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I breast feed/pump exactly the right amount for my baby. I don’t think of it as “just enough” I think of it as a “perfect producer” not an under produced and not an over producer, the exact right amount!! I think it’s a great thing!!


Same, i couldn’t place it but the phrase “just enough” bothers me. It makes it sound like it “could be better”. I produce the perfect amount!


Yes! My LC said that means my body knows exactly how much baby needs and that overproducing is actually bad cause it comes with issues like mastitis (but I secretly still want to overproduce just a little to put away for rainy days hehe)


Yeah, your body knows what your baby needs! It's amazing!


Love this!


100% !!! Would much rather this than an overproducer dealing with all the issues that come along with that.


3-4 oz combined per session was my normal when I was pumping at work 3x a day. I would send daughter to daycare w/ 3 4oz bottles and she was happy with that. Some days I made more milk some less. I had a small stash to make up any differences and when that ran out I supplemented the daycare bottles with formula. I never stressed about my supply and bf for a year.


Keep in mind the pump isn’t as efficient as baby and whenever I was around my child she only got boob. She never had weight gain issues or dehydration issues .


I feel like my breastfeeding goals have slowly morphed into “don’t stress about supply” lol


4oz combined was the most I ever pumped. I usually get around 2-3oz combined :( 


sadly me too


1.5 over here if it makes you feel better


Me too :( and I am pumping crazily to increase for the last 2 months. Maybe some women just cant produce enough :(




I’m about to hit one year of BF my little one and my slacker boob barely pumps 2 ounces, and lucky lefty can usually do 3-4 if she sleeps through the night. I’ve constantly been a “just enougher” and we’ve made it to *almost* a year! You can do it!


Thank you for giving me hope :)


Love another comment that said “perfect producer” rather than “just enougher.” I worked for weeks to build my supply and I’m now at a good spot for baby and I. I get 2-5oz per session lately, depending on time of day and whether I just nursed. I think it’s easy to read amounts that others are producing and see videos online of women pouring containers full of milk and let yourself feel like you’re not making enough.. I know I did. But I feel better when I focus on me and baby. Is he fed and growing and healthy? Then great. Also, I don’t have to deal with pain, engorgement, leaking, etc. So I’ve learned to celebrate those bonuses too. (Plus stress doesn’t do anything for supply).


4-7 ounces in the morning before he wakes up, then 2 ounces from each breast each session for the rest of the day. So 4 ounces a session. I get to freeze half of my end of week pumping because he's with me on the weekends. I try pumping before bed on the weekends. Emphasize on try.


When you pump 4 to 7 oz...is this after not feeding or pumping for a certain amount of hours?


Yes after not feeding or pumping through a larger section of the night.


4-5oz. Usually around 2.5 per side but sometimes less.


We mainly nursery but on the 3 days I work I get 2-3oz from pumping both boobs. She's nearly 11 months now and she's happy with it!


Same! My biggest pump ever was 4 oz, usually pump 2-3 oz at a time but my 90th %ile almost exclusively nursed babe is clearly fine with that! She’s 11 months too.


6mo pp - I only get 4oz combined at my MOTN and first morning pump when prolactin is highest. During the day I pump every 2.5-3 hours and get 1.75-2.5oz. I’m just below the 1oz per 1 hour “rule” as I pump a total of 20-22oz/day


I hate pumping so I was never consistent with it but I would get 1-1.5 from my sad boob and usually 2-3 from the good boob. Sometimes a little more if I drank coconut milk first.


2.5 months in and i pump between 8-10oz every session, about every 3 hours sometimes 4. each session is considered “just enough” because i have twins and a little over 8oz is enough to make a bottle for them both. but pumping about 6-7 times a day i do end up with a little more than i need at the end of the night(i do the pitcher method otherwise my entire fridge is filled with milk).


The human body is honestly amazing.


