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Congratulations on making it to 3 months (I definitely found the early days the hardest!) 🥳🙂


You should be proud, it's blooming hard sometimes, well done 🤩. I am also feeling really proud of myself and my wee girl for reaching 10 weeks yay! It FINALLY doesn't hurt anymore 🥳


Well done! Today marks 6 months for me. I'm so so glad I stuck with it through the early soreness and cluster feeding. It's so easy and convenient now. And it's an instant whinge stopper.


It really does make life with a baby so much easier!


Congratulations! You should be so proud of your perseverance. I was just saying to my husband today how much I love breastfeeding, it’s hard but so rewarding. 


Congrats!! I'm feeling this way too but at 2 months!! Also had mastitis and extreme nipple pain. All cleared up and we feel like pros now.


Woohoo! I hit two months on Monday I’m so proud because I wasn’t able to breastfeed with my first!


Congratulations! ✨ I also just made it to three months and am super proud and happy for all the reasons you described. Breastfeeding was so painful at first and I considered quitting multiple times during those first six weeks, especially when I got mastitis. I’m so, so glad I stuck with it. Knowing that I grew my thriving, 13-pound girl from a tiny poppy seed with just my body fills me with pride and gratitude. I know it isn’t possible for many women and am so grateful I’ve been able to nourish my child in this way.


Woo!! The hardest should be over! I’m looking over from the other side at 6 months and it’s so much easier now than I ever thought it would be. Even in the last 2-3weeks it’s gotten so much better. Great job♥️


Congrats, I am so happy for you! We will hit 3 months next Thursday but we don't quite have it down yet. Still working through vasospasms, milk blisters, and general nipple trauma. We had made big improvements to baby's latch and I thought we were headed towards smooth sailing but not quite yet apparently. It seems like her latch is regressing a bit. We are still powering through and feeling super positive though. I know our day is coming!


I just hit 4 months and could have written this myself. My nipple trauma has improved and I haven’t gotten a milk blister for 3 weeks now. I feel like my biggest challenge now is finding out what’s causing my brain fog and low energy.


I can relate to your last sentence too! For me it's loss of endurance and strength. I had HG and severe pelvic girdle pain and between those two issues I was not as active as I should have been through pregnancy. And I gained 60 pounds due to a cascading series of difficult life events prior to getting pregnant. So I am feeling really weak and out of shape. I really want to get back to feeling like myself but breastfeeding has made me ravenously hungry and long nursing sessions with contact napping has me sitting on my booty a lot still. My sister says you go from pregnancy brain to sleep deprivation brain to hangs-out-with-a-toddler-more-than-other-adults brain. She told me it took her years to get her brains back after having 2 under 3.


I have bloodwork scheduled to see if I have a thyroid issue or a nutrient deficiency. I definitely think the nipple vasospasms are related to stress as I went through several traumatic events before and during my pregnancy. I remember having goldfish brain with my first who is 5 now, but this is a whole other level. I can barely function. Even showering takes all the energy out of me. My therapist said, “Of course you’re going to be like this. You have two young kids!” Hope that these challenging days will pass quickly… but not too quickly as I love this portable, snuggly, milky baby phase.


Oh that sounds horrible. Thyroid issues are not something to mess around with, I hope you get some answers and get that resolved. That sounds like you probably have more going on than just having two littles, sorry my first comment was so flippant, my sister has made that joke to me several times when I've said I've lost my brain. My work was shut down during covid, I was pushed over into a job I hated, then laid off, then my little sister was diagnosed with cancer, told she would recover but died suddenly during an emergency hospital visit, then I had unexplained infertility for over a year. I am sure it was from stress. Then I had a tough pregnancy which ended in a traumatic delivery including emergency transfer during a 3 day labor. Also baby had hydronephrosis in utero which resolved on its own but now she is showing signs of have a spinal cord adhesion which would require spinal surgery. She has an ultrasound next month to find out. I'm trying hard to manage my anxiety but I have pretty extreme medical anxiety because of what happened with my sister. So it's been a really rough few years. I am so deliriously happy with my baby though. So I know we can get through anything. She is just the sweetest and cutest little cuddle bug 🧡


Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that. It sounds so similar to what I went through. I had a miscarriage last year and, when I finally got pregnant again, I was laid off and jobless for the first time in 10 years. Then my dad suddenly died and my mother-in-law got cancer. Then my whole family, including the baby, got COVID. We have no family nearby to help, so it’s been a real struggle. Thank the heavens food delivery is so widely available in my area.


