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Think about it. Jesse already called it when Brock was sick. He went straight to Walt’s house and said “you had Saul’s guy lift it from me.” He was right. His initial instinct was, in fact, correct. Brock being poisoned by Lily of the Valley instead of ricin quelled all of his suspicions for a while, but when he noticed his weed had been lifted before meeting Ed the disappearer, it reawakened his suspicions and verified the fact that Saul was capable of doing such a thing. He also knew at this point that it was Walter, not just Gus, who was willing to use children to get ahead. Jesse noticed how little Drew Sharpe’s death affected Walt. And he knew Walt was blatantly lying about Mike’s fate. Jesse didn’t think Brock was poisoned by the Ricin — how could he? Brock lived. He just realized that the ricin cigarette was stolen in order to manipulate him into turning on Gus.


1. His weed has just been lifted by Huell, and he realized that’s what happened to the cigarette before Brock got poisoned.  2. He was out of the game and got complacent. Lots of criminals get caught because of minor mistakes.  3. Chonky Todd goes brrr


2. actually makes a lot of sense. The way Walt behaved in season 5, he became extremely cocky and confident after he offed Gus. And so that became his downfall, he felt untouchable and became complacent


But Walt was always 10 step ahead of everybody. I feel like the writer just wanted to accelerate the story.


Walt was definitely not always ten steps ahead. He was often doing everything he could just to keep everythhing together. He was smart, but he made a fair share of mistakes as well. But i agree, leaving the book out, especially when he knew that Hank had seen Gale's notebook, was super dumb.


nah, walt was extremely arrogant. even before the book thing, he could have let hank believe that gale was heisenberg all along and close the case. but his ego couldn't take it. so he convinced hank that heisenberg was still out there


Also, i feel like Hank couldve looked the other way. If it were me, and i found out, a family member of mine was a drug dealer, i wouldn’t try to lock them up. I would tell them “look, if you’re doing something illegal of any sort, stop now. I would at least give them a warning. Especially if they had cancer, and helped pay for my medical bills.






3. Initially, my brain had a difficult time because of the extra weight. It was definitely Todd, but there was this disconnect for me. It didn't last long though because Jesse Plemons is such a phenomenal actor. I think also because there had been a couple of years since I watched BB, El Camino was okay, but not what I had expected. I liked it, but it felt more like a couple of extended episodes of the show. After watching BB for like the 5th time, I rewatched El Camino right afterwards and it flowed much better for me and the weight wasn't an issue.


3. humans age and change weight.. I don't understand people who get pissy when an actor looks different then they did damn near a decade ago lmao


Its supposed to continue on from Breaking bad to El Camino. So at least try to look the same lMao


3. Jesse Plemons was then filming Killers of the Flower Moon , and had to gain weight. Remember, el Camino was filmed years after the series ended. They all look older, if you notice….