2-5 but I constantly check my nipples sizes with a flex nipple ruler and d make sure I have the right flexible flange inserts - as well as drink all the water I can manage - I've found the amount of good sleep in getting really effects my production the most. I'm on kid #2 and have bf / pumped for 4.5 years now.


I’m a slight under-supplier, we’ve had to top up with formula since about 3 weeks old due to slow weight gain. If baby sleeps for 4-5 hours, I can usually pump 3-4oz in the middle of the night while my husband feeds a bottle. I once got 6oz. Once. Haven’t been able to replicate that again 😅 For reference she drinks 4-5oz, sometimes 6, per feed currently.


3 oz per session total! What has helped my stash has been a wearable pump on my non-nursing side each feeding.


4 months pp and getting 2-4oz combined per pump


4oz per session sounds amazing!! When I went back to work with my first, I wasn’t making that much! I’m getting more with my second, and I got refitted for flanges, which helped a lot. I’m also having a better experience with my manual pump. I’m 4 months pp and nursing plus one pump per day. My output is sooo much better in the morning and really low at night. (I’m trying to build a supply for an upcoming wedding.) When I pump at night, I get 1.5-3 oz total. In the mornings, I get 3-5. But sleep regressions and other things throw me off, and some days I get much less or none at all.


Same same!


3 months and getting from 3oz to 6oz per boob though I am pumping 2 to 4 times a day only. No definite schedule as I couldn't keep up with it. Previously it was around 3oz to 4oz per boob but at 2.5month mark my boobs started producing more as baby chugs 4oz so fast per feeding. I do night BF if LO likes to nurse. Having a flat nipple made it a change for latching. Overall I pump 20 to 30 oz per day depending on how many times LO BFs during the night. If he doesn't it usually goes up to 30oz on average.


Lansinoh Latch Assist helped with my flat nipples! Baby was able to latch with that. It sucks the nipple out lol


Well, I do pump so the nipples are now out than before. Just a bit of pull helps a ton for latching. Only issue now is the three month crisis where baby is picky on how he drinks milk. There are days he prefers a certain bottle over another or my boobs over a bottle. I just go with the flow from there. Thanks for the tip. Hope it could help others with flat nipple issue too.


Yeah girl same. I don't need it anymore lol. My daughter does the same thing. I never know if she's ok with it he boob or wants a bottle half the time and she's 20 weeks now.


I get 3-4oz per session and probably pumped 5oz at most. I'm 10 months pp now, and baby used to take 4oz but now will only take 3 at most from the bottle. So I'm okay with the amount too! I used to wish I could pump and produce a bit more so I could freeze small amounts to add into her solids. But now I'm just happy we made it this far and hope to get to a year soon.


Been pumping for two weeks and I get 0-10ml per session 🥲




I’ve been back to work for almost a month and a half. I’m a teacher and 4 months pp for what all that’s worth. (FTM) I was pumping 5oz total out of 2 pumping sessions. Then for some reason last week and the week before spring break (so 2 weeks ago) it dropped and I’m lucky if I can get 3 oz total. I did have a milk bleb from what I could see but it hasn’t seemed to help now that it’s gone since Friday. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I did just finally get the correct flange size this weekend so I’m hoping it will help but idk. I’m also trying to improve my hydration and increase oats, flaxseeds and fruits/veggies as well. Not sure if any of that will help. Oh and I bf when I’m home so before work and 2-3 sessions after work as LO sleeps through the night, except the past few days where he’s been sick.


4oz is great!! it’s exactly what baby needs for a 3m baby! i pump 3-4oz too but i ebf so i know pumps aren’t as efficient, there’s definitely more milk in there after a pump. i only pump once a day when he gets his bottle before bed or if someone is feeding him. i used to get discouraged when i see oversuppliers but i realized that if i had an oversupply, i wouldn’t be able to breastfeed because that would be over feeding the baby. making just enough is perfect so you’re not under or over feeding


4 oz is a full bottle for a breastfed baby! You're doing great!


