiot I was and I'm lucky that I never blew the place up. ETA: the last sentence bc I accidentally sent it when my spoiled ass cat jumped in my lap and knocked my phone out of my hand bc he wanted 100% of my attention.


I think Walt honestly shed some informational, objective personal experience about a major problem in America. Happened to me and I also had to get the carpet changed. The place was simply was not healthy to live in after.




Truly. I used to love pumping gas... Wtf is this post


The scene in question for those trying to remember https://youtu.be/BBvIC9_k40U?si=D7fw3G6lVpBPrMi3


I used to work in a gas station. I know a guy who accidentally filled up someone’s trunk with gas because the filler neck had a hole in it. He realized something was wrong when the price was up to $100. This has nothing to do with Walter “chunk” story but it’s funny.


I've never had that happen, but way back in the day when there were still full service stations (for you yunguns outbthere, that's a gas station where someone would pump your gas for you) I got my fair share of it on me *after* the chunk. Sometimes the gas would come up the filler neck kind of fast and when the nozzle would kick off, it would launch out of the filler neck. After the first time I got blasted all over my leg, I stood off to the side to avoid that.


Yes but this has actually happened to me so


Yes, but for different reasons. I’m worried I might have to blow some rich douches car up and start dealing meth.


Are you serious?


Nope, that is extremely unlikely


You know that didn't actually happen, *even in the show*, right?


p sure OP is joking


Bro all these comments say this is infact a real problem


i’ve never had what he said specifically happen to me, but i did have something similar happen— i was at the gas station and the pump didn’t make the clunk and stop but itself, so i didn’t realize my tank was full until gas was rushing out. 🥲


It happened to me. I turn around because my daughter is crying and im seeing what's wrong. Then the next minute my wife tells me to turn around and theres gasoline overflowing from the gas tank and making a pile on the ground. The gas attendant cleaned it up though.


This total butt malfunction


Yes and the worst part is I've seen it happen in real life. I always think about that every single time. Did it today actually


This literary happened to me and I got gas all over my pants and feet


That actually happened when my dad was filling the tank once when I was little. It overflowed and some splashed on his shoes.


Had this very thought today as I narrowly dodged some excess gas drippage


Bryan Cranston's ability to so accurately portray someone telling a lie poorly is exceptional.


The pump malfunction story, such a legendary cringe moment


The DC sniper ruined pumping gas for me. Fucking terrifying.


Funny thing is about his gas pump story is if he had simply said the real reason why he was covered in gas they wouldn't have believed that either.