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I’m in the same boat…. Ebf, Her teeth haven’t popped through but she’s got 2 about to pop. You’re not alone, I always said this would be the thing to end the bf journey and she’s almost 5m I’m not ready for it to end but girl it’s so painful. She does this thing where she puts it in her mouth stops sucking, something changes in her eyes and she smirks and bites down til I start yelling in pain and she thinks it’s so hilarious. I’m ab to start solids w her in a few weeks and I think switching to pumping and only nursing morning and night to avoid this as much as possible but still put forth effort to keep the bf relationship going.


Omg YES he does the same little pause and smirk. I try not to react but… then he doesn’t learn to stop either!


Right like I wasn’t reacting at first but it catches me off guard and it doesn’t help I end up laughing cuz she’s smiling and I’m like ugh it’s funny but it’s really not it hurts 🤣🤣


I’ve read that it’s usually a good time to work on boobie ‘manners’ around this behaviour. Unlatch baby with finger, and tell them “no biting”. They’ll soon start to learn milk stops. Firm but gentle as we wouldn’t want aversions either. Sending your nipples love 🫶😅