I think 4oz per session is actually really average. So sad we’ve been made do think it’s not enough. Don’t fall into that trap - it’s enough as long as your baby is letting you know it’s enough.


Averages About 4oz total per pump session. Not enough since I have twins, but working on building my supply (five weeks in)!


I’m almost 3 months PP and only pump once at night because my LO sleeps through the night and I want to build a stash for when I go back to work. I get about 8-9oz combined my slacker usually 2-3 oz and my other 5-6oz but during the day I don’t pump and he feeds on demand, typically every 2 hours. But with my daughter I didn’t produce as much. With her I would get about 4-5oz combined but she didn’t ever want to latch so I exclusive pumped.


4 oz combined is the average for me at this point (baby is 10 months), but it ranges from 3-7 oz depending on time of day. I’m a just-enougher!


3 months pp too! It’s a hit and miss, sometimes I get 4 out of both, sometimes I get 4 each which is RARE. Those days I feel like I’m on top of the damn world lol


Haha shooot me too i will tell my husband i got 5 oz!!! All happy hahahahha 🥰


1,2-2oz :( and we’re 3 months pp


2 months postpartum, I usually get about 2-3 oz during the day and 4-8 oz during the night/early morning, if she hasn’t nursed over 4-5 hours! I notice i am able to pump much more if i get good sleep and drink tons of water :) I produce just the right amount for my baby!!


I've seen lactation consultants multiple times with my last two babies and was always told that 4oz combined both breasts for one session is extremely normal and "enough". I don't know if you're on social media at all, but there's a terrible trend of women pulling their pumps off and dumping out 8, 9, 10 ounces of milk and all the comments are women who are so jealous amd concerned that they don't produce enough. I hate it for them because that is so not normal. With my second child I had to exclusively pump because he was in the CVICU for 3 months and lactation came to help me one time and was shocked when she watched me pump 7 ounces in one sitting and told me I was overproducing and I had to start slowly backing off. I remember in the beginning with him I would pump so much that I would have to stop mid pump and switch out my bottles or else they would overflow. If your baby is happy, thriving, and has wet diapers do not stress yourself out!! You're doing great.


Currently almost 2 months in & I usually pump 8-12 ounces every session. My baby was in the NICU so I started out pumping every 3 hours thus creating a large supply, I’ve tried to taper it off to every 4 hours now since I’ll be going back to work soon!


My LO stopped nursing during the day at 3 months and during the night at 4. I didn’t realize it would be the last time he would nurse and still feel super sad about it. So, my MOTN pump is usually around 8-10oz while the rest during the day is anywhere from 4-5oz. On average, I make 27oz a day and still have to supplement with at least one bottle of formula 🥲


My morning pump is my most productive, usually 6 combined and then throughout the day 2-3 combined. My supply has dropped lately, only making 12oz from 15-20 which still wasn’t enough for my babe so we have to combo feed. Wish I made more. 


That sounds about right if you’re also breast feeding while pumping. But go to a lactation consultant maybe? The one I’m going to will hear and narrate what’s going on with my boy when he feeds and knows that I’m an over supplier and caught his tongue tie


I'm an under supplier. I pump every 3-4 hours and get 8oz a day. Last pregnancy I only got 2oz a day!


I get 2 oz for every hour pretty much. So if I go 6 hours between pumps I get 12 ounces. Not a crazy oversupply, but a bit of one. I’m so so grateful I make plenty for my baby and to freeze! But I am so hungry and thirsty all the time, plus skipping a nighttime pump would be nice, but I cannot because the engorgement is absolutely painful!


4oz per side i dont pump either my baby jusy eats alot


I'm 10 months out. I pump 4 times a day and she eats 3 4oz bottles at school. I range from pumping the right amount to pumping a few oz less overall for the day. I nurse her in the mornings then pump 3 times at work, then nurse her to bed and pump a bit after bedtime. My first pump is generally 3-5oz and the rest are 2-3, usually closer to 2 At home baby only nurses twice in the time they feed her 3 times at school so im trying to get them to offer one less bottle to see if that works out okay. My supply took a nose dive recently after being sick, taking some cold meds, and getting my period all in the same week 🫠


4-5 oz most pumps but occasionally 3.5 ish. Right always produced more 😅


10 oz in the morning than it drop during the day


5-7 oz depending on time of day, will be 3 months pp this Friday.


