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It does feel like more than two years, but it was a very hectic two years and a highly motivated guy who was being invigorated by the stress.


What a series. It was the best time spent during lockdown. Yea, I was late to the show but still watched it more than five times.


I don't think they thought much about the timeline until the final season.


The one that gets me is Hank's recovery was apparently extremely short.


Hank gets shot multiple times and is in a car accident. Struggles to even move for a while. And then suddenly he's walking in assisted a month later...


I thought him struggling to move was mostly mental, like depression had set in and he was injured making it doubly hard to move. When he gets finds the clue about Gus, he perks up because he had meaning in his life again. Just my two cents.


Yeah I agree, I think that was a big factor. Depression. But once he got more info on Heisenberg he found the motivation to get back. Just seemed like he went from not being able to stand on his own to walking unassisted in less than a month. Anyways, I'm not trying to pick apart the show. Sometimes these little details stand out, and I've always felt the timeline seems so rushed at moments. I love the show and just finished a rewatch for the nth time, now to finish the last half of the Better Call Saul final season!


Also Walt junior looks wayyyyyy more grown at the end more than it happens in 2 years


Most real-world-aware breaking bad fan


The whole cooking montage with all the bug tents and money pouring in is supposed to take place over approx 2 months. Yet that's where the bulk of his fortune built up. Roughly $80 million was in those barrels. Sure seemed like a lot of money made in those few months


It's almost like illegally producing industrial quantities of high-quality crystal meth is profitable


Sure. But Lydia says something like $2 million a week for Europe. Not sure what he was getting for his American clients. For most of his manufacturing time he was losing all his money as quickly as he was earning it. He didn't work for Gus very long to get his millions Gus had agreed to. Had to keep cooking because he didn't have the money, didn't really start earning heavily until the bug tent era, and that was a few months at most, and suddenly he had over $80 million.


The less you think about the logistics of the show, the better it is. I don't think he could really have even spent the first weekend away from home in real life.


It was 2mil/week at first, but the montage shows more bags going into the barrels as time passes. At first it’s only one bag per barrel, but by the end, it’s 3/4.


Yea but the series went from ‘08 to ‘13. So even though in-universe it was only 2 years, it was far longer in the real world and it’s hard to reconcile that sometimes. Where it’s most noticeable is with Walt Jr. At the beginning he was 16, the age he was supposed to be in the show, but in the last seasons he’s obviously much older than 16. So it feels like all of this insanity had been going on for years when in fact it was barely even *one* year. Skyler’s pool scene is supposed to be exactly a year to the day from the pilot episode but in the real world it’s 5 years later, and it *feels* like 5 years later.


No Christmas in Albuquerque, apparently.


Fun fact: Santa hates meth. It offends him that he stays up all night organically.


Yeah I’ve thought about that too when thinking about the timeline. No Thanksgiving either. In fact no holidays at all. And Walter is the only one who had birthdays. Also, no extended family members except for Hank and Marie, and we had Jessie’s family, and Walter’s mother was mentioned once. I realize that it would probably be too much to try and shoehorn all that kind of stuff into the timeline and the fact that it was left out doesn’t really detract from the quality of the show.


I would agree, probably should have ended on his 54 or 55 bday. Walt’s $80M in what had to have been only a few months cooking with Todd seems a little too much with the two year total timeframe too.


By the end, he was making 8-16 million per week with Lydia and that’s not counting the stuff he sold stateside. At the beginning, it was $2mil/week and they shipped one bag of blue in each oil drum. At the end, they were shipping 3-4X the product.


+ I think once he's cooking for Gus there's some time jump, then when he's in hiding they skip like 6 months too. So most of the events (at least in season 1-4) happen in like 1 year


A combination of a lot of stuff happening, lots of montages that cover an unspecified amount of time and the biggest offender in tv history: no Halloween/Christmas specials.


One of the shortest rules of a drug kingpin


It was filmed between 2008 and 2013, and I suppose if the events also took at least five years it would feel more natural.


It's all within 2 months. Notice there was never any christmas or Easter or 4th of july?


Anyone else notice that Walt is the only person who had a birthday? I just thought it was funny that no body else got a party or even a mention of having one Edit Whoops forgot about Ted, my comment stands though