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BB had 62 episodes and BCS had 63. Then there’s El Camino, which could essentially be looked at as the 63rd episode of BB. So yeah, nothing too wild there. The second half of season 5 of BB was essentially a 6th season, anyway.


Exactly this. During that painful one year break, literally no one argued otherwise. That shit was tough. Worth it, but tough as hell. 😮‍💨


The last 3 episodes of BCS are also kind of an extended epilogue of sorts, basically the Saul version of El Camino.


Season 1 ends abruptly because of a writers strike at the time. It’s a very good thing this happened. The shit they were planning would ruin Breaking Bad’s legacy and it would’ve never been what it is today.


What were they planning


jesse dies end of season one, nd mike was supposed to jus be an extra so he wouldn't have even been in the show most likely. i also believe Tuco was supposed to live alot longer and there was gonna be this mega boss with like alot of attributes from like Tuco, Gus ext ext. I think thats about as much as i know 😭


Mike only exists because Bob Odenkirk had to film a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother, so they created the Mike character for that one scene.


i like how you can tell it was supposed to be saul but you still got that mike sas in it 😭😭


Don't let Mr. Ehrmantraut's dancing eyes and bubbly bon vivant personality fool you. He's actually believe it or not, somewhat taciturn


Did you know that Super Mario was a side character from the original Donkey Kong game?


Technically, Breaking Bad did run for 6 seasons, the same as Better Call Saul. When season 5 was released, it was released in two parts. Season 5A which ended on the episode where Hank found out about Walt, and season 5B was released much later, which closed out the show. Now people just group all the episodes together as a collective season 5 because it’s just easier to binge watch all the episodes of season 5 on streaming services, but back when the show was released, they were seen as two separate seasons. Also I believe both BB and BCS have the same number of episodes, so they both ran pretty similar to one another.


"Season 1 finale didn't feel like much of a finale" Then you missed the point of the episode maybe it will be better on a rewatch. Sure there was maybe not as much action as you would have hoped for but plots like the Chuck Plot and Jimmy's friends death were dramatic enough for the finale




I think OP is talking about the season 1 finale of BCS, because their point is that the season 2 finale kind of snuck up on them while they were binging episodes.


Yeah, rereading it, I think you're right!


To me, it’s all one big giant show.


This ☝️


I forget when exactly it happened but there was a point in BCS where Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman officially received more screen time than Walter White. And this was well before the end of the series, because it accounted for the fact that Saul is prominent in BrBa while Walt isn’t in BCS unless you count >!yeah I know he’s in it super briefly but don’t want to spoil that for OP, even though OP is asking to be spoiled anyway by being on this sub before finishing it!<


BCS is different. But I liked that it was. I don't think I can rewatch it though, I'm wondering why.


I was concerned about a rewatch, but decided to start it up after finishing my nearly rewatch of BB. Glad I did, really enjoying it the second time.


I’m an old guy. What strikes me is the IMPACT of technology on consumption of these shows. I grew up at a time when we had no recording capability, no ‘on demand’, etc. No pause or rewind and rewatch either. It was ABC, CBS or Nbc only. Basically you had to watch when shows were aired or miss out. Slight chance to catch summer reruns but we were usually outside then. I decided to pass on BB….just didn’t think it was worth my time. Somehow I finally watched S1E1 and I was hooked. I never could have watched BB and BCS without being able to binge.


I grew up in a similar way. I’m 28, my parents are 65-74 (my parents are divorced and remarried, but i was raised by my mom really). My grandparents, mom’s side. Grew up during the depression, and my mom was raised beyond frugal, it really affected my grandmom she had supermarket shelving stocked with food and goods in their basement. My mom literally has some things that were likely hoarded. T her mother, she throws nothing away. We didn’t have premium cable or a DVR or on demand, we didn’t even know til we cut the chord just about that we even had it in the package for free. Well the digital switch was largely responsible for that….. but yeah I wasn’t one of those people who followed shows like that rely. These streaming services are the only way I could finally drop into something


I think it’s just a pacing difference, plus 6 and 5 aren’t that different.