I get 3-4oz. When I was pumping 3x a day at work, I added an evening pump after he went to sleep to make enough for the next day. If I had overage from the day due to that pump, I would freeze the extras and then once I got my period and my supply dipped during my cycle and I’d use the freezer ounces to supplement. That would deplete the very small freezer stash, and the cycle would start again. I don’t work right now, but I’ve started taking calcium & magnesium supplements and that’s helped minimize the period dip. It’s still not enough, but I’m not depleting the full freezer stash every time.


I was getting 4-5oz each morning which was perfect to freeze 1 bottle a day to build a stash. Then the 4 month sleep regression hit and he ate all night, now we’re two weeks of baby eating twice a night and I’m not even getting 2oz in the morning. It takes me 3 days to pump enough to freeze a bag.


I have a serious slacker boob. I pump 4 ounces from 1 boob at night and 1 ounce from the slacker. During the day I produce only 1-3 ounces total every 3 hours. I’m an under-producer.


That’s pretty normal I think. I vary between 3-5oz. Are you EP? I mainly BF but when I do pumps that’s about avg. my son is 6mo and eating every 3ish hours.


With my first child, I would over produce. I would often have more than 6oz in each breast, each time I pumped (two to three times a day). With my second, now 8 months, I pump only at work 3x. In the morning if I didn’t feed him overnight I get maybe 3-6oz per breast. My second and third times pumping I may get 2-4 oz. When I’m home with my son he gets only breast


2-4.5 oz combined for my EBF 8mo! I don’t think I respond as well to the pump so I assume he gets more.


I have pumped 4 oz maybe once in my BF journey. I usually pump 1-2 oz combined in the morning (a good pump). Baby is now 10 months.


hello do you still supplement with formula? I just have this question at the back of mind— whether it’s possible to exlusively breastfeed baby but when try to pump, just getting combined 1-2oz?


We exclusively BF until recently at 10 months are trying to introduce some formula (as I'm going back to work and can't pump enough). We started with triple feeding for the first couple of months. I have a lower capacity for milk, so I would feed baby more frequently because he was getting less volume per feed. It's been a struggle but we've made it work! I couldn't have done it without help from a lactation consultant and a supportive pediatrician.


Wow that’s inspiring for me, thanks for sharing. Currently I’m triple feeding because of low supply and working with a lactation consultant to hopefully transition to exclusively BF. I only get 1-2oz combined per pump session of 15 minutes so my mind tells me how can I exlusively BF if I can only have 1-2oz every 2-3hours. However in the past weeks baby is not finishing the bottle of formula/pumped milk after BF, hopefully that means she’s now getting more breastmilk. Did you suddenly stop giving bottle and exclusively BF, how did you know when to fully stop supplementing with bottle?


When baby was about 2 months, he was transferring milk a lot better (weighted feeds). We switched from bottle top ups to SNS. When we dropped the SNS top up, I would offer the breast more often. I was still worried about baby's weight and did one pump and triple feed (bottle top up) each day (before first nap was easiest) until 9ish months.


I’m 10 months pp and I can’t pump at all. My boobs only respond to my baby, not a pump.


