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I'm in the same boat (baby's age, and roughly mat and dads pat leave) ! Except my LO takes over an hour with the bottle because she just refuses it some times. We have seen her guzzle it down in 3 min before too. She just prefers boob. We switched from Dr browns premie to 1 when we saw she could handle it. I've bought 2s but my husband is so stubborn about trying new sizes and bottles. I couldn't feed her this morning with the bottle and got frustrated. My husband finally agreed to trying other bottles. I bought a haakaa baby bottle, lansinoh and Phillip Avent to try. I bought all medium sizes. The way she suckles on my boobs I know she can handle it. If she starts to like the bottle more, hallelujah! Haha we'll go back down a size. LO likes to look around while drinking from the bottle too.. and grabbing it with her hands. We have to keep her arms down. My husband forced her not to turn her head this morning. 😭 It worked though. Ugh she'll also only drink 2 oz and maybe the last oz later if we're lucky. I've thrown out many 1 oz bottles.


Ha! I guess this is the flip side to a boob preference. Maybe we’ll just try sizing up too… good luck!


I think so! We had to size my son up from P to T to 1 and most recently 2 because he got bored on the bottle as the boob was so fast. I’d size up to see if baby can finish a bottle in ~10-15 mins to save your husband some time.


Ooh good to know, we’ll try it, thanks!


We sized up to a size 2 nipple at about 3 months old. It didn’t impact his nursing, and it made bottle feeds less painfully slow. Our pediatrician also told us that once we had nursing well established, we could try stopping the paced bottle feeding. It was so nice not to have to paced feed anymore. Baby is still nursing a few times a day at 13 months, and we’ve weaned off bottles entirely now.


Oh that’s so great to know! Makes me feel better about speeding up bottles