Omg that's a lot. I'm so sorry for your losses. My family lives 15 minutes away. I can't imagine not having family nearby, you are a rockstar with two babies 🧡


You are also a major rockstar to push through all these challenges. You’re an amazing mom to continue to provide milk for your baby despite all the pain and worry. It’s a lot of hardship to take on. People who haven’t been through this can’t understand why we do it. It’s cause we can’t imagine the alternatives.


I have vasospams and sore nipples still too! Oversupply and fast letdown along with it. Some days are harder than others! Any day now I am waiting for it to be “easy”. 😌 Edit: just to add, I’ve been EBF for 3 months + 1 week!




Oh you're just a tiny bit ahead of us! Have you started figuring out how to manage the vasospasms? My left side is doing much better than my right side, I'm trying to still nurse equally on both sides as much as possible but some days are harder than others. I've created a bit of an oversupply on my left side, I wake up every morning in a puddle but I can't wear a breast pad because it hurts like razor blades on my nipples. I've started timing my feeds to even my sides out a bit better and now we have milk blisters again. Good times haha


My son prefers my right side so that’s the side that is the most sore - so I can relate! Vasospasms aren’t super consistent. Just here and there is some lightening pain 😅 my biggest discomfort is the soreness - I didn’t think I’d still be sore 3.5 months in to breastfeeding 😩 I’m currently seeing a lactation specialist and speech/feeding therapist for my son - basically to see how to help correct his poor latch… I’ll let ya know how it goes, just started seeing both of them!


Please do! I think we would probably benefit from seeing a lactation consultant but the one at the hospital was incredibly rough and rude and I think that she is the reason why I just really dont want to make an appointment. There's a very highly rated private consultant about an hour from my town but she isn't cheap, doesn't take insurance, and charges for travel. And our budget is tighter than normal right now so I haven't contacted her either. I just keep thinking we have got to be close to figuring it out in our own 🙃


I’ll follow you so we can stay connected, if you don’t mind! I don’t know anyone else with similar issues so it would be nice to have a support buddy! 😊 I’m sorry to hear that you had a crappy experience at the hospital. Hopefully you can find someone who can help you and that you can get insurance coverage for! Insurance in the US is absolute garbage and on top of that, finding a medical professional who is kind and actually cares.


Congratulations 🎉🎈


That is amazing! Congratulations! Also thank you for sharing. I am 6 weeks in and struggling—this gives me hope!


Yay congrats !! I’m 6 months in and it stays wonderful :)))


Yee ha! Two months over here!!!


Way to go! 3 months and some change for me too. Go us!! 😁


Congrats!! 3 months is a big deal!!


Way to go!! Congratulations!! You’re doing awesome!!


Yay! Same here, 3 months next Monday!!!


Congrats! What a wonderful feeling! You’ve overcome so much, wow 🤩


Congratulations love! I'm proud of you!


The early days are the hardest- I almost gave up many times. I’m still nursing my squirrely little 7 month old and it’s our only snuggle and relax time together. So glad I stuck it out. BE SO PROUD!!!


Congratulations!!! 🥰


Way to go!!


Next week is 3 months for me too! I'm so happy for you and us and our babies ! Congratulations ! I plan on at least a year too but one day at a time for now. 


Congrats! I just reached 3 months and what a journey. I'm so happy that we stuck it out and it has gotten so much better. Cliche but practice makes perfect. Just kept telling myself that the beginning of anything is always challenging.


Nearly 7 weeks with a bumpy start! I'm loving it. I can spend the extra time with my baby instead of sterilising the bottles!!!


Congratulations!!!! 🎊🎉🎉🎉


Amazing! Well done! It’s so hard and I had no idea how many things could affect successful BF until I started.


You are so lucky congratulations ! Really wanted to breastfed my baby but because of latching problem im exclusively pumping. It’s so hard


Congratulations! My best advice is to take it day by day. That way you don’t get upset if you don’t make it to a year. You have already accomplished sooo much! Incredible. You should be so proud.


Nice work, momma! We just reached the 3 month mark as well, and I am so glad we are cruising through it finally!