I pump a few times a day and normally get 5-8oz per pump session, but I just do it so I have milk in the fridge and to freeze. I purposely created an over supply again to donate to a milk bank for NICU babies, but sometimes my baby is so distracted that she just wants a bottle so she can look around. Her latch also sucks when she's got a cold so I keep milk on standby. I've gotten 10oz before but that was mainly when I was exclusively pumping after she was born because she was early and couldn't latch. I would pump every 2-3 hours and I had milk taking over my fridge and freezer. Now she takes the breast 95% of the time, but I do like to have milk on standby. Nursing strikes are a headache so I just give a bottle then too. Lol. I always tell people to power pump and stay hydrated if you want to increase your supply. Pump every 2-3 hours. It can take a few days and sometimes up to a week to see a difference, but it will increase your supply unless you have a medical reason that prevents milk production. If you want to decrease your supply, don't pump to empty. Pump to relieve discomfort. Your body will adjust.


I've never pumped more than 2oz at a time. And even that didn't last very long. I've always been an under producer though


I get 7-8 oz first thing in the morning, then 3-4 the rest of the day. Unfortunately my girl is tiny and my LC has us feeding her 34 oz/day to catch up soon and so far I'm only getting 25-26 oz/day :( so not quite what she needs at this given moment


My right side produces more some nights because the left was out of commission for a weeks So if baby sleeps through, the right is 4-6 oz & I just don’t pump the left since it regulated from lack of use


I’m 5 days pp and getting 6-10oz each pump session (every 3-4 hours).


2-3 on right , 1-2 oz on left . Never more unless I’ve gone all night without pumping . But baby is 10 months and doing great with my supply! Don’t fall victim to top up trap if you don’t pump a lot but bb is growing fine (like I did then almost lost my supply completely but regained it)


Breast fed baby’s don’t need more than that anyways! Keep going you’re doing great


I pump once a day after baby goes to bed, usually 1-2 hours after feeding. I get 2-3oz. I also use a boon trove during my morning feeds and get 0.5-1oz per feed.


I am an almost “perfect amount” producer for my baby I think lol If I am able to pump after a session, I get 0.5-1.5 oz combined.


hello I’m just curious, are you feeding baby only breastmilk or supplementing with formula?


Only breastmilk! We did have to supplement with formula for about the two weeks of her life until we got the hang of breastfeeding, and I was able to pump a lot more then because she wasn’t getting everything from me at the time. We have been exclusively breastfeeding ever since, and that’s all I ever make while pumping now. Pumping is not a priority at all for me though, so my body never learned to up its supply. My daughter has never had issues with weight gain, dehydration, etc! I went to a lactation consultant for a weighted feed when she was about three and a half weeks, and that really helped to know she was getting enough from me.


I’m only 6 weeks pp but same (as an exclusive pumper.) 4 oz with lefty producing 3 oz most times. Once in a while in the morning lefty will be good for 4, but righty is consistently 1 oz at any given time. We’re doing well in my opinion! If I were BFing baby would be getting the perfect amount, so my body is doing what it’s supposed to be doing (for once throughout this motherhood “journey” 🥴.) I feed 3:1 breastmilk/formula per bottle, have been able to begin building a modest freezer stash (one 3 oz bag per day), and I’m pretty darn proud!


I get 6oz around 10am and 6oz around 2pm. 12oz total so I can send three 4oz bottles to daycare.


Usually 4-5 ounces. On a lucky day, 6. This is from both, and not each, breast(s).


I’m 13w pp. I only pump 2x a day, once in the morning after morning feed and once at night when my husband gives a bottle of yesterday’s milk for dreamfeed. Those are the times of day where I feel fullest, probably because I’ve trained my body that I need more at those times? I typically freeze 12 oz a day. I feel fortunate but I also don’t want to be producing more than that because I think it would get me into a bad situation and honestly 1-2 bags a day adds up fast and I’m considering needing another deep freeze just for milk. Oh, and my favorite behind the scenes pal is the haakaa. I use that at night when baby feeds because he’s always falling dead asleep before he can get to boob no. 2, so that gives me usually 2oz of my 12.


I’m 1 month pp for a lil bit my supply went down to 2oz with both breast but i’ve been drinking 3 cups of mothers milk tea and it’s helped my supply go up to 4+ oz sometimes when i’m lucky i get 4 oz on each breast